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'k~ f!:+.. .'.~. ~E7-:'~',.'::'Si;;~?;;;;';;~.i~;JIii',:;;. "~'JUN~."""" - ': '.'r~-~w~,it.~a_~~?-:~~~~;r~~'~'.~~~.~~~~-~~::-~ ~~ ~ ~- 1~~3;~-i~Ofl.t~.~~~~._~~"W.i,~",,~. RL ..ote:. .:~ , =- T .>'..,..:..';'f~_ _,,~" "__ ~ " - RECORDU'S 8TAIlP . we'-~ , -~----- --:=~ ----=. 1.:',.-,. . EARL J. BELDING and~ESTHE~ BELDING '.... .- . f '.~~- --':..~~~. ~.. ~.~:~! ~ ~~~::f:O:'" il~~' .... .' lde....t.1or\__n~(ll::OOJ_~~-.p;.n... lftJlUd. - ".peId;......,n W;pdt ~j~.,;.- j,.,---COUNT.V OF JEFFE~SQ.N.'~ 'publ J c corporatIon exIstIng under the law,s o.f the State 6f Colot;aClo -~. ~~ ~ ~ Jefferson ull atat.~ Co~~'toufttiwNal~.ciitua\e1utIW--" -' . -'--__ _.~-c-~~- ~~OoJIJltJ"'Jl-=--.Jeffefsonc--~ - --::::. -- . -_.~-. ----- ___...liJiiI-8tiitil-iifCOl....ao;t601rit: - --~. ...~-~--- - .~.- ___._-=-~..._-=~~_ ~ . . , Begl~nlng at a "poInt wh I ell Is the' Nirlhwest Corner of B"loek Elghteen_(18), Juehem's Garden !,Iaee~ thence South.' along the Wes't boqndary' line of'sald ,---__.. b10eka 70 feet; thence In a Westerly' dlre'ctlon 20 feet along a.llne '. -:-perpendl tur.~t'()"tiii'::West'bound.ry line of sal d-b1ock; thence ~North and ~.. -''--pa~aTrerto the. West.liolJndary line of silFdblock to'a po'I'ncwtTlch Is 2(i" feet West of theiPolnt of,Oeglnnrng; thence East 20 feet to the poInt of beglRnlng; for road purposes. "' ~ ' " "'"- -=..;::,.=:- ~~.., ""l ._1 ~ ~ i..-- c. -. -,.- ~ - - - -.. ~ " , ....~... {~ ').?f~,'" ( " .J"I}<,. ' 1- III . 0_' , ~' ......-=.. - ' - . . .~~.. -If. ~ _,____..~.._..~ (..1- Unt~L:;;_ ~~n ....... ull doUYerecI uw., I 6 t h I dol7 of J lIne , A. D. 11 60. IIII~_ol 1Jj- ~./ ...l~u .m....[BUL] -----..-..-..-..-......-......-.........--....-.-..-....-.-- - ------. mummu.....[BEAL] __C__..m...m7, ........._ [BEAL]. !'t }~ ..; / <1&7 of June. ,-~--~-~ 15,1961. .......~.--..h....E~..R;;:i?~g;