HomeMy WebLinkAbout87022491 n dtl\.:k ,,~-~...._^ . .~.... . ...-,,. .....-.....#.----.----.........-'"- WARRANTY DEED J RECOf~DED IN COUNT V OF JEFFERSON STATE OF COLORADO RECEPTION NO. 87022491 02/20/87 13:10 9.00 Rcconkd al HCccplion No. TillS DEED, ~I"dc Ihi- uayof I~ 87 JA~IES E. LAKIN nt:!w('cn of the "COUl\ty \\f .md SHltc of C!TV OF ARVi\DA Coloradu. grantor and whose tq:.al .\ddrcss i~ (.1fthc "CmlnlY \\f Jefferson ,lOll Sl,ltc of Coionlllo. gfilnlcc: W1TNESSETH. That \h~ grantor. fnr .\m\ in I.:\)n,idcra\ion of the ~um of ONE DOLLi\R ($1,00) a nd other good and valuable con5ideration5 IX~X.Jt..'1i3:. the rc~cip~ ami sufficiency ofwhkh is hcr1:by .h;knowkllgcll. ha\ granlcu, barI:aincd. SI)lI] and convcyed, and l1y these prc!'.ents \locs ~f'i.\nt. hargain. sell. convey and confirrn unto the gmntec. hit" heirs and as~ign~ forevcr, all the rea! properly. h)gethcr wi\h impnwcmcnh. if an)'. "iIU,llc,l>.ing a.,d hcing in the . County ~~tD ;E ~ ~~O ~ N o~O) "-' ~'lJ.J ~ I..L. of Jefferson ;'lnu S\~tc of Colorado. uc,clihcJ :1\ follows: A tract or parcel of 1 and No. 22 of the State Department of HighwaY5, l)ivi5ion of Hi ghwaY5 , State of Colorado, Project No. IXM 1115(3) containing 1,830 sq. ft., more or les5, in Lots 3 and 4, KIPLING 5000 PLAZA SUBDIVISION, lying in the SW 1/4 of Section IS, Township 3 South, Range 69 We5t, of the 6th Principal Meridian, in Jefferson County, Colorado, said tract or parcel being more ,particularly described as follows: Beginning at a point on the nor~h line of cot 4, from which the E 1/4 corner of S~ction 16 bears N. 04 57' 30" W., a distance of 701.69 feet; 1. Thence S. 010 32' 25" E., a di5tance of 198.4 feet; 2. Thence S. 000 14' 00" E., a dIstance of 96.60 feet, to the south 1 ine of said Lot 3; 3. Thence S. 89047' 40" W., along 5aid 50uth line, a distance of 7.80 feet, to a point on the ea5t right of way line of Kipling Street (February 1986) same pain" being the SW corner of Lot 3, 4. Thence N. 000 12' 23" W., along said east right of way line, a distance of 295.00 feet, to the NW corner of Lot 4; 5. Thence N. 89047' 38" E., along the north line of Lot 4, a distance of 3.13 feet, more or les5, to the point of beginning. The above described parcel contains 1,830 5Q. ft.. more or less. All hearings used in the above describe'/, thp. west line of Section IS, which bears N. 00 corner to the W 1/4 corner of Section 15. parcel are oriented to 12' 23" W., from the SW Il:i-l .l...~:)!"t:j t'lf.A:if. i.V.!' J ,I; -It" in Ikn\'1:r in"l,'rt Til>' and" inlhi" hl;lIlk. r:., r '0-1 I' (f fl,..;',\\_,J M n" :1'..,:, of CO!C{811O fl';':. ".If I': f. , il d,:~' '1,( ~!'~l\ IIl'.\ ;,)O'::<J' A.....\iJ. 011'10.,. CuIJl,'l<.1(l ~;;>.n (Continued) "nElH!l.Y.I: "1~h1 of W~, Sl.ctl<)f! "u,ln2.~I'\ 11,-10. \~~Il.Iol~'lrllrf.!) Ilra.It,,,,] J',t<Il,h,n~. ~~~\ Y, Mh ,~H I aln,,,'.J. 1"0 ~fl~ 14 _11U\1 ~1J ,,<101\ 'A "," '. .' : '1 I ~ ...' t .... ,{ < ~"_ . '",;. " ~", . .. ..,. I = > ~ . ......_J 11." ~.U' Proj. No. IlM 1115(3) KIPLING STREET 49th Ave. to Ralston Rd. Parcel No. 22 Page Two 'I ".'JL if'J! , -. ;'1"";j I, "''V,." &( .. II I.),,: ! 'I.'. '~.; v. "'_ of 111..", t m;J1,1"",^ ~l.d', -/14.,1:/-):) !\~'" 1;, ~lrU"iOf1 ~ . '~'.l . [Nlft/I.... "Y~c1io... Reserving unto the grantors all coal, 011, gas and other hydrocarbons, and all clay and other valuable minerals In and under said premises; provided, however, and the grantors hereby covenant and agree that the grantee shall forever have the right to take and use without payment of further compensation to the grantors, any and all sand, gravel, earth, rock, and other road building materials found in or upon said Parcel No. 22. The grantors further covenant and agree that no exploration for, or development of any of the products hereby reserved, will ever be conducted on or from the surface of the premises hereinabove described, and that in the event any of such operations may hereafter be carried on beneath the surface of said premises, the grantors shall perform no act which may impair the subsurface or lateral support of said premises. This reservation and the covenants and agreements hereunder, sha11 inure to and be binding upon the grantor and their personal and legal representatives, successors and assigns forever. ..\..I,~..J'~..fK)'\'Wl-b]' -"it-r~~I-~I.~(J.IHnrl~","'J: Ooll;.:" TO(i Ell I ER wjl~l all ;llld singular I Ill' ht:fl'dit,ulll,.'nls and arrurtcnanl:cs thcrcunll) b('llm~in~. l'l" in ;1Ilywisc apperlaining. and the rcn:rSitlll and rC\'l'r~itlll". remainder and rcmail1lkrs. 1'1:111:'. iSSllC~ ilnd profits Ihcn:(Ir, and all the l.':-,lalc. right. lilk intl..'rC'I. (!aim :1I1d delllilnd whatsocwr. or (he granhlf. c:ilhL'r 1111a\\ .,Jf \.'qllilY. (lr III ilnd 10 the above haq;;lilll'd I'n.'llli,es. \\-ilh the ller\..dilalllenls ;lIld arpurtcn;llh:c,,;. 'I"() J 1/\ VJ~ ANI) T(} II()I.I) Ihe ';lid prcllli,l.." ahll\\.' h;lr~a;!l\.:d :Ind lk"l..'ribl'd. \\ ;Ih the ;\rpurtl.'\\~l\\I.'C~ Unh..' Ihe gl';\l1ln.:. IIi, heir, .llld ll"i!!-Il' f{lITVl'!' And Ille ~ralllllr. f(lr hilll,df hi, heir'. >llltl Pl'! 'llll;d Il.P/l.'".IlI;llivl,..... lhll'~ \,'\I\I,:nant ~Llt\t. bar~ai\\ and j1t.:ree to and with 111..... gl.UIII..'l.'. his heirs and il"i!!.ll", lh;ll ill lhl' ,illll' ,lr the cll'.l'alin\;:. :l\\\t ...kli......:ry \,r Iln.....c pre,cnt... hI.: i... wl'll sClh..d orlhc pn.'llli,c, ah"vl'",'\lll\ql'd. lia.. ~\l'ld. 'Ill'\,.' pClfco..:t. ;\hM\hl\~ .Im! imh:fe;\"ihk (.',1;\11,.: of Inhel il;qwc. III law. III kl.' ,irnpk'. ;1I111 !la, 1,!(lod l'i~hl. hili pm\ IT altd Ia,... rut :\\111\\'1 ity to granl. bar);'ain. sell ;\lll! ....t1nvcY thc ':ll1lC In manner and form a.. ;If'lre..;.id. :tnl! that lhc ';\lllC arc rn:c .mll dear from all former alld ollia ~r"nh. hargain... sales. lien... la\C.... a.....e...'01\..o\'o>. l.'lu,:ufllhrancc'\ ~mJ rc...lridi",n..."f wh~\tcvcr kinu or naturl.' ...oever. except ~~ ~ ?-- ~.-...... ,.~.. ~~ ..~ .. ~.~ ~ A_ -....~ An(.R REW~DlNG Pl&\SE ~JJL To: Ht~ fi"'~11r'19n1 c.1 W.;IIl''l'.1'(!i 0( lhrt ~:. 01 Ccloradll h.,;.)",.JY G/fUJ 6'llld'r.. 4..'01 ~t i\:'J,~n~~$ .~"lInut COnvH. COI':lfOOO 80"122 ATTfNT10r4: Rlllht 01 Wey Section and the above baroained premises in the quiet and peaceable possession of the grantee. his heirs ami as!<.il'ns. o 0 \\ 11 I! against all and every person or [lersons lawfully claiming or to claim the whole or any part thereof. the grantor shall and will WARRANT AND FOREVER DEFEND. The singular number shall include the plural. the plural 1 the singular. and the use of any gender sh;1I1 be applicahle to all genders. IN WITNESS WHeREOF. the grantor has exccutc~ deed on the Jl /~MES E. LAKIN I , / V r:-'---,- (;'( - /' /. I STATE OF COLORADO. County of ~ ) ss. 1987. by '[he foregoing instrument was ;u.:kno\l..'kdgcd hcrore me this /;2.. day Orj--d...,-,.u.a.fJ My (()l11flli......itlrl expire... /1-/ ,;" ~ ?9 Witne"... my hand anJ offil..'wl \c;d. . _..i 1-:. .\/.:.......... ( r)'." _ _.. .: f " ~ I !, J. ~:~. ~,' P L \ ~ " . "i" .'~ ..;.;.:~..... '" """"'" "ct.:...! 41 (' ~;"('P~ "'''1..;\ l'''~h'i J ,. ,1 ;' ,} /', /? ::z_":lL.'--J...J:_~,LH..:2.dJli!:L_~",,,~ -\.!.I,~" ,/ ~ i II ~"..=l! I: i " 'I :i :! I,