HomeMy WebLinkAboutNone (107) Recorded 1~.......................o'cloclt............M. 340367 RecqtJon No............_............. ?4r"t jt ~ -P,,) u"f~-I ,) ...._......_._...._............._.....Reeorder. ItBCORD1tR'Il BT AMP THIS DEED. lIade thia 2nd day of May in the )....r of oar Lord one thouaand nine hundred and sixty-nine bt-hrN'n . 1,,2 ::z~ ...'"''"' ~"'C of tbe Connty of Jefferson and ~:'" li II\,J State of Colorado. of tbe firet part, Iud STATE DEPARTMENT :::~I ~. N ;tO~ ,... #r OF HIGHWAYS, DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS, STATE OF "C= ,1:1 COLORADO of the ;:c; ,:. Count~. or - - - - - and State or Colorado, or the D second part: . :..:l 'WIT~ESSETI1. That the M.id part ies ot the fint part, for and in ('onllideration of the sum of I T('n Dollars and other good and valuabl(' consid('ration...._..........._......--....v>n"I<.Y t to the laid 1\8.rt \es of the fint part, in band paid by the &aid part y of the seeond p:;'~ I; receipt whereot is bef'tby ctlnfeued and aeknowledgf'd, h. ve granted, bargained, sold and conveyed, I and b)' th~ pr~nt!\ dn ~8nt. ba~ain. Bdl, convey and confinn. unto the said parr ot I the IIl'('ond rart, its hein &nd assignft forevcr, an the following d~ribed Jot or parcel of ItSlHl.lIituate, lying and being in the CouDtyof Jefferson and ( Slot. of Colorado. to.wit The West 15 fe('t of th(' following describ('d prop('rty: ill That part of the Southwest one-quarter of th(' Southwest one..quarter of th(' Northwe t one-quart('r of Sect ion 22. Township 3 South, Range 69 West of the 6th PM, de.. l I scribed as follows B('ginning at th(' Northwest corner of land described in Book 2 ;! Page 101 of Jefferson County records, said point being 30 feet, more or less, EasQI and 236 f('et, mor(' or l('ss, "North of tn(' Southwest corn('r of the Northw('st on(''' I quart('r of said Section 22. thenc(' North 100 feet, mITe or less, to the Southwest II corner of land d('scribed in Book 549 Page 510 of J('fferson County r('cords: th('nce East and along the South line of land describ('d in said Book 549 Pag('.510, a dis- Ii tance of 165 feet, mor(' or l('ss, to aWesterly line of land described In Book 247 ,i Page 450 of Jeff('rson County r('cords, Ihenc(' South along said West('rly lin(' 100 'i fect, more or l('ss, to the North lin(' of land describ('d In Book 252 Page 101 as I' afor;('s,:,rd: th('ncc W('st along said North lin(' 165.f('('t, mll'(' or less. to the point ofJ! I beginning. II i: ROY 11. MC VICKER and RICHARD W. MORGAN r ~ " 0:-" ~~g C1~~ zfT": x~ -< n 0<. -', "'""-:"J - -", . .....'" "'e'" Together with a11 and IIingular the hereditamtnt. and appurtenanceiI thereunto belon<<'ing. or in an)'"'friae n.pp~rtaininll". am} the rennion and revenioJll, remainder and remainders, renta, lau(!t. and profite there.. or i and .n the estate, right, dUe, interest, claim and demand whJlltJOever, of the said part ies of the Cir'lt pr.rt, eit.her in law or equity, of, in and to the above bargeintd premiAtll, with tbe hereditaments and appurh~nanet'.i To llne and To 110M the sail! prcmi~ above bargained ano d~ribtd. with the appurtenanc... unlo the State Department of Highways, Division of Highways, Stat(' of Colorado, tho ..id part y of the second part. hein and aMign. {ore,,'er. Aad tb. ..id Roy H. McVicker, and Richard W. Morgan flB.rt ies of tbe fint part, for thelTlletves . their ht'irM. executors and adminillitratora. 00 connant, grant, bArgain and agree to and with the aaid part y ot the ~ond port. its heira and assign.s, tbe abon bargained prcmilttl in the quiet and peaceable pOIiK~ion (l( tht' laid. part y or t.be !('('ond part. its hei". And I.ign,.:. agahLlt all and c\'('r~. person or person!( lnw!ully claiming or to c1uim the ""bole or an)' part thereof, by, througb or under toe .aid part les 01 the li"t part to W AIlIlA~T Al\D ~'OnEVEn DE~'EXD. IX WJT;\ESS WHEREm'. 'i'he ..ld parI ies 01 th'~i In hi ve lJer,1J6to lOt their hand s and .cnl S the dl.Y &nd year !int above written,rj '" t I /)) 7 ~ II ~ H~i. llCd.l.t...;~...~~ Iud D. e!iverod la the Pr_aee Of) . ~ ~.~M~t'hi~..............[S~1 ;~f!';::.l~~~k~ '-. .~tfh~:~it~.[SEALJ ,.~ y.."t.,I, .0. .9,"oj.~~H hI . [SEAL] :\~B1IfA,f'$fF COLOR.ADO. 1... "": .......x.:...~ f\~ ..."COunty of Jefferson ~.. ~y., .~.~' iutruml!!nt wu acknowled,..d. before me thr. 2nd da7 of May A.O;.19- ",."7' Roy H. McVicker XIldatIlc:~ r.t." . .... qn expires June 14, 1972. !Q,,~~~"~.. .. ~on\ as. .1iiil;~. ~.'1 . l\lltrument '!l.1~ . (,~(~ ~':-dri 'i.io.a:'!.Ziru May 29.1971. .. U~l ,.. ~==:,=~"':.rt=~.~~ott:~"A:er.f~.=,'":,~I~~;;.~_. ...._ of ndIl otl~r or ofnttN,. _ ttMI Pf'"w,M\t VI' of,-.. off.,.. ClOt .\HllIl ClOI'JM)noUOft, namlna- I&.-..f...'.... ,....... ...... u". ll.. t.... .PW1A.1. ""dA.WT1" DPD. -.JI,."fwoi.a..w-..... c... IUn. ."'h__.. LoIpI 81.....,04.4& 1\Iotl;,.... ~""'. o..a.-... ,~-- ">