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!'\f''i -:l IQ',6 ,- .....-.--.....................- Tills DUD. lfacIc lhl, 2nd =r of March in Ih, year.f .ur Lord ....lh._ alllt blllUlro4 &Ild fifty-six 1><....,,: WUllam D. ilarmsen and Dorothy C. Harmsen .t lh. Cou:tyof J<.I!ersoll aDd S~l..t CoIorad.,.t Ill. flral part, III~ Tue Count)- 01 J _'ffer.un, A nodj' roll tic and Corporate. oltbe- County of Jefferson aad SCG.tt.' or C'lfonuJu. oC the s'('('C".nd ()4rt: 'UT,St-:.....SKrn. That the said part ies 01 tho lint pad.. tor and ID coD.lidera.uoD. 01 th~ .u.. of Teu (510..00) dol1ors and lJthcr good: and v81uuhl~ cOHsideratiuu::l.- -[)ftLt.At.9;' lll> U'tl' ~:kid I':lrl ics of th~ fi~t !'Art in hD.1\d 1)01d by the Aid part Y of th~ HCDnd part. tho rc:eclpt \ll-flt'h'u[ i"l ht.rt'b)' COnfl''l!(l'tl nud nl"kntm-h~J~,.J. h:a. ve #","tl',I. har,rainod. lold end conVC')'~. aDd "7 IJavMt pn'~~nt:s do J,:'r:lnt, bnrgnln, s...II, con\'t')' and confirm, Ullto thO' &Aid port Y of the tMlCOnd ""1 t tl h~'ir.s ond ASSigns Corl'\'l'r. .U thp (IJUu,,"in~ dC':-lC'ritx.-d lot or parcel S of Jand, aiu.aotC', Jyilllt aDd w1nc in thc' Count)' of Jefferson aad SLato or CulurMW. t.o.w.it: rhe South 1 Coot, A"II -nil' Eilst I COOl, ,\~u T:w \orth I COOl of lite ~st 7;11.,1 tN~t; (,II of L(J1 17. Statll{'~' II ights Tf'}(;F.TtIr:n with :Ii!! And r'inJrl)}nr 1h.. l!f'rrIUlllmo"nt., nnd a.ppurh'nnnr't'~ thrrc'lo LI'!t.'n~h'f.!. 0.. In anJ"'ri1O Ilrrrr-t.:.ir,ilw, Iw,lltw r"\'l'r~i"fl nth} rl'\"'r"i"~l'l. r.'mniwlt'r nrlll r,'mu.i'IIII'r;<, fl'nlll. i~:t\h'~ Rntl 11ro(ila th\'r,'ut: and .U It, . :;;:'", :::.1,', t':~.. :~:, " ~'. .!.,im II';') lfo.lIl.~1JI1 wbut'''''\'I'J of t'Lt.' tlClitt I'urt ips ur till.' fir:-.. 1~r1. ~llbt:r ill law fJ('. ,'le;:1 . "r. ill ~r.,t f.. tt;. ,,!..,\-t' l,ur.~air!l,1 I're'mllle'" with thl~ llt'n',.htcull"llt:t Rntl npIlurh'IWoik.,... IIlliaUIX.U_DIlIDII{:u.KIU~~y.ll~gl(*lUI..W~.JC,lIQUAI."'w.......1f-o-nu uu:UJlXXXXXXUIllliKUgl(.WXXXXXUIDUllmlHXUWyItUIlllr.Y....y.~lIXxwxl.(Ia~.."'~ XI>>XXXXXXXXXX~XXXXXXXXX~~..~..~~~~~~~y~rl<<XXXXX~X..lI~.~~.~~~XIII XIHllll(...UlUUDIII_XXXXXU.....M>f.....~.UXXXXl(~lV--w""'~......."'llllJ_... XU&ll"UQ.lUlUUUIHIitiXXXXXXXXXXXXXIDliXUIUIUJ.I('~Wll&lllll(lllIUJlUI.Y~ltllll"~y,.... Xp.ur.1 YII.k1."liiol''''~.-~~UlUKlIXlII'IK:O'.'',"UHItUlal'''.lLl6IIla1(XXXXll_.~.lIII1f~''''''''' YIU""""""'-"Qlll(~U&lI.UXlIoX>>UUBllUlUJlloU"IM...II.II.IUl"tllU""""VIt......)/ x~u:u..~aU.'4UXlUlUXlIM~lIK~v.m~)lKJlVv.W:K"lUU'JUL~'.UU)f'u,.v..llv>>U ~.Kf~~U~~~~XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX1XXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXlXXAA~XAXJlA XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXY.XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXY XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX~IXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX~~XXlIXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX ~'~~XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XHl~1lMDllI ~nw'l1lUtXlUIllIiUI....rQ.U'f."""1flUM:llUIXIIQlIII(XXXn~.l(iIIlllIIII""'X XXXXXXXXXXXXX..lliIl-lWi"'QkJi.lWGlDUMUlWWllllt.lllt~kUllllWll..'''''llU~1X XUUIl'5l11.I.IKlIUXllllW<<XXXXXUll""lUXMllllUlllfolllllllC~~""Il__"llllRll IS "'n':'\t~, "111'111.11". H,,, '11..1 I'jut it.~ II( Ihl' (1I",~ liJl1l III VI' IU>H'UflltJ ",~L thf'ir Idth.l . "".t 1l~'.1. '''or ,l4~ Ill," >'..r rli~! n"',\'I' ..'nu.n. ~".. ~~ ,,/;,. ./ .1..1 ~...',t.~t'''IIr.AI_1 WIIIIAIII \l, UAl'Illlo'lI .-t- .. "....~' .. ..' tilt;,,,.) ,lIllrO~1j.y Ii; Itar.,,," /.4f~itif ~-~-"~ ~;.z'l~~.,... '.- 1,4, . , ...u",..t J,'fr"r;um I ~ .....- t>ftt"'lll1tC J"I.tr~",. M ...~ 1It...."'.t.I."f....t 'ld",,, 'fl" &h14 t,'. ,"' .\ .' Pi t4, I.l Will ~!ln HI lI,ifl.l'''tIU hilt) Uurutlli '. Hurf'U,tll. 'h'. "..,,,,., .\t'l~ It ..'" ,it, WII!IO'.. mr t\..nd _M O"I~I.'..... 1 " "r 1"11"1.1 ,",ATt: lit' ""..!I\llIl ,I... ,.,' .. , "loti' 'f /' ;// t"Y.~ ~J' "'~""~I"~-~. "'_~"'-........ f'ffi~f' i\J;I~ 'h.Jlfi~'1 I ' .___~~___ _-..,_'':'''l!'-~f.~ .1';If~..JJL.l.U._~~ ,,. ')"1 ...---.. ~.. t'~(.t''''H.'' ......., WI.. h."',.~...." .,......, "'''''o., ,<,. ~~ """"........'1_,,.,... ,... - t I , I j 1 , - j 1 i . 1 i , ~ I 1