HomeMy WebLinkAbout08-15-241. 2. 3. 4. 4 6. City of ` Wheatj�id e PLANNING COMMISSION Minutes of Meeting August 15, 2024 CALL THE MEETING TO ORDER The meeting was called to order by Chair DISNEY at 6:33 p.m. This meeting was held in person and virtually, using Zoom video -teleconferencing technology. ROLL CALL OF MEMBERS Commission Members Present: Commission Members Absent: Staff Members Present PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Kristine Disney Daniel Graeve Krista Holub Will Kerns Michael Moore Patrick Quinn Syrma Quinones Jonathan Schelke Jana Easley, Planning Manager Scott Cutler, Senior Planner Tammy Odean, Recording Secretary APPROVE ORDER OF THE AGENDA It was moved by consensus to approve the order of the agenda. APPROVAL OF MINUTES — August 1, 2024 It was moved by Commissioner QUINN and seconded by Commissioner MOORE to approve the minutes of August 1, 2024, as amended. Motion carried 7-0-1 with Commissioner KERNS abstaining. PUBLIC FORUM (This is the time for any person to speak on any subject not appearing on the Public Hearing agenda.) No one wished to speak at this time. Planning Commission Minutes August 15, 2024 -1— 7. PUBLIC HEARING No cases to be heard. 8. OLD BUSINESS 9. NEW BUSINESS A. Lutheran Legacy Campus (LLC) — Update on City -Initiated Rezoning and Charter Amendment Ms. Easley and Mr. Cutler gave a brief presentation on the Lutheran Legacy Campus explaining prior actions, purpose, overview of the LLC Master Plan, legislative rezoning process, Charter amendment, zoning framework and next steps. In response to a question from Commissioner GRAEVE, Mr. Cutler explained there will be a height limitation in the first row of development on the site, and there are four zone districts, each with different permitted uses, with zone 4 being less intensive. Commissioner GRAEVE asked if there has been more in-depth transit connection discussion. Ms. Easley explained this will be part of the process, usually as part of the concept plan, and it will depend on the developments and housing on the site. Mr. Cutler added that nothing will be ruled out at this point. With regard to the five -story height limit, Mr. Cutler explained that for anything built over five stories construction types change and it becomes substantially more expensive to build a building over five stories. He added that some zone districts in the City allow around eight stories, but developers do not build that high because of the expense. In response to a question from Commissioner Quinones, Mr. Cutler explained that the City will require some civic/commercial aspect to the mixed -use zone districts of zones 2 and 3, so it is not just residential. Commissioner KERNS asked if the current hospital is grandfathered in because of its 91-foot height or will it be demolished. Ms. Easley said it is grandfathered in and it can remain for possible adaptive reuse, which may be investigated at a later date. Commissioner SCHELEKE asked what a comfortable walking/biking environment is. Planning Commission Minutes - 2 — August 15, 2024 Mr. Cutler explained that the intent is to have a network of paths in the development where pedestrians will have their own network and will not have to mix with vehicles. In response to a question form Commissioner HOLUB, Mr. Cutler explained there will be 3 different heights allowed in this development; the low -density overlay would be dropped to 30 feet, the rest of the yellow portion on the map in the packet will have a 35-foot height limit, and the purple and light purple will be a height limit of 70 feet with the light purple being less intensive in terms of the building forms. Commissioner HOLUB asked if the open space on the site will be private or public. Mr. Cutler said most open space will be public unless on a home's private property. Ms. Easley added the tree canopy will attempt to be preserved as will walkability around the Rocky Mountain Ditch, but that will have to include conversations with the ditch company. In response to a question from Commissioner HOLUB, Mr. Cutler confirmed that before the site can be submitted or the site subdivided, the developer must go through the process of a Concept Plan. This means that any other developer would have to follow the standard in the approved concept plan and approved zoning. Ms. Easley added that any developer trying to do a zone change at a later date would be unsuccessful because it most likely would not align with the Lutheran Legacy Master Plan or the Comprehensive Plan. Commissioner MOORE wanted clarity on setbacks as being greater or equal to the building height. Mr. Cutler mentioned that residents do not want five -story buildings built on the edge of 38t' Avenue so it is an extra layer of protection. He added that backyard setbacks along Alison Ct. and Dudley St. will be greater than 5 feet. In response to a question from Commissioner MOORE, Ms. Easley clarified that Metro Districts work well in the City because they act similar to an HOA and are used to finance the infrastructure. Commissioner QUINN inquired if there are lot sizes for the residential portion of the site yet. Mr. Cutler said the City has not gotten that detailed yet, but added the Lutheran Campus is limited to only 21 dwelling units per acre, open space requirements will take away from that number. Commissioner QUINN also asked what the difference between zones 2 and 3 is. Planning Commission Minutes -3— August 15, 2024 Mr. Cutler mentioned that the main difference is the setback from 381h will be greater in zone 2. Ms. Easley added the City is trying to solidify what the Lutheran Legacy Master Plan requires. In response to Commissioner DISNEY's inquiry, Ms. Easley confirmed that the appropriate stage to figure the exact heights of the building will be during the Concept Plan process. She explained the City is trying to allow for a mix of housing and civic types, adhere to the Plan and the low density and to even shorten it around the perimeter with possible 4 to 5 stories in the center of the site. She added that the goal is to set a zoning framework and have the basics to work off of so there are no surprises and there is predictable for the City and the developer. Commissioner GRAEVE inquired if there is a public process for the Concept Plan. Mr. Cutler confirmed there is public input in the form of a neighborhood meeting, adding that the Director of Community Development approves the plan. Commissioner KERNS commented that he would like to see heights of buildings taper from the Rocky Mountain Ditch as well, to let more light in. He also thought the street names should be changed. B. Upcoming Dates Ms. Easley mentioned the September 5 and possibly the September 19 meetings will be cancelled. The City Plan Meeting will be held on September 17 at the Rec Center along with the Lutheran Legacy Campus neighborhood meeting. C. Project and Development Updates Ms. Easley said there is no expected CO date for the Lutheran Medical Office Building, but it is moving forward. Mr. Cutler added that the Outlook Phase II Apartments, trailhead, and picnic area should be opening this fall with COs in September and October. Also, the Boards and Commission Dinner is on October 28 5:30-7:30pm. D. Commissioner Updates Commissioner GRAEVE and QUINN expressed their gratitude for their hard work on the Lutheran Legacy Campus as well as on the Carnation Festival. 10. ADJOURNMENT It was moved by Commissioner QUINN and seconded by Commissioner MOORE to adjourn the meeting at 7:50 p.m. Motion carried 8-0. Planning Commission Minutes - 4 — August 15, 2024 t istine Disney, Chair Tammy Ode ecording Secretary Planning Commission Minutes - 5 — August 15, 2024