HomeMy WebLinkAboutNone (138) DOH Form No. ZZI ~~~:.~tl;J~~i~NiZ ~- RECEPTION NO. 8~06~~92 07/1D/O~ l~:DO 9.00 l~rCOfd)E[) l N COllNTY OF .JEFFEI(SON STATE or COLORADO / --~ =IlliO<d~ , I I Recorded at I_ReceJ1!.iQ~/I!Q_= : -!\no~Jlm1B~~s~1'r1S5mt5 .. ([hat 1 or' i\'ID~ / . ~ :q.DO . . --:> OC10Ck_.M. EUGENE E. LaMERES, Revocable Trust the Granlor or Gron'or$, of lhe and County of Jefferson ,ond Stole of Golorado lor ond In conSideration 01 the sum 01 TEN DOLLARS ond other qood and valuable considerations '0 Ihe soid Grontor or Gronlofs In hond paId, the receipt whereof is hereby confessed and aCknowledQed, hove granted, borQained, sold ond conveyed, and by these p,e,en!, do hereby GRANT, BARGAIN, SELL ANO CONVEY unlO STATE DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS Division of Highways, State of Colorado 1he Grantee,its successors and ossiQns forever, the followinQ reol property, situated In the County of Jefferson and State of Colorado. to'wit :s ~~ <-= i~ I a.'....... I c:'IJ.-J , cO=, I ~O-, ::~ v~ A tract or parcel of land No.9 of the State Department of Highways, Division of Highways, State of Colorado, Project No. IR 70-3(135) contaning 14,749 sq. ft., more or less, in Lot 1, D & M SUBDIVISION, and the NW. 1/4 of the NW. 1/4 of Section 22, Township 3 South, Range 69 West, of the Sixth Principal Meridian, in Jefferson County, Colorado, more commonly known as 4700 KIPLING ST., Wheat Ridge, Colorado, said tract or parcel being more particularly describ<.>d as follows: Beginning at a point on a ~st property line, from which the ~, corner of said Sec. 22 bears N. 35 27' W., a distance of 3s4.B fQCt; 1. Thence along 42.U feet, .3 bears N. 26 the arc of a curve to the lett haVing a radius o[ distance ot 40.04 feet (the chord of this arc 33' 30" 10:.. a distance of 38.54 feet); 2. 'I-hence N. 00045' W., a distance of 124.8 feet, to the south right of way line of I 70 (May, 19B3), said line also being the north line of said Lot 1; 3. Thence N. 810 25' 15" E.(N. 820 02' 10. - deed) along said south right of way line, a distance of 101.1 feet; 4. Thence along the arc of a curve to the left having a radius of 57.0 feet, 8 distance of 84.73 feet (the chord of this arc bears S. 39 41' 30" W.. a distance of 77.15 feet); 5. Thence S. 000 45' E., a distance of 79.8 feet; 6. Thence along the arc of a curve to the right having a radius of 92.0 fee6, a distance of 144.51 feet (the chord of this arc bears S. 44 IS' W., a distance of 130.12 feet); 7. Thence S. B90 IS' W., a distance of 37.6 feet 8. 111ence S. 85046' 45" \,., a distance of B2.6 feet, to the east right of way line of KIPLING S~. (May, 1983); 9. Thence N, 000 22' W. along said east right of way line, said line also being parallel with, and 60 feet east of the -Nest line of said Sec. 22, a distance of 31.0 feet, to a north property line; I,' l:S ;.~ ,I, ,'il!, It, ';. :l !t, I L________ 1:1.' \l I:,!",.. j' ,'. 04,'\:j L~.., 0__ (.';" ,f,.. .' J,' '11 :":(' ~. ,:. (Continued) ATt[tn!(J'/ R"',I r.! \\"./ I I f J 1_- proj. No. IR 7U-3(135) Par. No.9 paqe 1Wo RECEPTION NO. 8~06~~9~ 07/10/B4 14:00 1.80 1~[COlm[[) J N COUNTY OF ,J[-:FFIc:I~:,i)N GTATE OF cnL0RADO 10. Thence N. 890 51' 30" E. along said north property line, also being parallel with the said north line of said Sec. 22, a distance of 143.9 feet, to a west property line: 11. Thence N. 00022' W. along said west property line, also being parallel with the said west line of Sec. 22, a distance o( 33.3 feet, more or less, to the point of beginning. ~ The above described parcel contains 14,749 sq. ft., more or less. The afore mentioned property lines, are as described by that deed 1n Book 2986, paqe 812 recorded in the clerk and recorders office of Jefferson County. -'~ ." , . .t.... -..1,., ... I " ~'" n.., ,__~.~ .'Il. '-'f ',' .t1;..,I,-v....."r.! ~ 0 '" '0fl'" . - I!(, [ (~ -.- -----1 , T(i\.;lE THE ~ w'lh 0!1 and S f'\q'..IQr the herf'dltam{>nts al'1d Q(W'urtenanc€'s thereun'o toelonqinq, or In anywise appertoinmg, and the rever- Sion and revpr<:;'ons, ren'olnder and remo!nders, renls, Issues ond pfohls lhercQl', 01'160\\ Ihe eslote, righI, litle, mleresI, claim and demand ...no'soe~' 01 the SOld Grn"l(1r or Grantors, edher In low or eqUity, of, In and 10 Ihe above bargained premises, wlIh the heredllaments and Ihe I.lppurtpnai"'ces TO HAVE ll,Nf) TO HOLD the Said premises above borgomed and described, ....llh 1M appurlenonces, unlo the said Granlee and lIs successors o'ld ass'gns forever And the SOld Granl<y or Grantors, l{lr Iht'msel\les, lhelf t'lelfS, e:(ec:ulors and odmlntslrotors, do covenanl 9ronl, borgoln and agree 10 ond wllh the SOlO Grantee oM lIS successors and ossrqns, tho! alll'-e lime o/the execution and dellverv of tnese presenls, lT1ey were well seized a/the premises above corwe'jcd, os of good,sure, \.ierlecl,ob!.olule ano moefeaslble es~ale 01 inheritance, in low In Fee Simple, and hod good righI, full power and lawful authority 10 grant, bargoln sell and convey the some In the monrwrond form olmeso,d, IMI Ihe some are free and clear from 011 olher grants, borgoll'"lS, so(es., lien,;, loJ.~S, ossessmen~S and encumbrances of wnol- ever kind or nolure ~oever, b)' I"rouqh or under the Gronlor or Grantors~ thatlhe ,>old Granlor or Granlors will WARRANT AND rOREvER DEFEND Ii'll" above bargained premises In lhe Quie) and peac~able possess-1M of ~he said Gran1ee, and Ils successors and aSSigns, agolnst ail ~r,d every person or persons lawfully claiming or to clOlm tnl" whole or any part therecf by,Ihrough or under the SOld Grantor or (,r~ntorS __, A. D., 19 84 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the SQld Grantor 01 GranlorS hove hereunlo set thelr honds 11'11<; doyof Signed In the presence of STATE. Cf__~ ~ (\_J.-,-,-~--1:""'_._ _____ _=!ss _________ and Counly of --r~~,../....L..t' '-_';""co..- EUGENE E. LaMERES, Revocable Trust / . _BY: -_:?I~. /.- (';1 ~Ina C. Day, Trustee , <J -- - - - - --- Ned Husman, Trustee ~~an,- ~:!~,~ The 10regOIM~ Inslrumenl was ac"knowledged before me thiL;lJ-C~ day of__.__.....:.:~'---:U...l ,19L~, c Ina C. Day, Ned l1~s_~J:at~ Koithan 'j -_..I...,\l,Io.\.,111/1""f;, -- ...............".. r() . ,'i/c.,... -____-!-7- ''-'-~''''''~~.'..~~~-'''''''~---~;' ( ,/w~lff.~(mJ hm,d ond OII;c;ol Seol, . ~, ! \-.. .. \ I ': J - . ,~,. . ,. /j,' = ':. .....(:Cd'm"{l~i~n E~pires; -~------f.'----- ." ,,\>":,:,,~,-~~,;~:,---_._,--~--"- --~-----~-. ""," ""'" Sl'At~ ()l'v" _:.0 ..~ - _ -___} '/ '''';,. !os __ _~ ~_'bnd County oL~__ _~ ______ by__ The foregCln~ inslrumenl was acknowledged before me this_ _day of__ .___"" _~__.____, 19__, WlfNE.SS ~"j hand and OHiclol Seal, RECEPTION NO. B4D64~92 0//10/84 14:00 9.00 RECOI~IlEI) IN COUNTY OF JEFFERSON nmT -c :JT!\TE or: C01.01~AIlO . Ii j : I! ~ ~ I~ ~ ~ I : 'il ~ i:: H I I, !~I C:-.. .c 0 ~ ~ I ii, \ ~ f~( :r:~9i~ 'II ~ .~ ~ I ib~,..J \.~ '- 0' ~ 8 ,I;:ryl.....: I < -.Lf( 0 - r l~f"""Il~ !i _ ~ :::: V1 ~ 0 ~";;i 4J II U ~ ~ ~ ~ e ~ u 0 '161 to; II W 6-# ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 0 I"-ig . ~ ~ .5,:l - Of 1:0::: I I..,~ ~ :- 11) C :~-'~im~ ~ uJ ~ g ro 8 \:ul~~li ~ 5 g ~V; ~ LJI31~,gl' ~ a gj ~ ~~ L!i~~__~___~~~_ I T~ --ITlr---+---l I II! ,i ;, I~ I 'I 2;' I 8 I II I, "I i; 1'.1 II j '; I' .-.-!I . ~ ,1 < , i ~ '~ ,'~ II ii 2 _! ;: ;,' I ~ 1,1, 4 (1 ') I il:l. ~ L! ~ 1- Hl~ l~~' 'I ~ i ~ ~~ I ~ ~ I a ~ H~ - i' ~ ~ fJS~; , " 11\ n:: 8. 5 ~ ~ ; I 'I II ~ & f~. ,~ 'U;~r~AS --1 L_______ "^y Comml~'Slon ("plres' , o ~ ;; o " " c o I NOlO" PubJ.c ,gl -. ll) I ci Qj I <i € ~ [! &, 1;.1 ,"'I ~ ~.. \ ~~ I ,~~ I i ~ ~ o~'E l8-3~ I ...c "U ~ ~~~~ .g"51)'O +- d I I I I