HomeMy WebLinkAbout87020514 ~ ~_& --- - ~...-. ~'''''-' ~ u".._ . INTRODUCED 8Y COUNCIL~lliMBER DAVIS RECORDED IN COUNTY OF JEFFERSON STATE OF COLORADO RECEPTION NO. 87020514 02/17/87 11:10 6.00 ORDINANCE NO. 569 Series of i:984 00 ~ . TITLE: AN ORDINN,'CE PROVIDING fOR TilE VACATION OF A PORTION OF WEST 50TH ~.VFNUE 1\1' APPROX!t'.IITELY 9990 W. 50TH AVENUE, CITY OF ..'HEAT RIDGE, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO. IlE IT ORDAINED 8Y TilE CITY COuNCIL OF THE CITY OF w'HEAT RIDGE, COLORADO, THI\T: Section 1. Upon application by Dildine & Cexnpany for approval of a public /;Z street vacation in ..~eat Ridge, Case No. WV-84-1, and upon rec~Tmendation for -- approval from the Wheat Ridge Planning Commisplon, and pursuant to findings made based upon testimony and evidence presented at public hearing before the Wheat Ridge City Council a p0rtion of ,lest 50th Avenue, as legally described below, is hereby vacated for public street right-of-way purposes: A parcel of ground in the Southwest 1/4 of Section 15, Township 3 South, Range 69 West of the 6th P~incipal 11eridian, County of Jefferson, State of Colorado, more particularly described as follows: Comnencing at the SO'Jth"",st corner of Lot I, Replat of Lot 1, Kipling 5000 Business Park, Filing NO.2; thence NOO 02'00"W along the Westerly line of said Lot 1 a distance of 115.95 feet; thence continuing along said Westerly lin~ on a curve to the right having a radius of 220.00 feet and a central angle of 19 56'54" an arc distance of 76.60 feet to the True Point of Beginning; thence N00 02'00"W a distance of 32.18 feet; thenL~ on a curve to the right having a radius of 69.15 feet and a centrill angle of 32 46'59" an arc distance of 39.56 feet; thence N32 44'59"E a distance of 16.19 feet; thenc.-e on a curve to the right having a radius of 53.65 feet and a central angle of 4053'32" an arc distance of 38.29 feet; thence N73 38'31"E a distance of 42.01 feet; thence N69 18 '13"E a distance of 34.90 feet; thence N74 08' 44"E a distance of 25.00 feet to a point on the North line of said Lot 1; thence continuing along the North and West line of said Lot 1 on a non-tangent curve to the left, the chord of which bears 547 01' 49"W having a radius of 220.00 feet and a central angle of 54 13' 50" an arc distance of 208.23 feet to the True Point of Beginning. Containing 2665.0 square feet (0.0612 acres more 0= leGs). Section 2. Conditions. That portion of I'lest 50th Avenue herein vacated fat public street right of-way shall revert to the adjacent property cwner, however a Public Service Cornpany easement shal.' be retained over the following descr ibed area. An easement, 10.0 feet in width lying 5.0 feet either side of the following described centerline: comnencing at the Northeast corner of :~t 1, Replot of Lot :, Kipling 5000 Business Park, Filing No.2; thence S74 08' 44"lv along the North line of said Lot 1 a distance of 288.20 feet; thence S15 51'16"E a distance of 5.00 feet to the True Point of Beginning; thence .574 08'44"W a distance of 22.21 feet; thence 569 18'13"W a distance of 37.45 feet; thence 573 38'31"W a distance of 42.20 feet; thence on a curve to the left having a radius of 48.65 feet and a central angle of 40 53'32" an arc distance of 34.72 feet; thence ~32 44' 59"W a distance of 16.19 feet; thence on a curve to the left having a radius of 64.15 feet and a central angle of 32 46' 5~" an arc distance of 36.70 feet; thence S00 02' 00"E a distance of 10.00 feet to the Point of Terminus. All lying within the south'Nest 1/4 of Section 15, Township 3 South, Range 69 West of the 5th principal Meridian, County of Jefferson, State of Colorauo. Section 3. Safety Cl~~. The City Council hereby finds, determines, and declares that this ordinance is prm-.ulg"ted under tl1e general police pow.!r of the city of Iv'heat r-idge, that it is promulgated for the healt!., saf,ty, and welfare of thG PJblic, and that this ordinance> is necessary for the preservation of health and safety ond for the ~rotection of public convenience and welfare. The City Council further determines that the ordinance bears a r"tionill reiation to the proper legislative object sought to be attained. Se>ction 4. Sever"bil~. If any clause, sente.,ce, paragraph, or p3rt of. this ordinunce or the application thereof to ~ny person or circumstances shall for any re>ason be aajudg~l by a court of competent jurisdiction invalid, such judgment shilll not affect, impair or invalidate the remainder of this ordinance or its application to oth~r persons or circumstances. . ORDIN'INCE NO. 569 . PAGE: 2 Section 5. This ordinance shall take effect lmmediatelyafter final [Oublication. INTRODUCED, READ, AND ADOPTED on first reading by a vote of -L to -----D....- on this .2h.tb.... day of ~rrh , 1984, ordered published in full in a newspaper of general cHculation in the city of \1heat Ridge an::l public Hearing ;;L and consideration on final passage set for ADril 23 , 1984, at 7:30 o'clock p.m., in the Council Chambers, 7500 West 29th Avenue, Wheat Ridge, Colorado. READ, ADOPTED AND ORDERED PUBLISHED on second and final reading by a vote of ..1.....- to --.-0.-, this....2lJ:.d. day of ---.1.P..r:il.-, 1984. SIGNED by the Mayor on this 24th day of April , 1984. ,..-r- . ~/-/l'/'~_,_ FMNK STITES, MAYOR ;yj tZr-/~ RNEY: 1st Publicettion: March 29, 1984 2nd Publiciltion: April 26, 1984 \1heilt Ridge Sentinel Effective Date: 1l1iTIediately l.l, RECEPTION NO. 87020514 = - , ;. :l> ,- -0 :0 G. N ., .e- .' . ~ :r> \ (' r:-J . " ':