HomeMy WebLinkAbout89000138 ~t <r. CXJ ;'E~m ~ - C: ~ ~::; c; '-' z: ~:o; ::! V> Recorded ill Reception No. R ECOR OF-D IN o'c1ock _ COUNTY OF JEFFERSON STATE OF COLORADO R~CEPTION NO. 89000138 01/03/89 10,O~ 9.00 RECORDER'S STAMP WARRANTY DEED TillS DEED, Made thi, 9th . day or December 1988 . het"een 5010 ASSOCiATES, A Partnership orthe "County of Jefferson and Slate of Colorado. ~rantor. and City of Arvada \,....hose ~cgal a<..ldrcss is of the "County of Jefferson and S' Jtc or Colorado. grantee; WITNESSETH Thallhc grantor ftlr and in con'iidcration oflhc sum of ONE DOLLAR ($1.00) and other good and valuable considerations fflHtx~~. Ii " the receipt and sufficiency of which is herehy acknowledged. has granted, hargained. sold and conveyed. and :! :\ by these presents docs granl. bargain. sell. cOn\'cy ~nd conrirm unto the grantee, his heirs and assigns forever. I, I: all the real property. together with improvements. ifany. situntc.lying and being in the . County '\ of Jefferson ;:lod Slate of Colorado. described as follows: ~ tract or parcel of land No. 17 of the City of Arvada, Project No. IXM 1115(3) containing 939 sq. ft., more or less, In Lot 2, K1PLING 5000 PL~Z~ SUBDIV1S10N, lyin9 in the SW 1/4 of Section 15, Township 3 South, Range 69 West, of the 6th Principal Meridian, in Jefferson County, Colorado, said tract or parcel being more particularly described as follows: Beginning at a point on the south IJne of Lot 2, from which the E 1/4 corner of Section 16 bears N. 03 26' 05" W., a distance of 1,116,01 feet; 1. Thence S. 89047' 37" W., along said south lil1e, a distance of 7.90 feet, to a point on the east right of way line of Kipling Street (February 1986) same point being the SW corner of said Lot 7.; 2. Thence N. 000 12' 23" W., along the west line of Lot 2, a distance of 120.00 feet, to the NW corner cf Lot 2; 3. Thence N. 8g0 47' 37" E., ~long the north line of Lot 2, ~ distance of 7.79 feet; 4. Thence S. 00014' 00" E., ~ distance of 120.00 feet, more or less, to the point of beginning. The above described parcel contains 939 sq. ft., more or less. ~11 bearings used In the above described sa reel are oriented to the west line of Section 15, which bears N. 00 12' 23" W., from the SW corner to tLe W 1/4 corner of Section 1S. '"1,, I-'ll.-.;:;l W,A,ll to.. (Continued) .11' in Ikn\'..'r in"'l,,:rt ,( l1V ;lIld" inlhi.., hlank IIf HI~h.".1Y'I gf ... ,.. III ...,. ,I,,-~ Elulkh"'C IJ',!Atk~n.,.~ I ""er, CglOf'lKfo M%Z72 4rrl~1Ott ItqM d wfr _~ _ ."n. ".\2. H~\ _ II,_/( 1 .., 'MM "I' IJ~ ~ tI 1\, ,.11",.1 r\'I'>".h,"., '.~' Oft ~Ih \'r 1....."',....LnJIII1:I~_I'01)J\\,~'IOO ,I II ~ ~,:-9~.~\l c.& I' Ii . , I. ,J,. 'V,;!I,I f'll \.'il W.-.IL lv-. .. "l'l!ll'ilh\"i~...olln.3'\.ftrltC~ .i.i.::'~.._ .Jltl:a'~i1dTn; .~=:-l r,'-,: Ar~ansn ""'"1.1I I [)'In',IH, e'~JO eou:z Proj. No. IXM 1115(3) KIPLING STREET 49th Ave. to Ralston Rd. Par. No. 17 Page 2 "fTE~IIlPtt1lw..,~ - ...... C'" ii Reserving unto the grantor all coal, oil, gas and other hydrocarbons, and all clay and other valuable minerals in and under said ~remises; provided, however, and the grantor h~reby covenants and agrees that the grantee shall fore'.'er h~ve the right to take and use without payment of further compensation to the grantor, any and all sand, gravel, earth, rock, and other read building mJterla1s found in or upon said Parcel No. 17. The grantor further covenants and asrees that no exploration for, or development of any of the products hereby reserved, will ever be conducted on or from the surface of the premises hereinabove describ~d, and that in the event any of such operations may hereafter be carried on beneath the surface of said premises, the grantor shall perform no act which may impair the subsurface or lateral support of said premises. This reservation and the covenants and agreements hereunder, shall Inure to and be binding upon the grantor and its personal and 1 ega I representati ves, successors and ass i gns forever. -it~)-k,R<w,lR -hy...o;,.t K:~..'+ -Hflri ..nt~"f--t""f- l()CiLTIIER with i111 and singulM the hcn:JitilmCll!\ and appurtenances thereunto bclonginr,.. or in anvwise :lrrt'rl.,ining, and the reversion and n:vcrsions. remainder and remainders, rents. isslIes and profits I~cn:(lr. and alllhc estate, right. titk interest. claim and demand whal..ocvcr. of the g.rantor either in law or equity of in and 10 the ahove hargained prcmi'ics, with lhl: hcrl:ditaments and appllrtenanl:es. T() II ^ V I: ^ N n TO HOI.D lhe said premises ahove haq;aincd and descrihed, with the t\ppllrtenanccs ur.:o iht' ~ranl...'t' hi... ht'irs :md assigns ron'wr ^lHllh.... gr;11l10r rIll" him...dr hi.. heir.... ;IIHI pt'r...onal rCrH....t.nlalivt's. lh,cs Clwcnant. grant. hargain and i1t.:rt'e III ;\I1d willi \",l.' ~1';111lct' his Ill'ir... iHld ;l......i~ll... Ih;'!;ll lilt' lime or the cnse,iling and dcliv~ry or these I prt'...t'nh, he i... wdl ...ei/ed of the prTmi,e, ahove etHlVeyed. !la, gi\(ld. sure rerfcct <lhsolutc and indefeasible \\ ..ellllnd l"tlnVl'y lhe 'ame in manner and form a... afore..aid, ilnd Ihallhc same arc free and clear from all former II and 11,1", ~'an". ha, pin,. ",k,. I1cn,. ""C'. ''''''"",cnl'. "'ICI"llhr.I1'cc, .lnJ rc,tflction, ofwhatc\or kind or IIJ nail" c '''C\C1 c'ccr' JI. . ,j.JJ ---=JJ1i ~~ e...LLll' llr illhl.'l ililll(l: in law in ke simple :lfld hil... ~ilod li~llt Lill power and lawflll authority to grant. hargain, ). "'I , ., \l j '1,\ -- :-\1 y ': '\ 11\ I II t i II ;, ,! I' \ !I \ .. 113\ > II, " I, rl " 'I ~ i I, I and the above bargained premises in the quiet .\nd peacc<lblc possession of the grantr:c, his heirs and assigns, again<it all and every person or persons lawfully claiming or 10 claim the whole or any part thereof. the grantor shall and will WARRANT AND FOREVER DEFEND The singular numhershall include the plural, the plural the singular. and the use of any gender shall be al"'plicahlc 10 all genders. I' Ii I, IN WtTN ESS WHEREOF, the grantor has cxc\:utco this deed on the date set f011h above. \ 5010 ASSOCIATES, A Partnership By //~#: j/;~ Ii :1 il II I \, " I', II II Ii II I' , i STATE OF COLORADO, }ss I City and Denver County of ,I 9th day of December The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this 19 88 , by Robe~t L Wi 11 i ams My commission expires June 21, 1991 Willlt.:S'" my h:lOd and o(fici:d <:,c:\1. I I,. ,';11 Iii''''' .,\ ,:~I.~/ '-r}F~ '['I \").' " ; ,,,:-- ~. '", ( -I ' ,') 1'>(('-'H._~!4"'--cJ... (:. /L'cL~_t:eJ~ 2000 South Holly'"'''' "",," .De nye L._ CQJo r:ad1L..8022L -',(,1'"" ......... .~ r::- I.r) .,,>I\.Htlli rl~l I~NL JUt. .,,,.,,,.,. .. "1 01 H'lh.....Y' r( .. .." ,rI'((llluilcllnc .__ __ ,.., Ark.n~.. """'"~___~ .--..... CiIlOl1lIO==atZ:l;l.....-_ , 1\ Ii Ii II , I