HomeMy WebLinkAboutNone (117) ~ f){ .' tl')OO'H F'()PM~.:o 22.: {j'-l.681 fOFl'M:::R\..Y ROW FORM 'I(! ~< 00 OH5"':' : ____O_~llL'l.SUJUA, 00 0:;,25: IL C~ \ Recorded 01 44301b"-M. I:1_.1Il742l:l10 =~____.====..",..,,....-_ ~e:r9rd~!. 11\iw~jhn'j1\~!1Pr€5€[lt5 ij[h~t 11. or' ~~, VICTOR H. HANSEN and BERNICE B. HANSEN the GrClf1!or C' Grantors, of lhe and County of Jefferson ,and Stole of Colorado lor and in consideration of the sum of TEN DOLLARS and other good and valuable considerations 10 the said Gr,;nlor (' Grontors in hand paid, th~ receipt whereof I!. hereby confessed and acknowled';led, have granted, borgoined, sold and conveyed, I'llv1 by lhese ",esenls do heceby GRANT, BARGAIN, SELL AND CONVEY unlo STATE DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS Division of Highways, State of Colorado the Gronlee,its succeSsors and ossiQns forever,lhe followillQ ,eol P'operly, Illu<t.ed In the Countyof Je Herson and Stole c~ Colo,odo, lo'wit: S'=I_ ft. of G,onlee'lProjecl No. U 044-1(3) Sec. 2 containing 600 mM. of Section 22, Township 3 South, Range 69 West, of the Sixth County, Colorado, said tract or parcel being more par- A IToe! or pel,eel of lond, No. 112 more 0' le'~, in the SW~ of the NW.\; Princi~al Meridian, in Jefferson ticularly described as follows: Beginning at a point which is Esst, along the aouth line at the NW~ of Sec. 22, a distance of 40.0 feet and North, parallel with the west line of the NW~ of Sec. 22, a di.tance of 336.0 feet from the SW corner of the NW~ of Sec. 22, T, 3 S., R, 69 W.; 1. Thence West, parallel with the south line of the NW~ of Sec. 22, a distance of 10.0 feet to the west property line; 2. Thence No~th) aton& the weat pTOpeTty line. a distance of 60.0 feet; 3. Thence East, parallel with the aouth line of the NW~ of Sec. 22, a distancp- of 10.0 feet; 4. Thence South, parallel with the west property line, a distance of 60.0 feet, more or les., to the point of beginning. The above described parcel contains 600 oq.ft., more or leoo. <; ~ GI> .~ n C ...... c> ., r-:/lO ..t~ z C' rl1-'c.:. .... '" 0::':7' -< .,. = .b. <> ~ ;::...,.. .... (".) m W '" ,.. ~ ,-.. a .. 0 oOP; :a ... ..,"'--" '" ~ .,,0'" <> _:am <:) ...,.:a '" ~ ",,,,en 'CIQ '" -.0 0"'<> '" Z % '" N 0 M- "',L r " ;~297 20 , I ) ...-- ---- - ,....--------........---..-- ---- -.- I t 2297 21 TOG ~ THE R WIn, 011 and !i11Qulor the hereditaments and oJ>>,Jrlenonces thereunto belOnging, Of tn CI/'l)'w1se opc.l!rlo'nlng, and the r~vl!r- 510n and reversions, remainder and remornders. rents, Issues ood profits lheroofj OM all the e$1o'e, rlQt'l1, tl"e, rnteres', cloml and demord .....ll0lS0eter of the Said Granlor or Granlors, elll-er in low Of equity, of, in and 10 the aba"e bargained premIses, with Itle heredilomerrts and the oppur'Cr)oncp.~; TO HAVE C,NO TO HOLD the said premises above bargoined and deSC{lbed, Wllh the OpplJrlf'nonces, unlo the sOld ':;rOfll~e o1d lIS successors and ossign~ fortllel'. .lnd 1he said Gran\Cf Of Grantors, tor themselves, their heirs, exec.ulOrs and administrators, do CO\fE!t1O.", gronl, bargoln and agree 10 and wIth 'he sOld Grelntee and its successorS and assigns, Ihat at lhe lime of Ihe elCer:ullon and dpll'ltry )1 ltles€ presents, tl,ey were well seized 01 \he pre-m1ses above cQrlveyed, as ot good, sure, perfect, absolute and Indefeasible "'S1ate of lnt-.er Ital'1,:e, in law, in Fee Simple, and had good righi, full power and lawful authority to gront,bargOln, sell cnd CI)nvey Ihe some In rhe m::Jnr'\P.rr.M (orm oloresOld, 11'10\ lhe-same oreiree Qr'ld clear from 011 olher 9(1')1'115, t>or9oins, SOIp.s, liens, falCes, assessments and encumbrances of what- ever kind or nature soever, by, thrcugh or under the Granlor or Grantors; that the said Gronlor or Grontors will WA,c'f'A..vT ,~N.) FOREv'ER DEFEND lhe above b'Hgained premises in the quiet and reoceabte possession of the ~,old Grantee, cnd lis 'jIJC :esscrS cnd assigns, against all and every oerson or persons lawfully claiming or 10 ~IOlm IMe whe1e Or on'/ porllhe'eof, by, Ihrouqh o'un.cler \he -:,old Gronlr:::r or Grantors. Ihe Sod Gronlor or Gronlors hove hereunlo sel Ihe'r ht, ~iS ::.~ 1-'/ /"/~ d(lyof . --, AD, 19..11. _ J, -' -~,,-J /: "\ -i/~~ _ ~~J VI/OR H. HANSEN i;;' cd.....:..-/ tL~./.-"'t,tL'(,i -ti, ,"/' .?':.-t.-("t.-i-;'/Z- BERNICE B. HANS~ IN WITNESS WHEREOF, AI--'6"L ~',r SIgned in Ihe presence ot , """~"'l'"., STATE \))o-~ NEW ~1f:O _ _____) ;' _~ > t' ~nj oJu'hl:<~i' ~4>' ~ ~.. L ' ~~ .."l .r~~ fore;~:r, i t~rument wos ocknowled ged before me thiL_L~Q'J 01__ .,'~. J~ ': ,." ,'\" by >'""",;h;l;XOR H. IlANSEN_~ __nO ;+U;S:U~ 1- ,,971 , WITNESS my hond and Official Seal, My Co"'''''''lon ExP"es~~cJ; / GJ l~ 7.1-- - ..- - -. _.". u___.~..._._._____\ '0.,. STATE CF GOlORADO __} G ' Denver 55 i l Y a and COunlj 01 I' i \.d_, . , >'~'nlt? .1~fi/Q6~ng Instrum!!O! was acknowledged ::..&, ~, ~i <,\C : . ~ BERN[CE B. HANSEN f' , before me this .__._?~~J6y of '''', .~ WlrN(~~'rpy hond and Olfic"lo\ Seal, ,1,\' ' '" :) r \ . \ A P r \ 1 5 1975 """'I\y,,(.oo."',',,on Exp"es, . ,_._.._.._....__ '-, r-. I ITr~ .---.-----.-- I ! '~O CI).g '~~ ~ ~ J ~~ ~3 ~~ ~~ ~ ~ P7 z ~ 05; ;~.. d .~ ~ ~ 1 ~ g ~ ~ ~ ~ t: ~ = ~~ .e- ! ~ ~ :J sa ~.~ "' IV) ~ ~ '" ;:::I: I ~ _ ~ ~~ ~~II.J s ~; ii ~~~ ~ ~o +6..______ Lr-. ~ ~ r E r c E m '0 8~ ~~l ~" . ~ = € .! l ~ ~H :45. \ :5 ~ ~ <If;. ~-'5 o (J a:~E 1,~ o ,.. -g ~ .6 c ~ ~ ~ .lit ~ - >. q,QiiFio lE ..... '-' iJ p! ~ 1:0 8 ~ f.!a ~d ~ 01 8~'" ~~~ UJ ~'ij ~.ij~ >- I ~g.::o... 1'! _'~~j!;oE.: '" _''''oli"'!\ ~ ~ --- n~d ~{~~ 0.._ ~',:::::"'o, ........ July ,1971 , /~--L: ! ~~~4{~/ .1~OI~=~""~~ :., Ii :1'11 Ii Ii :il . ~ w % " ~ ~ ~'~ ":::! .. g ~ ~ ! 'iI. % Q Ioj ~ ~ ~. 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