HomeMy WebLinkAbout1983 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS AND SUPPORTING SCHEDULES FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 3l, 1983 AND AUDITORS' REPORTS ********** -- - - - - - -. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - GRUENLER HUEBNER Certified Public Accountants CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS AND SUPPORTING SCHEDULES FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 3l, 1983 AND AUDITORS' REPORTS ********** CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO COMPREHENSIVE ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 3l, 1983 TABLE OF CONTENTS Exhibit Auditors' Report Combined statements Combined balance sheet--all fund types and account groups........................................ 1 Combined statement of revenues, expenditures, and changes in fund balances--all governmental fund types and expendable trust fund.................. 2 Combined statement of revenues, expenditures and changes in fund balances--budget (non-GAAP budgetary basis) and actual-general and special revenue funds......................................... 3 Statement of revenues, expenses, and changes in fund balance--Policemen's pension fund.................. 4 Statement of changes in financial position-- Policemen's pension fund................................ 5 Notes to financial statements Supporting Schedules Financial statements of individual funds General fund: Comparative balance sheet........................... A-I Special revenue funds: Combining balance sheet............................. B-1 Combining statement of revenues, expenditures and changes in fund balances...................... B-2 Statement of revenues, expenditures, and changes in fund balance--budget (non-GAAP budgetary basis) and actual: Building demolition fund........................ B-3 Capi tal improvement fund........................ B-4 Federal revenue sharing fund.................... B-5 Park acquisition fund........................... B-6 Senior center fund.............................. B-7 Urban renewal fund.............................. B-B Fiduciary trust and agency funds Combining balance sheet............................. C-l General fixed assets account group: Statement of general fixed assets by sources........ D-l Statement of changes in general fixed assets by function and activity.......................... D-2 GRUENLER _ HUEBNER 90 Madison Street Denver, Colorado 80206 (3031 388-4181 The Honorable Mayor, Members of the City Council and City Administrator City of Wheat Ridge, Colorado We have examined the combined financial statements of the City of Wheat Ridge, Colorado and the combining, individual fund, and account group financial statements of the City as of and for the year ended December 3l, 1983, as listed in the table of contents. Our examination was made in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards and accordingly, included such tests of the accounting records and such other auditing procedures as we considered necessary in the circumstances. In our opinion, the combined financial statements referred to above present fairly the financial position of the City of Wheat Ridge, Colorado at December 3l, 1983 and the results of its operations and the changes in financial position of its Trust Fund for the year then ended, in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles applied on a basis consistent with that the preceding year. Also, in our opinion, the combining, individual fund, and account group financial statements referred to above present fairly the financial position of the individual funds of the City of Wheat Ridge, Colorado at December 3l, 1983, in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles applied on a basis consistent with that of the preceding year. Our examination was made for the purpose of forming an opinion on the combined financial statements taken as a whole and on the combining, individual fund, and account group financial statements. The accompanying financial information listed as supporting schedules in the table of contents is presented for purposes of additional analysis and is not a required part of the combined financial statements of the City of Wheat Ridge, Colorado. The information has been subjected to the same auditing procedures applied in the examination of the combined, combining, individual fund, and account group financial statements and, in our opinion, is fairly stated in all material respects in relation to the combined financial statements taken as a whole. February 28, 1984 ~'^~ Cj ,}\w..L.'I\U..)~ L Certified Public Accuuntants Members of Amerrcan Inst'tute of Certified Pubi,c Accountants Colorado Society of Certified Public Accounts Governmental Finance Officers Assoclalion .-< " 'M .0 ~ 8 ]9 g~ I A i hi. . ~~ ~ i~oi ,~~~~ I ~ d ~ ~I ~ ~ ~ ~!il ~ fZ u ~ ~ ';;j ~I ~u ] ~ ~ ~ N '" '" '" o--'-<N .-< """ M""N a. 0--"' 00010 "'.. '" "'.-< .". 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U rC~"'~~~ I-l \.l ::1-.-4...-1 (l)~ \.l'..-l """'''' < '" Q) III Q) \.l Q) Q) 0 i! ~ ~:ri:ri~'~~~ tIlO: I~~ Ol ~U+Jltlc.j.JU) Bg ~ 10..... c .c..... c..... rz:!<vO::t:::lIOn:l+JO "'0, Cl ~ ~ E-t~l-ItJ~l-I::e: ~"U"""UOU 00 Z 00 r.1 " I>Q '" Exhibit 4 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO STATEMENT OF REVENUES, EXPENSES AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCE POLICEMEN'S PENSION FUND Year Ended December 31 1983 1982 OPERATING REVENUES Contributions (Note 3): City Employees Interest Miscellaneous income Total operating income $ 133,486 $ 123,232 l33,486 l23,232 266,972 246,464 272,441 2l5,397 28,297 22,098 567,710 483,959 47,44l 298,048 13,466 20,28l 60,907 318,329 506,803 165,630 1,605,292 1,439,662 $2,112,095 $1,605,292 OPERATING EXPENSES Withdrawals by participants Trustee administrative charges Total operating expenses NET INCOME FUND BALANCE, BEGINNING OF YEAR FUND BALANCE, END OF YEAR See accompanying notes to financial statements. Exhibit 5 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN FINANCIAL POSITION POLICEMEN'S PENSION FUND Year Ended December 31 1983 1982 SOURCES OF FUNDS Net income Transfer cash - State Plan $ $ 506,803 $ l65,631 l,439,66l 506,803 l,605,292 MONEY PURCHASE PLAN, BEGINNING OF YEAR l,605,292 $2,112,095 $1,605,292 MONEY PURCHASE PLAN, END OF YEAR See accompanying notes to financial statements. CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS DECEMBER 31, 1983 1. SUMMARY OF SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES The accounting policies of the City of Wheat Ridge conform to generally accepted accounting pr inciples as applicable to governments. The following is a summary of the more significant policies: A. FUND ACCOUNTING The accounts of the Ci ty are organized on the basis of funds and account groups, each of which is considered a separate accounting entity. The opera- tions of each fund are accounted for with a separate set of self-balancing accounts that comprise its assets, liabilities, fund equity, revenues, and expenditures, or expenses, as appropriate. Govern- ment resources are allocated to and accounted for in individual funds based upon the purposes for which they are to be spent and the means by which spending activi ties are controlled. The var ious funds are grouped, in the financial statements in this report, into three generic fund types as follows: Governmental Fund Types General Fund The General Fund is the City. It is used to cial resources except accounted for in another the operating fund of account for all finan- those required to be fund. Special Revenue Funds Special Revenue Funds are used to account for the proceeds of specific revenue sources (other than special assessments, expendable trusts, or major capital projects) that are legally restricted to expenditures for specified purposes. Special Revenue Funds of the City include the following: Building Demolition Fund The Building Demolition Fund was estab- lished, dur ing 1981, as a revolving fund. Structures are demolished at city expense, the property owner is then billed for the cost of demolition. CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 1. SUMMARY OF SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES (Continued) Capital Improvement Fund The Capi tal Improvement Fund (former ly Sales Tax Improvement Fund) was established to account for funds received as a result of a one percent increase in the City's sales tax. The expenditures of this fund are to be used for capital expenditures as approved by City Council. Federal Revenue Sharing Fund The Federal Revenue Sharing Fund was established to account for those funds re- ceived through the "State and Local Fiscal Assistance Act of 1972, as amended." This Act provides funds to units of local govern- ments to be used for ordinary and necessary maintenance, operating expenses, and capital expenditures authorized by law. The Act also specifies certain restrictions and procedural requirements. Park Acquisition Fund The Park Acquisition Fund was estab- lished to account for funds received and designated for use in the acquisition of additional parklands and improvements. Senior Center Fund The Senior Center Fund was established during 1981 to account for contributions made to the Senior Center. The expenditures of this fund are used to support activities of the center. Urban Renewal Fund The Urban Renewal Author i ty was estab- lished during 1981, with seed money from the Ci ty of Wheat Ridge to be responsible for and seek to accomplish the redevelopment and rehabili tation of blighted areas. Revenue is currently being received from a one per- cent sales tax levied on resident living within the authority boundaries and from interest on invested funds. Future revenue may come from bond issues or other sources (see note 4). Fiduciary Fund Types Trust and Agency Funds Trust and Agency Funds for assets held by the are used to account City in a trustee CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 1. SUMMARY OF SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES (Continued) capacity or as an agent. These funds include an Expendable Trust, a Pension Trust, and two Agency Funds. Expendable Trust Funds are ac- counted for in essentially the same manner as governmental funds. Pension Trust Funds are accounted for in essentially the same manner as propr ietary funds since capital maintenance is critical. Agency Funds are custodial in nature (assets equal liabilities) and do not involve measurement of results of operations. Trust and Agency Funds of the City include the following: Policemen's Pension Fund The Policemen's Pension Fund was estab- lished to account for funds received from participants and the City's General Fund. The funds are held in trust for disbursement to qualified participants upon leaving the plan or upon qualified retirement. Public Works Escrow Fund The Public Works Escrow Fund, an agency fund, was established to account for funds received as financial guarantees prior to the issuance of certain authorized construc- tion permi ts. Upon completion of all re- quired work under the permits, the funds are refunded. CATV Property Damage Fund The CATV (cable television) Property Damage Fund, an agency fund, was established to account for funds received from the cable television permittee for settlement of minor unresolved claims against the permittee for damage to private property. The permittee is required to restore city paid settlements within fourteen days after notification. Conservation Trust Fund The Conservation Trust Fund, an expend- able trust fund, was established to account for funds received and restricted for use in the acquisition, development and maintenance of new conservation sites pursuant to Chap- ter 138-1-98 of the Revised statutes of the State of Colorado. B. FIXED ASSET AND LONG-TERM LIABILITIES Fixed operations assets used in governmental fund type are accounted of in the General Fixed CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 1. SUMMARY OF SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES (Continued) Asset Group of Accounts, funds. No depreciation general fixed assets. rather than governmental has been prov ided for on All fixed assets are valued at histor ical cost or estimated histor ical cost if actual histor ical cost is not available. Contributed fixed assets are valued at their estimated fair value on the date of gift. Land improvements transferred to the City from Jefferson County in 1969, have been recorded at the County's historical cost, subsequent additions have been recorded at cost, until 1977, at which time the Ci ty elected to discontinue recording the cost of land improvements. The Jefferson County Open Space Program acquires land for public enjoyment (e.g., parks, playgrounds, lakes, etc.) and then donates the land to the City for use as public land. The land is recorded at the cost of land to the Open Space Program. Long term liabilities expected to from governmental funds are accounted General Long-Term Debt Account Group, governmental funds. be financed for in the not in the The two account groups are not n funds". They are concerned only with the measurement of financial position. They are not involved with measurement of results of operations. C. BASIS OF ACCOUNTING Basis of accounting refers to when revenues and expenditures or expenses are recognized in the ac- counts and reported in the financial statements. The General, Special Revenue, and Expendable Trust funds are accounted for using the modified accrual basis of accounting. Their revenues are recognized when they become measurable and available as net cur rent assets. Expend i tures are generally recognized under the modified accrual basis. Rev- enue is recognized in the accounting period in which it becomes available and measurable. Expenditures are recognized in the accounting period in which the fund liability is incurred. CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 1. SUMMARY OF SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES (Continued) Trust and Agency Funds are used to account for assets held by the City in a trustee capacity. These include Expendable Trust, Pension Trust, and Agency Funds. Agency funds are custodial in nature (assets equal liabilities) and do not involve meas- urement of results of operations. The Pension Trust Funds is accounted for using the accrual basis of accounting. D. BUDGETS The individual and combined statements of Rev- enues, Expend i tures, and Changes in Fund Balance- Budget (non-GAAP Budgetary Basis) and actual for the General, Special Revenue and Expendable Trust Funds present compar isons of the legally adopted budget with actual data on the (non-GAAP) budgetary basis which includes encumbrances. All other statements exclude encumbrances, as required by GAAP (generally accepted accounting principles): expenditures are only recorded when the liability is incurred. Bud- getary appropriations lapse at the end of each cal- endar year. Appropriations are controlled and the budget is only amended in conformity with Colorado Revised Statutes. E. ENCUMBRANCES Encumbrances, commitments related to unperformed (executory) contracts for goods or services, are recorded for budgetary control purposes in the gen- eral and special revenue funds. Encumbrances out- standing at year-end are reported as reserved for encumbrances since they do not constitute expendi- tures or liabilities. Encumbrances do not lapse at year-end for budgetary purposes and become part of the following year's appropriations. F. ACCRUED PAYROLL BENEFITS City employees earn vacation leave which may be either taken or accumulated, up to a maximum amount, until paid upon termination or retirement. Unused sick leave, in excess of 480 hours, may be converted to annual leave or cash upon retirement or termina- tion. Police accumulate holiday pay for hours worked on holidays (see Note 7). CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 1. SUMMARY OF SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES (Continued) G. DEFERRED REVENUES - PROPERTY TAXES Property taxes are levied on December 3l, of each year and attach as an enforceable lien on prop- erty as of January l. It is the policy of the City to record the property tax receivables in the year in which the taxes are levied and to recognize the property tax revenues in the year in which the lien attaches on the property. All mater ial property taxes levied as of December 13, 1982 were collected as of December 3l, 1983, accordingly no provision for uncollected taxes has been made. H. TOTAL COLUMNS ON COMBINING AND COMBINED STATEMENTS Total Columns are only presented to facilitate financial analysis. Data in these columns do not present financial positions in conformity with gen- erally accepted accounting principles. Neither is such data comparable to a consolidation, inter fund eliminations have not been made in the aggregation of this data. (See note 7.) I. CERTIFICATES OF DEPOSIT Certificates of deposit are stated at purchase price. Interest is not accrued. The general terms of the certificates require that the investment mature in order to earn the stated interest rate. Most certificates are subject to substantial penal- ties for early retirement. 2. RESTRICTED ASSETS-CASH General Fund cash of $100,000 has been restricted by City Council for emergency situations affecting the lives and property of the City's citizens. Expenditures must be approved in advance by the City Council, or in situations where members of City Council cannot be con- tacted, the Mayor and the City Administrator can approve expendi tures, provided a subsequent report is made at the next City Council meeting. 3. PENSION PLANS During 1981, the City withdrew from the state-wide defined benefit pension plan, with state permission, and instituted a defined contribution money purchase plan for its police employees. During 1981, each participant was required to contribute 9% of their compensation with a matching amount from the City. In 1982, the contribu- tion increased to 10% from both the participant and the CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 3. PENSION PLANS (Continued) City; however, under certain conditions participants may contribute up to 15%. During 1983, the participants and the City each contributed $l33,486 to the plan. Dur ing 1981, var ious investments of the fund were converted to cash. $l,375,870 was transferred to the Equi table Life Assurance Society as trustee. Per an allocation of assets statement prepared by consulting actuaries a total of $l,454,824 was transferred. The City also participates in the Colorado County Officials and Employees Retirement Association Retire- ment Plan. This Plan covers non-police employees. The participants are required to contribute 4% (and can voluntarily contribute up to lO%) of their compensation from the City, the City contr ibutes an amount equal to 4% of the employees compensation. The City's contribu- tion totaled $52,085 for the year ended December 3l, 1983. The City has no liability under the Plan other than the matching payment. 4 . BUDGETS Budget amounts reflected in the accompanying finan- cial statements are based on the revised 1983 budget as adopted by the City Council. The revised budget for all funds except the Police- men's Pension Plan is as follows: 1983 estimated revenues Fund balance carryover from 1982 Total revenues $1l,547,l09 3,399,433 $14,946,542 Total appropriations for 1983 expenditures $lO,343,l08 A budget was not prov ided for the pol icemen's Pen- sion Fund because in the opinion of the City Attorney, this Fund is not under the control of City Council and, therefore, is not subject to the budgetary requirement of Colorado Statutes. This reporting is also consistent with generally accepted accounting principles. CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 5. COMMITMENTS AND CONTINGENCIES As of December 31, 1983, there are certain claims, sui ts and complaints ar ising in the ordinary course of operations that have been filed or are pending against the City. In the opinion of management, all such mat- ters are adequately covered by insurance, or if not so covered, are without merit or are of such kind, or involved such amounts, as would not have a significant effect on the financial position or results of opera- tions of the City if disposed of unfavorably. 6. LEASES In December 1979, the City entered into a four-year agreement to lease data processing equipment for rental payments totaling $l8,397 annually. The agreement pro- vides the lease is contingent upon the City's ability to fund the rental on a year-to-year basis, accordingly the lease has been recorded as an operating lease. The lease expires in March 1984 and at that time title to the equipment reverts to the City. The City plans to re- place the equipment, resale value of the present equipment is not readily determinable. 7. ACCRUED PAYROLL BENEFITS As of December 3l, 1983, accrued sick pay of $l3,833 ws recorded as a current liability of the general fund. Based upon prior experience this amount will normally be liquidated with expendable available resources. As of December 3l, 1983, accrued annual leave of $lS5,784 and accrued holiday pay of $l6,335 was recorded in the General Long-Term Debt Group of Accounts. 8. OTHER MATTERS Council Resolution 757 authorized the establishment of a Police Department Bond Trust. Under this program (fund) the City would collect cash bonds from individu- als arrested in the City and being held on warrants issued by other governmental units. The bond trust is a statewide program. The activities of this fund are cur- rently included in the general fund due to the limi ted size and number of transactions. The fund had a cash balance of $250.00 at December 31, 1983. 9. ENTITY CHANGES During 1982, the Urban Renewal Author i ty was CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 9. ENTITY CHANGES (Continued) reported as a separate entity. In response to the Na- tional Council on Governmental Accounting statement 3, the City determined that the Urban Renewal Authority did not meet any of the criteria that would allow the Urban Renewal Author i ty to continue reporting as a separate entity. Accordingly, the Urban Renewal Authority is included in financial statements of the City for the year ended December 3l, 1983. In addition the 1982 "Memorandum Only" columns have been restated to include the financial statements of the Urban Renewal Authority as of December 3l, 1982. SUPPORTING SCHEDULES GENERAL FUND THE GENERAL FUND IS THE OPERATING FUND OF THE CITY. IT IS USED TO ACCOUNT FOR ALL FINANCIAL RESOURCES EXCEPT THOSE REQUIRED TO BE ACCOUNTED FOR IN ANOTHER FUND. CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO COMPARATIVE BALANCE SHEET GENERAL FUND DECEMBER 3l, 1983, AND 1982 ASSETS Cash Certificates of deposit Accounts receivable: Jefferson County property taxes Due from other funds Restricted assets-cash Other assets TOTAL LIABILITIES Accounts payable Accrued payroll benefits Due to other funds Deferred revenue-property taxes Total Liabilities FUND EQUITY Fund balance: Reserved for encumbrances Unreserved: Designated for subsequent years expenditures Undesignated Total fund balance TOTAL 1983 $ 25l,779 2,362,648 499,682 112,985 lOO,OOO 4l,744 $3,368,838 152,771 13,833 112,330 499,682 778,616 58,825 2,53l,397 2,590,222 $3,368,838 A-l 1982 $ 55l,003 2,990,578 459,300 4,624 100,000 20,324 $4,125,829 103,l53 466,636 459,300 1,029,089 44,255 2,500,000 552,485 3,096,740 $4,125,829 SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS ARE USED TO ACCOUNT FOR THE PROCEEDS OF SPECIFIC REVENUE SOURCES (OTHER THAN SPECIAL ASSIGNMENTS, EXPENDABLE TRUST, OR MAJOR CAPITAL PROJECTS) THAT ARE LEGALLY RESTRICTED TO EXPENDITURES FOR SPECIFIED PURPOSES. Building Demolition Fund The Building Demolition Fund was established, dur ing 1981, as a revolving fund. Structures are demolished at City expense, the property owner is then billed for the cost of demolition. Capital Improvement Fund The Capital Improvement Fund (formerly Sales Tax Improvement Fund) was established to account for funds received as a result of a one-percent increase in the City's sales tax. The expendi- tures of this fund are to be used for capital expenditures as approved by City Council. Federal Revenue Sharing Fund The Federal Revenue Sharing Fund was established to account for those funds received through the "State and Local Fiscal Assistance Act of 1972, as amended." This act provides funds to units of local governments to be used for ordinary and necessary maintenance, operating expenses, and capital expenditures auth- orized by law. The Act also specifies certain restrictions and procedural requirements. Park Acquisition Funds The Park Acquisition Fund was established funds received and designated for use in the additional parklands and improvements. to account for acquisition of Senior Center Fund The Senior Center Fund was established, during 1981, to account for contr ibutions made to the Senior Center. The ex- penditures of this fund are used to support activities of the center. Urban Renewal Fund The Urban Renewal Author i ty was established dur ing 1981, with seed money from the City of Wheat Ridge to be responsible for and seek to accomplish the redevelopment and rehabilitation of blighted areas. Revenue is currently being received from a one percent sales tax levied on residents living within the authority boundary and from interest or. invested funds. Revenue may come from bond issues or other sources. ~I o Cl ~ o CI o U '" OJ U'Jt ~ ,,,,, OJ Z:tl('l")U ptf.lCO!Xl ... 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B-3 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO BUILDING DEMOLITION FUND STATEMENT OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCE--BUDGET (NON-GAAP BUDGETARY BASIS) AND ACTUAL YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1983 Budget Actual Variance favorable (unfavorable) REVENUES Interest $ 225 $ 596 $ 371 EXPENDITURES 11,000 11,000 EXCESS (DEFICIENCY) OF REVENUE OVER EXPENDITURES AND ENCUMBRANCES (10,775) 596 11,371 FUND BALANCE, BEGINNING OF YEAR 10,775 11,053 278 FUND BALANCE, END OF YEAR $ $11,649 $11,649 B-4 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FUND STATEMENT OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCE--BUDGET (NON-GAAP BUDGETARY BASIS) AND ACTUAL YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1983 Variance favorable Budget Actual (unfavorable) REVENUES Sales tax $2,461,000 $2,272,055 $ (188,945) Charges for services 28,908 28,908 Interest 200,000 233,347 33,347 Total revenues 2,661,000 2,534,310 (126,690 ) EXPENDITURES Capital acquisitions 3,510,000 3,358,821 151,179 EXCESS (DEFICIENCY) OF REVENUES OVER EXPENDI- TURES AND ENCUMBRANCES (849,000) (824,511) 24,489 OTHER FINANCING SOURCES: Operating transfers in 270,000 270,000 FUND BALANCE, BEGINNING OF YEAR 579,000 1,349,341 770,341 FUND BALANCE, END OF YEAR $ $ 794,830 $ 794,830 B-5 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO FEDERAL REVENUE SHARING FUND STATEMENT OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCE--BUDGET (NON-GAAP BUDGETARY BASIS) AND ACTUAL YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1983 Variance favorable Budget Actual (unfavorable) REVENUES Intergovernmental $ 249,000 $ 248,577 $ ( 423) Interest 25,000 28,696 3,696 Total revenues 274,000 271,273 3,273 EXPENDITURES Capital acquisitions 506,000 491,499 14,501 EXCESS (DEFICIENCY) OF REVENUES OVER EXPEND I - TURES AND ENCUMBRANCES (232,000) (214,226) 17,774 FUND BALANCE, BEGINNING OF YEAR 232,000 306,625 74,625 FUND BALANCE, END OF YEAR $ $ 92,399 $ 92,399 B-6 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO PARK ACQUISITION FUND STATEMENT OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCE--BUDGET (NON-GAAP BUDGETARY BASIS) AND ACTUAL YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1983 Variance favorable Budget Actual (unfavorable) REVENUES Interest $ 150 $ 887 $ 737 Subdivision fees 1,500 675 (825) Total revenues 1,650 1,562 ( 88) EXPENDITURES Capital acquisitions 18,668 ( 27) 18,695 EXCESS (DEFICIENCY) OF REVENUES OVER EXPENDI- TURES AND ENCUMBRANCES (17,018) 1,589 18,607 FUND BALANCE, BEGINNING OF YEAR 17,018 14,381 (2,637) FUND BALANCE, END OF YEAR $ $ 15,970 $ 15,970 B-7 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO SENIOR CENTER FUND STATEMENT OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCE--BUDGET (NON-GAAP BUDGETARY BASIS) AND ACTUAL YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1983 Variance favorable Budget Actual (unfavorable) REVENUES Interest $ 50 $ 528 $ 478 Other 2,000 5,149 3,149 Total revenues 2,050 5,671 3,627 EXPENDITURES Other 2,050 5,677 (3,627) EXCESS (DEFICIENCY) OF REVENUES OVER EXPEND I - TURES AND ENCUMBRANCES FUND BALANCE, BEGINNING OF YEAR FUND BALANCE, END OF YEAR $ $ $ B-8 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO URBAN RENEWAL FUND STATEMENT OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCE--BUDGET (NON-GAAP BUDGETARY BASIS) AND ACTUAL YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1983 Budget Actual REVENUES Taxes Interest Miscellaneous $ $ 149,057 16,922 36,267 202,246 Total revenues EXPENDITURES Capital acquisitions Other 135,385 18,756 154,141 Total expenditures EXCESS (DEFICIENCY) OF REVENUES OVER EXPENDI- TURES AND ENCUMBRANCES 48,105 OTHER FINANCING SOURCES: Operating transfers in 125,000 FUND BALANCE, BEGINNING OF YEAR 68,642 FUND BALANCE, END OF YEAR $ $ 241,747 FIDUCIARY '!'RUST AND AGENCY FUNDS TRUST AND AGENCY FUNDS ARE USED TO ACCOUNT FOR ASSETS HELD BY THE CITY IN A TRUSTEE CAPACITY OR AS AN AGENT FOR THE CITY. THESE FUNDS INCLUDE A PENSION TRUST, AN EXPENDABLE TRUST, AND TWO AGENCY FUNDS. EXPENDABLE TRUST FUNDS ARE ACCOUNTED FOR IN ESSEN- TIALLY THE SAME MANNER AS GOVERNMENTAL FUNDS. PENSION TRUST FUNDS ARE ACCOUNTED FOR IN ESSENTIALLY THE SAME MANNER AS PROPRI- ETARY FUNDS, SINCE CAPITAL MAINTENANCE IS CRITICAL. AGENCY FUNDS ARE CUSTODIAL IN NATURE (ASSETS EQUAL LIABILITIES) AND DO NOT INVOLVE MEASUREMENT OF RESULTS OF OPERATIONS. Policemen's Pension Fund The policemen's Pension Fund was established to account for funds received from participants and the City's General Fund. The funds are held in trust for disbursement to qualified parti- cipants upon leaving the plan or upon qualified retirement. Public Works Escrow Fund The Public Works Escrow Fund, an agency fund, was established to account for funds received as financial guarantees pr ior to the issuance of certain author ized construction permits. Upon completion of all required work under the permits, the funds are refunded. CATV Property Damage Fund The CATV (cable television) Property Damage Fund, an agency fund, was established to account for funds received from the cable television permittee for settlement of minor unresolved claims against the permittee for damage to private property. The permi ttee is required to restore city paid settlements wi thin fourteen days after notification. Conservation Trust Fund The Conservation Trust Fund, an expendable trust fund, was established to account for funds, received and restricted for use in the acquisition, development and maintence of new conservation sites pursuant to Chapter 138-1-09 of the Revised Statues of the State of Colorado. Zl '" o <l C Z '" ,,::> '" '" "'1;; !i1 8 t;~M~ 8 ~U)~~ M ~~.--l~ ~ CZ "0 e zj~"' P:; << U) E-1 E-11I1~ ~ I ~~~~ "' ><H"'[g o "'Iil" H "0 .. >< t1 u :;] E g ~ r;: ~ u N '" '" .-< "'~ ...,,, ~ :>~'" t-< 0. S "0'" Ult)\..lC 'tl 0. ~ " "' .-< '" o @ 0 ~I ..... 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'" '" j g~~1 "''''''' N 01 '" j ~ :11 ::: ~ ~ ~~~ '" '" '" o N .-< .-< 01 n '" tIl III 00 u..., ~.i W Q) S ~ m~ o~ .~1: ; Q tIl.j.,l M to r-l ~ :J"OoJ04 0:>'" RI o C r-l 0... to ,Q \..l ::l,J04 14 t.l4-l.Q .. \..l.u '0 < Qto Rlmoe C ~CLl~~~4-l~~~ ~ Q)..r:: c'O Q) > ~:rib~~ ~.~ ~~ I-l m .j.J m \..l4J {l).j.J &-4rooo.oQ)Q)Q)O I-lc.uE-t Ull-l\..lE-t ~:::1 'OCLl t: 1-l4-l Q) t:P:; => '::9CLl:::l :::I ;:;p:;c l&t >'l GENERAL FIXED ASSETS ACCOUNT GROUP To account for fixed assets not used in proprietary fund operations or accounted for in Trust Funds. D-1 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO STATEMENT OF GENERAL FIXED ASSETS BY SOURCES DECEMBER 31, 1983 GENERAL FIXED ASSETS Land and buildings Equipment Highways, streets and storm sewers $ 5,968,317 2,136,966 8,110,519 $16,215,802 INVESTMENT IN GENERAL FIXED ASSETS: Assets contributed to the City Cost and estimated cost of assets acquired by various funds of the City $10,156,579 6,059,223 $16,215,802 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN GENERAL FIXED ASSETS BY FUNCTION AND ACTIVITY YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1983 Balance at January 1, 1983 Additions General Contri- Revenues butions GENERAL FIXED ASSETS General government $3,653,268 $ 78,844 Public safety 441,156 117,830 Public works 9,450,184 148,281 Parks 2,198,905 144,355 TOTAL $15,743,513 $ 489,310 $ $ Deductions $ 376 13,992 2,653 $ 17,021 D-2 Balance at December 31, 1983 $3,731,736 544,994 9,595,812 2,343,260 $16,215,802 ~' r' " ~,? "i ""O'-'~,. ".:'.. ' .' ." .,' i,: . .,."j..,'...." 't1::1:'~",;ltiY,;:,~Ot-' Wheat Rldg,~~, CoI9t.~;~9d,.;" r'.-'-, - ~ '.~'l" , "-<'1,1'; ?"" f. "'>'~t-- i' ",..,..J., t;.'f"'" ~ ' ...f.. >-:",.-tl, '~1t ,."'~i --:-.#:fdJ4? fl .,. . ".(i!\, ""1 iiX~' , ,~~, j:~~- " ,"';,:..- "",i,- ~ , , . "~,,1- ~ ':1.. .. 'j~~G1Ab MANAGr~~Et\jJ-' , '~, ',';'" " ",' , '"':,~' "'l c ~.'), "! .,' ",\' ~'~~~_ :~,~,~::<~i}fr;},-,~ _{ '_.' ;~:;\~~>.38.tJl Av~nue ",~-,:~"! ""~",~''- :.\> ,~-~ ~.;~;- . , '.' early 1900's ',....' F~NANCIAL MANAGErv1ENT .PLA Thomas H. Palmer, City Administrator Office of the City Treasurer James Malone, City Treasurer Dan Dible, Budget/Finance Asst. CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT PLAN JUNE 6, 1983 -TABLE OF CONTENTS- Title Page Opening Letter Table of Contents Officials Organizational Chart FINANCIAL ASSESSMENT REPORT Introduction. . . . General Fund Revenue General Fund Expenditures. Comparative Financial Records Revenue Indicators ...... . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . Actual Revenues and Expenditures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Expenditures Per Carita. . .. .................. Per Capita Ratio. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Fund Balance Per Capita. . . . . User Charges - Municipal Court. User Charges - Recreation. . .. Per Capital/C.P.I. Definitions. FINA11CIAL POLICIES Resolution 832 . . . . . . Revenue Policies. . . . . . Operating Budget Policies. . Investment and Debt Policies Reserve Policies. . . . . . SALES TAX ANALYSIS Introduction Sales Tax Sources Sales Tax Zones REVENUE MANUAL Introduction . ..... Total General Fund Revenues PAGE 1 2 3 4 6 10 12 13 14 15 16 17 19 20 22 23 25 27 28 29 31 32 TAXES Real and Personal Property Tax. . 34 Liquor Occi pation Tax. . . . 38 Vehicle Ownership Tax. . . . 40 Sales and Use Taxes . . . . . . . . . 42 Public Service Franchise Tax. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 48 Telephone Occupation Tax. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 50 LICENSES AND PERMITS hnusement Device License Arborist License. . . Contractors I License. Liquor License. . . . Security Guard License Building Permits . . . Street Cut Permits . . . Cable Television Permits 54 56 58 60 62 64 68 70 INTERGOVERNMENTAL REVENUE Cigarette Tax . . . . . . . . . . County Road and Bridge . . . . . . . . . . Highway Users Tax . . . . . . . . . . . . Motor Vehicle Registration. . . . . . . . 74 76 78 80 CHARGES FOR SERVICES Zoning Application Fees Liquor Hearing Fees. . Parks and Recreation Fees Swimming Pool Fees Police Record Search Fees 86 88 90 94 98 FINES AND FORFEITS Municipal Court Fines. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102 OTHER REVENUE Interest Income . . . . Rents/ Hart-Hayward . . Miscellaneous Income. . Carryover Fund Balance 108 110 112 116 OFFICIALS CITY OF HHEAT RIDGE, COLOR1\.DO PAT AIELLO KENT DAVIS WILL B-ORT CLYDE HOBBS CITY CLERK WANDA SANG CITY ATTOl'2JEY JOHN E. HAYES MAYOR FRANK STITES CITY COUNCIL DISTRICT J DISTRICT II DISTRICT III DISTRICT IV CITY ADNINISTRATOR THONAS H. PAUIER DIRECTOR OF CONl'lliNITY DEVELOP}lENT. DIRECTOR OF PARKS AND RECREATION CHIEF OF POLICE. . DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC HaRKS BUDGET/FINANCE ASSISTANT PERSONNEL ASSISTANT . . LARRY MERKL KEN LEInS NANCY SNOW KAY ORE CITY TREASURER JAHES }!t\LONE HUNICUAL JlJDGE ANTHONY ZARLENGO CHARLES H. STROHBERG .RICHARD H. BREDT HOWARD E. JAQUAY RODGER O. YOUNG DANIEL R. DIBLE PATRICIA A. CREW - 0: U1 v CC Tee. >-::l t:UJ \-(/) 0-1 0<( 0 uJ a: \- \ \ \ cc. 0 - - - -- - - --- - -- -- - - ---- \ \r: ~ ~...~~,~~, ~...,. ,......... , (J ::> U'.:"\.\ ------.. ~ >-- :::':(':.J-~.^\ \. f.r'. . \ f) ,:.",;-- -.,.. t:. "..,dt ~ ...... .:.( f'" \ .........J- \,. ~-~ , ' ,_~ (i'" 1 ~"""_'~ 1 J; 1 I ----- , ~ "\ -:? , \.,,1_ : ~ o <L: ., W Q) QJ ~ (.) (.) C c a: t'3 t'3 0 C C Q) Q) ~ 3: ..... c Cll C .S '~ .~ 0 ... ~ ~ Q) - Q) lJ) ~ ,~ .J c 0- Q) - CO 0 Q) - Cll ... t'3 ::> c .c. .... ... a.- U! (/) (/) .... I I I I lJ) (.) '0 c :;:: U1 0 - ... '';:; C t'3 0 - C t'3 0 ... ~ 0 (.) -.;:; I- 0 '2 t'3 00 0 O"l (G ~ Cl- E .... '0 E E lJ) ... '2 (l) - 0 :> t'3 '" 0 .s a.. I . , 1 1,6;; <l> (.) t: "J (": "-"~. <l> (') to OJ .. ,.. .. 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CO CO 0 0 0- :;) .1 I .J FINANCIAL ASSESSMENT REPORT - INTRODUCTION The methodology used in this financial assessment report is based on the International City r~anagement Association's financial trend monitoring system. This is a management tool that combines information from City financial and budgetary reports with data from the United States Census Bureau that can be plotted over a period of time to monitor changes in major financial trends. The time frame for this analysis is the period from 1971 until 1982 This analysis is designed to identify financial trends in time to take appropriate action and to provide input for the establishment of lonq term financial goals and policies. This analysis concerns only the City's General Fund although the Sales and Use Tax information is also useful in discussions of the Capital Improvement Fund. Much of the data in this report is adjusted through the ~se of the national consumer price index from the 1971 base year. While the CPI is a useful tool, it should be realized that it can only approximate inflation's effect on local government since local public sector expenditures are not necessarily the same as those used in the CPl. By use of the CPI real growth rates can be calculated in terms of 1971 dollars; the methodology fdr the use of the C.P.I. is shown on page 17. This financial assessment is not intended to provide specific answers or recommen- dations based on the information presented here. It is intended to be the first step in a two step process. The second step being the adoption of a set of financial goals and policies to help both the staff and the City Council make better financial decisions. It is also intended that these indicators will be updated annually prior to the consideration of the annual budget so that the City Council and staff may have current trend information for the budgetary process. 1 -- GENERAL FUND REVENUE 100- 4.3% miscellaneous revenue 9.3% 90- 16.2% other taxes 80- 14.5% 70- % 14.3% Intergovernmental 60- 23.3% Revenues 2.9% l~ 7.5% I..LI 50- => z: I..LI property >- I..LI 18% c:r: 0 40- z: => LJ.. ...J c:( 49.4% c:r: I..LI 30- z: I..LI sales and use taxes t!) LJ.. 0 I..LI 20- t!) c:( I- 31.8% z: I..LI U c:r: I..LI 10- c.. o - I I I I 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 In graphic form this shows the relative importance of the major sources of genera~ fund revenue. The two major areas that have increased proportionately are Sales and Use Taxes and Miscellaneous Revenue. The reason that Miscellaneous Revenue has increased is because of interest income. 2 -1 80 1 15.2% < -.;:l E-< General Government 24.6% .., I , 70 ..--I '" X -1 1 "Z ::J 60 Ii< ! ~ 45.3% w , 50- 24.7% I l fl..4 0 I J "< 40 [oi ---- ~ ,<1 ~ 30 100 90 20 10 GENERAL FUND EXPENDITURES 10.5% Parks & Recreation 14.6% 29.0% Police 36.1% o I I I I I I r I I I I 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 This graph shows the relative distribution of General Fund Expenditures from 1971 on. All departments have gained proportionately except Public Works, since 1978 the expenditure trend has remained fairly constant. General Government includes Community Development, Finance, Mayor~ City Council, City Administrator, Municipal Court, City Clerk and City Attorney. 3 $75 - 62.5- 50 37.5- c:( I- - 0- c:( u 25 - c:r: LLI 0- V) c:r: c:( -I -I 0 Cl 12.5- 4 COMPARATIVE FINANCIAL RECORD Real Growth I I I I I I I I I I I I 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 This graph corresponds to the graph on page 5 but the values are adjusted for inflation using the Consumer Price Index data shown on page 17. $101 100- e:( I- ..... CL e:( 75- u t:r:. LLI CL fund V) balance t:r:. e:( ..J 50- ..J 0 Cl $200 $175- 150- 125-- COMPARATIVE FINANCIAL RECORD 25- o - I I I I I I I I I I I 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 The relationship between Revenues, Expenditures, and the Fund Balance is clearly shown here. Whenever revenues greatly exceed expenditures, a fund balance occurs, from 1978 to 1982 this occurred in five successive yeal's \':hich caused rapid fund balance gl'owth. In 1983 it is projected that the fund balance win beqin to decrease because of declining revenues and use of a portion of the funa balance as a 1983 operating revenue. 5 $ 175- 150- 125- 100- ex: I- ..... 0- 5 75- 0:: LLI 0- Vl 0:: c<: j 50- o Cl 25- o - GENERAL FUND REVENUES PER CAPITA ;r"' / , / / / / / / / " " ~ r / " / / ," ... - / / ------------actual dollars adjusted for C.P.I. $195 , / / / / / , , / I I / / /' " ;' $82 I I I I I I I I I I I I 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 An examination of per capita revenue shows how revenues change relative to Wheat Ridge's stable population level. Wheat Ridge's per capita revenue, when adjusted for inflation has shown a real growth rate of3 .7% annually over the last ten years which has allowed for the addition of new services. 6 GENERAL FUND SALES AND USE TAX REVENUE 3.0- tI) n:. <:( -1 _J c) o::::l ..... 2.0- o tI) z a ..... -1 -1 ..... ::E: 2 .91/~ I I I I / " / / , I -' .,. .,. / / / I , I I - -.... -- 1.22M ,. , " ~ / -' 1.0- /' ,. , -- -------------Actual Revenues Adjusted for C.P.I. I I I I I \ I 1 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 Sales and Use tax has performed better than any of our other revenue sources. Sales and Use taxes are elastic revenues that react quickly to changes in the economic base. In times of inflation they increase dramatically, but can decrease just as dramatically in a recessionary or depressed economy. In the State of Colorado, Sales Taxes are growing in dominance within municipal revenue structures. The City of Wheat Ridge is excessively reliant on sales tax revenue and should have a conservative contingency fund policy to protect against a downturn in these revenues. Sales and Use taxes have a real growth rate of9.7% from1972- 1982. 7 600- 500- (/) 0:: c:( -J -' o o ll- 400- o (/) Cl Z c:( (/) ~ ~ 300- t- 200- 100- 8 PROPERTY TAX REVENUES ...,-- --- -- -~ -- $442,347 ..r- - , --- --- -- -- -- $185,786 ------------Actual Revenues Adjusted for C.P.I. I I I I I I I I I I I I 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 Property Tax revenues are tied to an equitable assessment process that produces stable revenue increases. Because of inflation and the more rapid growth rates of other revenue sources property taxes have become proportionately less important in the Wheat Ridge General Fund revenue structure. The real growth rate of proper_y taxes has declined at an annual rate of 4.4~: from 1972 _ 1982. 900- 800- 700- tI) 600- ~ c:x; -J -' 0 0 u.. 500- 0 tI) 0 z c:x; tI) :::> 400- 0 :c .- 300- 200- 100- GENERAL FUND INTERGOVERNMENTAL REVENUE , I , I " I I I I. I I I I / / / " I \ / \ I \ \ "' /$840 \ / ,,/ '- - I - -./ $355 -----------Actual Revenues Adjusted for C.P.I. 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 Intergovernmental Revenues are any revenues received from another ~overnmental entity. These revenues are i~portant to monitor because over-dependence on intergovernmental revenues can have an adverse impact on financial condition. These revenues are difficult to estimate because we do not have access to detailed information re~arding them and we are not in close communication \'Iith the decision-making bodies that make policy regarding them. In the past ten years, intergovernmental revenues as a percenta~e of General Fund revenues in Wheat Ridge have been on a downward trend. The four revenue sources comprising inter9overn- mental revenue are cigarette tax, county road and bridge tax, highway users tax, and motor vehicle registration. The real growth rate of these revenues grew to a peak in 1976 and has declined steadily since. 9 15%- r.. C!, "V 10 -5% -15% -25% -35% 10 ACTUAL REVEf\lUES & E){PENDITURES 1971 - 1982 Revenues Budgeted Level Expenditures 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 ~ - 1)- ACTUAL REVENUES AND EXPENDITURES 1971 - 1982 Since 1975 Wheat Ridge's actual revenues have exceeded budgeted revenue and since 1971. expenditures have fallen well below the established budgeted level. These two occurrences have accounted for rapid fund balance growth. In 1983, it is prObable that actual revenues will fall slightly below the budgeted level and almost equal the amount of 1983 actual expenditures. This, combined with the fact that $270,000 of the unallocated general fund was transferred to the Capital Improvement Fund in the 1983 Budget, will result in a declining fund balance in the General Fund. 1 1 uollars per capita 175- 150- 125-' .100- 12 GENERAL FUND EXPENDITURES PER CAPITA )178 I / I I I . , " / " ./ / " " ... " " / r- " - -.../ I I I I I I r- I ---' 75- 50- .... 25- --------------Actual Expenditures Adjusted for C.P.I. I I I I I I I I I I I I 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 In real dollar terms, the City of Wheat Ridge experienced 11.9% annual growth from 1971 - 1974, this is due to rapid service growth involved in reaching our present service level. Since 1974 the real growth rate in expenditures has been zero. 1. 6%- 1. 5'1;-- 1. 4 %- 1. 3%- 1.2%- 1. 1%- PER CAPITA RATIO Annual General Fund Expenditures Average Wheat Ridge Per Capita Income I I I I I 1 I I I I I I 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 The above graph shows a fairly constant relationship between Wheat Ridge General Fund per capita expenditures and the A~eraqe Wheat Ridge Per Capita Income. Since 1974 the City of Wheat Ridge General Fund has spent about 1.4% of the income earned by Wheat Ridge residents. This graph shows that City expenses are not an increasing burden on the average residents'budget, but are remarkably constant. 13 I I I I I I I I I I I I 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 This graph shows that the fund balance growth has been dramatic since 1974. In the period 1974 - 1981 the fund balance has experienced an annual real growth rate of 53~. Since the real arowth in expenditures since 1974 has been zero all of the real revenue growth has gone towards producing a larger fund balance. 14 l/l W c:r: ::::J I- ~ D Z - W c... >< w u.. o w o c( I- Z uJ U c:r: W c... 150%- 140%- 130%- 120%- 110%- 100%- 90%- Self SUPi'ort USER CHARGES MUNICIPAL COURT \ ---------_._---~--------------- Level I I I I I I I I I I I I 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 The above graph shows that since 1974 the Municipal Court has been consistantly self-supporting,with a dramatic increase in court fine revenue that is shown in 1982. 15 100%- USER CHARGES RECREATION Self Support Level --------------------------------------------------------- 90%- 80%- 70%- U) w cr: :::> I- ...... Cl 60%- z w "- >< W LI... 0 UJ 50%- t!) <::( I- z W L) C"- I.J.j "- 40%- 30%- 16 I I I I I I I I I I I 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 Since data became available in 1977 the Recreation Division has improved its level of self-support from 34% to 54%. This level appears to be stabilizing at around 50~. PER CAPITA STATISTICS Several of the indicators in this report are done on a per capita basis. This means a dollar amount per res-ident; the prJpulation figures below \'Iere used to compute all per capita statlstlcs used in this rC~Jrt. The Der capita income statistics used rn the graph in page 10 ilre also -listed below. 80th the population and per capita income information \'Iere obtained from tr,e United States Census Buteau. CONSUMER PRICE INDEX (CPI) The cost of living adjustments shown on sevetal of the graphs were developed uSlng the CPI factots listed below. These factors were taken from the Bureau of Labor Statistics- All Urban Consumers Index. This is a measure of hO\"I inflation effects the average consumer. The assumption made on our gr~phs is that local ~overnments are affected at a similar rate. Since 1971 is the base year used it has the value of 100; 1981 is 225; what this means is that one 1981 dollar is only worth 100/225 1971 dollars or 44.45 cents. Another way of looking at it is it takes 225 1981 dollars to equal 100 1971 dollars. POPULATION PER CAPITA INCOME 1969 4,023 * 1970 29,773 * 4,412 1971 29,821 4,801 1972 29,869 5,189 1973 29,907 5,578 1974 29,950 5,967 1975 29,993 6,356 * 1976 30,036 6,917 1977 30,078 7,477 * 1978 30,121 8,403 1979 30,164 9,329 * 1980 30,207 * 10,102 1981 30,250 10,940 1982 30,293 11.848 CPI 100* 103* 110* 122* 133* 141* 150* 163* 169* 204* 225* 238* * Actual government figures, all other figures are interpolations. 17 CITY Of WlIEAT RIDGE, COLOltADO THIS PAGE LEFT BlJU~ INTENTIONALLY 18 FINANCIAL POLICIES RESOLUTION NO. 832 Series of 1983 . TITLE: A RESOLUTION ADOPTING FINANCIAL POLICIES FOR THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE WHEREAS, the City of Wheat Ridge is experiencing an increasing demand for organizational efficiency making it advisable to adopt comprehensive financial policies to best insure informed financial decision making; and WHEREAS, the centralized compilation of all of the City's financial pulicies will greatly assist staff, Council and the general public in understanding the specific and inter-related context of the City's financial policies; and WHEREAS, the adoption of comprehensive financial policies will enhance the recognition of the financial responsibility and integrity of the City. NOW, THEREFORE, THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO HEREBY RESOLVES that the City of Wheat Ridge Financial Policies, as hereto appended, are adopted, and all related resoluticns in conflict herewith are hereby rescinded. DONE 1,::0 RESOLVED thi s 23th day of February, 1983, A,D. '- ;[;... , /, ,,j:/.. /;.~- Frank Stites, i.;ayor ATTEST: p1 9t1-i-1"L<L;~ t'-~~'<l Carol Harnpf, City 1}1erk .,....... --.-.--. /. /'. 19 REVENUE POLICIES POLICY SU3JECT TYPES OF REVENUE SOURCES --- --- Policy Statement The City of Wheat Ridge will achieve and n~aintain the most balanced revenue structure possible. ImplEmentation By July 30th of every year the staff will update and distribute the financial manaaement plan. Included in this report is an analysis of the various General Fund revenues and their relative significance. POLICY SUBJECT SALES TAX COLLECTIOnS Policy Statement The City will follow an agressive policy of prompt and efficient collection of sales and use taxes. Implementation The Treasurer's office will employ a sales tax auditor whose primary responsibility will be the collection of sales and use taxes in accordance with this policy statement. POLICY Sfl?JECT FEES FO;; LICENSES, PEp.mTS, FINES & OTHER t.iISCELLM1ECUS TTms-------- Pol icy Ste.terL2nt The City 'lii1l annuall { revisv/ all fees for licenses, permi ts, fi nes and othe c 'ni sce 112.neous cna foes. They will be adjusted as necessary after consid2cing all exp2nses and any other facL)'s pertir.ent to t:12 specifiC item. Implementation This will be presented by staff to City Council at the- time the revenue manual is updated each year. The first City of Wheat Ridge revenue manual will be completed ar distributed to Council approximately June l, 1983. The revenue manua 1 Vii 11, to tne extent poss i b 1 e, i dent iT} and py'ovi de a hi stori Cd 1 pi ctw'e of every source of revenue utilized by the City of Wheat Ridge. POLICY SUBJECT REVENUE SHARING Implementation Because Federal Revenue Sharing is not a guaranteed revenue source, the City will not use the proceeds for general operating expenses. These monies will be spent for capital items, and other one-time expenditures. Revenue Sharing Funds shall be approved by the City Council as a part of the annual operating budget. Policy Statement 20 REVENUE POLICIES POL ICY SUBJECT GRANTS AND GIFTS Policy Statement The City will agressively pursue all grant and gift opportunities. How~ver. before acceptinq any grants or gifts, the City will consider the current and future financial implications of both accepting or rejecting th monies. Implementation All intergovernmental qrants will be reviewed and evaluated with consideration given to the amount of matching funds required, in kind services that are to be provided, length of Grant and consequential disposition of service, (i.e. is City obliged to continu the service), and in t~e case of capital, what are the related operating oypenses. POLICY SUBJECT PROPERTY TP-X Policy Statement The tax levied on all real and personal property within the City of Wheat Ridge will accrue to the General Fund. Implementation This is the current policy. 21 POLI CY S UBJ E CT Policy Statement Implementation POLICY SUBJECT Policy Statc;l1ent Implementation POLICY SUB,lECT Policy Statement kplementiJtion POLICY <::1 ~~ 1':"!""l"" _..'....UUl.....\... I Policy Statement Implementation POLICY SUBJECT Policy Statement Implementation 22 OPERATING BUDGET POLICIES BALANCED BUDGET The City of Wheat Ridqe budget will balance operating expenditures with operating revenues. Every adopted budget wi 11 ba 1 ance proj ected reven'Jes and projected exoenditures. Use of transfers from other funds or the fund balance will be minimized because of the long-term negative effects of using a one-time revenue source to balance the budget. EXPENDITURE AND REVENUE REPORTING The City will prepare a mont.hly report comoaring actua revenues and expenditures with budgeted revenues and expenditures. This is the current practice. FLEET MANAGEMENT DEPRECIATION FUND Through the use of a f1 eet manac]ement fund, the Ci ty will annuCilly Judqet sufficient fi.mds for t'\2 regular maintenance, repair and replacement of all City vehicl: This fund will be establish0d and monies budgeted beginning with the 1984 Budget. ti:AIrm:r:":C:E OF C,t.PITf,L f"\SS'::TS The adopted operating budget will provide sufficient funds for the regular repair and maintenance of all City of Wheat Ridge capital assets. The budget should not be balanced by deferring these expenditures. Through the budget process appropriate expenditure levels will be determined. EMPLOYEE PAY The City of Wheat Ridqe will pay its employees on a parity basis with pay plans of similar cities in the Denver Metropolitan area. Every year as part of the budget process, the City sha~ conduct a salary survey to determine and thereafter to pay Wheat Rid~e employees wages equivalent to those generally prevailing for similar work performed by municipal employees in similar cities in the Denver metropolitan area. INVESTMENT AND DEBT POLICIES POll CY SUBJECT BANKING RELATIONSHIPS Policy Statement Every three (3) years the City of Wheat Ridge ~lill open its banking relationShip for competitive bid. POLICY SUBJECT The City will prepare an RFP to open for competitive bid its banking business. The initial contract will run from July 1, 1983 to .July 1, 1986 and vii 11 be re- bid for three year periods thereafter. The initial RFP will be developed by staff for submission to Council approximately April 1, 1983. INVESTMENT PHILOSOPHY Implementation Policy Statement The City of Wheat Ridge will make use of pooled cash to invest under the prudent investor rule. The prudent investor rule is that investments shall be made with the exercise of that judgement and care, under circumstances then prevailing, which men of prudence, discretion and intelligence exercise in the management of their own affairs, not for specu- lation but for investment, considering the probable safety of their capital as well as the probable income to be derived. Implementation The City Treasurer is r2~po1sible for all of Wheat Ri dge 's i nves t'T1ent:s, 3rid e'!a 1 ua tps a 11 i nves tment opportunities wlth respect to this policy. Because the Ci ty I S need for f':ndS is not constant, the Ci ty Treasurer should schedL.12 investrL2nts such that tr:ere is as little idle cash as practical. POLICY SUBJECT INVESTMENT VEHICLES Policy Statement City of Wheat Ridge funds may be invested in any of the following investment vehicles: F.D.I.C. Insured Savings Accounts Certificates of Deposit Securities of the U.S. Government and its agencies. Repurchase Agreements 23 ~ .INVESTMENT AND DEBT POLICIES POll CY SUBJECT USE OF LONG TER:'1 DEBT Policy Statement The City of Wheat Ridge will only use long term debt for capital projects that cannot be financed out of current revenues. The City will not use long term debt for current operations. POLICY SUBJECT DEBT PAYt.1ENT Policy Statement Debt payments shall not extend beyond the estimated useful life of the project b~ing financed. POLlCY SUBJECT LEASE PURCHASE AND STRAIGHT LEASE OF CAPITAL ITEMS Policy Statement Lease purchase will be considered only when the useful- life of the item is equal to or greater than the length of the lease. If the item ~ay become technologically obsolete or i; likely to require major repair during the lease purchase period, then the item should be either purchased or ~lace0 on a straight lease. Imp 1 e\l,on eQ ti on All future lease/purch1se items will be evaluated 1n light of this criteria. POLICY S!!BJECT ANNUPIL Fl~:."::nt,L r,UDlT Implementation The City of Wheat Ridge shall have an annual financial audit conducted by an independent auditor. This is the current policy. Policy Statement 24 RESERVE POLICIES POLICY SU;jJECT GENERAL rU~!D RESERVE Policy Statement The City will strive to maintain unappropriated reserves that total approximately eight per cent (8%) of the General Fund operating budget. Implementation In the annual budget process this policy shall be carried out, the present unappropriated reserve percentage is approximately 8.2% 25 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO THIS PAGE LEFT BLANK I:UENTIONALLY 26 SALES TAX ANALYSIS SALES TAX ANALYSIS On page 2 of the Financial Assessment Report it shows that Sales and Use Taxes have risen from 1/3 to 1/2 of our General Fund Revenue in the 12st ten years. Because Sales Tax is our larqest revenue source it is especially important that the City Council and staff understand the location and types of businesses that produce our Sales Tax Revenue. The Sales Tax Sources shown on na~e 28 shows that about 2/3 of the City Sales Tax base is composed of rapidly cJnscmable necessities such as Public Utilities, Food, liquor and Prescri~,tion DnJgs. These are stable and continuous sources of revenue for the City. Less than 5 of th~.:' City Sales Tax base comes horn department store and entertainment industries that are highly susceptible to fluctuations in the economy. Sales Tax is an unpredictable revenue to accurately estimate, but the type of Sales Tax base in Wheat Ridge is relatively stable. In September 1982, the Applewood commercial area produced 27.0% of the City's Sales Tax Revenue as is shown on page 29 A year earlier, Applewood produced 34~ of the City's Sales Tax Revenue; thlS is in spite of the fact that Applpwooct contains only 5.9~ (48) of the Citl's active Sales Tax Licenses (817). The old Wheat Ridoe area eilS L c ~- v:ads\'lCrth exoeri enced dr"ilriiJti c sa 1 es tax grO\"ith beh'C'en 1981 and 1982, but produces only about 20, of the Applewood area on a per license basis. ^ll of the information con~2ined O~ Dages 23 ard 29 was t~kEn frn~ an analysis of the Septu~ler, 1%2 ~~.les T3'. t-~etm'ns by the Budget/Fir,ance I\ssis;:.:;nt. These figures '.:iil differ fi'OCi affiClal ',<::(ods since about ilalf of (.iheat Ridge's Sales Tax lic:;nscs arc ('\;:.ndj. d 0'-'\ a CiJ0ri.."t:rly basis and the larc0r' re-r~u.('ns are proc2ssed on a monLhly basis. In order to c_me up with a more accurate estj~ate of geoqraphic and business type pet'centage distribution, the third quartet' 1932 data flam the small business was divided by one-third and analyzed as September, 1982 data. This practice provides us with a more accurate picture of actual percentaqe distributions but does not match our actual September, 1982 Sales Tax Returns. These figures include approximately 2~ retail use taxes that cannot be separated in this type of analysis. 27 SALES TAX SOURCES by m:mber and type of business 41- Food Stores - 33.2% 10- Liquor Stores - 8.3% Public Utilities - 9.7% 9- Drug Stores - 3.0% 24- Wholesale Trade - 1.1% 22- Building Materials, Garden Supply, Hardware, and t.lobile Home Dealers-_4.3~ 69- Auto Dealers and Gas Stations- 4.3~ 24- Apparel and Accessory Stores- 3.9% 53- Furniture, Home Furnishinq an Equipment Stores- 2.6:'~ 95- Services- 5.4%~ Home based business- .3% ) Out of Town business- 1.9% - * September 19B2 is used as the data base for this information 28 ~ ~1-7 .. -.-----,..,~.--f'--.~.......-. ......r;-- 11.'.7!)(') ;. -~ J ~-~=. - ..- ~\~I !f..',:.I, \l.. l_~ ,-- .-~, .. , , -: ,.::J . .-l:. ._~ j [~ , , .. J ..-1, ~~; ) J ~ I 1 ~- -----; "-1 'I..--_-J.' (". _:=1.: - J')' ). i - r -~--- ~'\.t;5 \~~-.I;l '._ "! '~~~ .-~-. .J;-t \; . .. i' C' '""1' . -> L_----. Ll:, :, : ~ ,<~ :\:; ;~,^,:::!i ~/:~l~' . . 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'+--! o dcO N CO 0\ r-i C:I -lJ 0.. <lJ U} c- ..., ,V !--~ :> ..., ~ 4J I) U n:: '*"~ <lJ ~ o N ~ *' o ('1 CO r- \0 CO l"- I.D L1"l M Cl"I ~l"-L1"lN("ICOO\DrlOOO .-; N rlrl"""NM rl OO"""O"\O"\L1"ll"-r-MCl"Ir- r-'<;j'\Ol"-M\DNCl"I N r-ir-i rl 0"\ O"\r-ir-i\D"""Ml"-O"\O"\\D""" r-irlO r-O"""N 00"1 CO """ . . O"IO"IO"IrlCOO<:l'L1"lCONr-i NN\Dr-il"-COMr-rlCON r-\DL1"ll"-Ml"-MCl"IOO"lM CO<<rMOO<<rMI.Dr-irl\DJ..() Cl"IrlNNrl('.j<crr- M V} {f} {f}. vr {/} {J}- {j}- ~J} <.I}. {f}. vr C:> N 0'\ N lI) en (j'>, r- r- CO f"".J "J'J..()L1"l-.;l'L1"l\DL1"l\Dlf1C ...; N l-I (l) -lJ C OJ U lJJl-I tJ"l0..:t: >0 'CPO Ul -lJ .,-\,.-1 0:: Q) Q} -rf 0:: l-I . tJ1 ..-1 :> l-I::J'(jUl-lJ '.-l +' 0 ..-1 en ..., +' nJUl-IP:;Q}~rl +' U +' Q} Q) ~ ~..-1 '(j Ul ..:t: Ul..c:..c: -lJ -lJ..., 0 .j..J OlJJ <lJ8::-lJ~cG(/}E-<::J 08::tJl8:: H<lJ<lJ::l :;t ~ <lJOu..c:m4-lo (l) ..c: -.-1 ..c: r-i ~ :;::: 0 ..-1 r-i.j..Jrl-lJ'(jUl~ QJ rl o..~o..::l'd'(j~'(jE+'..Q 0..0'.-10,,,, rO 0 rl O::l::l .:t:Z:><:CfJ:S8::E-<O::r::OP< ..:t:..:t:.:t: '-'-'- r-iNr'1<;1'L1"l\Or-COZZZ r- \D rl 0"1 r-i o M <;I' tr) \.0 M (J). r- d CO en r-i rO -lJ o E-< 29 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO THIS PAGE LEFT BLANK INTENTIONALLY 30 REVENUE MANUAL REVENUE MANUAL The purpose of this manual is to provide detailed information on all of the City of Wheat Pidne's General Fund revpnues. On pace 32, the total General Fund Revenues since 1971 are analyzed in the financial mode. This page contains the Budget Figul'e, .i\ctual Figure, per cent change from the previous year arid per cent error co 1 ufilns. The Budget column contains the amount of revenue that was estimated during the budget preparation process. The Actual column shows the total amount of revenue that Vias recei "r::d duri n9 that fi sea 1 yea 1'; these fi gures come from the i\nnua 1 Financial Repnrt which is presented ever) spring for the previous fiscal year. The figures represented in the Budget column wel'e estimated twenty months earlier. This twenty month time lag accounts for a part of the disparity between the budget and actual amounts. This disparity is measured in the percentage error column; a figure of 100 is a perfect estimate, less than 100 means the budget underestimated the revenue, whereas a figure over 100 is an overestimate. On page 34 Property Tax revenues are analyzed in the financial mode, at the bottom of the notes column a 1972 - 1982 annual growth rate of 3.98% is shown, this is the annual percentaqe rate the actual revenues have increased. The policy regarding City of v!heat Ri dCje rpOpel^ty tax is sho\^Jn on pages 35 and 36. Thi s shO\ls the 1 ega 1 and administra ive framp~ork of Wheat Ridoe pronerty tax revenue. The policy compOf211t of t " REJenUe !..2'ual is C!Esic;n'2d to centralize and clarify an policy issues pertain ng to General Furd Revenues. 31 Revonuo Item Total General Fund Revenues %Cbange %Error Notes Year $ Actunl $ Budget current actunl budoot prIor actunl actual 1971 1,719,256 1,601,486 nla 93.1 1972 1,907,658 1,805,585 11.0 94.6 1973 2,209,948 2,194,367 15.8 99.3 1974 2,661,134 2,772,727 20.4 104.2 1975 2,767,802 2,906,741 4.0 105.0 1976 3,340,961 2,978,372 20.7 89.1 1977 4,142,859 3,907,955 24.0 94.3 1978 4,457,284 4,115,050 7.6 92.3 1979 5,507,688 4,260,589 23.6 77 .4 1980 6,331,727 5,459,631 15.0 86.2 1981 7,426,160 6,374,243 17.3 85.8 , 1982 8,527,820 8,158,300 14.8 95.7 last ten yean annual growth 1983 8,545,122 16.15% 32 T/. '\/ r::. r\ l\P...L0 49.5% 1982 Actual General Fund Revenues 33 Rovonue Itom Real and Personal Property Tax %Change %Error Notes Yoar $ Actual S Cudgel current actual bud got I prior actual I actual 1971 282,141 279,562 n/a 99.1 4.91 mills 1972 299,539 291,490 6.2 97.3 4.9 mills 1973 307,805 321,168 2.8 104.3 4.8 mills 1974 331,331 333,069 7.6 10'0. 5 4.8 mills 1975 359,112 357,661 8.4 99.6 4.8 mills 1976 374,946 376,339 4.4 100.4 4.8 mills 1977 395,625 390,920 5.5 98.8 3.65 mills 1978 387,400 382,442 (2.1) 98.7 3.5 mills 1979 403,467 394,733 4.2 97.8 3.5 mills 1980 419,373 412,000 4.0 98.2 3.5 mills 1981 443,284 432,000 5.7 97.5 3.5 mills 1982 442,347 457,200 ( .2 ) 103.4 3.5 mills 1983 459,300 3.5 mills last ten year annual gro,"~ "3.98% s 34 Revenue Itom Real and Personal Property Tax Description: Legal Basis: Administration: Schedule: Exemptions: All real and personal property located within the City of Wheat Ridge on January l';t of each year is suh:ic~ct to taxation. Real property is deCined as meaning all lands to which title or the ri,:ht of title has been acquired from the governlilent of the United States or from sovereign au~hority ratified by treaties entered into by the United States, or from the state; all mines, quarries, and minerals in and under the land, and <111 ri:2 Its [md privileges thereunto appertClining; and improvements. Personal property is defined as me<lnin2; everything ,.;hich is the sub.i ect of ownership and which is not included within the term "real property". Colorado Revised Statutes 1973, Title 39 Except as provided for in CRS 1973, Title 39, all real and personal property is appraised and the actual value thereof for property tax purposes determined by the assessor of Jefferson County. Jefferson County collects, retains 1% for expenses incurred, remits remainder to Treasurer I s Office ,,-,here accounting records revenue. Except .,hen othen-ilse pres ~ r ibed in Title 39, the valuation for assess~e~t of all ~axable propert:l j..D rhe state s~311 be thirty per cent of the actuCll value tl,ereor as d'2termined by the assessor and the ~dministrator. Currently, actuul valuation is based on 1973 values, but this is under study for possible clEmge. A tax of 3.5 mills on each dollar of said property according to its assessed valuation is the current levy. a) Household furnishings, including free standing household appli~nces and wall-to-wall carpeting, which are not used for the production of income at any time; b) Personal effects which are not used for the production of income at any time; c) Ditches, canals, and flumes owned and used by any person for irrigating land mmed by such person, so long as they shall be owned and used exclusively for such purpose; d) Public libraries and the property, real and personal, of the state and its political subdivisions; e) Property, real and personal, that is owned and used solely and exclusively for religious worship and not for private or corporate profit; 35 Revenue Itom Real and Personal Property Tax Exemptions: (continued) f) Property, real and personal, o~~ed and used solely and exclusively for schools, other than shcools held or conducted for private or corporate profit; g) Property, real and person;)l, o'.~ed and used solely [lnd excl~sively for strictly charitable purposes and not for private gain or corporate profit if: i.) 11. ) the property is nonresidential the property is residential and the land upon which the building is located is an integral part of a church, hospital, health care facility, school or other exempt institution; h) The structure is occipied as an orphanage; i) The structure is occupied by single individuals sixty-two years of age or over, or by a family, the head of which or whose spouse is sixty-two years of age or over, whose incomes and assets are within one hundred fifty per cent of the limits prescribed for similar individuals or families of the 1m, income housing eligibility criteria; j) The property is o'"'ned hy a nonprofit corporation, no part of the net earnin~s of whicll are for the beneiit of any private sbarehold '1 (the property must be dedicated to charit<1ble)o re.ligious, or hospit ,:~l purposes); k) Cemeteries not used or held for private or corporate profit; 1) Intangible personal property; m) Electric-powered motor vehicles; n) Sixteen thousand dollars of the assessed valuation of any parcel or improved real property ~Jned by a church and used solely as the residence of a minister, priest or rabbi who is serving the church or synagogue in such capacity; 0) The real and personal property of any association organized for the purpose of holding county fairs to promote and advance the interests of agriculture, horticulture, animal husbandry, and home economics. Effective Date: Levy - 1/1/81 36 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO THIS PAGE LEFT BLANK INTENTIONALLY 37 Aevenuo Item Liquor Occupation Tax %Change %Error Notes Year <:' Actual $ Budget .., currenl actual I budget prior I1ctunl fictual 1971 20,412 17,000 n/a 83.3 1972 23,400 18,000 14.6 76.9 1973 26,200 22,200 12.0 84.7 1974 31,218 25,800 19.2 82.6 1975 29,606 29,000 ( 5.2) 98.0 1976 27,020 34,130 ( 8.7) 126.3 1977 33,800 28,650 25.1 84.8 1978 35,495 33,700 5.0 94.9 1979 32,426 35,385 ( 8.7) 109.1 1980 45,426 35,000 40.0 77.3 1981 35,337 36,000 (21. 9) 101. 9 last - - ten ye Q+:~ annual growth 1982 42,086 32,000 6:05"% 19.1 76.Q 1983 38,400 38 Revenuo Itom Liquor Occupation Tax D2scription: 'Itle City of 1i1hei1t Ric1c;c levies an occupa.tional tax on all operators licensed to sell various classifications of liquor III the city bJr:.i. ts . Legal Basis: htle.at Ridg? r'1unicipal CC/J8, Cb.apter 3 l\d.rtLinistraU.on: Cit.y Tre.asurC'x, City Clerk Schedule: Clasdficati::Oll C - Club D - Retail Liquor Store E - Drug Scc::-e F - Beer and vlille G - Hotel or Restaurant Jl - 3.2 Beer (package) J2 - 3.2 Beer (on prs'1uses) J3 - 3.2 Beer (on or off premises) T - Tavern Exemptions: None Effective Date: 11/76 Annual Tox $ 600 400 400 400 600 400 400 1,800 1,000 39 Revenue Item Vehicle Ownership Tax %Chango %Error Notes Year $ Actual $ Budget Cllrr(lnl nclual budgel prior actual actual .- 1971 21,583 24,150 n/a 111. 9 1972 24,657 28,000 14.2 113.6 1973 14,121 27,778 (42.7) 197.1 1974 32,646 13,862 131. 2 42'.5 1975 27,633 39,532 (15.3) 143.1 1976 27,562 37,100 ( .3) 134.6 1977 26,951 38,955 ( 2.2) 14<1. 5 1978 5G,835 35,060 110.4 61.7 1979 41,838 44,388 (26.4) 106.1 1980 40,814 40,000 ( 2.5) 98.1 1981 42,460 40,000 4.0 94.2 last ten year annual growth 4.71% 1982 39,077 45,000 ( 8.0) 115.2 1983 45,662 40 Revenuo Itom Vehicle Ownership Tax ------.--.-------....-....--.-- --~--_._----~---..._.- -- -- --, No specific information has been gathered Clt this time. 41 Revenuo Item Sales and Use Taxes - General Fund %Chango %Error Notes Year $ ^ctual $ Budget current Dclual budget -- prior actual actual . - .- - 1971 499,755 463,548 n/a 92.8 1972 543,176 534,000 8.7 98.3 1973 742,896 663,487 36.8 89.3 1.974 978,495 1,076,026 31. 7 110.0 auto & bldg. use tax implemented 1975 1,061,737 1,097,224 8.5 103.3 1976 1,340,533 1,035,500 26.3 77.2 1977 1,5::0,914 1,363,000 14.9 88.5 1978 1,584,930 1,547,000 2.9 97.6 1979 2,095,133 1,714,200 32.2 81. 8 retail use tax implement 1980 2,182,053 2,172,000 4.1 99.5 1981 2,666,343 2,368,200 22.2 88.8 last 10 years annual growth 18.33 1982 2,923,263 2,863,500 9.64 98.0 1983 3,059,575 , d- 42 Revonuo Item Sales Tax [Y.;scripti on: A tax levied on retail sales within the city limits of IDllqrront for the purro:~e of tJ1C raising of funds for t1lC payrr.-:;nt of t11e expenses of Oi.X;rilti.llg the City. Total sales till, rernue histor- ically r.as b_'.,n split l:._t:,..':cc:n the General Fund 01,} tne C:ulltal 1I11provClrent~ FL'T;c:i. The c'Url.eIlt percelltaqe all=at<.:::-.l to UK; G2neral ftulU is 50~. lL'gal Basis: ~meat Ridge Mlmicipal Cede, O1apter 21 llOministration: Finance Department - Accounting ad!uinisters; retailers/vendors responsible for collection and mont111y remittance. Schedule: On sales of commodities wld services not sl~ecifically ~~ClTpted: $ .19 - $ .84, a tax of $ .01 $ .85 - $1.18, a tax of $ .02 , On all higher sales, $ .02 for each $1.00 of additional selling price. Retailer/vendor re.'11its equivalent of 2% of all non-exempted sales less 2% of tr.at fig-ore for collection C).'P2Tlses. EXGI?tion:..: : A. JI~ll sales to tr.e Fe<J';r0.l and State "oveDv,!.~nt and y:oJiticc.l sul:x1ivisicms thereof 1...'1 t.heir govenJ.::"nltal cCi;::acities on~y. i Sale,s to religious, c'raritable "end elee.rrosVT'.cu:y C01:P:F&tlCL:: I in the concuc"C cr tb::lr regular functions. B. C. All &-'J.les which t':--.2 city is prohibitc<C1 frue< t2~l:.L.'19 LLd= state or federal La''''. D. All sales of cigarettes. E. All charges fcr rooms and accomrrodations, as provided for in Section 21 - 4 (e) of the wneat Ridge City code, to any <X:CUp2U1t wno is a p::TIT6l"1ent resident for thirty days or nore. F. All sales of cormodi ties which are taxed under the provisiom of the Colorado M:Jtor Fuel Tax of 1933. G. All sales of newspapers. H. Vendors selling items through vending machines pursuant to C.R.S. 1973: 39-26-114 (7) and City Code Section 21 - 5 (h) 1. Sales outside the city as defined by Section 21 - 5 (i) - 1 of the City Code. J. Sales of tangible personal property to a public utility doing business both wi thin and outside the city, for use J.l1 its business operations outside of the City, even though delivery thereof is made within the City. 43 Revenue Item Sales Tax Page 2 E..-xcmptions (ContinucD.) K. Sales of farm ID--J.chinery and supplies as defined by Section 21 - 5 (i) - 3 of the City Code. L. All pemits, licenscs, service chaTqes, fines emd assess- rrents chargE-xl bv and in accordance \.ath the Code of UK~ City of \'~'h-:;at Ridge. M. All sales of p2rsonal pr}.>erty, provied that such sales are infrequently conducted, L~at L~e sale occurs at the residence of 21e Q",.mcr and that the jJrcpel"ty to J.:;c '-Cold ,-;as originally purchased for use by rre~IDers of the household. N. All sales by reliaicns, c',ari1.c..ble or ele'2~Tos,;marl org3-.'1- izatio:1s ch"3..rtcred b'l the State of Colorac:o as non-profit corporati0ns I r:rovided U1at such asles are conducted for not rrore Hen 25 days \'iithin an.y calendar year aI1cl that tlle proceeds fro'1\ t..'1e sale are used for the activlties of t..'1e organization conducting the sale. o. Tangible personal property purchased or leased from a vendor by a person engaged wi thin the city in the business of manufacturirlg for v:no1esa1e sale or co:m:ounding for wholesale ~:ale, V.-I1en slx:h tangible U=':SOI'3l property i~, aT1 article, SUbSt..?...l..ce or c_~:'~:'cdit:.r ~<licl1 b2cc,cres z.tn inar~--"dib."1t or con''f{:0112nt I ~l-t ot G-~~ pr::::iuct r"~..:x:acL.G'':(--:cl., t.:hich ~roQ'~..:..:t is it_self i.:;::~;::_~~blc ?=-.l>~(j~:.o..l prQ~J2I~-j.:.y: 2_D.a -;j-...e cCrl.t:ai..:~8r, label and shirpi.:j C:J.< '5 Ul'2reof. EffeGti\'e D0_t~; 1/26/76 44 Rovenue Item Retail Use Tax LY-"seription: A tax or exisc levied for the priviJcCJc of storwq, distributing, usincJ or constmi..nq c:my articles of tcngible V'r~;onal pro;::--::>rty purcha;xd at retail from SGclrCeS outside; the cOLJ:orate 1. ilill t5 of the City. Petail use tax is rq::ortccJ with Sales 'l'il.::CS ili'1d ~tS therefore :.,pli t bel'i<~sn tlle G-::J1eral hmd ",-11d tlx.' C~llji tal I::'~ n".'e- . . ncn'.:: Fund. IDgal Basis: vmeat fudge MUIlicipal O::de, 21 - 11 AclmLnistration: City Treasurer Schedule: Two percent (2%) of the ptITchase price of any non-exempt item of V'Jsonal pro1J2rty. Exempt.ions: A. !my personal property on whieh a sales tax has been paid to the city. B. Tangible personal property which, if it were sold at retail within the city, would be exempt from sales tax under the provisions of Section 21 - 5. C. Tangible personal property brought into the city by a non- resident nor his 0'.'.11 use, st.orage, or consunptlon while t~E~<POrarily wiU:i..'"l the city. D. r-fnngjJ)le F'>(;1:~cn:ll Frot:-."'~'~r-t~1 of a rCSi.cent ~tihich 'No.S ae:::rJi:Ll:?c1 prior to his t2CC.'!.7i.tlg a :~e:-:..~j...::i2J.lt... E. \';11ore :rrobile nachu:erv i~; acquired e..'.:clusi",,~ly fer busL-,css or cc~i.1"!).'?2rc.:'.-::_L 1..:.32 c.nd ~',-~~-?r'2 such n\s..c\.-i.jr~er} is ~c.or:=:~l i:::. J\.*2~:: city, but 301:211' ar~d c~:-=-lL:.'::'ively u;..:;.~<i oucsi.cl::; t::.;,? c::,:~rl --:':':':'1-';: use tax rrs~i t.-e r:roY"u.c2d. '/J:1'211 a tl.8,:'"~aycr lS ili)lc~ to establish to th", satisfc:cti.on of t.,'1e Sales 'rd.'i: i.uditcr thai::. a taxable item meets the above requireID2I1ts, the tax rray be prorated by detennining the number of days within a calendar year that the rrachinery is stored within UH? city, and apply that fration of a year to the norrral applicable use G:.IX. F. Tangible personal property purchased or leased from a vendor by a person within the city in the business of mmufacturL'lg for wholesale sale or com;:::ounding for wholesale sale, when such tangible personal property is an article, substance or canrodity "nieh l:;ecorres an ingredient or com;:::one.'1t pc.rt of the product m:mufactured, which prcxiuct is itself tangible personal property, and the container, label, and shippirJg case thereof. Effective Date: 1/1/79 45 Revonuo Item Use Tax Description: A tax of excise levied for the privi1e<Je of storing, distribu- ting, using or consurninq illlY articles of tanglblc rx;rsonal prop21."i:y purchased at retail frem sou:r:::es outside the cor:::orClte Ibnits of the C:i_ty. Use tax lS allocated entirc1y to t):c- G2l1cral Fund. l~ll l'c;e t.E;;: revenues e:-:cluding hct&il Use T.:lX arc received :in t!lis n"V0nllC accormt. lI2CJal Basis: Wheat Ridge MUIiicpa.l Cede, 21 - 11, 21 - 13 Nb,-inistra tiGl: City Treasurer Schedule: 'IV.D percent (2'':;) of the purchase price of any non-exempt itC.,11 of v~r::.Qrv:ll pr(.):_crt~{ or 1~ tj~c:.: ca~c of bu..iloing US2 't.:.-"l.::; t~\,:) percent (2%) of fifty perce:lt (50'~J of the Inspection Division's estimte of bUllding or improve..l"\G1ts costs. ExCl11ptions: A. Any personal property on which a sales tax has bee.,', paid to the city. B. Tangible personal property which, if it were sold at retail wi thin the city, vJOuld be exempt from sales tax rmder the provisi.ons of Section 21 - 5. C. Tangible Pc't"C'Glccl prop::::cty brouqht i,rco the city by a r-on- residE.'nt for h5.;:: C'.-::1 lJ.S~r s~or2:.!2, C.:i: ccnst.rrr:;)c...;'..cn h"'-~:l.Le te;:r~r2riJy ':Jit:~n tJ.2 ci-c.y. D. Tangible F.2L-::::~_"'l1 nc.c'::~rty of a resident y;hich \:as prior to his }-:>,"2CQE..~Jig J r8sid2.J.""1t.. . , t~c..'\..1:'1}.:.-eCl E. I'TrH?re E'cl~i1..2 ':-;~:::hiT3i:'Y is C:J.c'<:nlirc;cl e",xclusive]y [or IY_1sil:ess or ccn1:'-,?rci~:...L 1...lS2 :'...rrJ.. T..,~'ere SL~'::;1 rr~~..C:l' TJ.er-y is st(;~~.sd J_T1 t.n.8 city, but solely zJ.1d '2.xclusively U~'2rj out..sic.is u:'2 city J the use tax may be prorated. vihell. a taJ..-payer is able to establish to the satisfaction of the Sales Tax Auditor that a taxable item l1'eets the aOOve requirerrents, the ta..x may be prorated by detencLining the nurrb,= of G&VS '",ittlin a calEeJ.:dar year that t..r,2 r;"'dcl1ir.2ry is stored v;it..."l-}.Li the city, :lnd a~ply that fractiun cf a year to the nornal applicable use tax. F. Tangible personal property purchased or leased frem a vendor by a person within the city in the business of rrd..'1ufacturing for wholesale sale or ccIllpOrmding for wholesale sale, wnen such tangible personal property is an article, substance or comrodity wnich becomes an ingredient or corrponenet part or the product manufactured, which product is itself tangible personal property, and the container, label and shipping case thereof. Effective Date: 1/1/79 46 CITY OF \';HEAT RIDGE, COLORADO THIS PAGE LEFT BLA..'fK INTENTIONALLY 47 Rovonue Itom Public Service Franchise Tax %Change %Error Notes Yoar $ Actual $ Budget current llcfufd budflot ..- prior aClucl Eictual -'-- :_- 1971 114,783 111,300 n/a 97.0 1972 193,413 122,430 21. 5 87.8 1973 146,582 142,783 5.1 97.4 1974 181,420 143,725 23.8 79.2 1975 211,560 208,549 16.6 98.5 1976 223,708 223,800 5.7 102.3 1977 258,028 234,600 15.3 90.9 1978 272,370 202,654 5.6 74.4 1979 394,307 222,219 44.8 56.4 1980 529,008 335,000 34.2 63.3 1981 572,361 575,000 8.2 100.5 last ten year annual grO\^lth 13.37 1982 678,183 740,000 18.5 109.1 1983 705,000 48 Revonue Item Public Service Company Franchise Payment Description: A franchise pay.nent is accepted by the City from the Public Service Company of Colorado in ] ieu of all occup;:mcy or occupation ;:md license ta;~es, and all other special taxes, assessments or excise s on the ri(;ht to do business. Legal Basid: Ordinance No. 19 Series of 1969 Current franchise expires 1/20/90 Administration: City Treasurer Schedule: A sum equal to 2% of the gross revenue from the sale of gaseous fuel and 3% of the sa]e of electricity within the corporate limits of the City up to a ceiling of $2,500 annually on any single customer. Exemptions: All gas and/or electricity revenues in excess of $2,500 annually per customer. Effective Date: 1/29/70 49 Rovonue Item Telephone Occupation Tax $ Budget %Change I %Error Notes Yoar $ Actual current actual budgot .-- I prior actual ~lctU.n I . 1971 36,593 33,600 n/a 89.4 1972 42,056 37,400 14.9 88.9 1973 45,264 50,000 7.6 llO.5 1974 55,183 50,000 21.9 90.6 1975 63,255 66,000 14.6 104.3 1976 88,099 70,400 39.3 79.9 1977 85,0110 85,000 (3.5) 100.0 1978 87,GOO 87,600 3.0 100.0 1979 90,288 90,288 3.0 100.0 1980 92,976 92,977 3.0 100.0 1981 97,644 96,000 5.0 98.3 1982 97,644 102,500 0 105.0 1983 97,644 97,644 0 100.0 last ten years annual growth 8.8% 50 Revonue Item Telephone Occupation Tax Description: There is levied on and against each telephone utility company (Hountain I.)ell) operating \,]ithin the Citv, a tax on the occupation and bU,;i.lL'SS of maintaining D telephone e::ch:..mge and lines connected therewith in the City and of supplying local exchange telephone service to the inhabit<1nts ot the City. Legal Basis: Chapter 21 - Artic]e II Wheat Ridge Municipal Code Administration: City Treasurer Schedule: The annual amount of the tax levied is $97,644. This is in effect from January 1, 1983. until adjusted or modified by City Council. Exemptions: None. Effective Date: 1/1/83 51 CITY OF HIlEAT RIDGE, COLORADO 11iIS PAGE LEFT BLAl1K INTENTIONALLY 52 1 I r" '.. ""~ ~.~ '.. " r".. .... ("'~ ("" - -...-.. ,..... l" .' ,_,,,..;0 r'~ ~.. ~ t,;! .. .. i \~ tJ, ~:: ;::: t..;~ t..I ~ i"', i \/J t I ~~ 1.5% 1982 Actual General Fund Revenues 53 Revenue Itom Amusc!7lcnt Device Licenses %Chango %Error Notos Yoar ... Actual $ Bud got ~> ClIrronl nelua' bud.;;o I prior LClunl cetunl .-' - _. 1978 1,100 0 n/a n/a 1979 1,250 900 13.6 72.0 1980 1,525 1,200 22.0 78.7 1981 5,853 1,250 284.0 21. 4 1982 9,575 5,000 63.6 52.2 1983 6,500 . 54 flovenuo It om Amusement Device Licenses Description: Annual license fee for operating amusement devices, for the purpose of promoting amusement facilities providing a law- ful and v!ho 1 esome reueat i ana 1 outl et for youwJ persons, specifically and gen~rally to the citizens of the City. Legal Basis: IJheat Ridge r-lunicipal Code, 3-A Admi n-i str'd i Oil: City Clerk Schedule: All establishments pay an annual fee of $25.00 per amusement device. Applicants for an arcade license shall pay a $50.00 investigation fee. All fees are paid in advance. Exemptions: None Effective Date: 4/11/78 55 Rovenuo Itom Arborist License %Chunge %Error Notes Year $ Actual $ Budgot CurrfJnl actual budget prior actual actual - . -_.... - 1971 735 n/a 1972 580 (21.1) 1973 535 ( 7.8) 1974 505 ( 5.6) 1975 570 12.9 1976 535 ( 6.1) 1977 230 (57.0) 1978 605 163.0 1979 435 (28.1) 1980 610 40.2 1981 680 11.5 last ten year annual growth 1982 655 C. 3.7} 1. 22 % 56 Revenuo Item Arborist License Description: The ~Byor of the City of wr~at Ridge issues hrborist Licenses for the purp'Jse of emlilging in the forestLy business within the city limits, upon the recoITrcndation of the Arwrist I:O:J.nl. legal Basis: v\'heat Ridge Mtmicip-'il Cede, Section 22 18, -7.2 - 26 Administri1tion: City Arborist, Mayor Schedule: Application Foe: AImual J"icense Fee $10.00 $25.00 Exemptions: None Effective Date: 2/77 57 Rovonuo Itom Contractor's License %Chi1ngo %Error 1,lotes Yoar $ Actua! $ Budget Current actual budgot f-rlor actunl actual . 1971 19,325 19,750 n/a 102.2 1972 23,875 18,250 23.5 76.4 1973 27,463 27,055 15.0 98.5 1.974 22,300 26,817 (18.8) 120.3 1975 17,588 20,000 ( 21.1) 113.7 1976 21,675 19,425 23.2 89.6 1977 22,550 22,650 4.0 100.4 1978 17,938 :3,783 (20.5) 132.5 1979 27,150 24,972 51.4 92.0 1980 22,919 20,000 (15.6) 87.3 1981 20,738 23,000 ( 9.5) 110.9 last ten year annual growth 2.6% 1982 30,863 24,000 48.8 77.8 1983 25,000 58 Revonuo Itom Contractor's License Description: This is an armual license fce for all construction contractors doing business wit11jJl the corporate J:x:mmlaries of t11C City of Wneat Kidge. JJ.-''j:-:tl l):j:3is: v-Jl1cat Ridge Hunicipal CD:1c, Section 5 - 39, -5 - 46 1'.&111n1 ~;IatioIl: Building InspE':::t.ion SchcJule: Classi ficaU on Annuo.l Fee Building contractor, Class I BuildirrJ contractor, Classes II - IV Wreckjng contr~ctor, Class V PlL~bing contractor, Class VII steam & hot water contractor, Class VIII Heating & ventilating contractor, Class IX Gas service contractor, Class X Refrigeration contractor, Class XI Sign contractor, Class XII Fire protection contractor, Class XIII La"WIl sprinkler contractor, Class XIV Electrical signal contractor, Class XV Hunicipal contractor, Class A, B Mi.llllCipJ.l contrac"cor, Class C $50.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 50.00 25.00 EKenlf- t.i 0:--,.3 ~ Public utility Cc[r._\Cmies - Section 5 - 39 (a) Electrical cc:l:t.rJ:.t::=r::s - Secticn 5 - 39 (b) Ef[ective Date: 4/80 59 Rovonue Item Liquor License %Chango %Error Notes Yeur $ l.ctual $ Budget curren! aclual bedSD! prior aclual D.C1cal !--- . -.- 1971 1,016 n/u 1972 1,335 31.4 1973 1,708 27.9 1974 1,846 8.1 1975 2,354 27.5 1976 2,036 (18.5) 1977 2,076 2.0 1978 2,756 32.8 1979 2,612 (5.2) 1980 3,187 22.0 1981 3,039 (4.6) last ten year annual growth 1982 3,165 4.1 9.02% 60 Revenue Item Liquor License The state delegates the aut:~'1o.rity of issuing certain liquor licenses to tho vJheat Ridge City Council. 85% of tlle locJl license fee is paid "toO tile, State IXcp2rtmcnt of Hcvcnue 'tJhich credits ti'.is to th(~ Old-al.Jc Pension Fund. D2scriptiGn: LegZll f:.asis: Colo:...-c:.do Fevis,,-,cJ statutes 1973, 12 - 47 Adnri11istr21 i,ion: City Clerk Schedule: Application fe;:;s: New license Dlvestiqation fee 'fransfer of lO::ation or GVinership Change in managers (Class G only) AJUlual License Fees Class C Club Class D - Retail Liquor Store Class E - Drug Store Class F - Beer and 1;'line Class G - Hotel and Restaurant Class G - With Extenc,ed hours Class Jl, J2, J3 - 3.2 Beer Cl~ss T - Tavern Class '1' - vht.1. D:te.r.ded Hours E>~CTlptiCT\S : None Effective Dace: N/A Total $350 150 $150 City's Share $350 150 $ 75 $100 150 150 150 325 525 50 325 525 $ 15.00 22.50 22.50 22.50 48.75 78.75 3.75 48.75 78.75 61 Revonue Itom Security Guard License CkChangQ %Error NotOD Year (. Actual $ Budget y corrunl actual budget ------ prior Il ciuat !'lellial , 1979 490 1980 485 (1. 0) 1981 510 5.2 1982 1,125 120.6 62 Revonue Item Security Guard License Description: This is an arLl1ual license rC'qUired for all firms <:md their employees engWjcd in the security gu"rcl business \-Jithin the corporate bow1dar.ies of the City of l'cLeat Ridge. legal Basis: ~1hmt Ridge r''!1Jnicipa.l Cez'J.:::-, Chapter 9A Jl;:]ministration: Police Department Schedule: Business or indu=trial guarcl,,, and agents and errployecs of mcr:CDili.t guillds or rrerchC'nt patrols . .... $10 lI.terchant guards or merchant pat.rols employing fe\'ier than six agents or errployees Vio:ck:L'1g \,,'ithiJ'l the city $25 Merchant guards or rrerchant patrols ernp] oying six to nine agents or e--rployees working vJit...'1in the city. . ' $50 Merchant guards or nerchant patrols employing ten to nineteen agents or employees working wi thin the city $75 Merchant guards or rrerchant patrols which employ twenty or nore agents or e:rrployees working wi thin the city . . . . . . $100 Application fee $10 Exe.l1ptions : Cc~lTI!i~,sio:-....cd ?olj c::; Offic2rs cf tl12 cit..y ar~ exe.rrr:::-t. frcrn tLe lice.:."'1sir:g requirc:Tents \'1nile t,T..)rJ':lng uI"l.c1er the 2..:.1thority of an authorized off-duty Job perrnit. Effective Date: 8/77 63 Revenue Itom Building Permits %Change %Error Notes ". Budget Vour ~ Actual ... ..' curronl actual budget prIor nClual I actual --+ . 1971 28,769 30,000 nja 104.3 1972 40,188 32,000 39.7 79.6 1973 29,226 39,826 (27.3) 136.3 1.974 22,300 26,817 (23.7) 120.3 1975 25,585 38,000 14.7 148.5 1976 32,178 29,700 25.8 92.3 1977 37,363 31,780 16.1 85.1 1978 31,133 34,000 (16.7) 109.2 1979 36,208 35,700 16.3 98.6 1980 43,202 40,000 19.3 92.6 last 9 years annual growth 6.39% 1981 116,044 40,000 168.6 34.5 1982 74,672 100,000 35.7 133.9 1983 95,000 64 Rovenue \tom Building Permit/Inspection Fees Description: It shall be tl.Tllawful for <.U1Y per:?on, finn, or corporation to erect, construct., r~l(llqc;, alter, l.:-cpair I irnprO\T(?, rcrTOV(~ r convert., or u'"r~olish any building or structure rCGulo.L,d by tlv.: U"0C, or cause tl1E~ saJ1:..: to be done W.-L thout fj l- st obt.:nning a s('>p:n~ate pc'_rmit for c~~ch r::.lildmg or structure [ran Lnc building offic-L::1L Legal Basis: Chopter 3 of the Unifona BuiJcing Code, 1982 edibon, as ado[Yb2d into tile rv:1;nic:ipal Code.. Admirlistration: Comnunity Develop:nent - Building Inspection Sch,dule: Permit fees are based on the dollar valuation of the \';ark to be done: Valuat.ion Fee $1.00 to $500.00 $10.00 $501.00 to $2000.00 $10.00 for the first $500 plus $1.50 for each additional $100 or fraction thereof $2001.00 to $25,000.00 $32.50 for the first S2000 pl.us $6.00 for each adcil.ticnal $1000 or fraction tt,:xc;cf $25,000.00 to $50,000.00 $170.50 for the first $~5,ODO $4 .50 for eoch 2<c:c:itional. $1000 r f~~~L'o ->.,~~,' o ....Gl.\...-l.-l n w~...:.........e...,.... -011'15 - i $50,000.00 to $100,000.00 $283.50 for ~le first $50,CDJ $3.00 for each additional $1000 or fraction thereof ~lus $100,001.00 and up $433.00 for the first $100,000 plus $2.50 for each additional $1000 or fraction thereof If v.urk authorized is not comrenced within 60 days of issuance, or if v.urk is abandoned or suspended for 120 days, then a new pennit shall be required, and the fee shall be one-half of original fee. Exemptions: 1) One story detached accessory buildings used as tool and storage sheds, playhouses and similar uses, provided the projected roof area does not exceed 120 sq. ft. 2) Oil derricks. 3) Cases, counters and partitions not over 5 feet high. 65 Revenuo Item Building l'cnnit/Inspcction Fees Page 2 Exemptions: (ConbIlU,"d) 4) p,eti.lining "'Blls which are not over 4 feet in height neasurcd from the h0ttom or the: footing to tI18 top of th8 wall ui11ess supporting a surd1ilrgc or iI;::.Dunding flc.cT.1;able liquids. 5) Water tallks supTx)rtcd chrectly uDQn grade if the capClcity does not exceed 5000 CiiJ.llons and tJle rab 0 of height to dicul12ter or vlidth clu's not excerC.u tv,'O to one. 6) Platform.s, walks, and driveways not TIDre than 30 inches arove the grade and not over any basem:;nt or story bela.v. 7) PaintiJlg, papering and similar finish ,,'Ork. 8) TCKporaJj1 TIntion picture, television a~d theater stase sets and scenery. 9) Window a1NI1ings supported. by an eAterior wall when projecting not TIDre than 54 inches. 10) PrefabriCc"1ted s'.vinming pools accessory to cert.ain cx;cupancies. EffecLL vc Da te: N/.'\ 66 CITY OF \~EAT RIDGE, COLORADO THIS PAGE LEFT BLM'K INTENTIONAI,LY 67 Rovenue Item Street Cut Permits %Change %Error Notes Year $ Actual $ Budget curront !letuoJ budget prior celunl aelual 1971 3,598 n/a 1972 3,98G 10.8 1973 9,692 143.2 1974 9,733 .4 1975 5,373 (44.8) 1976 8,806 63.9 1977 7,033 (20.4) 1978 10,539 49.9 1979 9,972 (5.4) 1980 7,938 (20.4) 1981 8,371 5.5 last ten yean annual growth 1982 5,057 (39.6 2.41% 68 Revenuo Item Street CUt Penn L t3 r e~:crj l~ ti.)[l: Except ilS exernptt~d lY21cPtl, '"\0 p-,r .j.-:.n shall do a..,y excClv:ltion, exmstruction or rcccmstruction i.ll. city EtrcC'ts, alley:; or rights of \.ray \vithout first oLta_Lning the rc:quired p2.onit frel\t the PulJ:Lic v~orks D:::rartI;ent. Legal l"2sis; Wheat nidgc Municipal Cale, Section 20 - 10, - 20 - ]8 MrniIlistration; Public \'I:Jrks Schedule; ; Street Excavation: Basic permit fee All area in excess of sq. ft. $50.00 .25 per sq. ft. Curb and Gulter: Permit fee . . Lineal fcot fee . $50.00 .05 per lineal ft. Sidewalk: Permit fee. . . Lineal fcot fee $50.00 .05 per lineal foot Cross Pcms: Penni t fee Plus . $50.00 .05 per sq. ft. Street or Foad Cons t.ruc ti.O:1 : Subb~..se p'2.ITnit. Ie::=: Plus. . . . . . . $50.00 .05 per sq. .;1 1'........ Base course po>--I:n.it fee Plus . . . . . $50.00 .05 per sq. yd. Surface permit fee Plus . . . . . . $50.00 .05 per sq. yd. The permit fee will be increased by 50% if inspections are required duri.ng non-reg'.1lar v.'Orking hours. Exerptions: Water and/or Sa."litation Distrids and public utilities are exewpt from these permit requirements. Effective Date: 4/79 69 Rovenuo Itom Cable T.V. Permits Voal $ Actual (. Budget %Change %Error Notes ... current actual budgot 1---.-----.,- prior actual aClual I 1983 30,000 - - 0 7 Revonuo Item Cable Television Permit Payments Description: For the privilege of having a cable television pernd t, the company shall make permit p,pli'll'nts for the use of the streets and otl1c~r f3cilitie:.; of the Ci tj in the operation of the cable television system. Legal Basis: "heat Ridge Hunicipal Code, 21/1..-16 Administration: Treasurer's Office - accounting Schedule: The company shall pay 3% of gross subscriber revenues minus sales taxes and other subscriber based ta"es everv six months. The per.nit fee may be increased or decreased by the City at any time the company institutes a subscriber rate change, pursuant to section 21A-15 of the Municipal Code. Exemptions: None. Effective Date: August 21, 1981 ,~\ 71 CITY OF j.mEAT RIDGE, COLOlu\DO THIS PAGE LEFT BLANK INTENTIONALLY 72 INTERGOVERNMENTAL REVENUE 9.9% 1982 Actual General Fund Revenues 73 Revenue Item Cigarette Tax %Change %Error Notes Year $ Actual $ Budget current actual budget prior actual actual . 1971 81,974 97,947 n/a 119.4 1972 89,894 124,500 9.7 138.5 1973 106,884 114,093 18.9 106.7 1974 197,629 207,117 84.9 104.8 1975 219,392 211,067 11. 0 96.2 1976 213,267 223,400 ( 2.8) 104.8 1977 211,506 230,100 ( .8) 108.8 1978 218,905 223,300 3.5 102.0 1979 189,162 234,465 (13.6) 123.9 1980 197,059 200,000 4.2 101. 5 1981 197,350 193,000 .2 97.8 last ten year annual growth 8.11% 1982 195,974 213,000 ( .7} 108.7 1983 195,000 74 Revenue Item Cigarette Tax Description: The State of Colorado levies a tax on the wholesaling of cigarettes. Legal Basis: Levy - Colorado Revised Statutes 1973, 39-28 Distribution - Colorado Revised Statutes 1973, 39-22-623 Administration: State Depa.rbTtent of Revenue receives the tax collections paid to it by wholesalers of cigarettes. 46% of the <;ross state cigarettE' tax is apportioned to the cities and counties - apportioned according to the percentage of state sales tax revenues collected by the departrrent of revenue in an incor- porated city or town as compared to the total state sales tax collections that rray be al1ccated to all political subdivisions in the state. The State remits City's share to Finance Depari::m2nt where it is recorded by Accounting. , Schedule: State levey = 5 mills per each cigarette Exenptions: None Effective Date: Not available 75 Revenue Item County Road and Bridge Tax %Change %Error Notes Year $ Actual $ Budget current actuol budget prior actual actual . 1971 115,949 109,000 n/a 94.0 1972 119,953 115,000 3.5 95.9 1973 123,871 115,000 3.3 92.8 1974 150,979 124,534 21. 3 82.5 1975 163,850 162,541 5.3 99.2 1976 183,815 175,500 12.2 95.5 1977 210,572 197,225 14.6 93.7 1978 204,750 206,900 (2.8) 101.1 1979 225,773 202,720 10.3 89.8 1980 198,520 210,000 (12.1) 105.8 1981 201,248 200,000 1.4 99.4 last ten year annual growth 5.84% 1982 211,532 197,000 5.11 93.1 1983 210,000 76 Revonuo Item Jefferson County Road and Bridge Tax Description: Each county in the state maintains a county road and bridge fund for road and bridge construction, maintenance, and administration, funded by a mill levy property tax. Each municipality located in .:my county is entitled to receive half of ~he revenue accruing to said fund, for the purpoo;e of construction and maintenance of roads and streets located within the city's boundaries. Legally, this is the only use for these funds. Legal Basis: Colorado Revised Statutes 1973, 43-2-202 Administration: Jefferson County collects; City Treasurer receives from county Schedule: Total mill levy for the county is 4.32 mills City share is 2.16 mills of our assessed valuation of 1983 ($131,228,780 Total ~ $ 283,454.16 for the calendar year 1983 Exemptions: N/A Effective Date: Valuation - 1983 Mill levy - Not available 77 Revenue Item Highway Users Tax %Chango %Error Notes Yoar $ Actual $ Budget current actual budget prior actual actual 1971 147,035 120,000 n/a 81.6 1972 180,047 170,339 22.5 94.6 1973 187,005 193,123 3.9 103.3 1974 181,752 194,134 (2.8) 106.8 1975 179,773 199,123 (1. 0) 1l0.8 1976 186,431 213,150 3.7 114.3 1977 199,941 200,000 7.2 100.0 1978 210,121 230,129 5.1 109.5 1979 242,444 230,000 15.4 94.9 1980 280,139 205,000 15.5 73.2 1981 304,715 310,000 8.8 101. 7 last ten year annual growth 6.05% 1982 323,197 390,400 6.1 12Q.8 1983 347,010 78 Revonuo Item Highway Users Tax Fund Allocation Description: The state maintains the Highway Users Tax Fund which derives its revenues from several different sources: motor fuel excise tax, ton mile and passenger mile taxes, motor vehicle registrations, drivers licenses, motor vehicle penalties, interest earned, etc. After disbursements to various state agencies, the remainder is allocated between the state, counties, and cities under a percentage formula. This allocation is for the purpose of construction, engineering, reconstruction, maintenance, repair, equipment, improvement, and administration of the system of streets of the City, together with the acquisition of rights-of-way and access rights for same. The amount to be expended for administrative purposes shall not exceed 5% of the City's share. Legal Basis: Generally - Colorado Revised Statutes 1973, 39-27-112 Specifically - Colorado Revised Statutes 1973, 43-4-2~1 through 216 Administration: Collection and disbursement by State Highway Department and State Treasurer. City Treasurer receives allocation. Schedule: For Colorado municipalities, allocations come from three sources: 1) 18% of revenue from sales and use taxes attributable to sales or use of vehicles. 2) 1.68~ per gallon of gasoline and special fuel excise tax with .32~ put int a fund for bridges that cities may apply to. 79 Revenuo Itom Motor Vehicle Registration %Change %Error Notes Year $ Actual $ Budget current actual bUdgot prior actual actual 1971 92,424 92,500 n/a 100.0 1972 96,061 101,750 3.9 105.9 1973 1l0,831 105,483 15.4 95.2 1974 101,320 126,813 ( 8.6) 125~2 1975 100,896 107,705 ( .4) 106.7 1976 102,995 114,155 2.1 1l0.8 1977 105,334 110,992 2.3 105.4 1978 95,515 116,468 (9.3) 121. 9 1979 111,139 95,000 16.4 85.5 1980 116,303 98,000 4.6 84.3 1981 108,100 120,000 (7.1) lll.0 last ten year~ annual growth 1. 88% 1982 115,750 110,000 7.08 95.0 1983 114,000 80 Revenue Item Motor Vehicle Registration Description: An annual specific ov.~crship tax is liew of personal proI~erty tax since personal prop?Ity t.:'1X in Coloro.do. the tirrc of vchicle registration. levied on all vchicles L~ v~~icles are ex~~t frn~ This tax is collected at Legal Basis: Colorado Revised Statutes 1973, 42-3 Administration: Tax on Class A vehicles is collected by the state which then distributes it to the county based on the proportion of the mileage of the state highway system within the boundaries of the County as canpared to the total mileage of the state high- way system. The County collects the tax on Class B, C, D and F vehicles. The County distributes the total a'1Dunt of owner- ship tax received or collected to the COlh'1.ty, City and polit- ical and governmental sulxiivisions within the county. Distri- bution is based on the percentages of the dollar &TOunt of ad valorem taxes levied during the pre'1ious calendar year. Schedule: Definitions: Class A: Every rrotor vehicle, truck, truck tractor, trailer, and semitrailer used in the business of transporting persons or property over any public high,yay L~ this state for compensation as a carrie!, whethr or not such business is engaged in by contract. Class B: Every truck, truck tractor, trailer, and semitrailer used for the purpose of transporting property over any public highway in this state and not included in Class A. Class C: Every rrotor vehicle not included in Class A or Class B. Class D: Every utility trailer, can'per trailer & trailer coach. Class F: Every item of rrobile machinery and self-propelled con- struction equiprent required to be registered under the provisions of Article 42, C.R.S. 1973. Taxable Value: Class A or B: 75% of the manufacturer's suggested retail price, not to include any applicable federal excise tax, transportation or shipping costs, or preparation and delivery costs. Class C or D: 85% of the manufacturer's suggested retail price, not to include any applicable ffderal excise tax, transportation or shipping costs, or preparation and de1~very costs. Class F: Shall be detennlled by the property tax adminis- trator and shall be either: 1) The factory list price thereof and, in case any equifl1'el1t has been rrounted on or attached to such 81 Rovenue Itom l-btor Vehicle Registration Page 2 Schedule: (Continued) vehicle subSC4\lcnt to its manufacture, the factory list price plus 75% of the origi.l1Lll price of :;uch nounted equip."reIlt, exclusive of any state and local sales taxes; or 2) ",'hen the factory list price of such vehicle is not available, trRn 75% of its origiw~l retail de- livered price, exclusive of any state and local taxes, and, in case any equipnent has been rrountc.(l on or attached to such vehicle subsequent to its first retail sale, then 75% of such original retail delivered price of such rrounted equiprrv.2Tlt, exclu- sive of any state and local sales taxes; or 3) When neither the factory list price of such vehicle nor the original retail delivered price of either the vehicle or any equipment subsequently nounted thereon is ascertainable, then sl,ch value as the property tax administrator shall establish based on the best infomat.ion available to him. Tax Rates: Year of Service Class A, First year B, C, D: Second year Third year Fourth year Class A: Fifth, si..'ttl1, seve.'l.th, eighth & ninth years Tenth & each later year Class B: Fifth, sixth, seventh, eighth and ninth years Tenth & each later year Class C: Fifth, sixth, seventh, eighth and ninth years Tenth & eacjl. later year Class D: Fifth, sixth, seventh, eighth and ninth years Tenth & each later year Rate of Tax 2.1 % of taxable value 1. 5 % of taxable value 1. 2 % of taxable value .9 % of taxable value .45 % of taxable value or ten dollars, whichever is greater Ten dollars .45 % of taxable value or ten dollars, whichever is greatel: Three dollars .45 % of taxable value Three. dollars .45 % of taxable value .45 % of taxable value or three dollars, whichever is greater 82 Revonue Item Motor Vehicle Registration Page 3 Schedule: (Continued) Class F: First year Second year Third year Fourth year Fifth year Sixth & each later year 2.1 % of taxable value 1.5 % of taxable value 1.25% of taxable value 1.0 % of taxable value .75% of taxable value . .50% of taxable value, but not less than five dollars Exemptions: 1) Those itEms of classified personal property which are owned by the United States government or any agency or inst..l::1.men- tality thereof or by the State of Colorado or any fX)litical subdivision thereof. 2) Any item of classified personal property which is leased by the State of Colorado or any political subdivision tr~reof may be exempted by the department if the agreement' Lmder which such item is leased is first submitted to the depart- zrent and approved by it, but such item shall remaL'1 e..,<empt only if used and operated in strict =nfonnance with the terms of such approved agreement. 3) Vehicles owned by the United States government or by any agency thereof; vehicles ov.'I1ed by the State of Colorado or any agency or institution thereof; fire fighting vehicles; p::>lice arrllJulances and patrol wagons; fann tractors and implements of husbandry desi~1ed primarily or exclusively for use and used in agricultural operations; nobile J11achin- ery and self-propelled construction equiprren.t used solely on property owned or leased by the owner of such machinery and equiprrent and not operated on the public highways of the state, when such owner lists all of such machinery or equip- zrent for asseSSJ11ent and taxation under the provisions of C.R.S. 1973, 39-5, property tax code; nobile machinery and self-propelled construction equiprrent not operated on the highways of this state owned by a public utility and taxed under the provisions of C.R.S. 39-4. 4) One Class B notor vehicle weighing less than 5500 pounds or one Class C notor vehicle weighing less than 5500 pounds o.Nl1ed by a person who is a veteran who has established his rights to benefits under the provisions of P.L. 663, 79th Congress, as amended, and P.L. 187, 82nd Congress, as curended, or that he is a veteran of the armed forces of the United States who incurred his disability prior to lv".ay 7, 1975, and who is receiving co~sation fram the Veterans Administration or any branch of the arn'I2d forces of the United States for a fifty percent or nore, service-connected, pennanent disability, or for loss or pennanent loss of use of one or both feet or one or both hands, or for loss of sight in both eyes, or for permanent impainrent of vision in both eyes to such a degree as to =nstitute virtual blindness. Only one such vehicle per veteran shall be exempt. Effective Date: Not available 83 CITY OF ~rnEAT RIDGE, COLORADO THIS PAGE LEFT BLANK INTENTIONALLY 84 CH/\liGES FOR SERVICES 85 1982 Actual General Fund Revenues Revenue Item Zoning Application Fees %Change %Error Notes Year $ Actual $ Budget curront actual budget prior actual , actual . 1971 5,965 n/a 1972 8,512 42.7 1973 6,345 (25.5) 1974 4,830 (23.9) 1975 5,713 18.3 1976 5,490 ( 3.9) 1977 6,535 19.0 1978 5,783 (11.5) 1979 5,336 ( 7.7) 1980 6,620 24.0 1981 4,872 (26.4) last ten year annual growth 1982 5,800 19.0 N/A 86 Revenue Itom zoning Application Pees ~scription: The city reqmres t..'1at an application fee re pctid for all rezoning rcquc;sts and a site plan review fee b2 paid for all site plan reviews. These rezoning requests must then rreet posting, publication and public hearing requircrrents established by the City. Legal Basis: Wheat Ridge City Cede Appendix A, Section 80 Administration: Department of ccrumuni ty ~ve10prrent Schedule: $150.00 per application $100.00 per site plan review Exemptions: None Effective Date: 9/81 87 Rovonuo Item Liquor Hearing Fees %Change %Error Notos Yoar $ Actual $ Budgot current actual budgot prior actunl actu<I I . 1971 350 n/a 1972 2,150 514.3 1973 2,350 9.3 1974 1,850 (21. 3) 1975 1,050 (43.2) 1976 3,875 269.0 1977 5,750 48.4 1978 5,550 ( 3.5) 1979 5,200 ( 6.3) 1980 6,940 33.5 1981 7,109 2.4 1972-1981 annual growth 1982 6,350 (10.7 11.44% . . 88 Revenue Item Liquor Hearing Fees ~scription: The city charges an annual license renewal fce for all classifications of liquor licenses. Legal Basis: Colorado R8vised Statutes 1973, 47 - 47 - 135 Fees adopted by adrrtinistratiY2 pr2tctice Administration: City Clerk Schedule: $50.00 per license per year Exenptions: None Effective Date: N/A 89 Rovenue Item Parks and Recreation Fees %Change %Error Notes Year $ Actual $ Budget current actual budget prior actual actual --- . 1971 661 5,600 n/a 847.2 1972 6,046 5,600 814.7 92.6 1973 9,842 9,000 62.8 91.4 1974 20,014 17,000 103.4 84.9 1975 28,040 30,000 40.1 107.0 1976 35,422 26,250 26.3 74.1 1977 35,360 33,480 ( .2) 94.7 1978 40,296 35,154 14.0 87.2 1979 45,232 36,912 12.2 81.6 1980 61,140 40,000 35.2 65.4 1981 97,171 55,000 58.9 56.6 1972- 1981 annual growth 1982 110,000 35.7% 127,787 31.5 86.1 1983 128,000 90 -. -- Rovenuo Horn Recreation hctivity Fees Description: The Parks and Recreation L'cpart:rrcnt provides mlfTerOUS types of activities and programs for residents of Wheat Ridge and non-residents alike. lBgal Basis: City Policy Administrab on: Parks and Recreation Departnent Schedule: Activity Range ~dianFee Athletics $ 7.50 - $48.00 $17 . 00 Clubs Free - $10.00 N/A Career I:€veloprrent $25.00 - $28.00 N/A Cooking $ 5.00 - $37.00 $ 5.00 Concerts Free Dance $10.00 - $21. 00 N/A Fitness $10.00 $22.50 $12.00 Senior Classes $ 4.00 - $23.00 $ 6.00 All classes are $3.00 rrore for non-residents. Exerrptions: None Effective Date: Spring 1983 91 _.~-*~-- --_._-----~._-_. _._------- Revenue Item Recreation Facility Use Fees D:lscription: Fees are charged for reserved use of facilities by ccrmnunity groups and private or non-resident groups. legal Basis: City Policy Administration: Parks and Recreation D:lpar1::Irent Schedule: Ccmnunity Group Facility Gyrmasium Berb2rt House Firehouse Senior Center Swimning PCX)l Lighted Fields Unlit Fields $15.00 per hour No charge No charge $10.00 per hour $50.00 per hour $10.00 per hour No charge Exemptions: None Effective Date: Spring 1983 Private/Non-resident G=up $25.00 per hour $10.00 per hour $10.00 per hour $20.00 per hour $75.00 per hour $25.00 per hour $15.00 per hour 92 , Revenue Item Senior Center Newsletter Fee --. ----------..-------- ~-------_._.._.- Lescription: 1~s fee covers the printing and distribution costs of the bi-monthly Senior Genter Newsletter. Legal Basis: City Policy Administration: Parks and Recreation D::>partrre11t Schedule: $2.00 per year (resident) $4.00 per year (non-resident) Exerrptions : None Effective D3.te: 1/l/83 93 Revonue Item Swirmn~ng Pool Fees %Change %Error Notes Year $ Actual $ Budget curront actual budget prIor actual actual . 1980 32,884 25,000 n/a 76.0 1981 32,790 40,000 (.2) 122.0 1982 28,214 35,000 (14.0 ) 124.0 1983 33,000 94 Revenue Item Swirrming Pool Fees -- Cescription: Admission fees charged for the use of the city swimning p:x:>l. legal Basis: City Policy Administration: Parks and Pecreation Cepartrrent Schedule: Age Daily Season Admission Pass o - 5 years free w/adult free w/adult 6 - 11 years $1.25 $30.00 12 - 17 years $1.50 $35.00 Adult $1. 75 $40.00 Seniors (age 50+) $1.00 $25.00 Family N.A. $85.00 C01JlXln Eooks (twenty coupons per ~~) Age 6 - 11 years 12 - 17 years Adult Seniors (age 50+) $20.00 $25.00 $30.00 $15.00 Exemptions: None Effective Date: 6/4/83 95 Revenuo Itom ~scription : Legal Basis: Administration: Schedule: Exerrptions: Effective Date: SWimning lesson Fees SWinming lessons are offered to residents of Wheat Ridge and non-residents alike in categories of parent & child, pre- schooler, beginner, advanced beginner, intenrediate, basic life-saving and advanced life-saving. City Policy Parks and Recreation ~part:rrent Lesson fees range from $12.00 to $21.00 with the resident fees always $3.00 less than the non-resident fees. None Spring 1983 96 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO THIS PAGE LEFT BLANK INTENTIONALLY 97 Rovenue Item police Record Search Fees I %Change %Error Notes Year $ Actual $ Budget current actual budgot prior actual actual . 1979 2,167 1980 2,726 25.8 1981 3,688 35.3 1982 5,361 45.4 98 Revenue Item Police Records/f~arch Fees Description: These fees are to rcilllburse t.l-te city for costs related to the release of records information. Legal Basis: Administrative policy Administration: Police Department Schedule: Inspection--accident or other face sheeted report No charge Cqly of face sheeted report . $1. 50 Ccmplete report (must pay search fee and copy fee) Search fee: $3.20 plus $3.20 for each 15 minute interval beyond the initial 15 minutes. Copy fee: $1.50 for each 5 pages. Ccmplete report (mail requests fran outside Denver M2tro area only) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $5.00 Exemptions: None Effective Date: N/A 99 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO THIS PAGE LEFT BLA1i1<. INTENTIONALLY 100 FINES & FORFEITS 101 1982 Actual General Fund Revenues Revenue Itom Municipal Court Fines %Change %Error Notes Year $ Actual $ Budget current actual budget prior actual actual . 1971 42,609 32,250 n/a 75.7 1972 41,271 52,000 (3.1) 126.0 1973 37,184 45,000 (9.9) 121. 0 1974 42,842 39,000 15.2 91.0 1975 50,108 40,400 17.0 80.6 1976 44,528 60,500 (11. 1) 135.9 1977 54,886 56,700 23.3 103.3 1978 55,258 56,700 .7 102.6 1979 59,050 56,700 6.9 96.0 1980 78,434 60,000 32.8 76.5 1981 69,752 78,000 (11. 1) 111. 8 last ten year annual growth 8.13% 1982 90,151 73,000 29.2 81.0 1983 80,000 102 Revenue Itom Municipal Court Fines Description: Whenever in any section of the municipal code the doing of any act or the .emission to do any act or duty is declared to be a breach thereof, and there is no fine or penalty declared for such breach, any jY"Json who is convicted of any such breach shall be adjudged to pay a fine as penalty. Legal Basis: ~beat Ridge Municipal Code, 2-7 (e) Administration: Municipal Court Schedule: All fines are set by the court for each violator, within the legally set limits of not rrore than $300.00 per offense. Exemptions: None Effective Date: Not available 103 Revenue Itom Municipal Court Dcx::urrent Reproduction Charges Description: The Court collects fees for the reproduction of court documents, legal papers, etc., to defray the costs incurred in reproducting said docurrents. Legal Basis: City Policy Administration: MlU1icipal Court Schedule: $1. 00 per each copy Exemptions: Attorneys representing clients in the Municipal Court are exempt from reproduction charges. Effective Date: Not available , 104 Revonue Item Dog License Violation Fines Description: Several violations of animal control laws are punishable by pre-set fines. Legal Basis: Judicial policy sets these fines, subject to limits set ~ the Wheat Ridge Mw1icipal Code, Sec. 4-14. Administration: Mw1icipal Court Schedule: Custody/leash law violations License/rabies shots violations - $10.00, first offense. $10.00 Exemptions: The latter fine is usually dismissed upon presentation of a valid license (which includes the rabies certificate) . Effective Date: 3/20/81 , 105 Rovenue Itom Jur.i Fees Description: When an attorney files for a jury trial, he is required to pay a fee. This fee covers the cost of papenvork associated with a jury trial and partially covers the cc:rnpensation paid to the jurors. legal Basis: City Policy Adm.U1istration: Municipal Court Schedule: $25.00 per trial If the attorney wins his case, the fee is refunded. E:l{emptions: None Effective Date: Not available , 106 OTHER REVENUE -36.0% 1982 Actual General Fund Revenues 107 Rovenue It om Interest Income %Change %Error Notes Year $ Actual $ Budget current actual budget prior actual actual . 1971 12,531 10,000 n/a 79.8 1972 12,113 11,000 ( 3.3) 90.8 1973 26,912 12,781 122.2 47.5 1974 21,336 16,350 (18.6) 76.6 1975 18,375 27,000 (13.9) 146.9 1976 38,888 15,000 111.6 38.6 1977 74,779 18,150 92.3 24.3 1978 69,020 22,000 ( 7.7) 31.9 1979 114,296 30,000 65.6 26.2 1980 164,241 60,000 43.7 36.5 1981 408,475 30,000 148.7 7.3 last ten year annual growth 42.3% 1982 412,133 250,000 .9 60.7 1983 325,000 108 Revenuo Itom Interest Income Description: The City Treasucrcr is resp::msible for the prudent invcst:rrent of all city funds and schei:lules invcst:rrents to insure that there is as little idle cash as practical. Legal Basis: Resolution No. 832 Series of 1983 and City Charter Administration: City Treasurer Schedule: Varies greatly as to type, size, length and date of invest:rrent Exemptions: N/A N/A Effective Date: 109 Rovonuo Item Rents - Hart/Hayward %Change %Error Notes Year $ Actual $ Budget current actual budgot prior actual actual . 1978 5,670 5,670 n/a 100.0 1979 7,940 6,360 40.00 80.1 1980 10,232 7,000 28.9 68.4 1981 5,888 5,000 (42.5) 84.9 1982 5,255 5,600 (10.8) 106.6 1983 3,720 110 Revenue Item J:)?scription: legal Basis: Administration: Schedule: Exerrptions : Effective Date: Rents - Hart/IIayward Rental incare received from 2720 and 2730 Chase. City Policy Parks and Recreation repartment $200 pzr rronth None N/A 111 Revenue Itom Miscellaneous Income %Chango %Enor Notes Year $ Actual $ Budget current actual budget prior actual actual . 1971 5,683 1,500 n/a 26.4 1972 12,808 2,600 125.4 20.3 1973 31,182 6,000 143.5 19.2 1974 14,924 13,000 ( 52.1) 87.1 1975 35,280 20,000 136.4 56.7 1976 19,261 20,000 ( 45.4) 103.8 1977 16,702 44,516 ( 13.3) 26.7 1978 212,829 195,304 1,274.3 91.8 1979 41,930 20,000 (80.3) 47.7 1980 44,694 10,000 6.6 22.4 1981 41,832 25,000 ( 6.4) 59.8 1982 35,674 25,000 (14.7) 70.1 Last ten year~ annual growth 1983 25,000 10.8% 112 Revenuo Itom Miscellaneous Income I:'escription: Revcn\le sources that arc not easily categorized in t.lIe other revenue accormts are accormted for rmder Miscellilllcous IncoIlC. These include cOIJy charges, plan and bid specification fees, vending rrachinc revenues, weed control program revenues, acution proceeds, mineral severance tax, traffic school fees and pension refunds. Legal Basis: Varies with revenue source Administration: Varies with revenue source Schedule: Varies with revenue source Effective Date: N/A N/A , Exemptions: 113 Revenue Itom City Clerk Document Reproduction Charges Description: A charge is levied [or copying documents to defray the costs of reproducing requested documents. Legal Basis: Wheat Ridge Municipal Code, 2-4 (j) Administration: City Clerk Schedule: $ 0.50 per page for items requiring researching of records. $ 0.15 per page for other easily accessible originals. Exemptions: Minor copying of relatively few pages is done for no charge. Effective Date: Not avaialble. , 114 Rovonue Itom Code Book Sales Description: Various construction codc books arc offercd for sale to the public through the office of the City Clerk and through the Department of Public IVorks. Legal Basis: Wheat Ridge Municipal Code, 2-4 Administration: City Clerk - Community Development Department Building Inspection Schedule: Uniform Building Code National Electrical Code Uniform l-lechanical Code Uniform Plumbing Code Uniform Code for the Abatement of Dangerous Buildings Model Traffic Code Wheat Ridge Municipal Code Municipal Code Supplements Exemptions: None Effective Date: Not available $ 32.00 12.00 20.00 16.00 8.00 3.50 40.00 2.50 ea. 115 Revenuo Item Carryover Fund Balance -- %Change %Error Notes Year $ Actual $ Budget curront actual budget prior actual actual . 1971 150,405 n/a 9.4% of BudgE 1972 141,791 (5.7) 7.9% II II 1973 172,803 21.9 7.9% 1974 69,904 (59.5) 2.5% 1975 234,932 236.1 8.0% 1976 748,247 218.5 25.1% 1977 661,500 (11. 6) 16.9% 1978 1,098,412 734,622 66.0 66.9 26.4% 1979 1,600,604 1,373,634 45.7 - 85.8 36.8% 1980 1,930,506 1,642,443 20.6 85.1 35.4% 1981 2,616,930 2,352,100 35.6 89.9 41. 0% 1982 3,052,485 2,506,217 16.6 82.1 annual grow.th last ten years 35.9% - t 116 Revenuo Itom Carryover Fund Balance Description: This is t..lte arrount of funds left unexpended at the end of the budget year. These fLmds corne from three sources, unexpended contingencies, revenues that exceeded the budgeted level and expenditures that fell short of the bud~eted level. Legal Basis: N/A Administration: City Treasurer Schedule: N/A Exemptions: None Effective Date: N/A , .117 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO THIS PAGE LEFT BLANK INTENTIONALLY 118 FLEET MANAGEMENT PROGRAM FLEET HlINAGEMENT PROGIU\M The 1984 Budget contains two Dew accounts; 772 - Fleet Repair/ Maintenance and 807 - Fleet Replacement. These accounts will be the only two expenditure categories in a ne", Fleet Halntenance Fund that will be created tllrough the 19311 Budget process. The details of how this fund will function are shown in the next few pages. The basic principle of this program is that all listed vehicles are "owned" by the Fleet Haintenance Fund and leased back to user departments. The departments will use a portion of their budgets to fund Account 772 which will cover the entire cost of the fleet maintenance program for their vehicles. This includes all personnel, facilities, equipment, parts, fuel and oil associated with the maintenance and operation of the fleet. The costs in the 1984 Budget are shOVln on the Fleet Lease Summary on page ]20 in the H/O Costs column. For example,the City Administrator will budget $1,584 to cover the costs associated with maintaining and operating the assigned vehicle in 1984. The cos t of $1,584 \vas determined US ing the 1-1&0 Rates on the Fleet Leasing Schedule. These rates were arrived at by a thorough analysis of existing fleet maintenance records. The total of H/O costs \vill equal the 1984 Shops budget. The second category in the Fleet Haintenance Fund is funded through Account 807. This category \vill be used to replace and/or rebuild the fleet. In 1983 all fleet replacement costs were covered by the Federal Revenue Sharing l'rogram; this amounted to a budgeted eypenditure of $336,500. Account 807 is desiGned to fund the replacement of all vehicles I-lHhin the cx5 sting fleet. All additions to the fleet wi 11 have the full purchase price budgeted in Accounts 808 or 809 and also budget future replacement, maintenance and operations costs in the Fleet Maintenance Fund. The City Administrator will budget $1,296 to cover the costs of fleet replacement in Account 807. This cost was determined usiag the R&D r,ates on the Fleet Leasing Schedule. These rates have been arrived at tl1rough surveys of other cities and ,He fairly standard because vehicle costs and useful life are similar in most cities. The total R&D Costs for 1984 on page 120 is $276,652, \...hich is $59,848 less than ,,'as budgeted in 1983. There are a number of advantages in using this approach to fund the fleet. * Vehicle costs are distributed back to the departments; "hich allows a more accurate picture of service delivery costs. * Money can be budgeted for fleet replacement without the necessity of making detailed fleet replacement decisions during the budget process. * The city has more accurate data to use in making long range financial planning decisions, and is protected from future "hidden" costs of massive vehicle expenditures in anyone year. 119 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE -:FLEET LEASE SmfHARY- DIVISION NO. OF VEIIICLES RID COSTS Non-Departmental City Administrator 1 1,296 Totals ~--- 1,296 1 Community Development Administration Planning/Zoning Inspection 1 1.5 2.5 1,296 2,088 3,52L 8,208 Totals 6.0 Police Administration Operations Support Services 1,296 90,720 12,962__ 1 18 10 Totals 29 104,976 Public Works Administration Engineering Streets Traffic Shops 1 9 31 2 * 1 1,296 12,096 105,320 2,880 1,l140 Totals 44 123,032 Parks and Recreation Administration Recreation Parks Forestry Ranger 1 2 14 5 2 1,296 8,640 16,940 8,304 3,960 Totals 24 39,140 1'1/0 COSTS TOTAL 1,584 2,880 -- 1,584 2,880 1,584 2,808 4,824 2,880 4,896 8,352 10,800 19,008 1,584 174,528 l5,8!!0 2,880 265,248 _28,800 191,952 296,928 1,584 15,552 150,632 4,032 2,016 2,880 27,648 255,952 6,912 3,456 173,816 296,848 1,584 6,048 26,824 12,216 6,552 2,880 14,688 43, 764 20,520 10,512 53,224 92,364 TOTALS 103 276,652 431,376 708,028 * This vehicle will not be charged to any department, but directly to the Fleet Naintenance Fund. 120 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE -FLEET LEASING SCHEDULE- CODE DESCRIPTION II OF UNITS AVG. YEAH. MILEAGE AVERAGE USAGE R & D RATES M/O RATES '--. --.-- -.".-- <----- - .--~--- --- 1977/61 ,00:T600 /,,-:- -- -.---- ~------I ^ Cars 24 .] 8/mL .22/mi : 1---- ~- ------- - --- --- --- - --.. --- -- ---- ------ - - , B Police cars 15 1981/29,000 240o!mi .20/mi -, .39.mi I ---- ---- --- --------- -..-- - ,_"B/mI I r. Pickup ~rucks. fJ_vilns__ 26 19_UL 37,000._ _QQO/llli .20/Jn~ .- D 4-wheel drive 1 1979/62,000 10SO'mi .20/mi .36/~~ f-- .----.----- ------- --- -- ------.---- - -----..-..._- ----. E Utility trucks 4 1968/60,000 200 /mi .22/mi , 15/mi ~j ----.- -- - ------- -- ~~-~-- F Dump trucks 5 1975/61,000 SOO /mi .75/mi l.~/mi -----~-- -....---- -. --~----~---- ..---- ~--- -~_.- I G Tandem dump trucks 2 1983/0 500 /mi 1. SO/mi 1. 84/mi I ----- --.------ ....---- -- -- ----------- f---;- ~--- I 9.00/hr l H S\.Jeepers 4 ] 20/hr. 550/roo -.- -- --.- ---- ._------- --- --...-- _._--~ ~---------j I I Loaders 1 ------- 50/hr 8.00/hr 7.00/h~ f---.- - "--~- -_.~_.~ -- J Graders 1 ------- 50/hr 600/mo 10.~ --~~~ -~._. K Backhoe loaders 1 ------- 50/hr 10.00/hr 7.00/h~ -- f------ L Tractors 6 ------ 50/hr 2.00/hr 4.00/hr ~ u____ . f--------- u. -------- --- f-- - ----.--- ---- ...---. M Rollers 3 ------ 500/hr 1.0O/hr l.OO/hr I -. .. ----------- ---- -~-_.- -- N Trailers 3 ------ 2S0/yr .25/hr .. .25~_i -~ ---.-" -- ~----- _.~----~._--- ----.-- 1 250/hr 1. 50/hr 0 Compressor ------- 1. SO/hr I - P CRAFCO 1 ----- SOO/yr .50/hr .50/hr 1 Q MOHer 1 ------ 700/yr 1. 50/hr 2.00/hr R Truck bed lift 1 ------ 50/hr 1.00/hr .75/hr S Pot hole patch truck 1 ------ 7S/hr 500/mo 6.00/hr .. - ---~ - T Right of way mower 1 ------ 75/hr 350/mo 6.00/hr U Forestry chipper 1 ------ lOO/hr 3.00/hr 4.00/hr V Senior citizen van 1 ------ l200/mi .50 .28/mi Usage rates are monthly unless otherwise noted. Average year-and mileage are as of 1/83 R & D replacement & depreciation M & 0 maintenance & operation 121 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE FLEET DISTRIBUTION BY DEPARTMENT Non Community Public Parks and Departmental Development Police Works Recreation Total CODE A 1 3 11 7 2 24 B 15 15 C 3 3 II 9 26 D 1 1 E 1 3 4 F 4 1 5 G 2 2 H 4 4 I 1 1 J 1 1 K 1 1 L 4 2 6 M 3 3 N 1 2 3 0 1 1 p 1 1 Q 1 1 R 1 1 S 1 1 T 1 1 U 1 1 V 1 1 Totals 1 6 29 44 24 104 122