HomeMy WebLinkAboutNone (067) 'ii,,!.)?:~j:,..~~.~ '~..r&". <; 'i.:: . -. , ~, ~ l,:, '. , ,I' f, ~;_.~'.;"'.~..iil ~ Know All Yen br ~eB8 Pr.ijliil~D. That ..~ l:..wrenoe Dale .Oaldwell and Howard R.. C.ldwell of the County of Jefferson anu State of . Colorsdo,l for the oonsideration of one dollar ((;-1.00) ~ and other good and valuable oQnaideretion. in hand paid. hereby sell and oonvey to THE COUNTY Oil' JEFFE.~30N. State of ColoradO the following real property situate in the County of Jefferson and State of Colorado, to wit: The .iest (VI) ten (10) feet of the East (E) one- half (~) of that portion of the sixty (60) feet wide platted roadway running North and South (N-3) eltuate and lying between Blooks 18 and 19, Juohemr s Garden Place. The strip of land hereby oonveyed 18 bounded en the North (N) by a line runnir' from the Northeast (HE) corner of Block 19 to "line Northweat CUW) corner of Block 18. Juohem'e Garden Plaoe, and 1s bounded on the South (S) by a line running from the Southwsst CSW) corner of Block 18 to the 30utheset CSE) corner of Block 19, Juahemre Garden Place. The platted roadway herein referred to 1s dee1~- nsted ae Seoond Street on the ~lat of Juchem's ;ar~en Place found in Book 2 of Plats at Page I, in the reoord~ of ~he Oounty of Jefferson, Stgte of Colorado with all its appurten~~,. -V _ _~/1nAJ~~';1 WL'X~~ Vr.Alr~/e Dale C8.LclWel.L /~"'J ~,?/ 4//~ STArE vIr OOLO.uOO 18.,~ ~o;i';{~ ..~- County of Jefferson ) ~_le foregoing 1nstrument nit iiukno..ledge~ be:!o!'~ me --~hi. Il~ _d*7 of r.'b~..'1. J.,.J)., 1953, '.....o.l.. C. ;" R. Ca1d..ll .,'~. ':;J~4. ~.~i1i~.W':i'ti1;~ ;~:':~'j, ,~, ~,', , ,'f:~, ':.,iu-'~~;, f1':~~':;?-~".r~f.;:'~'~~;: .':l;~'~;,:} '~.ia::tt:r~'t' i.1t.., ~9~'. r~<I'.~' "' ;;;t,..;. :J,~:ti-~:~:' '~:r"" "\,:!::.:; .