HomeMy WebLinkAboutNone (018) /3k 7c2u P1 ;(!3; I , '": - T.- ~ ....... , ..... '.11IM'..., ;.1 "~J.:.'''.'' , ~' .....' ' ....~ '1*"'~' .\~;.. '~L ~ ,IF' ." .'., ,,:';."n"~;"f," -. .".:.".r'J'~~~':. .~('.,I;:;"~~:"'I_ '~A,f';'},' "~'"';' '. .' ,.' ~" .'~;".~' ..-' ,~.J"I', 'TQ -'u.IlI........~ ' . ',.'( , , , ;- '\ :~I ."; -;,i. _~_Il. ....... OORPOItA'l'IOH I I .... : f" ..' ...... a ~~At. .. . t... .~..... 1M .,.-..... .,.....'...., .,... .... ", 'o' .,....... ...... S,..l'rJ: HIGDAY DJ:PAJl!Dl! o" ' , .1 i __ _ __..... "~...,,.... -- ,.t, WlTN~ TIIat .. .... ..... " .. eM JIlft. ,. ad III f~ ..I ...- ai .. __ fit 'l'en Dollar. \ ,1Q .00) and. other good and '9'aluable ooni14eraUoD -P..... tiD .. .... JIUIiJ' " 1M ... )11Ift Ia .... .... br .. .... put ., '" 1M .-- 1*ri. .... -.lpt "MrelIf la b8nb7 _fll..' ad ~"Ua -'-I. y. IlI,.lIlIId, _..,.. ad QU1'1' C]LA1JI1I!I'. _ br tIlIIe .- .ta dc6 --............ ~ ... QUI'r a.ADI ... tM .. part' vi tile __ JUt, 1 t a allO oe I Ileln ad ...... '-, aD tbe npt, title, ......... ........... wIISoII tM laW ,.n, '" .... AIR part IWb In aadto thefonowblC.-m1lecl 'raot or pareel ...a...._ a..mcln the ODaIlVor J etter.on ui .... ai c........ w.wii: A traot or parcel 01' land containing 0.800 aorea, more or leln, 1n tne SlJt 01' Section 13, 'l'owneh1p 3 IoQth, Bange 69 We.t at the 6th P.M., in Jetterson cOWlt1, OO.l.orado, aaid parcel belng 75 teet vld~, belng 37. teet on eaon alde 01' the center11ne 01' sl1r'9'e1 and location 01' the Denver. Northwestern RIll1way, as the.... 1. now sQrveyed throUgh and acro.. Block 10 1n -Berkeley Helghts- Seoond Flling, as shown by tl'.e plot ot sald eubd1v1.10n 01' record 112 the Otf1ce 01' Clerk. Recorder 01' Jetterson County, Colorado, be1ng more part1c~lar11 descrlbed as tollows: I I I Beginning at a pg1nt un the S. l1ne of Elook lOL which p01nt 1. 220 teet, more or le88, W. of tne BE oorner af the ~look: '!'hence along an A!'O of &20 021 OIU"'9'e to the r1ght, a M.stlUlce 01' 450 teet, more or les8; to the N. 11ne 01' Block 10. ~he above described parcel contalns 0.&00 aor.., more or .I.e88. - , --- - . ;. , - - ~ I i TO BA VB UD TO BOLD tU ..... topther with aU lIIId tdqnlar the .ppart-a....... .nd prtYiJqel thereunto 1IeIcIJIciq, or Ia..,.... L._*" appariaiJIiq, ... an ... ....-. riPt. title. llit.inlt liIld clalm wha~. of tbG IllId paftJ'~""""I&d!ftr8"-' to the onb' proper aM, "-'It _ Waoal of tM AId part '3 of the ........1 t. Uil"tiUfpa f_. IJ( ".\~~.<<.. ,~tr,........... paftJ' of tile llnt put !lath eaUIIIIta eorparata __ to be ~to .~~'" 1 "';";"~ PnIIdet, anclltl eorporaee _I to be bmnmto dizlli, a'" b,. ill - e---.J...._ ~-.I~~ atv..a ......Aft ~~"~~r.~~r---~- __h____ AttIlIIt \l '. -0 , - cr. . F ~l ..... ~ .: C~I i. . L i.J , -4 . Of ~ . . I".~' - J~-PO A f ~ ,'f '". ~ '" ".~ '! ~ ' .r-'''''' ~ "', . ....." ('" . .... /II ." '".~~~I'CQLOJW)O, 1 1'11..' :.I.... ", D....... t II. "uu!'~-::-=~~? af..:;-..:~=;;;~ beI_ _ thlI ~ tftl.. day of t.,~,~o',.P.MD."f.~AI._.O'OBlORAfI.O....._ By___., .. Wta;{ Pr.aldent aDd .. Secretary of . 4IlIl'pGftltloa. . If.. I.... CI1M..... I I I I ! ~ 1",1: '~ ~, ~ ~ :r.. i:i ~ ~ If! k'. k, ~, it. ,~ .' [;, v~ r' " t orB, I I I I I I s ~ !"~ f. \':":1 I l 'o' I J L~t .n. "'~ . S~ ,,,.- ii"'&' ~;~~ .~;~