HomeMy WebLinkAbout88105743 l. << " ~~ 1 i ~ , ~ ~, z I ~ _I ~r;; /::!o ~ " , ',,- [,l [r r.J r '( ;) ~.... . . ,......- I - 11/ ~rd~l~ .o'clock .M., RECORDED IN COUNTY OF JEFFERSON STATE OF COLORADO RECEPTION NO. 8810~743 10/31/88 11.00 b.no R<<~ptlon N/), I ! Tills DF-ED, M.d. .hl, day 01 1/ t Ii July /":2. i 19 88 ,betw..n THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO , a municipa 1 Ie corporation duly orpnized and nf.tine- UDder and br 'f'frtM of the lawt of the State ot Colorado, of the flnt part, and JOSEPH F. LONBARDI, 10600 W. 38th Avenue, Unit 302, Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 01 'h. eo..nty 01 Jefferson and State 01 CAlond<>, <1 tl>a a<<otl<l ~rt; WlTIl'E88P:n1, Tha' tho ..Id ~rty of tl>a tint psrl, 1..lftclln <OlIald....tton of tl>a ...", of Ten and no/lOO ------------------------------------------- DOLLARS, to th_ ...leI party of the 1I"t part. III hand b7 the uJd parti.. of the ~ond part, the receipt whereof I, hereby conte'l.d and acknowledl'..d. ha. lfI"8nt4d. bal'l'atntd. IOld and eoftn.,ed and by theM prestntl do.. I'l"tlnt.. barraln, HII. conny and tonnrm onto the laid partl.. of the HeOnd part, not In tenaner In common but In Joint tenancy, t!Ie ",m... of them, 'IMI, __ and tl>a belrs and __ of IIIdI Ium.OT fOTn"" In tb. follow1nf deterlbM tal _-' oflud,a_ta,~""'bolDlrlntl>a eo..ntJ'of Jefferson andSta.. of CoIora4o. ... wtt: See legal description attached hereto and expressly incorporated herein THIS IS A COIIVEUIEUCE DEED OIILY. TOTAL COHSIDt:RATlOH IS LESS TH^H $5QO.00. 110 DOCurlUITARY FEE REQUIRW. TocethfT with all and linplar the hereditamt't1t& and apporttaaneea tbl:J'ftDto beloartnl'. or In an'J"'Wise appertaina I~. and the rnn"llon a.nd noremona, remainder and remainders. rellta. iuD" and profita theffi)!; and &11 the ..toto, riebt, tttl., In_ .labo ..... domand ..-, of tl>a ..1<1 ~rty of UJe first part, .I'h.,. In 10" or oqalty, of, bI .nd 16 tl>a ...... barplnod proadooa. with tl>a __to Iftcl ~ll<": TO HAVE AND TO HOLD tho ..lei _Ion ...... barplnod Iftcl dnerlbod, wtth tl>a .ppartaDaMOI. 111I16 th€" !told parties t)f the lil!'Cond part, the lumvor or them, their aa:I<<na and the heln and auigns of omeh !Iur...jynr tO~Vf'r. And the said party of thft tint part. tor ftle1f aDd 118 IU<<_.o.I~ eonnantJ and ....,..eel to and with tho ,aid p..rtl.. nt the 'Hond part. the IUrTfVOT of them, tbeir ...fml and tht b.lra and ...Ienlll of .neh lurvtvor. the abc..ft M-rptnlld prrml... In tht quiet and pa.eeabl. poueutoa of the old pant.. of the .eeond plrt. the lurvlTor of th.-m. their ...II'N and the heirs aDd .....rne of neb ~. aplnat all and "err penon or ~l"Ion. h...l'. lully claim In.. or to t:latm the wbole or an,. part thereat. br, th~h or under the ..k PIlrt'J it( the tint Plrt. to WARnA:-IT AIm FOREVEr. DEFEND. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, The aid party of the fint part hu e&ased Ita corporate name to be hereunto SUD-. sC'rlbed by Ita President, and Ita corporate ,eal to M bentmto affixed, attested b1lta Secretary, the day and ytar fl,,' ,boY. wr1:tom. CITY OF WH:':AT RIDGE, COLORADO A,...t: I .rl/: He, /~" /:.0' WandaS'ang;m c'r tyCI~'k"'-'~:'"'' By: A"\ 'LuLJ -~i~ayor....-....................... ': , }a B7..._.._.._......_.._............................................................... Pr.ldftl.t. STATE OF COLORADO, County of J c f fer son I r Th<<' wtLhln and (nroKolnE' Instrument wal aeknoWfldred befon ml thla 1 2 L h cir-.1 of .J III Y ): lOHH,br Dnn ''''i Ide, as Mayor, ...&ht........ 11" II il "d W llll rl n ~ 't n g, n s C I t Y C 1 c r k Jt'III' I he (~il\, of Whent Rict~e. Colorado, a municipal corpornliQI'\.-o ........0 ii . ~~ .' '. , i My .omml..lon "'1';"" My Comh1alon expires Sa ., 0 ' .' <:> i~ \ 1 n f7 .... Witn... my hAnd and ornelal leal. Of 30 . t'Jr1 Y -/ -; ~ i ._ .. _ rl ..{.h~ · :>4:..:i-~.7)\.l1,1/~\,\/ ( .1>. '. ... '/' ./', vo1o- ..... .~ '..,. /I ' 'I Ii iL- 'la. ~lSA. "rt~('I"I. W ARRA~TT nlt.:o TO JOINT TE~AN~r:;:~;;I~~lI.1'lI... C6.. '"4-U "lout !Il.t........ Om"". ~'&ta"I)-ll.n \' ... ~ , , RECEPTION NO. 88105743 PARCEL 2 A portfon of the southeast one-quarter (SE/4) of the southe~st one-quar~er ~ (~~/4) of the southeast one-quarter (SE/4) Sectfon 16. Townsh1p 3 South, ~.ange 69 "'est, of the 6th P.M., County of JeffersJn, State of Colorado, descr1bed as follows: Begfnnfng at the northwest corner of sa1d SE/4, SE/4, 5E/4: thence 5 0'12'39' E (assumed bear1ng) along the west lfne of safd SE/4, SE/4, 5E/4, a dfstance of ~19.17 feet to the north line of that parcel cf land as described 1n Book 1588, page 50S, Jefferson County Records; thence N 78'54'58' E along said north 11ne 260.25 feet to the southwest corner of th.1~ parc~l of land as descr1bed In Book 2059. Page 787, Jefferson County Records: thence N 0'12'07' E along the west line of said ~ovk 2059, Page 787 a distance of 167.B3 feet to the TRUE POIHT OF BEGINNING; thence southwesterly along a non-tangent curVe concave to the southeast hav1ng a rad1us of 307,03 feet, a central angle of 12'54'08' and a chord which bears S 42"07'18' W. thence S 35'40'16' W. 100.19 feet; thence southwesterly along a curve concave to the northwest having a radius of 367.03 feet. and a central angle of 14'33'18' to the north line of said Book lsB8, Page 508; thence N 78'54'S8~ E along sa1d north 11ne 170.65 feet to sa1d southwest corner; thence N 0'12'07' E, 167.83 feet. to the TRUE POUlT OF 8E,IHHl1IG. Said Parcel 2 contains 0.314 ~cres, more or less,