HomeMy WebLinkAboutNone (128) 00 ~. ~rded It.. o dock... M.. Reception No. Rt'{'ordtr Tms DEED, Mad. thl, 8th day 01 December, 19 77 j,]: ~l 1,...,1 ....,., '" of C b<tw"o ANDREW LEON. SOPHIA LEON, DIONYSIOS S. LEONTARITIS and ANGELlKA LEONTARITIS Count.y of Denver orthe City and 'I.T\d Stt.\a or ColoradO', of the first. part, and E .:~ < - i~ 18 ~ OJ OJ ~8 THE CLB PARTNERSHIP c/o David Fogel, 2220 Lincoln Count7 of Denver and StAt~ of :Color.do, of the second part: WITNESSETH. That the said paTti es of the first pa n, for and in consideration of the sum of ~ ONE HUNORED NINETY FIVE THOUSAND AND NO/1DOTHS-----------------------UOLLARo fto the .aJd part i es of the fint part in hand paid by .ll.!d part y of the .etond part. the receipt. whereof i, thf:T~b, c.on!used ud admowledged. ha ve lfT&nted. baTgained. sold .and conveyed. and by thelle pruenta do krant. bargaln, .ell, convey and con/Inn, unto the said part y of tbe .econd part. its heirs and ullens for_ r~ver. all the foUo,,""g ducrl~ lot or part:el of land, situate, lying and being in the ounty of Jefferson and Slate of Colorado, to wit: A parcel of land located in the Southwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of Section 22, Township 3 South, Range 69 West, commencing at the point of inter- section of the ~Jest line of the S\I~ HE\; and the original South line of West 44th Avenue; thence South along the Hest line of said SW~ NE\i a dist.ance of 300 feet thence East 128 feet, thence Horth to the original line of West 44th Avenue; thence West along the ori9ina1 line of West 44th ~venue a distance of 128 feet more or less to the point of beginning, Except the East 8 feet thereof, County of Jefferson, State of Colorado. also known '" stl'eet and I1l11l1bel' 9164-91 gO West 44th Avenue D(1\,/9. S(} $...........-.-.......-.... S!G~C Do:.. Fcc TOGL7HER .....ith all And .ingular the hereditamenta and appurtenances thercto belonging, or in anywise apJ'tert&ining, and the reversion and reversion.", nmalnder and rrmllindeMl, rcntJII, iJ"~u(!1I and pro(its thcrr.of, and AU the estate, rlrht, title, Interest, dalm and demand whauoc"er of the said part. i es of the first part, either in law or equity, of, In and to the above bargained premises, with the hereditaments and appurtenances. TO HAVE A~D TO HOLD the said pl"tmisel above bargained and described '~:ith the appurtenances, unto thL laid part Y of th\.~econd part, its heirs and 8..!Iigns tonver. And the said part; es of the first part. for the~n lel yeS , ~l&s, executorl, and administrators, do covenant, g1'3Ilt, barR'ain. and aKTee to and 1'ith the laid part Y ot the ~ond part, its hein and assigns, that at the time of the ellsl'aling and delivery of then prelents, they are well lelzed of the premises aba"e conveyed. as or .cood, ~ure, perfect, absolute and Indefeasible estate of inheritance, in law, in fee limple, and ha ve good riJ:ht, full power and lawfullluthonty to grant, 'oargaln, sell and convey the same In manner a.nd form as nforeJ'laid, and that the J'lame an! free and cl{'ar from all tonner and other Jtrants, bargains, aales, liens, ta'!Cell, u!'u'ssmcntl and {'ncumbrnnces ot whate\'~r kind or oat.,..o...., subject to taxes and assessments for 1977 and subsequent years; AND subject to that which is contained in instrument recorded May 14, 1975 in Book 2729 at Page 138 and the above hugained prc:mi~ell in the qwet and ~&(:ubl(! posseuion or the said part y or the I~ond part, its heirs and aS1ligns agaiJ'Jt all and {','ery person or persons lawfully cla.imin~ or to claim the whole or any part thereof, th~ laid part ies of the first put shall and will WARRA~T AND FOnEVr.n DEFEND. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said part ies ot the first part hll ve hereunto set theil11and S and seal the day and yur first aba,'e WTiU{'JI. d.4-,f'. ~ // MfoREWL{O'f(~ ll'L.. j (, , < SOPHIA LEOII .(SEAL) q'l C- ./1 ')i;)~"C Nt (I i/it,) ] DIOHYSIOS S LEOHTARITIS L' 'co J.<< ",I-~J''/' \ ANGEtl~ LtONTAR1TIS ' . """ "~~~~TE OF COLORADO. los. :: City anq:. County of Denver' --The. ~'OiM;rl~~aSlent Wall acknowl~~ed befol"t ml' this at h day or December 19, ~7 ,bY D~nY'5:I?S; S. Leontar!tls. Angclika Leontaritis, Andrew Leon and -My ~ommju4on Q:Plre. F Soph t a Leona . 19 Witnf'IIS my hand &nd orrkial seal. '.....,.., ebruar"Y 19, 19 0 )/1,r) _ /', ..".... f /'''lrtkw Yl.y~ 1 }k, (ClZ(Lw.. (: ~'~ N<M.ry l"'ub.t~, ISEAI.) CSEAL) /" \. "'..)10. 'n. l\.~~:i \ii~: //5tJ.J&,y WAUAN'TT D~m._h, ...........'Ilk __tIL_'~....s "'\.1"'" Co.. \U..... 8,"' 'U'ew\. n.."n'. ColDI'-'o II"