HomeMy WebLinkAboutNone (064) f.' . ~ ,'l~'i;I.. . '..:~ff'!! ~..<Mt ': ~ltfb~... ..;;... ,.. of_i.oit _ t~."'''' . ,.. - -'- --BlDL'. ~. ~!f 1 B~ 48J' . ;!<, = ~wado, it~ 1ir.a paI1, .. '~',~ -' - - - J /JirES o. otiuat un . , .. - -j' " .,-, . ~..... at L: .. ';'1'; ,- *' L. at.1ftE ;:- ~ -, of the ~ of JeUll-lIOQ ad State of Colorado, of the _Dd part: '; ! .. WITNESSBTB, that the laid partl..of theflnt JIIUt, lon~ lii'-~deratlon of the_ of . ,I""A-I-I.'.... Tl!A~' lX>LLAllS A..~D OTHER VALUABLE OOlGlU:;.5T%OI8. . . . . . . . . ~ .. 1'AolIL"'_ . ). I I to the aid parti ellof the tint put In Ilud paid b~ the aaI4 putle. of the ~ pan, the ~ whmtof i;; hereIq eoD1eased and aelmowleclpd, ha ve P'BDted,~, 80ld ADd convqed, aIlll b7 tbeu pl'U8Jlta do ~ . bargain, sell, conV1lJ' and eoD11rm unto the said partIM of the ~ part, DOt III tenanq III _on but In joint tenancy, the .untvor of them, their uaIpa aIlll the heira aIlll uaIpa of neb .untYOr torner, .n the tonCl1ftq de8crlbed lot or parcel of land, lltuate, I)'fna aIlll beIq In the Count)' of. Je" terson aIlll State of Colorado, to-wit: Begi=ing at a point on South line of Jefferson Avenue. also known all North Golden Road. 564 feet West trom East line of Southwest quarter Northwest quarter (~I. Seotion 22, Township 3 South. BEinge 69 Wast; t..i.anoe 3~6 f'3Eit eouth; t~noe la> feet ,7est. thenoe 396 feet North, thonoe 131 feet more or less running East along Jefferson Avenue to point of beginning, togethar with all water and water rights. .lIpeoiall~ One (11 IItatutor" inoh ot water trom Ollellet te Ditoh and together with right to use a oertain lane lying immediately ryest or above desoribed property lit deso~1b6d 1n ~arrantj Dead reoorded in Book 2'13 page 353, Jefi"3rson County Rooords. TOG~ER with all aIlll singular the hereditamentll and appurtenanclllI thereunto beloncinlr, or in an sppertaining, and the reversion aDd reversior.., remainder and remainders, :rents, illuelI and profita thereof: all the estate. right, title, Interest, claim and demand whatsoever of the aid part les of the flrat psrt, either law or equit)', of, in and to the above harpined premia.., with the hereditamentl and appurtenance.. , TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the said premiles above harplned and deacrlbed, with the appurtenan.... unto the ;' said partie. of the second part, the .untvor ot them, their ..alirna, and the helrl and ....lgI1I of such IIllrrivor, for- : ever. And the said part i e30f the flrat part, for thl):l1 ae1 ves ,their helra, uecuton, and admlnlatraton ^ do covenant, grant, bargain and acree to aDd with the said partiel of the leeond part, the lurvivor of them, ~ D I their aioigna and the h6it'S and :.::!er~ of ~::h eurviv!!1', that at the time c1 the e!,~g1!n: .ftd d"liv@!7 Ijf t!!~e :.- ..., presents, are well seized of the premJas above conveyed, al of eood, 11I1"e, perfect, abllolnte and Indefeasible estate of inheritance, in law, In fee almple, and ha ve COOd rieht, fnll power and lawtul authority to lfi"BDt, har- gain, sell and convey the IlAme in manner and form aforesaid, and that the lame are tree and dear tnnn .n former and other grants, harplns, wes, llens, tuell, .._sments and Incumbrances of whatever Idnd or nature lO8ver, exo~t the taxes of 1950 whioh are due and payable in 1951. and OJt;)ept one c9rtain note geoure~ by deJd of trust reoorded in BoOk 534 at Page582 Jefferson County Coloradb Reoords. and the above barpined premi... In the quiet and peaceable pOI_lion of the aid partllll of th~ HCOnd plrt, ths survivor of the:u, their ..silrl'8 and the hell'll and "llama of .nch IUrrivor, aplnlt all and every person or penon. lawfully claiming or to claim the whole or any part thereof, the aid parties of the flrlt part lhall and will WARRANT AND FOREVER DEFEND. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the said parties of the firs~part avo hereunto let their hanll! seal!l the day and year first ab"ve written. ~ 'la<, ...... .... -- .. ... Pn_ or .-- _._-'fC~~~-t-...._..["ALl ..................................................................................._.[SEAL] ~-~...12).~.!.._~~...[SEAL] ...............u...........................u..................... ._..........m........ [SEAL] and .............u..........u........................................................... [SEAL] STATE OF COLOR"-DO, } __" .~~ 001lDQ' of Jefferson II. TII(~,Ja,atnqDent - acknowleclpd before me W. s i:I:th da7 of A.;p~~..~;:':.~f:';t~ Roy E. MoC~rty aDd Flora E. Mocarty ;,}jj~.it oi h : " .;,:_ ~ . ~^ , : ,,~\. ,18. Wlm.. ~ Iaand and otncIal ..... ;:~::.:~.~ ~""""".';',. ~'on&.pir...Ocfober~l,HIS:l ~.A__~~ -;, :. \~ I'll Ell \ C : "- --......._.........._.......~L~~_..~.~~ ...___._____....__._... -... ....'., MAIQUIS I. N*7.... -.- " .~ My C '17'. ,....00WIIr ~ .- N.. 'D. "'UIWl'IT DDD.-Ta I.... ~.......,.~.. . ....a......., D" . .........;.,.__ .Jfby....tural_or_b...l_a..... .1!"~"~.. .~,~ =~~~?=~~.:r~ ... I...~~~~~~:i ~~,~, ._. ..:: ;~o:.:.!.;i-',.' - ""':" April