HomeMy WebLinkAboutNone (036) i ,J, :1 l' ,\' ~. I; _ ~ R(>r(',rr:1~r '\.~ i ~:' ..If )1 .,iJ, "ni I Rt'fnrded at ccloc~,___M. - --------.- I r-- R{'~rptIQf1_.,No,__=A__'_J:~I...H'~-:=-~---c ! \ J t X ...;. t ,'1 1\iU1hJ}ML~1!~S~1PrJES€Ut5 lEh&t -f. Or' -Mvf, RE'.DY fllXED CONCRETE CO:-lPANY lhr- ('..ronto! (,r Grnntor<;, '. ,- ~ ' of Ire and County of Jefferson ,()nd '";totp of Colorado for ond In consideration allhe sum of TEN DOLLARS and other qood and valuable con<;iL~ 'rallnr~, 10 the SOld Grantor::;r Gronl()fS In hand (loid, the receipt wnereof 1$ hereby confessed and ClcKnowledged, hove granted, bargained, soid and cO'1ve'(ed, onrl by :h(''.;~ prC5cnls do hereby GF?ANT, BARGAiN, SELL AIVD (;()NVEY unto The Department of Highways. Stute of Colorado. Grantee, lis successors and assIgns forever, 'he following fAal propP-fly slIuolp. In the anri Cnvr,:y 01 and Slate of Colorado, to-wit. ~'i A tract or parcel of land No 7A of Department of Highways, Stnte of Colorado Project No, I 70-3(12)281 containin~ 11,873 sq. it , more or less, in Block 20, Ber-kely Heights, Second Filing in the SWr of Sc-ction 13, Township 3 South, Range 69 West, of the Sixth Principal Meridian, in Jefferson County, Colorado. said tr2.ct or parcel being more particularly described as follows: r...l' , \.'1..... ~, ~! ~ ~ , " Beginning at a point on the North property line from which the SW corner of Sec- tion 13, T. 3 S., R, 69 W., benr. S. 6' 35' 30" W., a distance of 721.2 feet; 1. Thenee S. 74' 52' W. .10ng the north property line a distance uf 84,7 feet to the west line of Section 13; 2. Thence S. O' 05' V. along the west line of Section 13. a distance of 100.0 feet to the south property line; 3. Thence N. 74' 52' E. alon~ the south property line a distance of 161,4 feet; 4.. Thence N. 420 441 W. a distance of 108..9 feet, more or less, to the point of beginning. The above described parcel contains 11,873 sq.. ft.., more or less. = ~i ~ - .. . r-> ~ .....~ , CXJ"; :f --J.., ~:....\~ " \t;~ .' ~ _. ~ c.~ en . I - -187'1T:u-----.~- " --~..'_.- -......, .-"--- .. ..,\,.........,_.. __n_.n...._....,.-- ..,..,~,......~--,."'.,-.._""-"1't'~....~"'__1~n..~....'lt'V'.-". .""~:.'~-:wi.;;'''',4~~ ,,"'f' .,'S,.,. ,_. ,..." ,,;.~ ""W,'f" <)' r,,'],.'~:"'>, ,. "'.r 11, '.. ,; "" '0., ,.1 '":~1 ~: ')' ','-'" ';" ~ '.y-,-~'- ~,-:: ~,\ 1 ,<.; '/' 3 1", <;1 " ' ,.~ ~ :- . "";~. ,-<;~I"'''' - :~ ~ " ',., c-:r ~,- ~ r"i"" ,," 'rn1~"""':'" ,,"d ,f''T,1 '1dp,<' ",,,I' ;". .c.', 1l'1','f'I' !~p,pd ~.,,<, 11 '~,"f!cl,1'" ,,,,j"' ~ \:(' ,n' 'O,r-l onrl :jer; -:~1.1 "'-"~"lrr'f''lf~ ')'Y)" flil' ~ r, ,~., f,' ',,:'-,1 ''1 to" 'if'",.-,. 1'~"Y'l ".1 (,1''''''-' - ~",> ,~" ~'l ~ [',;.- 'l:,r.," 1>"1'1' ~'1 l~': ,., - ""1.. ,r.. ~ '",. 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