HomeMy WebLinkAboutNone (075) ;i,:,'';> ...j.t;.L,/ .. ",,: 4.- :: ,.. , cf ':> I-' ' JUt =~ 4 1950 -'rdeclat () . .o'doek /. M.,. ...........-........--...................................-. ..--. ~"~:. M~~'~~~=':c:c=:="-..,''''~.~. , lis y III the ""1' of our Lord 0.... t.hollBand nine hundred and fifty-six ~ I !~~UT & QUANTE, roNTRAC"fORS, A Co-l'artnership I: oftha Countyot Jefferson II Ii and State of Colorado, olthe (Irst part, and Jefferson County, <J hody :r Corporate und Politic be_o of the County of Jciicc:>uu and State of Colorado, of the lecond part, WITNESSETH. That the said part \ of the first part, for and in consideration of the sum of Ten ($10.00) dollars and other IJood and valuahl c considera t i ons- - OObL/rR8, - to the said part Y of the firsl I>art in band pal,J by tbe said party of tbe s"cond part, tbe receipt whereof la hereby confelaad and acknowledged, ha S remised, relea.ed, Bold, c',"veyed and QUIT CLAIMED, and by these present.. does remise, releaae, sell, convey and QUIT CLAIM 'Jnto the .aid part y of the second part, its heirs, I!UC('eH80rs and 8Hsigns, forever, ull the right, title. interest, claim and demand which the said pl&rt y 01 the fir~t r~rt ha s in and to the 1'ollowing described II situate, lying and being in the County oi Jcfff'rson and State of :, Cc!;,raoj", to..wit: Commencing ut a point which is uJas.oa feet SoUtll unrl l:l~{) feet East ~:o[ the NW corner of tile Nv.j of Section :'>'2, Township 3 South. I(..DJ[' f/i W"st of the :6ti\ I'. M.. said point hein(J the point where the Nortll boulIuary 1 j",> fir West 46th , :,A~enue intersects the West 1 inl' of t!lf.' East iHll r of t:le \orU1Pilst qU<Jrt,'r of suid rSection :?:2, Township J .south, HCJnge lJ9 West .iS pldtted ill t11f~ Pl:..:t of Llf~(jrvalp 'Subdivision, recordeu in \'l"t Book 1::; ut p;.I~)e 37; tllence SOUtJl 'j,:;oWl'st J:~l.(j:\;j [pet morc or 1E'ss to <J point w:lich is 17').1 (, ,t South and 1:'>'11.0,; fe,'t F.:,st of the 'OW eorller of tiw :'iD4 of said ::>pction :;:;, thence W,'st and paral1l'l to t.hp "urUI boundary line of said Section :.>.:.>., j,JJ.Oi, rICet more or less to u point wilicl1 is tile :'/r'sterly !most extension of the Non'! boundary lille or W. I::;th I'JaC(' of Trout. ~ubdivisjon us ,shown on till' recorded Pl"l t,!: ,eol', rl'l'orded in Booh 1:2 oi i'!:lts at P"'.!" -,~: tllencr> "South .10 t'...r->t: thcncl' E<ist and poT>Jl1;'l to tile said \orth hound;;r'. 1 ine of s;, id I. 0 . !Section 2~, JG7 ff~et; thellce \orth <i:J CUJ: lr}~.{)ll:-) f/~et tv a point, which is 7;~..("..! feet South of till' point uf },!'~lil:rJiny, and is vlso u('scril)(~d ilS t \I' poillt. ,..:",!"" ~ .'f' :;Soutl1 boundary line of West ,t6Ul Avenut.' inter~t'cts tilt' Wpst line of J:'ilSt llrJlf of [Northeast qU<irter of siliu ::','ct iO/J __, ..5 pJ:Jtt,"i ill tile' /1,,1. 01" Ul"ll ;;;It" :'ubdj vi SiOll, irecorded in l-lat !:look 1'1 <.It p<.tq, J7; tf!>'ncp 7:l.';2 feet "ort / tv point or b"'Jill"];;j; [or roaJwdj purposes, The gruJltol' :lereol" cuven"nls <Jlld "'Jff:I'S tv construct t;1I ;;i>oVI' road WOl'; witnin 2 ye;;rs of the .jotl" oi LI is I,,('d !" JIlvkin'J rOild cuts aJld 'Jradin"J, 'd l'l<" ;expellse of 5:.:iJ 'Jr'Jlltor. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the same, together with all and .inKular the appurwnanees an<l prh'i1"~r. ,hrn'urH" beJonging or in anywise thereunto apiWrtaining, and all the estate, right, titJe, interest and claim whnt~wt'\.er. or th~ sald part.Y of the fir~t P!\r-t, either in lnw or equity, to the on I}. proper UHe, beo.:fit ilnd heh':W".Jf of the :'(uid parl J of the second part, it 5 heir:i and BKl'4igns forever. IN WITNF;SS WHERF..o.." The said parl ~ of lh. first part ha S h<reunto ""t its hand and seal the day and year first "hove written. Signed, Sealad and DaUvered in the Presence of I mOl/ ... 121.,\,';[1>.,_ ('ONTIl,\( "TOllS ,\ ('o-P;Jr!..urAsJ~i P I // - " _.) _ [SF. ,1.j .1. , -...-: ( ( '"":;- - I (l. l...~-""" ,-, /~......--'"\ P;~;ALl I ,. /f"f-!l nr I "S A. ;l'~ubJ _ I l'I'ij-J~ oJ. ~SEAL] Berll"rd L. QU:J11 t(, [SEAL] :;TAT~ Or' COLORAIlO, C"untyor .ll-!ff'>rsol\ i _ 1-' 'l'.ba.fo~ instrument WIUI acknowledged bdor~ me tbis A..D. .5tf .py...J'!WUT 0 QUANTt., CONTIUlCTORS, 1\ . . n~rn~rd 1..', Qllilll Le. Myeo~16)l~Rirea May 1.1 ,19 :,(, / c.;TH I .j i ,/ 11 ,~ ' >1;.>', I. . t '., II " 'I 'i :~"..~ : -rr b" lIatura) ~n orpelM.IWI..h.....JnMl'i nama or n"lh~~ If oy "Non n.G\tIl. tn rep"'.entattVl!!l or (lttletal caPllc11)' ur CUI Ii.nornc;y~In.I&Qt., tl."Q,I~l:OrtnlL'....,-ot,,~'..,.a.~I.nort.. auorJ\'J"..iq..taoL or oUtu oapac!t)' IJr .......pUon: It 11)' uttlr.t'!r ur (;or.. porall"" llMll ht..,,, n,..~"'-~o! ~I.u}lt, (itl'~f ur dtt~fR. a!9 ....,pr....k1ODl 01' ,otb.N'otrtOl't'a of kl.loh.oot'POratton. tuuntu;; iL--}:t'l!u.f.'Tl/ A c!.""..'/.d/l_t,;~.,--.,!,I1. . - "'ii.:~~J~",'~ ~.,~:"::",.,~~A9iN <lilY of M;JI cO-I';Jrtllersllip, by Cll;Jrl,,~ ,\, i'ru1I1 <Jill Witne.. my hand and otficial .eal. i". '" l::./ /.....~liJn Holl.,y ~ ~~ --. ;",~ ...-...'....."'.;;..;1."'~,,'..;;'~-; '_";.' .,. '''''~===,.-=J.~~=,'::O.=.,::;.-=::-:-=-=,'':,'""~~._ 1"'4-4.......,,l\t;, Dol\- CJoI....."" I :A J " p"", 'lI 1 ;j .:11 it ,,!Iff "."\11I: .~ ill -I I ;i ! >> ->lj j .:~ l \j -:i ..~ :~ .M "~ ~~ ':.-! .~ ] .,.;~ i '-. ;~ :-'j }.! ! ,~ '~I '" ~ ',)' ':; 'I j J -,," ~ 1008 418 , f i = ~.. S' ~ a. - ... ~ . 1 &r~ilr '~fd ~ i '-tb ~ t N~ ,b;! ? i'" 0 ~ ; : ~ a i' ~ : ~ f~; i r. ! i~!tJ 9; ! !;... L _ e- .: __.-1,.9: ~: ; ,,:'-0 ~ Ii ci8 11:) ial !lr .. ...,.r' : . : \" ..i~ ,0' i ; Ii iCQ i<> . !: ~i . " j [ l I I ~ p I "il I, I J -...J -~ I I II II II 1111 Pi Acceptance cf thn with~, deed 15 rSCOIlllSl)tlEO th ~_ /!f :.. C"l.,.. ,,~ -7~', / .............--...-/': -. ,,>-,-. JEFFERSON COU!I:Y rL~~.lC ~,-,I. '!j ,;;ro. ~~&.,(.-f.Jz-~k;;.&{,~__7;~~, c;'.r Cha1raan / . rn Oo! ~ ~ G t!!I lOt' 0 "'l r- C"l ~ 0 "" S ,.... lol ,.... > ;; Cl ,U! 0 : O' !:i: II TII - ~ _ _ ~ ~",.,..""-",.~",..,,~E",,y;or,.......'1"'_"""" Oo! o ~ I~ l;j I~ " -II II II ~ I I i ! ~ c.n i The within deed is acc.~ted thiS , / ,): ., day of ..."---"'-- ;;:1~"'" ......195........ BOARD OF COUNTY CbM~ISSIONERS OF JEFFERSON COUNTY.J COLO~DO . ~. I ' ~# ':,) /"' 1~ / I . //)._. ../, ~.J ...... ~....- B" I. '.oJ" ~..I~.1.-_y=-t. ... ..._..pu.' J---~ - .......-.:::' ~ . ,Chair.,... - ~ .1t~i~ ~.~1 l~..~~~ytud ~1. , '. ~ r ~~...... ...... P-" "",,, '''-''~ .... ~~p C1IairlDsn ,\.,