HomeMy WebLinkAboutNone (113) 1 '1~ o-,u ~, itS 02.0Q"'~ : os9H.l (, : II C~ : Il C~ lIocorded ., .o'e1oek.-.K., IlaooptIoDN0382453 ..._.-.Ior. 11 II.BCORDBR'S STAIlP ~Tms DEED, JUd. thIa 6th <Io}' of Auglist . ~18 70, ~ Louis Pedota and Florence pedota l \ ~ ! ~ S :l '" ...... ~ <::> ::!n "''''0 "'..,co O";J'" _ ..f ~ ;r...... .< w (]I) ~ C> ... ~ ...N~ ~ t N - .. '~... -- ^~- -:: I -0 :.';.:: f":) , ::z:: 0200'" ~.. .r""", "' ..... 000 ~ ; ~ , '. f . of tho County of jef er son 0DcI Blalo of . Co1.rado, of th. nm part, and john S. Pedota and pasc(lilena ~ pedota ~ of tho Cou.tyof Jeffe-son ..d Blala of Co101'&<l0, of th..e.o.d part: WITNESSETH, that the ..Id plrl ie s of tha nm put, f.. and ID cooaIderatlOD of the..,. of Ten dollars and other good and valuable considerations- - - .. .. .. IlOLu'RS,- to th. ttafd part les of tho lint parlin hand pal4 by lbo ..14 ....u. of lbo _d !'Ort, tho ....Ipt ..h.....f Is h....by conl...ad ",d aclmowladcod, ha ve rranta4. barplno4. 1014 0DcI ~ aM by theM _la do rrant, barpl.. ..11, ..._ aDd COlIlIrm ..to tho ttaf4 partlea of tho ~ part, th.lr h.1n I.d -\cDO f......., not In _..., In common but In joint _CT,ln tho fo_C __ lot .. puooI of lancI. ai_to, Iylnc and bolnlf f. tho County of jeffer son 0DcI Slate of CoI01'&<lo, to wit: A tract of land In the Northeast l of Section 22, Township 3 South, Range 69 West of th<, 6th P. M" jefferson County, Colorado, described as follows l1el1:inning at a point that is 25 feet East of the West line of said Northeast ~ and 705 feet South of the North line of said Northeast l, thence South parallel to said West line of said Northeast la distance of 295 feet to the North bounclnry of West 46th PIQce, thence East alol1J/; raid North boundafY of West 46th Place a distance of 16~ 1eet, thence North para leI to West line 0 said Northeast. a distance of 125 fect, thence East parallel to the North boundary of said West 46th Place a distance of 275 feet to the West boundary of North Green Valley Subdivision, thence North alonl( said We~t boundary a distance of 195 feet, thenc;e West parallel to North ooundary of said West 46th Place a distance of 305 feet, more or less to a point that Is 150 feet East of the West line of said Northeast 1 of Section 22, thence South 25 feet, thence West 125 feet to point of beginning. TOGETHER with all aM a1nraJar tho berocII_ta 0DcI A.._ r thorftnto boIonab1c, or .. urjwlao Ipportafnlnc, th......mOD 1.4 nnntona. ro...b"ler.... .-In4on. nata. _ 0DcI prof\ta tIlonof, anoI all tho _to, I'Itrbt, tltl., in........ eIaIm 0DcI cIoman4 __ of tha aJ4 put les of tha ftrat part, altIMr la Ia.. or equity, of,lD ",d 10 tho lbon barplM<l__ wltIl tIl. r......_IA aMl~ TO BA VE AND TO HOLD the ..Id _1_ abon barp!n04 0DcI--' with lbo a__ .... tho ..Id JIllrtl. of th..ee0n4 put, thalr hobo 0DcI_.... t....... And tho _ put les of lbo ftrat part, tor them ..1Ves ,their balra, _. IDd __!ora'" _ .-to barpIn and _ to an4 _ lbo ..14 partl.. of tho _d put, thalr hobo .... ..r-. _ It tho _ of tho -un. and cIaIlnry of - pr.>- ..IA they arewall ..04 of thl promI_ lbon """",..!, II of IOOd. """, perf&et, ahaolnUl 0DcI ln4otaaalhl. ...... of Inherltanc., I. Ia", ID t.. almpl.. IDd ha ve .004 rIalIt, tuD -' aM lawfnl .nthorlty 10 .,..c. ...... ..I., ..1\ and _ lb. ..... In lllIII1Iar 0DcI torm at_..w. 0DcI that tho ..... an tno I.d d.., from aIIf....... and othar rranlA, barplu, aaIaa, 11.... _, __la 0DcI__ of ..ha_ IdncI or ..tan _. except taxes for the year 1970 and subsequent years thereto, ",d tho lbon b......ad p...._ ID tho QUI'" 0DcI ~Ia ~ of tha aaJ4 partlea of thl _ part, thoIr h.ln ",4 aul...., . pion all and .....,. __ .. _ IIWfaI\}' elalmflla' .. to e1abn tho ..hol. or _ part tIlonof. th. oald part les of tho nm part a!laII and..m WAIUtANT AND FOREVD DEFEND. IN WtTNESS wm:R!l0P' tho ttafd part ies of u.. ftrat put have _to ..ttheirhaDd s 0DcI IIMI s tho day aM ~ ~t lbon 1n'!-' Slpod, Sealo4..d Ilolh-ored In tho p.-of ] ~1-H4..... ~.[SULl -t-;;~i s Pedota ........_-......................... .... .... ..... .......-.. ..-....--- -"rlorenCC"'p(;(j~;';:1'" .... ........... .. .........[SEALJ m.... .......... . .......- .......... _.tf~~..d?"'-~ .... [SEAL] STATIt: 01" COLORADO, 1 . .. .,. 1'..\''',"1 Countyof Jefferson -(l.t,t- " . )jj 1)it~tnatrum_t W1U .ekDOW'l~ Won..1lda rl.70,ib7" ~s Pedota and Florence Pedota. :,\ : 117'~~ ospina August 7 ..\ . i~ '.:-. '~,:-.;:...r: u',.....~...~ \; ... 'l:'. . (.- ~.~:r1. tft dayof 0~ ,i ,. I ~ '. , I' 72. W1_ Ill7 haDd and ofllcla1 OM!. .J .. ....... N.. .s:. w.um.urn DDD-,...'.... ,.......,........ri......... o....1IN a.a..&. 1),.,-., ~-ta.a elf b,. a&tun.l p..,.cm or ~nclIIU hen lD-'. ...... _ ....1 'I. "I' ,...... -ua. III np~Ql.UnI or otnlltal _1*'10' or .. &tt:OnI.,.-IIl-raot. tha tft..-t n&m. or penoa ... U*rAiDl!'. actn'a., la+fIl<< or ou... (ll.pa.clty or d~; II b7 ~ or !lOr- pof'&UGa. ~ tAMrt ~ o( neb ~ Of' o<<\oIn .. ,.. ........', Of' oUtw otno.n of no" ~t-.o.. DUD'" tt.____~. ...ohol"'''''',....... Iho. 111-1_1 Colorado Rn1M4 !Ita,__ nl.L 2202 ~1)2 OR\NANC.E. 2203 603 ~o. "\ g st~~c "~C.A*~ON (c.\J L- t)c - !. ~c. ') NOTICE tr'fTI\OOUC'D> BY ALOD\MAI'f II.~. Op.OlMAfiCE tcO.. l hriaaftm TTT\.E. AN ORVtNAl'tC'!:VACA'Ml'fO ' 1" CER1Am PARt or A STREET l.OCATf;O WITHIN THE errv or W~!:.A'T 1UDGE: 1. &. VM:ATtJ'IO It. CERTAIN PORnon OF A STREET LYING IN PART 0' THE EAST HALF (I ~l or THE NORTHWEST QUARTER cf(W "", 0' SECTION U. TOW'HS1UP 1 101!T1I, RANGE. wm or THE I t X T H ll11fl P R I N C I P ^ L. MERmtM'C. WHEREAS. by Plat of Hoyt hbc!,ri,*, .II ~ In BoClt D.I p", 51 of tbe Jlrrlt,.oft C.ut, Re.eord.. I urlllft IIrut ... ~~'E~~i'::rt.r th 'ol\o'Wl11l MIcrlbtd stJ'Mt \notm ,. . . eat........ and Irtrll wllhlll TndI A :s~~~~:,.:::::r WHEREAS. u" JtrM "wtUlltl Uw nr;~::;A~~' ft~ 'fa':t ::C;:;'. n(1llkMl of tIIIl plrt of uid Ilred kllCl'Wft...m........ndtyt...-lbtI Trlet, A and B. Hort SaWIYI.IOtI W'lI'IId bt ~t wttbcNt a1I ftt,IblllhId ,.e.tkroad.~lIICtIftCltwtU\uoUrIet r ~~I~.ml~t~i.;":., Rid.. PlI"nll'll Comml..kJfl hi. ~ UW yac.Oon 01 tblIl PIlrt of uid ICJ"ft'l t.M"m U . C'tl..uc a1'ld "'Ill .ntNn Trllctf; A and 8. Hoyt ..."'... BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE em Of' WHEAT RlDGE. COLORADO. THAT 5edIOft 1. ,.,..\ J*\ 01 t~ fonowtnr dnmbNltl'ft'tllllO"Wft"l~ I~ Iyl"l wlttlln TrKtI A and B. Hort lhlbdt~lt\ol\ 11\ tl\. Clt'! .t Wbn\ Rldl'". Colondobt ftC1ltad. towlt. Tr>>ctt A and It. "ort kbdh1sklft u ~ In P1at Boal D al PI" S7 of tt1e Jdrenon eo.nlJ Reeonk And 1M ""'e II ~ appnmd Ind that ,.rl 01 \M 6ncrlbed ftt'Mt IlltOW1l UI ('1.11-de-ucandl:rtfllwttW. Tnetl A Ind B. "01t hbdlrilkln It Mrfllyun:to@d. Strlkla 1, t."'1ftC7 C1nM. ne ,ro~\'lvnJ 01 IhI. ordIUn~' Irt ftt~u"rr to IIlIt Immedlttt prntn'IUOfl 0( t_ pwbIl~ hnlttl Ind adttJ of 1M ~UIUf\a 01 lM City of Wbeal JUdp tor lM 101~1'IC "n",fII' I, 1"'0 ontInI~ tw bftn ~ pI.1t'd rtlall,.- to 1M \YltJon fJf thlt 1)In 0( ttlts Jtnfl kf'lOWft II I CW'''' de: Ind 1yI", "IUlln Tnctt A and B. Hoyt !.bdl..lllon ..... the Cllr llarin<< Jut ~ I~Uoft A.rau ., I"'. hi. Mt herdOtor. ~ Iny ordhlafleeJ, ~K'IUnc Od. attftt. 1. An onIlnlntf ftC"atlnr UlIIt pert 0( (hI. atrHt known I' . "1<<-aM and ~~.,:~~~.T::"'''rrl':: I~;:~ ordt-rlr~ll'Ipn1II!1Ilofthl'l~a. St~tion J. Jl;lftt'll,., Dlle, Thl. ordlM~ lbalt lab efltct Ind be In 'or~ (lve t~l daya Iftft' pablk'aUon foll1)'WIlIl( flnll PIM,e proridln, It .hall hlY' been 'Illed b, I" IrlIrm.lliYe vote 0( thrH-rllltl'tNi 'J/41 01 tho! rttnnMn tIC the 0\1 C(!IlIndl: ottterwtlf, Mid ordlNo~ .." ute ..net\ thirty tJOt diU aflu pGl~~~~~~~l~~,~riO~o AND ORDERED P\JBl..l!.tlED AroaD ~~~::,"::J~~~ ~:. 01 J READ, ADOPTED AND 01\P~ftF.D pr"LISHED AND POS'TEO on Mc:O .nd nnal rhdlftI brlvot'f/fJtoO '...yof".., '\.0,,\'" "nr.:tbffl E, AI'ICknDIl. M-",r l.cMr\., ~,5tyc."", Ptlb(11Md 'ft nw .......... CII'- hblllhed:J.lTllm - r' ~ ~L 2203 603