HomeMy WebLinkAboutNone (099) RESOLUTION g ::: .62 / CI~-~ -.::: '7 c: n ~ r-(/\ .... 0 - m-iC ,.... .....;:0 _ cl'>-Z ...... -(:at 0 -' --i n!'l"' ~ :;"",_ N r-VJ 0 - ;;:::"2N~ :.;::;': ~z - - ~~I~.... c>- ;;u":oi ~liI'I _'.,'c ",-,," N ~Sl ~= :;~. o 2:", .(b C!!!I GID I~ r , ~ 1 r 326683 c.v WHERF.!\S by t:::-;:.:..:.-:';!!f 8~it Claim ll~s recorded in C::j B:lC'k 19 at Page 321 Jeffersc-n County Recold~, the following described parcel(s) of to Jefferscn County for non-ro~d purposes; and & 323 of the land ~/we~e dedicated WHEREIIS tha follcl~ing d<:scribed parcel (s) of land are/O required for use by the public for road purp:lses; and WHE~FAS the land adjacent to the following described parcel(s) of land has now been subdivid~d and platted; and WHEREAS a roadwsy has b;e~ dedicated to Jefferson County for use by the public for road purposes adjace:-.t to the following described parcel (5) of land; and WHEREAS acces~ to priv~te lands adjacent to the following described parcells) ot land is required; and WHER.Elt.S the Jeffers,:'n County Phnning COlWllission has recommended that the following described parcel(s) of land be used for road purposes; NOW. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Cou~ty Commissioners of the County of Jefferson, Stat~ of Colorado, that the following described parcel(s) of land now owned by Jefferson Co~nty in fee simple for non-road purposes, henceforth and hereafter s~all ~e d;dicated and used for road purposes: 'the SO'.J~h 1.0 ~(:..:t of t1\c :;ort:, 25.0 !.:::c.t of the S~\ ~El" ~,:i:'o~ Section 22, T. 3 S.. R. 69 w. o! ~he 6t~ ?M.1 J~fferson County, Color~dQ, excl::?t. t~c ~,.~st 25.0 feet th~reof', and exc~?t t~c Ea5~ 24.0 ~cct thc:co:, a:i.d excc&"t t~-:.e: l':cst 48.0 feet of the ra5~ 350.5 !~c~ th~rco=; a~c t~e West 1.0 foot 0; t~e Zast 25.0 leet o~ t:.~ S 0''': tr. 5.0 ~-:ct 0; the ::orth 3Q.0 feet 0= said S~.j]..i - NEt hi~~ of Sec~ion 22 all as dedicated by Qui~ Claim ~eed recorded !n Eook 1909 at Page 321, Jefferson County Records; and :01. .~he ~e5t 1.0 feet of th~ East 357.5 fee~ 0: the S~\ h~\ ~~i~ of Scctio~ 22. T. 3 S.. R. 69 W. of the 6th 2.X.. Jef!erso~ . CO~~ty, Colo=aeo, excG~t ~hc ~o=tb 25.0 feet th~reo! and exce~t . t;h~ Sout~ 2S~.0 :cct tbc:reof; an.d the t-:est 1.0 ~oot 0; the ZJ.st 30S.5 !e~t ~~ saie Sh~ ~E~ ~~i~ of Sectio~ 22: cxce2t.. ~hc ~o=th 2~.G fe:t. thc=~of il~d the S~~~h 29~.O feet, thcrco~t "all as dedicated by Quit Claim Deed recordeq in Boo~ 1909 at Page 323, Jefferson County Records. STATE OF COLOR.-\DO ) COUNtY OF JEFFERSON ) .' James P. McNally , County Clerk and Recorder and Clerk to :,~Co,.nty COl!'.cU.ssicners certify that the above is a true copy of a re.solutior! ~~egui3r~me~ting of the Board of County Commissioners, ~eld on ..........:.' '. as it a;; ars on record ill tQe Hin~e B.ook. .G~___. . f/' ~77:} /L-d ..d....P.l~ - / ./.:..0..' u.?,d C<4Ll..IL~~ erk and Rcrorder ("'<~ /' '7 ~ /j .2102 '760 ~~ .