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AGENDA August 26, 2014 CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS 4:00 P.M. Individuals with disabilities are encouraged to participate in cell public meetings sponsored by the City of Wheat Ridge, Call Heather Guyer, Public Information Officer at 303-235-28,26 at least one week- in advance of meetin ify are interested in participating and need inclusion assistance. A. Call Meeting to Order F.111NE C. Approval of Minutes: July 22, 2014 D. Officers Reports E. Public Forum A. Budget Memo 2. Fruitdale School A. 2013 Audit MEEMMUMM= Minutes of Meeting July 22, 2014 11 L- The meeting was called to order at 4:02 Chambers of the Municipal Building, 7 Authority Members Present in the City Council neat Ridge, Colorado. Senior Planner DWINE5, Larry Nelson, Cornerstone Realty Betty Maybin, Cornerstone Realty Kim Waggoner, Recording Secretary : April 22, 2014 It was moved by Ms. Walter and seconded by Ms. Lanpvorthy to approve the minutes of April 22, 2014 as written. Motion carried 4-0. There were no officers' reports. Housing Authority Minutes July 2 2, 2014 12 12 No inernbers of the public were present to address the Authority at this time. U 1 1 11 111 11 11 iiiiiiiijillil 11 !111 Mr. Nelson stated the rehabilitation at the Otis S is complete. He asked the Board if they were interested in spending $21 vergrown landscaping and P $500 to add a garage door opener. He stated n1111 ired but the tree limbs could be a safety issue. Ms. Mikulak stated the Auth to cover the costs for these items as the county may not approve additional funding. He stated the home will be listed at $220 to be said to a non-first time home buyer Ms. Langworthy stated she door opener. There was some discussion Otis Street and, It was move y4s. an the landscaping th 'N" 0 '10 M S. ARIN K� I I , 4 0 Otis RZAl t at $12 M"" on stated actwiti Rmah rep ie next mont h 2. Fruitdif ool RIK RE for affordability A p county approved it R' V 1 he buyer cannot be # owner. ........... mses for the landscaping not the garage ilitation costs and budget for ed by N �s. Walter to spend $2100 for Motion approved 4 Ms. Langworthy to list the property lived 4 Place is complete and rehabilitation estimates can be Mr. Johnstone S w ere two responses to the RFL The interested parties are a Waldorf inspired cliff er s chool affiliated with the Mountain Phoenix school (Pri campus) at 1-70 S Frontage Road and Miller Street and a Cultural Education Facility sponsored by a group of people interested in providing cultural facilities with a strong interest in preserving the Fruitdale School. The proposals were reviewed against the review criteria in the RFL Based on the analysis, staff feels the Waldorf inspired Charter School is a stronger proposer as they have a financial plan, equity funding sources, expansion plans and a relationship with Jefferson County School District as an existing charter school. There are grant possibilities with the Temple well Foundation and the Housing Authority Minutes 2 July 22, 2014 Rudolph Steiner Foundation which funds capital construction for Waldorf Schools. The proposal also satisfies the Reverter Clause. He stated both groups have demonstrated a commitment to preserve the building. He stated the Housing Authority has invested $285,000 in Fruitdale School. It will be unlikely to recoup the investment and/or profit from it as neither group proposed to pay the Housing Authority for the building. He reviewed three options for moving forward which w e outlined in the memorandum. He stated staff has some suggested conditions is the "Ag Authority moves forward with option 1, selling Fruitdale to the proposed c4d"111" chool. Chair Thompson stated the care taker hi prospective buyer should have the right agreed. Mr. Thomas asked how much money was i Johnstone stated all the funding ($285,000) Authority. The City has not"d not" any n ► part histo cal site and y f# historical an ith it as the' 'Y"' fit. Mr. Johnstone fi ted by the City of W166" t Ridge. Mr. le from the Wheat Ri using than staff time, Ms. Walter asked if the charter Johnstone stated he didn't beli( the charter. Jefferson County. Mr. in the process of assembling Mr. Abbott su sted create languagi§fo j ,P *0 1 6t` 4 condition to revert the property back to the Authority if the ner school tails to reh#',j&i an reuse the Fruitdale building. Mr, A J ohristp � qp,,M bu will work on some language in the event of , Uke was some J' 0 restricti number two in the suggestion motion sion ' reg limitations' %,tth qualities of the exterior of the building be preserved ft5gq and i y ined. Ms. Langw'd stated 01 i 1 charter school has an aggressive schedule and she has a lot of questions aboift6j� � three people frorn the charter school in the audience. Housing Authority Minutes 3 July 22, 2014 Ms. Walter agreed and stated it was reasonable to have staff move forward in negotiations with the charter school. Ms. Lan gwordly concurred and stated she may forward some questions for Mi Johnstone to ask the charter school. Mr. Abbott reviewed the evaluation criteria and identified the charter school as the most viable proposal. There was some discussion about the criteria and the proposers' abilities and needs. Ms. Walter observed that the charter school has experience executing similar prQjects with restoring a 1939 school building, and reusing it for another school. 'There are indicators of demand for a charter high school and letters of intent will be submitted with the charter application. .1,1 kv O" perspective the charter school is a Mr. Abbott stated from an economic i stronger candidate for creating an vend >f c conotnc developmen t in the neighborhood. OR ,, ................ Ms. Langworthy stated a high school e proximity of the elementary school. Chair Thompson stated she sees lot of} ositive thin#oa the Charter School proposal. Chair Thompson asked the members if theywere com with charging them $I .00- Mr. Abbott proposed $50,000. There was some discussion of the Authority's funds that have been spent over the last several years in association with the market study, roof replacement, and stabilization of the building. issed including the purchase price and closing costs ousing Authority and the restrictions. to 44 building . benefit and stability the charter school could bring ring to recoup the money the Authority spent on the Ms, Walter st lie fd" A i ` "t want the purchase price to be a deal breaker, She asked if AMP, there are other oup some of the Authority's investment. Chair Thompson stated the RFI asked for a proposal and in return we could get a stable school that has proven their track record and can benefit the community and if they outgrow the building they will continue to utilize the building with an educational purpose. Mr. Abbott agreed and proposed that the Authority's funds may be recouped in kind if the community can benefit from use of the building or art classes as was stated in the proposal. Housing Authority Minutes 4 July 22, 2014 It was moved by Mr. Abbott and seconded by Ms. Langworthy to direct staff to negotiate a purchase contract with the Fruitdale Preservation Foundation for the sale of the Fruitdale School for a purchase price of $1.00 and further to limit closing costs incurred by the Wheat Ridge Housing Authority. in 11 Furthermore, to direct staff to include provisions in the purchase contract that would place restrictions on the property in perpetuity, to do the following: 1. Maintain the word Fruitdale in some form in of the proposed school; and 2. Require, with limitations that the histortcai of the historic exterior of the principal building be preserved and maintained. 3. Establish certain reasonable timeframes for per ormim w hich if not met would require deeding the property back to the Wheat Rid Housing Authority. Mr. Abbott stated lie would like to see Mr. Johnstone stated there has been ex schools are not subject to lo&4*OJJdin building and will have little ju 'i iio completing building inspectionll; r. was not required to be preserved.'�:,":�, I go )me preservation of the int6Wof the building. "g, nsive damage to the building fuse public codes, the City will not be inspet, ng the over the interior remodel; the state will be :I ott understood and accepted that the interior .CISIO'n',to purchase Fruitdale; it's been bi the third condition of the ;ion. If something happens that prevents the building will revert back to the f as the new staff liaison for the Housing Authority, It was moved by Ms. Langworthy and seconded by Ms. Walter to adjourn the meeting at 5:46 p.m. Motion carried 4-0. Next meeting will be August 26. Janice Thompson, Chair Housing Authority Minutes July 22, 2014 1? M Ms. Walter t st it "* A 1 ias 4*.cr policy decision"tO save the %biti motion as it will aid r)rot t Background: The purpose of this memo is to provide an update regarding the budget associated with the acquisition and rehabilitation of the two single family homes purchased with CDBG program income funds. In 2010, the Wheat Ridge Housing Authority was allocated $900,000 in Community Development Block Grant (CD13G) funds from Jefferson County. These were used to purchase and rehabilitate seven (7) single family homes. The homes were sold to low to moderate income homebuyers, and the proceeds from each sale were recycled into the rehabilitation of the next home. In 2013, the Housing Authority entered into a new contract with Jefferson County allowing the program income from the 2010 C 713 funds to be reused again for the purpose of acquiring and rehabilitating two (2) additional homes. The amount of funds provided for each home was $239,956 for a total budget of $479,892. 6605 W. 44"' Place: On July 8, 2014, the WRHA purchased a single family home at 6605 W. 44 Place. The home is just under 1100 square feet with two bedrooms, I bathroom, and a detached garage and carport. We have been advised by the County to use the proceeds from the sale of the Otis Street property to pay for the rehabilitation of the home on W. 44" Place. For this reason, rehabilitation work has not yet commenced on the second house. Attachment 2 includes the proposed scope of work, prepared by Henry Wehrdt, JCIIA Construction Manager. The estimated rehabilitation budget is $38,025. As noted above, the Housing Authority may have to pay some portion of the overage out of operating expenses, so please review this scope, of work scrupulously in preparation for the meeting on August 26. After the scope is approved Henry will solicit bids. Attachment l — CDBG Program Income Update Estimated casts are shown in italics. Closing costs and title and settlement fees are not accounted for. 3475 ©tls Street Spent Budget per #souse Balance Acquisition 0 :4 197 15 mowing, Maintenance (utilities, :* 550.00 ! Rehab _ 7 original estimate) 54,047.00 30 C onstruction t . ! ! 2,5 1,50 a Realtor Commission (4,8%of $220K sale) 1 0 2 $ 2 3 9 , 946. 00 ( 6605 W. 44"' Place SpentJEstimate Budget per house Balance Acquisition 217,882.84 197,000.00 (20,882,84) Maintenance (utilities, mowing, etc) 400.00 550.00 1WOO Rehab ($52,197 original estimate) 38,025.00 30,000.00 (8,02500) Construction Management (S%ofrehabcost) 1,901.25 1,500.00 (401.25) Realtor Commission (4,8%of est$220K sale) 10,560.00 10,896.00 336.00 QVEItAI t BUCtGEi SpentJEstrmcrte $udget Est Balance Acquisition 399,590.68 394,000.00 (5,590,68) Maintenance • ! 1,10 37 Rehab 92,072.00 60,000.00 (32,072.00) C onstruction 4 , 490 .25 3,00 R ealtor r ee 0 M « 1\lET lCi$5 41t� M EM112 dotal Estim ated Resale 220 220 430 !1 Project Budget 239,946.00 239,94600 ii AssumeclNet (loss was expected) (19,946,00) (19,94,6.00) (49,892.00) Actual/Estimated Project Costs 249,227.73 268,769.09 517,996.82 Estimate A dditional #. be of #.. ".4 (WRHA may be accountable for all or a portion of overage—TBD by County after project completion) JEFFERWIA Wheat Ridge Housing Authority Attachment 2 U�9� • . # ! 1.00 1,5 5 Now ffinjgw_s L4): Provide and Install 2 new replacement windows-west side of the addition, sized to existing openings. Provide and Install 2 windows on the south facing addition and living room windows. New windows shall be pre-finished, vinyl, min, 2 IW ftarne, double glazed, low-e glass, residential windows Cascade, # ^ • 11, 6500 i" or .# is equal—submit ii #:.# specs # rehab . #.. 4 1 ~ : l do 4.00 EA 2,000.00 Eft cor Siding (clean) and Paint Fxt: Power wash the exterior aluminum siding and prepare and paint all exterior trim on house/garage and storage sheet, Clean gutters and downspouts on house and garage. 1,00 ea 800.00 7 Sprinkler System: Verify operation, clack, coverage and operation of existing controls/zones on the existing sprinkler system, and tune up the system for proper operation. 1,00 ea $ 200,00 8 Electric I Re airs: Retain the existing service panel but check all circuits Including garage for allowable loads, add circuits if needed. Repair any loose wiring. Ground all outlets and change out duplexes, switches and covers. Add GFI receptacles in kitchen, bath and laundry areas to code.. Add additional receptacles where needed to comply with code, 1.00 ea $ 1,200.00 Exterior work: The fiberglass cover on the carport and on the patio cover Is to be removed and replaced with a heavy duty fiberglass panels and finished off equivalent to existing. 2.00 ea 1,600m 10 Tree/bush Tnmmin ; Trim trees an back and front yard from roof of house and garage, trim and shape bushes throughout property. Property dispose of all debris. 1,00 ea $ MOM One?Roof by Travis Systems, Inc. Page 2 of 5 Printed, 818114 =.t ii 1! ii t !! f! One Roof by Travis Systems, Inc. Page 3 of 5 Printed: 8/8114 1i 11 if ii 1! ii t !! f! One Roof by Travis Systems, Inc. Page 3 of 5 Printed: 8/8114 1.00 ea $ 1,200.00 29 Rgp_qjrjBgl21Agg L!ght Fixture: Replace laundry room light fixture, replace three exterior porch light fixtures it e t existing ceiling fans in i;1 h bedrooms, Install hard wired CO and smoke detectors as per code. 1.00 ea $ 4,000,00 33 �prlgkler sygleLn: Verify operation, coverage and anti-syphon functions of existing system and make repairs as needed to make it fully operational. 1,00 ea 500.00 OneRoof by Travis Systems, Inc. Page 4 of 5 Printed: 818114 Item Specification 34 govered Front Pgrctr . Remove knotty pine and cover underside of porch with finished plywood, remove three sides of staggered siding and replace with substitute, caulk and paint finished product. OneRoof by Travis systems, Inc, Page 5 of 5 Printed 818114 0 ammm M I TAM if : \w < >», our "all prmMures. out III mr - qlvwp intorw tontrolor Oil Onippance. Significaut Aceountiog Policies 8400 E. Crescent Parkwav, Suite /00- Gmenwood VillAge, CO$9!ƒ - f 720}± }0 Fax: (720) 528-4307 Acconsifi" EsUmAtes A** Ann WOOI� UUY POOC�OdXiM;W 4wiag ftAi* pror-�- 6h6titra ofoit V--r,y trwy youn,