HomeMy WebLinkAboutNone (188) Recorded ;6::i56....0'cloeL..(i.....MW1ii1~1.~~~!..~i~I~.,.........._.,...~\ ~ptlOD ~..._ ___....._....... ._....,.....,._.._._._..._..._._._........_.....................All II BOOl 4&6 N<! 511 KNow ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, That I. Arthur J. Apel, duly authori~ed b1 the County of Jefferson, State of Colorado, a body corporate and politio, as Commissioner to sell and oonvey, 0'- the, - . County of J efterson , and State 0:' ColoraOO. fortheoonalderatlonof Ten(and other good &: valuable considerations) Dollars, in bond paid, hereby sell and qnit claim to . SAKUEL w. .rO~~ON of the Conntyof Jeffersoln the following real property, .ituate in the COlUlty of and State of Colorado, t...wit: , and t.... State of Co10raclo, Jefferson Thirty (30) feet on each side of the following described center line: Commencing at a point which is 307.5 feet north and 1021.1 feet west of the quarter section corner common to the Northeast quarter and the Northwest quarter of Section 23, and the South~ast quarter ~nd the Southwest quarter of Section 1~. runnin~ thence II West to the West line of the Southeast qU8rter of the Southwest quarter of Section 1~. Township 3 South, Range 69 West, as described 1n deed recorded 1n Book 261 at Page 460. , II with nil its appurtenance!. Si~"'ed and delivered this 11 th day of In the presence of 1 I j , A, D. 19 43 I' (n".., II ,:).1:. l"\. L} -... __'__.(SEALl !jTATE OF COLORADO, '\It' 'j · TIfo/ntv of Jefferson , "., .. A ". f " .' ~ " '. . i", , ~n: ~~,f~~~;e:; ~aA~;1':ei~~1~ef~~ ~h~~ 1 ze~l thomm 1 s~:'~ ~fn e; a ~~B ~~ 11 cmd ~ ~:., ~t_.\.II'" .: cl)nvey _ " ....~,s..,.,!, ban1l and official 8ea1. ~ ~""~~~~e*>>r~' December 17. 1946 -1 />, 4.. IS I.' ~ ^ " ~., I' \ . Claude B. 't~ _ if,,!" I./. K.;1:.f,'Pu'r:tli. } 8S. n ~ a; tl~.~~'y ~Y~:f~~~, Pt~:~~no~~e~~: ~tre ~~~r~ n:~:;{o~~~:~~~y~rn~:::tno~c~~~~..Jnc:t'lJrr~!n~t~';~cO~p~7~~~)lfCR~H!~)li('~~. uf corporaUon, then tnBert name of l'IucrOft'tcer or Oft"N~:rt;, as tbe pre.ldent or oth".. of!~ra of Bueh corporatfoJll, naming It. -BtrJtlltorJ/ AckAOUlJetloment. Be_aloft 1HT. . No. 898. :itJJT CLA9I DE'KD-8tatD.tol'J" F......-The B:radtont.Robinaon Pttl. Co,. Jl(n. Robla.pu'. ~.I Dhmk.. 1824 8tout St., DC.'Ilwr. Colo. .