HomeMy WebLinkAboutNone (171) -, iUTA :. r I, V :</-7- (.5' ',J(~i' 1 ~;7 CERTIFIED COPY OF RESOLutION /'0 l~~ , II" Page 134 . of the and/or alley. were dedicated WHEREAS, by . deed recorded in Book Jefferlon County Record., cert.in .trcet~. avenue. to the public, .nd \lHEREAS, the folla....!ng described portIon of .treet are/is no longe.r ~e.ce.s..ry for U~e by the publiCi and WHEREAS, uid .re/ll not within the limits of Ilnp. of I city. town or county; portion of .Creet .ny c~ty or tavn .nd doe. and not form the boundary ~~RlAS) no land would, by a vlc.tion of ..id portion of street be. le€t vithout an est.blished public rOld connecting it with another established public road; and WHEREAS, the Jefferson County Planning Commission hi, .ppro~ed~h~x'C.~~~, of uid portion 1)( street - ~. ~j;~ :: ;;~ ~~~:l',:..r... ;:1"" ~~:f:- :to :./: c. VI 1" iJ'o,) ~':~~ ': !:,... ~ .. ,. NO\.l, n\EREfORE. DE IT RESOLVED, by the DOHd of County Cortmr...~one~ ofz Jdfuson Cuullty, Colorado. pursuant to CRS 163. Chapter 120. Article 14. that the following describe.d portion of atreet situate in the County of Jeffer.on. and State of Colorado. be and it/they are hereby vacated, subject to . reserv.tio~ of ea.ements for the continued use of existing sever, ga., vater or similar pipe 'line. and appurtenllnCe$, existing ditches and appurtenances, and exi.ting electric, telephone and .imilar line. and appvrtenance.. if any: A tract of land in the Southveat one~~uarter of Section 14, Tavnahip 3 South, R~nge 69 West of the 6th P.M., County of Jefferson, Stlte of Color.do, described .. fallOY.: ~e8inning at the South quarter corner of said Section 14, thence North O. 10' E~$t .10ns the Esst line of the South~cst one-quarter of uid Section 14, 337.5 fr.lOtj thl!'nce North 89- 58' Welt, 750.5 f..t .ore Or tel' to. point on the Northwe.terly R.O W. line of We.t 48th Avenue, .aid point .1.0 being the true point of beginning; thence North 89- 58' Weat, 270.6 feet: thence South 0- 10' We.t, 60 0 feet; thence South 89- 58' Ea.t, 190.88 feet ~ore or le.s to . point on the North~e.terly R.O.W. line of We.t '8th Avenue; thence ~o~th ))- 04' East along Welt 48th Avenue, 99.7D feet to the true point of beginning, ,11 a~ dedic.ted by Quit Cl.im Deed recorded in book 155 at Page 134, Jefferson County Record.~ '" <0 ...... b- Ut -: en --' STATE or CO!/)RADO COlfNT'( OF J TE'RSON I, Tdm~s P McNally , County Clerk and Recorder And Clet"k to the Board of County Commi.aioners certify thit the above 1. . true copy of . re.olution pa..ed at the regul.~~meet1ng of the Board of c.ounty ComnistlionHs 'held on Se~t'::".ILer 23. 1Q68 .. it tlppen' on record in th~ M1~ute BOOK. ,}:~;;;t. - ., ..., _(/. 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