HomeMy WebLinkAboutNone (100) f. lIl01lll "'OftMNO n Raeo.ded at 33~ k_.M. ..... 19_. ............ 1\no~lhn:iy'mltts~'fr6alts erhat 1.. ot' .~.- JO ~PBDlE "YIIS th. Grantor or Gron'Of'S. ot the on<1 Count1 ot Jef fe1:acm . and S,a'. 0' Colorado for and ,n C:OnltGeration of thllum Of TEN OOlLARS and ofher QOOd and YClI',1bl. conlld.ra1ions to the IOid Grantor or Grantor. on hand oaM!, the ".<:tIP! wht<oof i. ht<tby confnMd oncl ocknowltdqtcl, how Qronlad. barQG'nad, >old and canvoyad, and by Ihe.. ~ne"" do horeby GRANT, BARGAIN, SElJ. AND CONVEY unla The Department of Highways. State of Colorado. Grontf"# It, sucC"'orl and ani,", fOlfttf. thl foUO'W'.. ") f9G' proper'! ~1uate tntht and CountylJl Jeffereon c~ 51-'e of Colorodo,lo-wtt: A tract or parcel of land Wo. ll~ of the Stata Depart..nt of High.ay.. Divl.ion of Highway.. Stat. of Colorado. Project Ro. U 044-1(3) Section 2. containinl 1,125 .q. ft.. .ore or Ie.., 1n the SW\ of the ~ of Section 22, Tovnabip 3 South. Rang. 69 We.t, of the Sixth Principal Meridian, in Jefferaon County. Color.do, ..id tract or parcel being .ore particul.rly de.cribed .. followa: aeginning at . ~lnt on the .outh proparty line which i. e..t. .long tbe .outh line of tho NWt of Sec. 22. a di.tance of 45.0 feet .nd Korth, par.llet witb the ...t l1ne of the NW\ ~1 Sec. 22. a di.taDCe of 161.0 feet fru. th~ SW corner of the NW\ of Sec. 22. T. 35., R. 69 W.; 1. Thence We.t. .10ng the .outh property line, . di.tance of 15.0 fe.t to tho SW property corner; 2. Th.nee Horth. .long the ve.t property line. . dJ,t.nee of 75.0 feet to the RV property corn.r; 3. Th.ne. &a.t. .10nl the north property ltn.. a di.tance of 15.0 f.et; ~. Thonc. South. par.llel with the ...t propert, line. a di.tanee of 75.0 foet. .or. or 1.... to tb. point of be.inning. Th. .bov. d..cribed parc.1 cont.in. 1,125 .q. ft.. .or. or 1.... g ~ ~ ~ ~t~ w ...:z 00 ..... '" n"'''' .... Z W r'... : "'" N ....) :r~ r~ " -: , . ...... .. 0 c.....' , ~ ...... -.,' t.J~ .,,' c:;i> r - ",>",: . OCVI c.. ...~ zQz 2113 1 1]10 A' 211:1 -2.....-.. TOGETHER .,th 011 and ""'lulor Iht ""'.li_. and 0~~"*-lObtlClrqin9.orflCllyWitt llf<I*lClll'Ollll.ondlht.._ "on and _SlOM, remaindor and '-',""ndorI,""l1, iu.... and pro""......", and olllht "'01., riQhl,lill., inl.,",. clDim and demand .hot'""""' 01 tho ",0<1 G<onlor or Granl,", tillltr In low or _.ty, of, in and 10 tho 0_ borQointd prtmises, ",th"", hortdi_ and the appurtenances TO Ht.'IE t.NO TO HOLD lilt ",id prim;... 0_ borqoined and descrobtd, with Ille oppur'enDrlCeS, unlo tlIt said Gran'" and Its IIKc.non and ossi9nt fore't'W. And fhe scud Gronkr or Grantor~ fOf' thems.~ Ihetr toein. extcvt,Y1 ond odminisf~ do ~. Qront. boTQoin and 09_10 nnd with me SOld Grant,e ond liS successors and assiqns. lhal ot lhe tlm' of the execution and delivery of In"l prtSlnl.. they wert well ..izod of lho premIses above conveyed, os of good, sure, per1eC1,obsoI.Jl. and IndtftaSiblt "''''' of Inhtrilanc:e. In low. In Fw Simp". and had Qaod riQht. full power ond lawful authority to oront. borqoin, sell and convey Ihe sam. In the moruwc:r'ld fOl'm aforesaid; that tnesomlcnf.... and clear from 011 other orants, borooins, soln, ltens. to,,".osslSsmerls and tncumbtOl'lCft of ~ ever ktno ex nature toe"'!', by, thrCMJQh or undef lhe Grantor or Granlors; lhol the sOld Grantor Of Grantors Will WARRANT AND fOREVER DEFEND Ihe above borqaiMd Pf.miMS m the qUI,t ond peoteabl. possession of thl said Grant.l. and its succes,o,' and auiqns, oqotnst all and every person Of' persons lawfully clalmlnQ or 10 claIm tne wholt 011' any port thereof, by, fhroUQh (]I uncte>r ,~@ so,d Gronlor Of' Grantors. I _~. IN WITNESS WHEREOF. the ~aid Granlor or Gr~nlors hove hereunto set then .onds thIS S'Qned " the presence of . A D., 19 69 ~ /8 7' "'yo! .#/:U ".h~ C/// -f-L ~ u J~~ HYERS (T' STATE OF ~ 0,,~t:{ do ) ond GovnlyOI~J .c::f(.A. ,.sD~7\" cj.r bolon me th.s / ~ tl;.yof and County 0' ~""',.~-<-. ,19 69, cl"~ .4'/,/' rJ;t." I < }.. by n..t tOftQOH'IQ 'nt1r~' wo, oc~ bt'tOr't me 'hI' do, of ..-, eomm.IS.on Espi,.,. WITNESS my hond and Official Saol, nlll ! I I i~ ~.a<p "j ~ ! . ; J.j. II jJ~ t:7l"'lj I .- c J:c.;, ~.9 o ~8 I I- ~'o O~ }8 ~ i s 8 t ~~ i I ~ ~ I r.!; , <: F I en a I :r -... I ,~6 .,; ~ , !i(\'~.~ t l. . j l-.H I~, ~.:- r ,~~ "lit: .Il- II II .~ s'll Atl I: 1~} 'lli-i ':I) i.a ~ !.~.::~ZU !ii'lll1'll ....." .......1( I il \{ !.\ II ' I, I ill I; i 19 I .. I? I " ~ ~ ~ I ~ hI ! i iH! ; ~ !hl ~ ~11a--2-"