HomeMy WebLinkAboutNone (035) ','I , J /, .., -. , L " - ., 0 1 c..,';'?~!;~ IN '[in; DISTRICT COURT HI MiD ?Cl THf. COUNTY OF JT;F?ERSO;; AIID TId~:.r 2i ~\l )r,~ ? 5 I Il Li J 1 <'i'i'') 1 :J, STATE OF COLORALXJ Cr-lIL ACTIOU NO.. 22-;'-:,' BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIOr;Z:\S OF JEFFERSON COUNTY and th0 DEPARTKEl'lT OF HIGH'iAYS, STATE OF COLORADO, Petit onerA, vs. RULE ""'1 GHDSR. FERD WOLPI JOHN HOLZMEISTER; A.B.V. SALVAfJE CORP.; CHARLES A. BRAlWWi; LEROY E. BRAttAMAJf; 4lId PRAll!( STAImRO, AS Treasurer of Jefferson County, Respondents. THIS MATTER came on regularly for hearing on this day upon the verdict of the Jury ~iled herein on the 9th uay of September, 1965, which Jury was empaneled and sworn to determine the compensation to be allowed the respondents interested in Parc;:J No. 2 Revised; and it appearing to the Court from the records and fileS herein that all persons interested as owners or otherwise, as appearing of record, have been joined herein as parties respondent and that the Court has full and complete jurisdiction of the subject matter of this action and the parties as required by law; and that the Jury, after hearing the proofs and a.lle:gllt:t::mS 01' the: parties, and after viewing the premises, did find and determine' in aecord~ce with Chapter 50, Article I, Secti~n 18, Colorano ReVised statutes 1963: Hi!'; 1;:L ~ '~, '-''''?'",~^''''""':''''~';;-::''. ~ J.:-: :;"D"'~ ,".' , f """,,~_,,",,,......a; , I t f t J 875 !Pl .., 1. That. th", ,-,c"urate d~!lc1"1pt1.on of the land being acquired by th" petit1on"1"s herein. design~ted as Parcel BO. 2 Rev1sed. 1s attached h~reto as Exhibit "An. and the accurAte dellcrl.pt1on of th... line e.crNI'I which access to Pareel 10. 2 Rev1~ed is being denied, is ettaehed hereto as Exhibit "BY.. 2. That th,< valuc 01' the land or propert)' actually tAbn b7 the Pet1tionl!'rl 1s $14,130.00. THE COURT :P'tlR'l'HZR FINDS that thl' pcti tioners have heretofore deposited with the Clerk of the Court the swn of $13,000.OOJ that respondent. are entitled to interest in the sua of$296.50.purwant to 50-1-19, C.R.S. .63J tl1.&t the "J . . . ',; , "~~~ut:i;,if1~1t\eost. s.re~.56J' t.!lat tM peti t10ners - ~:,:~~.~ii~::)~"pi;,.~;"/,;> '7.' ".~~;";":~f1':id;;{~,,:'.,';it~,,.. ~- _ ~~"t<,. " . ..' :' ,,;<:, ,_, '. ,;,.tiIi.Te'a~.~6hiIJ"depodtCid tht> 'iNIa o~ .1,980'.00, arid therefore, it 1..' ~ :-'\"<'.';-'f":~;":i:-' <:': -"" .. ,,'- :.j ',. ," " .~ ~~. ,&n.l111'lCJD and b\i)<loU..,that'Pir'c*l .0. 2 ,_, J", . _. . . '~':-''-,'~;f''''','-~''_ ";,..,, It." ..._/:~,;,:,+,;. ,,:-;~~_;jfr; ", i,[::::'"Jln1.aed d..eri.~.:'~ ZXh~b1t A, &t~ hereto aDd lneorpora- ~'M~ii\~i'~t'eNMe, 'bUbt!'~,~.d .1.&Vtlil.17 taken by i., .. .;: .' ,.', ",_.', ... ,.... ,. '-the 1J4iU\lOim1~t ,to tM St&Wt"e.&hd tbeConst1tuticm "1' ,--" 'i-_ "i'~2N<:' ~~',\l"i~ ? or t11f! 'stt.te bt"~t~oi that thitlhter....s-ts ~ the Nrpondenta ~, -<;', ;', ~:,~. ';;: ~,::~_,:l~,;:,,~ ",-..~Cj j~.~, '\'"'' .- <;" .. -t , , ,lftI'm\!JlUftif:lIiri~bHft~&<lf(idftd!;iIt';tbe'lMtt1t1~H, and t}it,t' the title to aa1c1 prope1"t)-, tose~r w11;t1 a1:l. appurtenanees ~.l'e~to :belOns1nlb ,.. bere1l7"ntlted in thepet!t1oners. and ,#;~~,J;~~'~~~::'~~~::';: ...' 'hall "aeet'lie to ~.. 1ng pi'apertyjc:Mter, or user tblJ'reot t I!xcept a. lUo7 be auiboi-Ued by tM ~tment of H1g!l.1Iqf" State ot Colorado, an4 it 18_ ~.atilitli:,OP~ :thA.'t;&cet1i~;t1ed' cOpi,ot"tbt8 .Rul" ';, .~~~:'~,~~/:~ i~:{~;:~r;~;-~~~~:~, " - t " 'J: I ; I Il II H I I 1. j I \ \ ~ .. 1875 1.27 -2- ;,t,_ 1875 126 and Order be recorded and indexed in the office of the Clerk and Recorder of ~efferaon County, in like manner and with like effect 8B if it were a Deed of Conveyance from the owners and parties interested to the DATEDib1li ,p 7 t petitioners herein. day or ~L , A,D., 1966. BY THE COUR'l'1 -";&~v e 7h.<-&~ J~ t I l ~i: ~ ,,," " ~ . , ~ ,j II f. ~ .f';' f-~ ~:-.:' ",~ ';! J ,,^ ""'c,,'tf"t' ~; -".~. ~ '~~;f;~ :~; , 1875 J28 .-' , . I :\ ~tlr~l'~' I:...~.rf''''''rh'-" "~'r_, J :} I >:t 1875 128 EXHIBIT "A" Legal Deacription Project No. I 70-3(12)281 W 48th Ave. - Wadaworth Blvd. to Pecos St. PARCEL NO. 2 REVISED , , ,A tract or parcel of land No.2 Rev. of Colorado Departlllent of Highways' 'Project No. I 70-3(12)281 containing 262,070 sq. ft., more or less, in the Swtof the swk of Sec. 13 & the SEt of the SE~ of Sectlon 14, Township 3 South, Range' 69 West, of the Sixth Prlncipal Merldlan, in Jefferson CountY, Colorado, Bald tract or parcel being more particularly descrlbed,as follows: {~~- .o,.,~ ~ Beginning at a point on the south property 11ne from which the SE corner ofSectlon 14, T 3 5., R. 69 V., bears S. 36~'23'E.,:a dlatance of 495.1 feet; ,+:.,,1-. :"Thence/along a line, 400.0 feet north of und ':parallelto'the :south Une of Section 14, N,,89.:43' .30" ,Ei, a dlstance 01'.,294.3 feet to"the"eailtl1ne 01' Sectlon, 14;.' ,Thlihc'e, along,.l;h~esst line, 61' 'SFcUon 14, 'N;'0~'05",'E4 a'i'dlstanoe,o'f, 2g4.:3'feet; tThe'n'~~,Jfg;;g~i"'~<i\1~h proJert~d:llie,'N:;74. 52' E., ~a'(li8tance:ot, 84;T5feet'llito,:Sect1on'"13; .. ;;. _c_,;.,{~~~: .;'~:~<{~T7? +:,~~~+~:~_ ,:.:,~~.~i;'f:~~t~~5~~T~~'7~n ;,r:E':'~_"'i,,,: ;! ;,Ttll;tid'e,N"i,42~':;(68!.l/'1I.,'; a di'st8nce,;-o(:677'.6 ,feet" ''''lnto.,Seotion';'14i'i~toxthe."nor.th"prOperty#.l.lne ; 'i' <~ ,...."'.,.. ....,q"'...;v.""".,...,..-':,.,,~.c,,'~ ,c~~.i','"'\''~~_i\:,t.'_c.~<'~W'i'';'''i.>--:~~'~',"''' ~""~'f~;'-.-'- ".,.." ....-'.~, " ~Thtirtd~;,a:!.c,het soutnwesterly }:t.~~:~~;~~f:' o~i~i>M~ !\~~i~~,~9'j1;:,~j,:;' ;t.~~:.:_'i '; 6. ;,'Thenoe~s;,;:,O:i~()5:.~,W""'tl,lo~i\'.the.ii;!e,st ,pr()perty ,.11ne. . a dlstance 01' ,7-l'7.0 feet to the southwesterly ;"i'~~" ..;.,i~tooYer.t .,.. ~~",->'!":'jo.~ <~ .t;'\:-<;.'7tfi'):~;,t'--; '''-~,. ...~~j '-'~..'':'' , 7. '. .' .".. e~~~iV' "propert-"l1ne,,"a,.dlstanceM,or,:,l 9;'(),ree,t, more or le.~s j1to~"the~ polnt:t01'i.;beSinning:t:'.rAL,;i,,,-',i ;-:); f!'~~:~"~(. :-~. '~~:~. ~:i%~f:~:~;~.~~::~'T~~;':~X~.rJ;~l!;"~;';~".~~::.~,'~t:Z'_.";;'~ or lesS ~e abOVE: d~sor1bed~~pt~(}ef"'oor;t~'1rlli':262;070 sq. ft., more '-'." 1875 129 ,.--- , \ '; i f j I ! i ! I I +- 0_"",1 " +;,~~ i' ";4 '"= .}\ I 181'5 13r; E;;HI3IT "3" 'ccess Description Project No. I 70-3(12)281 PARCEL NO. 2 REV. 110.!'TH\~STERLY LI!:!,E Beginnirtg at a point on a south property line from which theSW corner of Section 13, T. 3 S., R. 69 W., Sixth-P~iric1pa1Mer1dian, 1n Jefferson county bears S. 60 35' 30" 1<1., a distance of 721.2 feet; 1. Thence N. 420 38' W., a distance of 677.6 feet to the north property line in Section 14, T. 3 S., '..R.69 H. ,,-,,., '1 ;>'1 .. ~ 'i- ;..,~ ," ,..'i' .~" 'i " "': 1875 130 ~~~#!'~~~:f,;g''1~7f{tt'''"'.'''C'";~;'.7';';4''':' ,J"!' . '. I 1 I j I j j I 1 I J j 1 1 I J