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2105 Kiplinry St , Lakewood, Co 80215
Ill' the C~lllnl' t,t ,J(~ffer~;on ;md Sl;1:e III (','I'lr,hl,l. ),!ral1!l'C\
\VITNl:.~S, rh:H the g;'anlor, lor an'! In t:nrlsitkTar;nl1 (\1 :hc 'urn 01
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lbe rt'\:cipt and ~LJrti::i':r.~'.. (II \\hich i.. hl'n.:h' :\':~m'wkd~c,l. ha\ \:,rJlllC"d. h(lr~;'lln<:d, ~(li" ;C"I. cnr-\'c)l'd. ;t(\d h ilw'.,:. \'rt...e\\t... r!('C'
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12)01 ~.; 3Gth Av(~ , y,l)l....:'Clt Rid"le, Co 20033
T()(~ETlIr.h. with ,111 ;Jno! ~'nt:ul<lr !l'll herdilJn1t'nl, :I,'1d arpurtel1i1Il'l" lhl'rl'llTlln hcl"n~in~. (I; i,l ,my.....i~T' arperlJining and lhe
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TO HAVE ,\~fJ TO BOLl> the \;lid rrcn\l',cs ;1:'('\'; h:trgaincd .md lk~l'fihd. \\'ilh 11.(' :lrr\Jrtcnance~, un!.l lh,~ gr;lnICcs. thclr hcir\
and a'~il:'r\ j'ln:ver .\nJ lb,: g!anlm, l'lr him,cl!, hi, heir\ and f'lerS(lli:,t r.:rrl"ocl'Il.lli\\'\. J('I,,\ UlVcnant. ~ran1. narr<lin ar.J a~rcc In and
'..:nll the ~ran:l'(" llrLil hClr~ .lnJ ;"\I~n'. rhal;Jl t~,c :imc ot (he crr~c:l1i::~ .1I1il dCI!\\'r\' "fth,>t' pr':\l'nts, he i~ we:l...ci/.l'd Ill' the prcl1li.;,c\
.1!'1tl\"t.: Li'lll\'l.\'t'l~. h;!s <!u,'d. '''In,:, r....:rkd. "h'{'Ill;te :wd indekasihlc L',t.I.': pi rnl'1t'ril;ll1"c in !:tv.. 1,\ Ice \Imrie J'1J hJ' !;-p,){j right. rutl
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That part of the SW~ SE~ of Section 20 and the ~rw~ NE~ of Section
29, Township 3 South, Range 69 West of the 6th P.M.
Begi.nning at a point on the intersection of tile centerline of West
38th /lvenue ~formerly known as Pr03pAct l..venue) and 'the F'.1~')t line
of the NW~ NE~ of said Se~tion 29, from w~lich t:h8 Nortll\~ast corner
of the nH~ i~E~ of said S~~cti()n 29 bears N 0029' I'l a dist.ance IJf
218,35 f""t;
~hnnce Southwesterly along the centerline of said West 38t~ Avenue
607.159 fe~t, more or less to the Southwest corrler of property
~escribcd in Rook 202 at Page 328, being the 'Iru~ POillt ()f B'~gi~ning;
thence ~orth along the West li.ne of p~operty described i:1 sairl
noo~ 202 at Page 323, a distance of 714.59 feet to the South~ast
corner of property described in Book 477 at Page 406;
tllence South 89042' W along the Southerly line of that tract of land
described in said Book 477 2t Jge 406, a ~istance of 250 feet to
the Southwest corner of thal tract of land described in said Book
477 at Pag" 406;
thence H 0".1.8 I Hest along the i'lest line of that tract of lcJ'ld
desc~ibed in said Book 477 at Page 406. a distance of 135.S~ feet
more less, to tile Southwest corner of property d~scrited in Book
2374 at P?ge 185;
thence alonq the Southerly lin e of propert~{ described in said l300k
2374 at Page 185, the fo]lowing seven courses and rlistan~es
1) N 74024,4' E, a distance of 16,53 feet;
2) N 80010,0' E, a distance of 164.45 feet;
3) N 84025.8' E, a distance of 120.46 feet;
4) S 39011.8' E, ii distance of 61.46 feet;
5) S 55"58.2' E, a distance of 69.57 feet;
6) N 39014.4' E, a distance of 47.46 feet;
7) n 64026.4' E, a distance of 99.20 feet to a concrete post at the
Southwesterly corner of that tract of land described in Book 449 at
Page 439 of the official re.':>rds;
thence S 0007~6' E al~ng th West line of ttlat tract of lan\i ~rscribed
in noaJ... 2367 at Page 642, a distance of 287,85 feet to the ,Icrtheast
corner of that tract of land described in Book 2367 at Page 6t4;
thence S &9036.7' W along the North line of that tract of l~n~
described in said Br'k 2367 at Page 644 a distance of 30~.3S eet to
the NortllweRt corner of that tract of land described in said 900k
2367 at P?g~ 544;
thence S. QOCS.51 E along tl1f~ \'le:;t line of that" t-ract of L:1t~rJ described
in ~aid Book 2367 al: Page 644 ~ distarlce of 609.84 fe~t, ~ore or less,
to the centerlin~ of West 38th AVCn\le (formerly 2~aspect Avenue);
thel~ce Southwesterly alan:--; the cf'!ntr?rline of saic1 ~'lest 38th l\';enue
1G feet, more or less, to the Tru~ Point of Begi.nning.
Form Nu. Coli: 1