HomeMy WebLinkAboutNone (104) t- "0" rott""NO ,. Recorded of 19_. o'c\oc:k_.M. 3364~6 .... ..- 1l\no~JIIlm~mm~~1rEsmt5 mat 'l. or .e. ETHEL MAUD RICHEY thl GrantOr Of Gron,Of1. of the and County of Jefferaon ,Gnd Star. cI Colorado lor and in cons)dtrOtion of the sum ot TEN OOLlARS and other vood and valuable considerations to the tatd ~ or Granlo,. in hand paid the receipt whtr.of it her.by cenl'lsH and OCknowledged. ha\le granted, bargained. IOld ond conveyed, and by th... pres,nls do hereby c.RANr, BARGAIN. SEll AND CONVEY unlo The Department of Highways. State of Colorado. Gront'., its IUCctsSOf1 and oniOns torewr, the followi~ Ml property situate in the ond County d Jefferson and Slot. of Colorodo,lo-wit: A tract or parcel of land No. 117 of the State Department of High~y.. Division of Highways, State of Colorado, Project No. U 044-1(3) Section 2, containing 2,070 sq. ft., morl!! or leal, in the NW~ and the SW\ of Section 22, TownShip J South, Range 69 Welt, of the Sixth Principal Meridian. in Jefferson County, Colorado, said tract or parcel being more particularly described 4S follows Beginning at a point on the south property line which is Ealt. along the north line of the SW~ of S~c. 22, a di.tance of 45.0 feet and South. parallel with the welt line of the SW~ of Sec. 22, a distance of 58.0 feet from the ~J corner of the SWk of Sec. 22, T. 3 S., R. 69 H.; 1. Thence Welt. along the south property line. a diatance of 15.0 feet to the SW property corner; 2. Thence North, along the weat property line, a di.tance of 138.0 feet to the NW property cornerj ). Thence E..t, along the north property line, a di.tance of 15.0 feet; 4. Thence South. parallel with the vest property line. a dit4 tance of 138.0 feet, more or Ie.., to the point of beginning. The above de.cribed patcel contain. 2,070 Iq. ft., more or lell. n .. a- 0 ... r " " ~~ ~ ~ " to) ~ , ooo(Xc.: to) ;>- ("')1'""." ~"'. ~ ~;~ :r en . . ~ ~ - ~ .~ e. N ~~ ,." . ~ C ~o..... I \ ,- 2J3(I. 2Ii6 _~_~w... __._ _.. __ _ I I ,--- -t4 .jJ i H~ ; I jil! : ~ !hl ~ 2120 2Jr1 l~ III ~ ... a 8~Hgllfi ~ 8 84l~ 'tI~ ~ 1,'i~15Hi ~ -.~~".l/!l '" .li1~1l!''tI '-n. ._~__ "0. '0"11I NO II U-6.61 .~ .:iS7 TOGETHER Wlftl 011 and sll'lQulor the hereditaments and o~nces lhertunto belOnOinO.CKII'l onywtlt oppetloinino.lrdltw ,t\06(- SIon and reYef'SionS, ,.mainder and mnoinders. -.nts. !ssun and profits "*'-of, and 011 the molt, rioN, Ii lit , inttrest. cloim and demand "hotS04tYef 0' lhe saId GltJI'ltor 01 Granlors, lither in kM or eqully, of, in and to lhe above bcrOoi~ premises, W'i!h fhI hlreditamttfS crd the a~rt~ncn TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the said premiws above bof'9ained ond desertt)ed, with !he appurlenances, unto rhe 10d Grontee ond its successors and oniOns fore...... And the said Granta or Granlors. for themselves, their heTrs, becuf"l's and odmtnlstrolon. do eowront, orant, borooin and 09"" 10 and.;fh the so,d Gronlee and Its successors and ossions, that allhe t,me of Ihe e.ecutian and delivery of these prnen!~ lhey were well .lzed ollhe premises above conveyed. os of QOOd, sure, perte<:t.~le and indtftosible estolt of inht,ilance, in kM, in r=.. Simple, and hod oood riOhl, full power and lo"ful authority to QtOnt, borOOtn, sellon" convey Ih. some In the monnercrd form aforesaid; thot the some ore free and clear from 011 olher oranls, ~ro~ins, salt,>, 11f' S, 10.es, assessments and .ncumbrancei of what- ever kind or nalure soever, by,lhrouOh or under lhe Gronlor or Grantorsj lhalthe said Grantor or Grantors will WARRANr AND FOREVER DEFEND the above barooined premises In Ihe qUlel and peoceable possnsion of the said Grantee, and its successors and OUI'Jn$, OOOlnsl 011 ond every ~rson Of persons lawfully ctoimi no or 10 claim Il'le "hale or any pori Ihereof by, ttwoU9h or under lhe said Gronlor or Grantors. ,.f . - IN WITNESS WHEREOF, J..-t.'7-e.. Ihl! SOld G,onlN or Gronlors hove h"tunfo ,et Ihett ,onds !hlS ~?~clo'of Sloned In Ihe presence 01 STATE OF 6~ra- ~-Io ood Couol, Of,.}"'!f -<--.r-S O~ ,T_,AqffqoinQ ",Slrumenl ...at ocknowledoed ...~r.J1, 'I" by?;"':::n.~>"MAIJ]UI)C_HEY _ '. t.....'vl~j-._ .=-~~l- .__ l~ WriN,ESS ~ ~ond and Of'iclol $eol, . ," .' My CommlMton "'pH.' OK. ...~:,\ My Co.:,~.sjon upr":_ . ' ,,\' STATE OF _ _ _and County 01 ,A.D., 19 69 ,,"J /-' . C~. ~ ;a..;.~- ETHEL MAUD RICHEY ~ T I I J ~- ~."" . ~ &t~///l.~JZ ' t+otOI,PUbht ~.. before me Ihls z 7 %., S,lf70 - }.. by__ The IOftqoinQ instrumenl wos ocknowledQed before me Ihls ___ __doyof__ WITNESS my hand and Ollicial Seal, My CommIssion E..pires: N ~ i~ ! - :t37E ~ ~ U .." "'-l .. '" Q.. i!J V) tl " E to l~ ~:.:.Iiil .- 1l " lJ! i of. ~c;,O ~:6~1 0_ &"~" o "'3 1h;a. !o~'og~~fI IH j ~ ~ ~ if! JU ~V) ~ 18~i iH l! ~ ~.I"'"lSzrl ;- t; ffll!'"lS u u U . '" . ... u ....'" '11:: 81;;::::; I';'" "'''' I , ,--' I~I! < Ie -~-- __.____,19.__, """" Publ't J 1 ! ~ l ; :s , ~ r I , J ! I hI ! ii!! ; !hi ~ .. A . ~ ~ 2120 2G7 I , I I _J .l I I ;