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Nt! . 554
UOORD. 21C)() I..... Oot. 2e. lQ4J.
w. T.llarsh. Re~I"4.~ -
THIS D.b.F,D. Made this 15th day of July in the year of our Lord
one thousand nine hundred and forty-one between Samuel W. Johnson
of the County of Jefferson and State of Colorado. of the first
part, and the County of Jefferson. State of Colorado. a body
corporate and 'Oolitic of the County of Jefferson and State of
Colorado. of the seoond nart;
WITN"~SSETH. That the sa id 'Oarty of the first part, for and 1n
consideration of the sum of One (and other good and valuable con-
sideration) DOLLARS, to the said narty of the first part in hand
paid by the said party or-the second nert. the receipt whereof is
ereby confessed ann acknowledged, has granted, bargnlned, sold andl
: conveyed, and by these nresents does grant, bargain. sell. convey
ijand confirm, unto the said narty of the second nart, its 8uccessors
~\and assigns forever. all the following described lots Or nercels of
I .
i,land, situate, lying and being in the County of Jefferson and State
llof Colorado, to-wit: ;{(,vr ~ ~.
~ ,- . -~- -
i The following tracts or paroels of land in Section 14, Townshi
13 South, Range 69 West of the Sixth Principal Meridian in Jefferson
County, Colorado, particularly described as follows:
~ Beginning at a point on the East boundary line of the Southeas
IllQuarter of the Southwest ~uarter (SEi swi) of said Section 14. fro
,~h1Ch the South ~larter corner of said Section 14. bears S 00 10'~
ia distanoe of 1061.0 feet, more or less,
I 1. Thence N 890 45'W a distance of 42.4 feet;
I 2. Thence S 00 lS'W a distance of 74.0 feet;
,I ~. Thence S 890 4S'E a distance of 42.5 feet;
4. Thence N 00 10'E a distanoe of 74.0 feet,
more or less. to the noint of beginning, being
0.072 acres, more or less, of which 0.051 acres.
more or less, is existing highway right of way
1\ and 0.021 acres, more or less, 1s the additional
ri~t of way required; and
Bep;inn1ng at a point on the ~;.'est boundary line of the SouthW\s'
~uarterof the Southeast Quarter (SWi SEi) of said Section 64. fro
which thA South ~uarter corner of said Section 14 bears S 0 lC'~
a distance of 1061.0 feet, more or less,
555 r-~
.~ 100I. N~
\ 447
Thenoe S 890 45'E . distance of 37.6 feet;
Thence S 00 16'W a distance of 502.0 feet;
Thenoe N 890 50'W ~ dlstanQe ot-36.85 feet;
Thence N 00 10lE a d1sta~ce of 502.0 feet;
more or less~ to the point of beg!~~ing. ~1ng
0.43 acrea. ~Q~e or less, of which 0.35 acres.
more or less, is existing highway right of way
and 0.08 acres. more or-less. is the ad~i tlonal
right of way required; and
Begilming at a point on the ~est boundary line of the Southwes
,uarter of the Southeast Quarter (SWi SEt> of said Section 54, fro
1htch the South Quarter corner of said Section 14 bears S 0 10'W
a distance of 559.0 feet, more or les~,
1. Thence S 890 50'E a distance of 36.85 feet;
2. Thence S 00 l5'W a distance of 230.0. feet;
3. Thence N 890 50lW a distanoe of 36.5 feet;
4. Thence N 00 10lE a distance of 230.0 feet;
more or less, to the point of beginning, being
0.193 acres, mo~e or less, of Which 0.158 acres,
more or less, is existing highway right of way'
and 0.035 acres, more or less~ is the additional ,
right of way required; and i
~ Beginning at a noint on the East boundary line of the Southeast
,Quarter of the Southwest Quarter (sEi swil of' said Section ~4. fro;r
.. rich the South Quarter corner of !!!Bid Section 14 bears S 0 10'r.
Ila distance of 658.0 feet, more or less,
~ 1. 'fhence N 890 451W a distance of 43.0 feet;
2. Thence S 00 l5'~ a distance of 329.0 feet;
3. Thence S 890 45'E a distance of 43.5 feet;
4. Thence N 00 10'E a distance of 329.0 feet;
more or less, to the poj,nt of beginning, being
0.327 acres, more or less, of which 0.227 acres.
more or less, is existing highway right of way
" and 0.10 acres, more or le8s, is the additional
~ right of way required; and
e Beginning at a pOint on the ~ast boundary line of the Southeas
uarter of the Southwest Quarter (SEt swt) of said Section ~4, from
rhiCh the South Quarter. corner of said Section 14 bears S 0 lOI~
distance of 329.0 feet. more or les8.
1. '!hence N 890 451W a distance of 43.5 feet;
2. Thence S 50 271V' a distance of 330.52 feet;
3. Thence S 890 58IE a distance of 74.1 feet;
4. Thence N 00 10lE a distance of 329.0 feet,
more or less. to the nolnt of beginning. being
0.444 acres, more or les8, of which 0.227 acres
more or less. is existing highway right of way,'
and 0.217 acres, more or less, is the anditional
ri~t ot way required; and
c r ~.""
i 100I
A tract or uareel or land in the Bortheaat Quarter or the
NorthweatQuarter (NE; D-t> of Section 23, 'l'Qwnahip 3 South, Range
69 West ot the Sixth Principal Meridian in Jefferson County,
Colerado, said tract or parcel being more particularly described aa
Beginning at a point on the East boundaxyline or the Northeast
Quarter of the Northwest Quarter (REt NV:t> of said Section 23, rro
hich the North Quarter COrner of aaid Section 23 bears N 00 22"E
a distance of 139.0 reet, more or less,
Thence N 890 36' 30"W a dis'tance of 74.1 feet; /.--
Thence N 00 23' '30"E a distance of 138.7 reet;
Thence S egO S81E a distance or 74.1 feet;
Thence S 00 221W a distance or 139.0 feet,
mOre Or les8, to the point ot beginning, being
0~236 ac~es, more or less, or which 0.096 acres,
more or less, is existing highway right of way
and 0.140 acres, more Or less, is the additional
right of way required.
TOGETH~R with all and singular the heredi~aments and appurte-
nances thereto belonging, or in anyv;ise apuertaining, and the
reversion and reversiona, remainder and remainders, rents, issues
and profits thereof; and all the estate, right, title. interest,
claim and demand whatsoever of the said party of the first part,
either in law or equity, of, in and to the above bargained premises,
with the hereditaments and appurtenances.
TO HAV~ AND TO HOLD the said nremises above bargained and
described, with the appurtenances, unto the said party of the secc<r
part, its successors and assigns forever. And the said party of
the first part, for himself, his heirs, executors, and administrat
ors, does covenant, grant, bargain and agree to and with the said
carty of the second mrt, its -successors and assigns, that at th~
time of the ensealing and delivery of these presents, he is well
seized of the premises above conveyed, as of good, aure, perfect,
absolute and indefeasible estate of inheritance, in law, in fee
simple, and has good right, full power and lawfUl authority to gra t,
bargain, sell and convey the same in manner and form as aforeaaid,
~~,- --T
\': N<<! 557
nd that the same are free and claar from all former and other
ants, bargains, sales, liens, taxes, assessments and encumbrances
ff whatever kind or nature ooever, and the above bargained "remises'
n the quiet and peaceable possession of the said "arty of the
econd nart, its successors and assigns, against all and every
erson or persons lawfully claiming or to claim the whole or any
art thereof. ~he said party of the first "art shall and will
~to set his hand and seal the
Sip,ned, Sealed and Delivered
in the Presence of
IN i',r;rNESS v,HEREOF, the said party of the first "Oart has here-
day and year first above written
) SS.
The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this
day of July, A. D. 1941, bv
Samuel W. Johnson!..
J0~m rI.INO::! rri:c:, N"tnry I-',,"'li~
Jonerson Coun:y, Color;,o"
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My conunisslon expires
Witness my hand and official seal.