HomeMy WebLinkAboutNone (062) ..tllllll''lTT''It9:ft._o',l\.....ll'<'la'I..t'a''''~~Cb..r..a.......!'to>......r.~,,~.::......_ oJ...," of in t},r \'.'iT of ollr 1.(\-.\ 0111' :1")\b",t,,1 hi:w l"gah..,j "ad :,.~~:,:..-: ,bf>t~n o! ~ \,.(', ('()\lnt). fir :.:: _ ~_" 9.nd Sit:\ttl of ('(\],lrsd,). of thr first rr.rt. !Iond COIITl\V \,r _ ___ .:lnll St.:t.tl" of Col"r:ll!C> ('\r 11.c ~""('(\fld I'::t.rt: .".!'......u..'h "f')'..~ ,1..", ...:..l :"."~. "f \".. I....' :..... r,,~ ..,,~ ,., .......'a:'~.....r.."" n' ,'.... .,,,,, 1',11!.\1:<. , I f I , , C ,1 "~ll :1,' 11"" \_ ,':",~: :', l,:l;~:l:: ::~'" ~ ~;.':::::.~:\:,:;!" ':~l:':_ ':::,~;:,' . ~,;::::: 'i:';': I' '::, ,',':~';' ,:,:. ,.,~::: \0 th(' $~itl ;,;,,1;,' u[ ttll:- l;r5t !':lTl in J.:'l.n,f [':!;.J 1". t.l,.. ".11,) ..~rl ('o.l~('(l, 11:\ l:1":lntrd, hllrp'Iint'd. ~(l\ll ;lnd ...Oh';"y....l. r.l1d h~..!;"~." rare... of ,1:.:- Sl'r0nd p:ut. ::'" ~~ :1l!;\ :'l_'" to.' .".' \"";I'r:: In II,,, COUllt'. 0f J('!iN~oh:l:lt! 2~;l!e fir t'r:.;11tMlo, 10-W11' 1- .~ - ~ -" . (~4 ) , /, ~ ..J, t ,. 0 I.' . 1 t brl' ':1.' ',Ii'" 'q""("~''\i''i!''' ,\..d tj,p N'\r~i()~ T~ether With 9.11 and sil\~\ll.u tllf' hnrditllmrnt~ ll.nd" :l.j'rlurtrn;'lnr!'~ t ,It:~unc~tMC. o;;~~~'\~~,.l~n'l;:"~/ (,~~:~l :l-~"d 'j;~;~"~1<i '.d]:l.l~a(":er, of and re,ehlions, remainder and remainder!, renl~, i~~t:{'", 1\.nr' rTO~:t~ t.:erl:'<l, ,Iln ,~'. "lbC .> " ...d ,.," '. ;~,,~ ~ itll -!)~e' h"" ,Ji!.'i~('!;!.5 3!ld arpurt('n!ln~l.'~. the Mid pm ~ of the first pArt, eith"T in Ill'\\'" or ('rl':lly, of. In :1n<l 10 tlll.' ll. >i)\e ar!;:l.m. pr!'m._., To H:ne and to Hold Tile ~id pr{'misc~ :lbw:c b:lrpincd and dl'seriUcd. with th{' apP;Jrl('n!lon('('", \1:l~O the said parL....... .of the second part. ~:2~...... ireirsmnd ll..<;signs forever. And tIle !:lid ~" _ hrirg .part:..........of tlle first part, for _~..~ H', .~_....._~.._..:'" . . I d .'tl t1 'd' t of t\;t' ~('eond port., ;httB :lntl eJ[l'cutOt!l nnd ndminl~trntol1l. do .S-.._t'ow'nnnt. t!r3nt. h:\rt:lllll nnt nllT!"t' to no ~l I ,1.. pnlw~i'rd1"(1 of II.,. pr('fnh,clI ;t.hon~ rlm\"I'''erJ, Ill! (If !;Onrl, MalII'M that at the time of the ('n<cnling I\nu d('lh-rrr of thr~I' r,r('fNLI~ . J - II ~! ri"I~t fIlII pow!'r 'lnri h\\"fl\l Authorlt)' to ll"Tfl.l\t, SUl'1!, p~rfect, nbsolutf' and Inddt'l'UIib]l.' rstnte of ill!lrri~llnt'... In 'dll\\'. en, (',t' ;m;r t'~ nnt ll~: fr'" ~:"l<cl,';; r'ron; oJl forn;l'r :w"d othe'f ~T:lnt~, h.n~ain~, ba.rgaln, RlI and conn'y the 1I1lme In manfil'r llnd form nforf'.a:l.! I 1111' t Ill. I 1(' ~ mt' ~ Mica, Uens, taxes, UlleMm(-'nt<< and JnCtlmOrIlDCl'!I fJf \'I'hn.l"\.'I'T kind or ni1l\lrf' ~o("'f'r, 'I and the "boye h:\r!l:~I~~ll prrmbes in the quirt fl.nrl pr.1cpnh!1' "o5S('~.~lon of 01(' ~:l-ld IllHt all:aJnll.t nil and eYerv penon or Jl<'fllon" !nl\flllly d.li:ui:l,: r,r to cI.;i:n U,,' wL,)j,o or :>11)' will Warrant and Forever De(cnJ, In WltneAs Wherenf, Thl' M,irl pfttt . (,f tlip :,rs\ plHt 11", I,,'n'\mto /-"t I 6rat above written. - SU1SED, SE,'1.I!.D ASf) Ih:LI\'I:Rl:b IS I'h&IIESC'r. or I I I- i I .. or tiH' ~erond pllrt. _ :.,. ' !':'rt tLrn>l)f. l\~C' ~~:! :':lrl .l1eif"lMl-nd l\.lI;~i~n!l. nf t.he' lir~t p:lrl "hall and IHlnd nnrJ Ft'lll the thy And VC3r .~ .-f~ ~-g ;;;---~"" //--- . / ( \\ Ii .' l'WTlRiJI. \ .' \\ \ SUI. ,~!: \.. ,.. TL" rlll'q.:(,illl:: ill~:nl!l.(,l\l W;\.'! tlr.:,T\llw~,'\ki'rl !x-rnre Ill!' tli(~ I (" Counl)' of '1I1"or~ . ."''C.''o''~ \\lln('$'<; m'. ",1'), :In' "...l\:1 ,..\. .. .l~ . hy \- , ~ ""'~';::..-:- / \! '{ rr':l,I:,;,,-il'll ,',- ,'I:<"~ ''"' ::"'nT_III'I' }'PBLIr.. ST.\TE OF COLOR:\DO, I ,,~. " J. /;.-......, (!/";~; ~ ')\ 'I, ~.or,"'" I I \\ ,,(:AI. j' ~" ",", / j \.. '.-=r' f "'-~,/ r.ollnlyof n !'I'otilT")' Pul/lll' in Ilntl Inr ~.'l;d I Ollllt.., ;11 Ih!' :-itl1l,. nf"rt'~:\il!, do hel!'ll}' ('('rlify tliat wljn ;... .j1crsnDIl1]Y known tn tlW 't~ \,,, 1h~ pr~~(}n .who~(' 11.'l'Tl(, ~tl\.~r.ri\',.d to the forr!;oin~ Deed :mJll'llred hefore me tllis d~y in IWTl'nn, tlnr! tll') nowll'd;:,pd tblt.... ~i~IH;d. s":dt,,!. :l~d dl'll..pr....f th" . J .'n ~ um"Dl of wrltinp: a~' rtt'(' [Inti \'olnn!o.ry :\1:1. rot lh" UriC.'! fillll purp".iC~ t],er' III g('l [(Ifill. llll' , :~~"('n und('r nly hllnd 111111 '~<1t:Hbl ~"al. thi~ JIIY of ., A. D. 1[) .;. ]\Iy ('flmmi~IOI\ expir('i'! , A. n. 19 \;Ofllrll'II111_W Filed for rrcoTd tll1~-. i~;~ .ds)" (If :J. , A. D. 19 ,G at ~ o'c1ork M. By Hl:Cfl!Wr.H . I I tl' I~-, 'T . I I I . ~-- ---~~ , . . . I xxxxxxxx Yf,......1'lf"f1' Pu:D.-()1.:t- W-.s ?rl..lI~'aM Stadon." Co.,c..-l..~ SQMIl"" C,.Av. Yloi!'> .------ ..d~v 01..... L't' .~, .,- .10. the year of our Lord ont" t,!io...;.:-,h,tJcl i..dt;\.. 1IUIH11-t:J <<IllS J)eeb. "lade thia.. , . t., ~...,.-?:U':'... .01 the. l betwec:n and.- ~:-1.r.::;.~!;s.c...- ...._~.,.~.,_M~...~....... ...,. .... Coun~,. of.-Je:$.;.. r .i.~'.-..." ......n........ ....od Slnl. of Colvrndo, of the first part, and. (,! t ~.e Counlyor ,,~l.' ,.= '._'C ....nd Slal. or Colorado, of th. :second p:U-~: Wltn"".~.h. 'l'h.t ,ho "~l,\ :"..1 -; or th. C,!"!ll'"t, rn. .~,lln ""n.ioor.'inn of Ino ,'1m nf \ ;;';;;; ,;;;;;:;;,;" ;, ,":;, ;" ,:,~i:~ I ::,~ ;;,~' ;; ',;; :~~ ;;;, ;.' ";, ',;" ;;,,; ',:", "" ."<<,, ,',""' " ''"'' ",. ,,' ....' ;~~:;::;: .d...., ...,. <" "d, ."",.". ,," "d '"' .,,,,, ,.. " ;>'" ''',""" ,. ' ",", '''''''' '"", ,""., ",' ",,'.'" ". " .' ." _,"..n" ."., ,"", '" ' · ',,,,,"' ,,' '""~ ,,""', ,'''"'' ,""""' d, """"0< ". ,.,..' "n"..'. ,,,,,'" ""., ,,' ""ing in th.... County of Jefferson and State or Co1MAdo, w......it: \ I \ \ \ \ \ , I 1 \ 1 J , < ......--.---.-.-- -_.....<..--_.~......-. . ; ~ "c' -::: , 'I Ll"'" ) ,,7:) . < ;,. .": .=.' - (..- ' , .;.,; ... ~.. "..~ ~ _ t "'; ..:-.t',:" ;c. .; \_: ~ :. i. t:" J: ':. , ' \-;/ !; .."~. ..~.. .' .." :to .. \'. 7.i::=,'. ~) . ;~ ;.1-.:',:' .. , ;:.,. ~ ":..1 .....( ;~''',::_,;,_~':'''''.>:,,:" V:...; :-~. .. ;.-:... J t';: , - . ~~; "' I .. ( ...' I" _.;1 ....,+ 1..". .. .. :_.i' :'.:1: -- ~. . . .......: F -- "':.. =-, ::.1 :.~~'/ s'''' ~~~.. ',', o ,_'.-.'1 ::. . .... .. €' '\" .::. :...v......__e-.' '0, {.- ,.' :".....,... T "" '"~ W", "' ", ,;","'~ ", ,,,,,,,,, .,." 00' "'"",,"'" ,',,"" ",. "" '"""'"'. " ,"""' '" "" ,,'" "' "" ,." '"'' """'"" ,"", """,_ "",,",,, ,0' ""., ""'''. """. ,,, '" """ '" ,", ,,,,,,,,- ,,' ,," ." "."'. '" ,.,. ,",". ,,,",,". ,'," '" """ "".". , "'"'''' '" "" .., ,me . "' "" ",,' ,..", '''',n '" ,," "' ~''''', "'. ,,, """ ,.. ,;., .'"'''' "","",.. "".",,,..' <<" ".. ,,,,,,,,,..,,." .", ,,,,,,.,,,,,,'" To !la,-e and to Held Tllc s,id pcmiscs "bo';e b"J''''lIcd ,c,J described, ",l'l the "i i'~"'".'n~nn' u:o, ' 01 t1(' H'cond pn.:: - ~. j:cin -and :-\~::;~C5 forCYl' \cd the snit! tei!'"', :~d-~ :.~ ~f': the s..'lid p:lrt.. .. I~.rt.. (,f l~.e ~~,r:::~' ;!~,..t. ;l;:- co 'D.>"t. u""t \,.""",,, ""j ." ,,' \0 ',c.0 "it'l I:,P ; "j .'",t ,.f l' 'c' ,.1 (':\('{:u'.or~ and [ldPlirJi:,t:-:..'.\':-~ do . ! I , ,,!..~_,,"NTI' DED).__O..t W... Prl.l1DC and StaUoM,., Co... o..s.~, SpriaC".. ~........ V~1N ~ ~-~---- I ~{Ji5 iIleeb. Mad" thiR......................'>, i I i I I I I I I ! I I l . ! " i i l ! , ; l't , i\.'l' in llJt~ vtar of our Lord oue lllou~fuui uinl' iJUIlllrt::J ....d"vof.. " , " ~......~:!::'~ .of the... &nd..ti:.l.~:y.~f.i.\:~.... . between. County or.,..7~.!:::h:.....S..'..:........h..... ......and State of Colorado, of the first part, and. of the. .................-........ Connlyof .. _.... ,.~.>.o," ..and State of Co!orado, of the second pan: '\'!t""pl1,,!-P-tb. Th~t ~hp ~?:!rl :'~.!'t_:! 0-€ ~h~ !i~t !'~_!'t, fn!" ~n(l in rOncllltl"rntinn of t,n/'l <:l1In of ..;:;.~'.._ ..~._::.~l.~~~?::.~_-:.-:---_.._-_u_-------_._- _.- ----- .f)m.L....nsl to the said part. .J..... .of tho bl"5t p3ft in hond poid hy the said ]1art.::.. .of tho second part, the receipt whereof is !;on.by conf,.>>((! and arknowl- edged, haL.......grnnted, bargained, sold and ('om'eyed, and by these present. do ' . .. gl"allt, !J:ll~,in, ".Il, conl"e:: and eoa!rlll nata the "id pnrt....i.... .of the second part. .i.:,; 5'.' ':i:cir$"a'nd Msir,ns forcyer. all t!1e following d.-,,,iLe,! ~,,: or parcel of I.tnd, ,itO:ltc. !I'ill" and l~iN~ in the.__u County of JeITcrson and Stat~ or Colorado, to.wlt: ~- . < te" \./1.)) .- :l -:. ~.. - ; ~ "t" :~.., :~ 'l;. ,,:" ~ .:"',. , , , ,...., " ,.t' t. -t....: ,,,r:,'r (::;:~) .:.... ".' ,. J: . t .. n\ :'i 1::':: ~C:_. ~ . , ' \..1-;1 e-,:. :..-\ I"; ::::, -.., .:-) (::.J I::; (___= .'J) : ~ ~ .... .. , ; - !. c . . . . J. f '. , ...,,-' (... - - . ~-- ~, ~I~\\'..\i;.'-' .~l);',(':-t:,llli!":". :1f',d tl e ,(" ~'r~if)n ;l;('~" l., ,:_ :-..T <; I:'.lj~ I:.,:\h~lt.>.. (., 0:' Tog,cther \Yith :dl :\.:u :::in;..:ui:u the' hr-;-('dit~rrH'nts :1.:ld :l-r'rurtr:-:.H11'r.~ t;~l':l'11:1t(l I"l. :1.nu reYl'r::-irlllS. Tf'ln:,ir:dl';' a::d rl"r~LliL.Jl':-.;;; !l'lll.c, ;;C::-l:t':, :ltld pr,)~,t~ th:.\"I; ;ll,d'l I :!,l' {'.{ :' the ~;!.id rart ili t1~f' t"ct l"lrt, pit!."r in :~l\\ (lr t'r\l:i~y! flf, i'l :\1',-] t,) li't' :i\.., {. h ll!-' i"..l To H~HC 3nd to III III TLt.: ~:-:.id p"m:.:'c:, 11,)' C' h:l~. "~~>.('ti :\:d ell' .~'lil,'.I, I'. it \ 11 to jj. \. . it II : .e \;"(' :ul :1! \ !llJ r~ C:Ull' l' ~ [', ,.,..: ,I:, \1. ,.:.; ., ....1" . I I . I I I ! I I I i I \ I I . l I , ! , i ; . I I . ... ... -~- -~ ----- - - - "..."1IIfTI' DJ:I:D._Ou\ W..t PriaUIl. and &.U-,., eo.. CuJoraoLl Spri.c... c...i.:... YHN ~{Jis Jleeb. :.rldc thiB-h......h. .....d~v oL "-t' ,'c' 1.0':,:' ..in the vear of our Lord one tllOU::-lilJd uIne LiJlJJc(.d and..:~-1::.:,~r.-:-:.~ Yt:.. between. 'l 1 :.'. .~.' u;...Fi..;....... County 01. ..7e:.:::.....' ~~... ..and State or Colurado, of the first part, and.. County <>C .. "._ . .and State of Colorado, of the .econd 1''''1: \\.ltn~'t"Pth, Tl"t th,. .-qin r~!"t ;' 0'! ~h,!, liNt r~,.t. ("f IU',-l in I'nnll1rl,.rR.tinn of th", ~lIIn nf ~:.t' ;-;..,....:-. .~.....;...;;-;!~~.?______,__________ ____n_h_ __._ . . to the said P:ll'l.. ';'" . .of tho ltr.5t part. in hand paid or tI:e said part. :L. of the second part, the rCI."(:i:lt edged, hA-$. granted, bargained, sold :mu com'eyed, nnd by th('se prl'::-C!lts do ~ '5 ~~rant, h:1rt=":1~::. part.....i'". .of ttc second part, ~.:s. ~. ~ "J:tiri~~"hd a..,-;if;n3 forc\'C'ft all the following d('~l'riL~d l()~ t...ing in .he. County of Jefferson and S~te of Colorado, to-wit: . .. . ..~.. :;~:r L / 1 i':..,) .. -. \:..; ,. (::r.) .',. :::.; :" ~i :'" . , \ -; J 11'. ..:.;.. :~ \ _.. .- . " -'" ""; ~ (.. \ ,:....J I:: '., " ~'.. ~ ~ ... ' ( --,I . - . .... . . . . - . ~ " ._..i) t: ( ~ ~ ....- c '.. , -.::' -/ ...... l' o (:>' .. .. ' '. Together 'With :loll snd sir-gular the' L('f('dit~mcnt5 and 3rpurt{'nanc('~ thereunto bC'lom.::in...., (l- and re\"cf.::ioDS, remainder and rem:lindcr::;, rent.:::, i~::l:(,s 3.nd pn:.t" th;i('(lf I :1r.u ~dl t;,(! c.~latr li~,;t. '.i tbe said part.. of thf' tlrst p.'lrt, ('itllf'r in law or (.quity, nf, i:l ilild tn til(' aLm'c b:l.rg:lin~'d Lit'::,:, To H~He :luJ to lIaId TLc s:lid rrt'mi5cs ;;b,y'(' b[t;~:l::;('d :lnd d{'~'.:,ib('d, ",-it'} the> nr'jl\J:-:t:;; tl:e s~'"lid p:ut.. _ of t!H' sccund pa: ~,.. ~. .!:ci-.nnd :>.<;.5';,::n.:; farcn':, ,\r.d the s:lid r :.rl I<f tLc tlr::t p:,n exC'cufor:: :'Ind :;,dn;ini:-'t:-:1~tlr~ rid ('O._"!l:.:.t l:l.i,lt. b:1:"t,';,ill :l!.d :l:!:t'l' to :l.nd wi.;l t:lf" said D:.:l . ~~i,u..s, ~~, AI. the time of the ("ns('tlltntt'!lnd.'rtrli~"ery-on!i~i~"r-?~~hnf?"~"'" '~i_"~"'''''''--~''- '-;-;n 5d~"-' sure. perfect~ nLsnIlltl" !1nd in.-I......nn"-.hTA'>. ............__l' :_L.._-'",___ __i. . ~ - . - un .of the.. of tLc. - POI_LAns, wf:(,f(>of is Lr-rcLy cot.r{';o' -, \1 ~T!d :l.rl:nowt~ .!I, ron\'c:: and CO:!!;!"!:I :Jnto tL<: ~:ljd or pa.n.d or Lind, ..,ita:.l(', Iyiu:! :lTld .:1 ~:lnd:.-'" :tpr("!"t3.i:,jr.~, :-~r.d t~,~ :c"t':~'i'J:J , ~~~;:('[c.::r, l': :rn :"I.f.d l~d,.:I:J,i\ :~t~J'.: ('=-, of t1l t~il.~ hcrt'd;t~::i'''':-;!:': .3.:Jd :::':)11UrlC:1::i.fll:P". :' ;1~~0 ~l'l pi,:,~, .0..: ...t~.l c~(,; c.vuLt ~:ut, .lit:,~"':"..''''___.J..:cia .;wJ....., j."o_ r r!~t rl-:~~p':-c.~:;:.'c5- L.hrJ':p.~:l..-i..t:y('d. n.~ (Jf~o()d. I I I .