HomeMy WebLinkAboutNone (080) _.~-:~'f ~;:; .;':<:':l't~:"f,""~~ 7'-"-' ;....-:: =~'_:~. -~_-__,~;t';-.:;::..;, ~ al the- ~at-Col'" oHM-fI$,m" - ._-, A BOllY POLITIC ~ COFJ!ORATF....iI-~- ~ atta- -- ~--cwidraf . - . -..,d Btata-of C"<iIQndo. of tile --.s. pari, _ WlTNBBSBTS. That:ln lIBId ~ _of tbIi- nm part; tor-&Iid-IJl COD.llcleratlOD 01 the eam of _~ Dbt4AR AND OTHER GOOD AND VALuABLE CONSIDERATIONS ------..-~-..-------~lDOLLARS. - t.idbilllBldput--;y --..t1M.ftM part '" ~.~ bytlleuld part;y 01 the HCond part, the '*8lpt ....hereof -fa JMNbr OOiitllllf.-aDd ~ ... II .. -nadMd, nIeued, 101cI, .......ed aDd QWTrn.~nnm. aDd by , tIIIlH pn...b do ell remlaeneIeu8. oeII, COIl""" and QWT CLAIM unto the u.id parl Y of the aecond part, . '1 ts ...... . Oft aDdaalpa, t~. all tha.rlPt. title. hrtcat, e1aIm imd demand ....hlc&ihe IUd ' ,. -'=-~.L--.:.. "tlf-th.nmpa..t.lla 11- 1Il.ud.to tllei~~ par..c~e.1 Q.f grotlIld . - =,' .~.1Jbtc ~ III ~ Comrty 01 J effers.on aDd State Of. -CoIonMIo. ..wit: -' ___.1'Q...~J;1FERSON COUNTY FOIl. ROAD "PURPOSES ONLY . - I - I -/ Only a 'strip of ground in the NW!~ of Section 22 1-3S. -R6g\'l. deacribed aa beginning at II point on the ~outh line of Weat 44th Avenue from wheace the canter of said section 22 &ears South 522.16 feet and East 1096. f.et; tihence West: along said South iUna ,of West 44th Avenue. 50.0 feet; thence South 150.0 feet; thence East 50.0 feet; thence North 150.0 feet '~l'to the point of besinnius. .. l::c-........:..,-- The wlth1n dea4 111 -aooepted thiB Ifii1D.:i__01:....A__"."JUi.___--1.Q.(p,~\_,- . ' BOl.HD Oii' r"~'T , ~EFj"W. '\)J.,..i-'['~"~)." - Y :.~~.:. .........- ~ . y.'\, .nuu_ _ ClJall';nan . 'y~..,.:AlmTOBor;n tM....... tocetlMr wttlI. aII-a.hlJ1C11lut&. ....._, , f....and prlY1lepo .t.iMr<<mW .. _... JtV.......,..... u... · appert.abdDc, and aD tM ..w.". r1pt, title. Ill.. aDd e1aIm ....bateoeYer, of the . '..'. ',.,." ;':"~""'P.d;;7. -:or. tM1lntpPt, ... IIlkw or eq1dtJ. tlo tM-C11117 propw -. beMftt and beIIoot of the ..14-_ ,;1Ift'7 tiC 1M ..... pari, 1 ts ............. r-. ",.~;. ". . . '1 &~ pan "8 . I "'"',...... >- ....~...,.... tint ~ wrltteL _ <' :. .~~""~Dilt_"'1a .;.-;-;~;.;~--_.._- -- :::&I4:::;~--;~=-..;:::._...[imltb ~;: , _.._...___....__.._.._...__._.__....;_........~....rSICA.L] ---'---... -.- ~_~__......:..i...[BJ:AL] l- ------ , ,- ._----"~~