HomeMy WebLinkAboutNone (044) " " DC ~ORN NO lZ9 (7 (.'68\ / ~, ~O IT Ft')W ~oP'" "'" ~. " \ o'cloCk_ M '\ ~"t 11. o~~::,,"" " ""'" I,:"~'_~'~~:'\ \,y ~ Colorado Corporation the Grantor or Grantors. of lhe and County of ,and Stoll of Colora.do for and in consideration of the sum of TEN DOLLARS and other 900d and valuable considerations to the sat<! Gran10r Of Grontocs in hond paid, Il"le receIpt whereot is t'lerebt confessed and ocknow1tdotd. heve oronted. bat'Qoined. sold and c:onvlyed, on" by these p'esenlS do hereby GRANT, BARGAIN, SELL AND CONVEY unlo '. ... STATE DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS. Division of Highways, State of Co1<:jrad,o( 1M Gron'.., lit luee...o.. ond osslgnl forever, !h. Iollowl"9 reol property, e1tua1ed In fM CountyOf . J.c f"~ roan ond Slote of Colorodo, lo'"il: ' sq, ft. Alroelorpare.,oflond.Nol08 Rev.ofGronlee'sPro)ectNo. 176-1(35)Sec.l Callolnlnq 1,645_ more or I.... in the SF: 1/4 of the SF: 1/4 of Section 14, TOIinship 3 South, Range 69 West, of the Sixth Principnl Meridian, in Jefferson County, Colorsdo, more commonly known as 6555 Ii. 48th Ave" Wh""t 1(1 dge, Colorado, said tract or parcel being more particularly described as follows: Beginning at A point on the east property line as descrined in Book 2009, Page 222, of the Jefferson County records. which is S. 890 42' 30" W., along the south line of Sec. 14, n distnnce of 175,0 feet nnu N.OOo 09' 30" W., parallel with the eAst line of Sec. 14, n distance of 343,3 feet from the SE ~orner of said Sec. 14; 1. Thence nlong snid property line. N. O' 09' 30" W., a distance of 29.j"f~..t to the southeriy right of way 11n,' of Sll 70 (Apr. 1970); 2, Thence nlong said right of WAY lioe, N. 610 15' W., a distance of 56.6 feet; 3, Thence continuing along said right of way line. S. 890 42' 30" W.. .. d1s-, tnnce of 50,7 feet; 4, Thence S, 690 44' 30" F:. a diotance of 51.6 feet; 5, Th~ncc S. 510 56' '+5" E. tl distance of 58.8 feet, more or leAS, to the point of beginning, The' above d(>scrlbcd pnrccl contninA 1,645 Rq.ft., more or leRs. '~ All beArings ",In ate System Grid , 0 ,'" ' , '~;~ ~. '" ~~ f used in the above description are orientated to the Colorado Coord- (Centrnl Zone). RECORDED IN CO\JNTY OF JEFFERSON STATE OF COLORADO RECEPTION NO. 89029642 04/06/09 12:00 6.00 'j. 'I ., 'i.'" 1l. 1" '.:~"'" ..; .; , ,. , Ir)JJ~[lllr f;(JW ")f'\II ~0 V he;I' J2~ ~tll875 r-- - TOGETHER wdh 011 and "r,qulor 'he-hered"ornents and oppurlenonc..lherevn1o be~,n~,oron anywise owe<Ioininq,cnltl1e rever- I Slon and reverSions, remarnder and remomder'S,1!'nts, rssull'S and prof, IS thereof; and 011 :he !'State, n9ht, 1ltle,ln1erf'St, c)olm and demand wholsoever of Ihl! SOld Grol\1or or GronlOt~, eIther In low ex equity, of, in and 10 the above borqo\ned p-emises, with the heredilomem on:t the oppurlenl)nc.e~ I TO HAVE CoNn iO HOLD lhe SOld premises above borQained and deS<:flbed, with u-.e appurtenances, unla the said Grontee OM its SUCCeSSors ona oss"lgns forever And!~ SOld Grantor or Grantors, for themse\'f6, thetr heirs, executors and odministrotcn, do COV'E!nOnt, gron\, OO190\n and ogree 10 and with Ihe said Grantee and its SuCCeSSors and oSSil:jOS, thot at the 1I,11e of the e~ecution and d!livery of \he~e prC!lenls, they were wel! seized of lhe premises above conveyed,os of QOOd,sure, perfect,absolute and indeftosi~ estate of inheritcn::e.. in law, In Fee$lmple. and "'ad good righI, full power and lawtul Qu1liCwi1y 10 oront.borQoln ~ell and convey the some in fhe maruwcrd form aforesaid Ihollhe sam~ are free and cleor from all other Qf'tInl', bafQoins, sotes, hens, raxes, assessments and encumbf'ancn ot whot. ever IIlnd or nalure soever, by, Ihrauqh 0' under rhe Gf(l;('IIO, 0' Gran1ors; 1hOt 'he said Grontor Of Grontors ",ill WARRANr AND FOREVER DeFEND the above borQoi('lp.d premise\ in the qui., and peoc~bl1 possession of thl sohJ Grantee. o"d it, luGe.nors and assigns, 0<]0105: atl and every person or persons IQwtully cloimlnQ 0' 10 claIm tl'le whole or any partlhereof, by, U'lf~ 01' under It'le said Gran lor or Granlors. F IN WITNESS WHEREOF, rhe said G'~nlo' or Grantor. hove hereunto sel theIr hands Ihis , '7.'1'''") , Signed in the presence of STI\TE OF Color,do and County at Jeffeuon ,1\.0" 19 __1~ SWISS SOCIETY OF DENVER ---aICOIOrado Corporation By'} . r '. JJ .I. ~,.,., ----- --'.Y....W-~ .:(."'-<l~ ...u.....L'll.< ~~-p(~~ __ _f!ikn.~ _ tY~ ~.. ..-.." , ,Ilt''''''''''', "", '11)., It",,, , ---- l" ....~'!.':,I.......!'" """" u ~( / 'T. ., " 't.., ..)9', before me this----.a.-doy of _~~Q.:-.!1'~ .' )'. , h,.~;. ~ "i.'. .....'\0:, _!--"!,S~!S_S SOCg:TY OF DF~.fI. -,:. 'i S':'''' r " Colorado Corpor"ti~1 V \ ,~ e>\..-... :.... -_.._-~-'-_.'._------'---~ --~.\-~, "0. ...,.-- \#~O ........, .....c.. ---, ---,---------~~.!,~,,~., Nota', Pvtll;c oy The fore?OlnQ Inslrumenl wos ocknowledqod WITNESS my hood and OI',Ciol Seal. My Comm\u\o" E~pires: STI\TE OF Colorado ana Counly 01 Jeff erson J.. by 1 he foreqolnq inslrumen! was ockno.,.,ledQed before me 'hit. _ ~.~_doy 01_ ~._ Febr:uA_t7. .192L. Gutrude Padon, Vice-President, Jame. O. Ilugh~r_t, E~ln Gehring, ~....-=--___ ".,.."\OO~"". .....~O........ O~, ~.-<. ..... .----.-'....~..7"-- w,n" '-,'; "'y ""',,' oM r)lI,c'OI Seal, i Cr,.' " Yet. /' _!l;I"-:>;"'On ,'.V, " / Vi<;f ,,/. .~t"t1I: My C.ommlSSlon f~plre'\ ._~;1 ___~_'-<. ~~_'-- ____",..!.Ic!'=-~Jo:..:~..I.Jl"':' i -"'l!"'..I'~<.!V'Ol~ j . i .' \.~"1 ... "". .' ~~:-i- - ,-, '... --"'-. ..1.. ~J ...., " f, T~rT II ~' "I , ,-.:;:: I II r:..... ~i~ I I,...J F='~ "'31,11 -< ff< r::: ~~,cj~~ 0 8 ~11~lii ~ ~ N1....;;,] I "V) ,:'-1 ~r) ~ 0\ d~ llJi ~~ dI 8l o:~ cr 0' ~i "- -'l'::L -0 ~ ~ I ~I ~I r::: w ~ W o "' "' "' ~ Vi a ~ ~ ~ ..,. C Q - u ~ '"' o ei 01 WI g t\ 3[ ~I . o "'" >- I! ~~ :x: 8 2'0 :x: " ...~ 0,;; t-, z:z. LLI '" 0 ~ ::e" 0 ~ ~"io ~ ~c 0:::,_ 0 ~:x: ~ "'.... 8 11 ~~ () 01 ~~ la VI Cl "' b l l' f ! >[ ~ '5 ",_l ~!01, ;;- ;1. ~'';fil . ~ . !:s.! i. ,- - . ij -; : S g\ "D f::. ..' t, 2 ~ :!!\, .! ";.. 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