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RECEPTION NO. 85051737
.06/05/85 09:00 '18.50
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TIfIS I>":f;H, '\;1,',. thl~ 31st
day of May
.19 85
RobErt Urich and Gordon G. Sechler
in common)
or Ill...
Count\' of
Jefferson and Stllll' orColorad(\, /1ft l'w fir:"! !Jnrl, llnd
Kenneth H. Frens
wh,,:'Il' Jt',Iud l\ddro'.~ I"
9615 Grandview Ave. Arvada, CO 80002
COlll1ty IIf Jefferson
KIHl :"tatt' of
('olora",. "ftll<' !^\.,'''I"t I,art
WIT\;f:SSF.TI1. T1\l\\ \ h,. .;Il,ll'art; eSof t tw fir~t part. for Jlnd 111 ,'olli'lld,'!"at l"n of
One hundred and TIVenty Five Thousand --.-------.--------.---.--- !lll!.!..""
to th.' ~a\d pall ies >>1 \ht. fir..' part In hanoll>lIld hy !'laid party 01 till' ",-,'on.! I'all th,. n'n'I!,! wllt'!"",,1 I"
Ill' rt- ~'Y .."n f.."..,.d .111 d iI" ~ 11.'" 1"<\1:"01. h;fl/e ~ra 11 It<,1, har}!al 111'.1. M)],I I. nd ('on l'I'y,'d. a ~'d hy 1 1)1' ~,. !,rl'~"111 ~ 01"
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COlin! Y"~ Jef ferson al1l1 .";llltl' or ("durn,lo, tn wit
The Leqal description is set forth on Exhibit "A" attached hereto and by
reference made a part hereof
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9918-20 W. 44th Ave
TOC;F:TIlF:H Wll h 1\11 and ~inlo!:lllar t!lI' ht'n'dltl\Il\,'nt~ and appllrll'IJ/lrlf\'!' IIII'rd,) 1H'lol1l!tnJ,!. or In """'W\",I' a1'I.,'r
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Tnnt part of tho North; of tho South\lost
of Section 22, To.~ship 3 South, Rango 69
t of the South\lest t of the North\lest t
~ost of tho 6th P. H. descrihed as follo\l8.
Eer1nninc at a point 335 feet East of tho ~ost lino of tho South\lest t of the
Nortc\lost t of said Section 22, on the South lino of West ~4th Avonue, thence
South 150 feet; thence East 8~ feet; thence North 150 feet; thence West 84 feet
to the point of beginninb.
TOfether \lith a right over the Northerly 16.00 feet for the puroose of access to
and frc.:! gara!,,)s located at 9920 \lest ,44th Ave;:ue fro", and to Jell1son Street,
described as follo\ls:
A parcel of land in the Southwest t of the Nc-th"est t of Section 22. To"~ship
3 South, Range 69 \lest of the 6th P.M. Jeffer.,on County, Colorado described as:
Coo::e:Jcing at the West t Corner of said Section 22, thence North along the West
line of said Section 22. 552.00 feet to the South line of \lest ~4th Avenue, thence
East along said South line 335.00 feet; thence South parallel \lith said West line
150 00 feet to the true point of beginnin,: thence East parallel \lith said South
lL~e 251.50 feet. thence South Darallel \lith said "0St line 134.00 feet; thence
SQ"tt\lcsterly 252.39 feet to a point 158.00 feet South of the point of ber:nning;
;;:::once l:orth pcrallel \lith said ;;est line 158.00 feet to the point of ber1nni:;g,
County of Jeffe~scn,
State of Colorado
S918--9920 west 44th /:Ie. (for infornationsl purposes only)
RECEPTION NO. 85051757