HomeMy WebLinkAboutNone (041) 79086148 \919 S\:Y, 2 1 lJIIO: 41 '...... ......... o'clock_.M. "aintfif"J~H~;:ei-1- :~r.tt-~' c: 19_, -&r~ l\noh!AUlIlm1lg~tl'rf5mt5 'S~ mutt 11, Ot"~~. :~:;- ~~ w V) ~of 'he and County of , and Stat. of Colorado ' lor and in consideration of the sum of TEN DOlLARS Clnd other OOod and valuable consideratlonlla rh. toid Grortk)r Of Grantor. in hand paid, the receipt whereof is hereby confessed and ocknow1edOed, hay. oronte..i, barQOined. sold and conveyed, and by 1h... pres,n's do hereby GRANT, BARGAIN, SELL AND CONVEY unlo REI\llY MIXED CONCRETE CO. a Colorado Corporation the Graf\\or 0( Grantors, STATE DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS Division of Highways, State of Colorado the Gronfae.itl successors and assign. 10revlr, the followi~ real pr~, Iltuatld In the County of J,:fferson and State of Colorado, to-wi1: A tract or parcel of land No. 112 Rev. of the State Department of Highways, Div- ision of Highways, State of Colorado, Project No. I 76-1(35) Sec. 1 containinE', 15,453 sq.ft., more or less, in the SW 1/4 of the SW 1/4 of Section 13, Township 3 South, Range 69 West, of the Sixth Principal Meridian, in Jefferson County, Coloradc, morc commonly known as 4909 Marshall Street, Wheat Ridge, Colorado, said tract or parcel being more particularly described as follows: Beginnln~ at a point on the northerly property line as described in Book 1698, Pale 130, in the Jefferson County records, from which the SW corner of Sec. 1:1, T. 3 S., R. fi9 Wkt' 6th. P.M., bears S. 180 42' 30" W., n distance of 808.9 feet; -, . 1. Thence S 14C1 09 I 3D" E a distance of 96 5 feet to the southerly property line ~s described in saia Book 1698, Page 130j 2. Thence along the southerly property line,S. 740 37 I 30" W., a dis tanc e 0 f 133,9 feet to the northerly right of way line of SH 70 (April 1978); 3. Thence along the said northerly right of way line, N. 420 58' 30" W., a dis- tance of 108.9 feet to the northerly property line as described in said Book 1698, Page 130; 4. Thence along said northerly property line, N. 740 37' JO" E , a distance of 186.4 feet, morc or less, to the point of beginning, The above described parcel contains 15,453 sq.ft., mo~e or less. All bearings used in the above. description are orientated to the Colorado Coordin- ate System Grid (Central Zone). L_ MHP IlfC(IIi(<i'~" II 'I{,'1i ll,c[ I, 4 ~ 'I f Dr'lH'I. t, i.~ " '~.:lJ ATItti1101i; Rll;hl 01 'iffY Secliog ---, l I ., I .' I . , . ". , , . , ,. , ~J~ rOl'!lol 110 tn-t ~.._ '-Itll TOG ET H ER with all and sinqulor The heredifaments and a~rtenances thereunto belonQino, or in anywise opperloinirlQ,cn::I rht revor- sion end reversions, remoinder and remainders, lenis, i!sves and profits thereof~ and all the estate, rioht, tille, inter'51, cloim and demand wholsoe'Jer of Ihe said Grantor f)( Grantors, either in low or equity, of, in and 10 the above borQO;ned JremisM, with the herecUomerts ord the appurtenances. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD Ihe soid premises abo...e bargained and described, with the oppur1enoncn, unto the lillld Granlee cnd ils successors and ossiOns fore"flt. And the said GrantCJ' Ol' Granlors, for themselves, their heirs, executors and administrators, do COY8YInt. 91'01'11, bofooin ond OQfee 10 cnd with Ihe soid Gronlee and ils successors Clnd ossiQns, thot at the time of Ihe execution (md delivery 01 these presenls, they were w~ll seized of!he premises above conveyed, os of QOOd,sure, perfect,obsolule and indefeasible ~Clfe of inheritance, in low, in Fee Simple, and hod Qoad riQht, full power and lawful aulhority to orant,bargoin, sell and convey the some inthe monnercrd form oloresaid; lhot!he some oreff'ge and clear Irom 011 other Qronts, boroains, soles, liens, loxes,asussmerh and encumbrances 01 whoi- ever kind Of nolure soever. by, through or under Ihe Grantor or Grantors; that the said Grantor Of Gror,tors will WJ~RRANT AND FOREVER DEFEND the above bargained premises in Ihe quiel and peaceable possession of the said Grantee, on(1 ill successor, and a'isigns, against 011 and every person or perSons lawfully claiming or to claim It'le whole Of any port thereof, by,throUQh Of UOlje, the said Grantor or Granlors, 7th August IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said Grantor or Grantors have hereunto set their hal:ds Ihis ~day of "A,D,,19~, READY /TheLIp,..,g~no instrument was ocknowledQed befare me thjS~dayof /' .,,, "0 by.ir:{,: 'p, ~rat.J'''Q,. 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