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the Granfor or Grantors,
of the and Counly of Jefferson ,and Stole of Colorado
far and in consideration of the sum of TEN DOLLARS and other good and voluable considoro';oM 'o'h. wid Gronlor or Gron'ors
in hand paid, the receipt whereof is hereby confessed and acknowledged, hove Qrol'1ted, borQoined, sold and conveyed, and by Ihese
pr.s.nts do hor.by GRANT, BARGAIN, SELL AND CONVEY unla
The Department of Highways, State of Colorado,
Grantee, ifs successors and ossions forever, the followinQ real property situate in the and County of Jefferson
and S10te of Colorado, to-wit:
Section 1 1,062.0 sq. ft.,
A 'racl or porc.l of land, No.337 of Grante.'s Proj.cl No. I 70-3(8)268 I containing I ~
more or 1'55, in the SW\; of Section 14, Township 3 South, Range 69 ',lest, of the Sixth Principal
Meridian, in Jefferson County, Colorado, said tract or parcel being more particularly
described as follows:
Beginning at a point on the north property line which is N. 00 10' E. a distance
of 277.5 feet and S. 890 58' E. a distance of 92.6 feet from the SW corner of the SE~ of
the SW\; of Section 14, T. 3 S., R. 69 101.;
1. Thence S. 720 45' W. a distance of 86.5 feet to the west property line;
2. Thence N. 00 10' E. ~l~~g the west property line a distance of 25.7 feet
to the north property line;
3. Thenc& S. 890 58' E. along the north property line a distance of 82.6 feet,
more or less, to the point of beginning.
The above deseribed parcel contains 1,062.0 sq. ft., more or less.
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I-~:GETHER wllh all and ,:ar Ihe MredHomenlS and oppurlenonc""lhereunlo belorqioQ,Q(" anyw'''' apperlaminq,and the 'ever,
SIO~ and reverSlOns, remainder and remainders, 18n's, issues and profils thereofj and all lhe e~tQte, riqht, lit\e, it'll~rl!S'. claIm and d~T'!'v:!n!!
wha~oever of Ihe saId Grontor Q( Granlors, eilher in law or equity, at, in and to the abOve barQained premises, wllh the h<!reditaments and Ihe
opPUrleMnces. ,
TO HAVE AND TO HOLD lhe said premises abOve barQained and described, with the appurtenance., unto the soid Grantee and
its successors and ossions forever'. And the soid Grantor Of Grantors, for themselves, their heirs, execlftors cnd administrators, do COYell:l~I.
oran', barooin and OQree 10 and WIth the Said Grantee and its succeSSOrs cnd aSSIQM, lIial at the time of the execution and ~e\ivery of
Ihese presents, they were well seized of thE! premises above conveyed, os of good, ~'Jre, ~rfect,a"~I<Jte ~nd L~et~::--J~ .g~ota of inheritance,
Ullow, In Fee Simple, and hod qooct right, full pOW1:!r and lawful authO!'it)' 10 9(001, bargaIn, sell I1nd convei the same in the monnE:!tlYld
~crm c!cresaic; !h::Jt the some orc fffie and clear fror..") 011 ell-jer Qranls, borQoins, saies, liens,laxe'S, ossessmenfs and encumbrances of who'-
ever kind or notufP 50ever. by, tnrough or under tne Gror.tor or Grantors: lhot the snid Grantor or Grantors will WARRANT AND
FOREVER DEFEND the abo\le bargained premises in the Quiet and pl::aceable possession of 1he said Grantee, and its successors
and assiQns, aqoinsl oi! anrl ~yery person or persons lawfully claimi ng or 10 claim tne whole or any port 1hereof, by, through 01" under
the said Grontor or Gronlors.
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V{ITNES;;"W,'h?hd and Official Seal,
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My'~m~is'Sian Ex~r,ommr,Si9n pXJ:res O'~, S, 1966
STATE OF_,,_ __._.___
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