HomeMy WebLinkAboutNone (191) ~ 1 ~ ~~ 9 ta140 IloconIo4 aL-..nnnnn._nnnn~nno'docL...nnnnll.. _n_n"..,..,'nn'n..nn...n'."~' Racoptlon ~'~n.3nl,.4..Qn ..,nn.... .\l+Hnlllll;..:H...,ffi..~'.-5r....lI<<onl... .t '1 I \1 II \1 II '; ,Tms DEED, Had. th1e 16th da of Au9U'~Unt.'l.,OI7tJ;I,~r5rJr', ,::;C r' r. ., 1lec~r~rj l:~ ' Matz and Jonnie H. Matz u ~-- .. -3tt{;'.~ 26'1 ~ ~ .0 ~, ~ betw_ G<,orge J. of the -,Count)' or Jefferson and Stalo of Colorado, of lb. lint part, .n~ : ~Ci ty of Wheat Ridge. a Municipal Corporation i :;;of lb. Count)' of Jefferson and 81010 of ,. L' jJ C ColondD, of lb. H<Olld part: WlTNESSETII. '!'bat tho oaId part ieet the fInt port, for and In conold.ratlon or lb. own of TEN DOLLA~ AND OTHER GOOD AND VALUABLE CONSIDERATIONS-=---~O~ to lb. u14 part 1 e s of the fInt part In hand pald by aa1d perl Y of lb. _ond part, lb. receipt "h.,.., I. be",by eonfoued and _...Iedced. he V\routed, bu&ained, oold and con..yed, and by th... p",""u d. grant, bupln, ..U, conny and c:onflrm, unto the aa1d party of the ...ond part, i t",.I.. aDd ...Im. ror- ...., all lb. foUowIn<< deoc:ribecllot or pareeI of land, oItua:e,I:rlnc and being In the Count)' of Jefferson and State of Colorado, tawll: A non-exclusive easement for public access ~o the Clear Creek C;reen Belt Area upon and over the Northeasterly ten (10) feet of the following described property: "hat part of the East one half of the Southeast quarter of Section 14, Township 3 ~;outh, Range 69 West of the 6th P. M,. County of Jefferson. State of Colorado. described ,IS follO'>ls: COllmencing at the Southeast corner of the East one half of the Southeast quarter of said Section 14, thence Northerly along the East line of said Southeast (In~'1Uarter a distance of 142,39 feet to the true point of beginning; thence continuing r:orther 1y along the Ea st line of sa i d Southeast one-quarter a 'di s ta nce of 133.11 feet thence Northl.esterly a distance of .99,90 feet to a point 323 9 feet North of the South ~ ~ llne of said South~st one-quarter and 87.5 feet West of the East line of said Southeast '"" "- (,ne-qu3rter; thrnr~ Soulllerly p~rallel to east 1 ine of the Snutheast one-quarter a distanc ~ ~_d 181.51 fe~t; thence Easterly a distance of 87.5 feet to the true point of beginning. C ~'mlogether with an ease,nent 10 feet in width for ingress and egress 5 f~et on each 'side of " ~ I....(cnt~r line described as follows' Commencing at a point Uorth of a point 170 feet l':est ~\(~ cf the Southeast corner of the East one half of the Southeast quarter ~f Section 14, '\ c.:lthence :'Iorth 90.0 feet; thence in a Northeasterly direction 104 feet more or less to a , .I ~r.oint ~n the ~est line of the above describ~d property, Ccunty of Jefferson, State cf l Co 1 orado, 3(l6~ 2(;4 ( ~ r i Ii I I ! I II r j 11 II i ;f i,~ ~~ , f. ,I, lit Ie III II' .. " ., l. ~: " , " 3062 2G~i $ u. ~ '" c .. E :1 U Q n>GETHEll with 011 ODd oInrular tho ___ ODd applD'tolWl_ th.reto belCJDg\nc, or In en)"lria. appert&in1nc, and. the rnen:lon ad rnenlou, nmaIDd_ ad remalDcters, renta, laan and profItI thereof, and aU the .....!<t. ri..ht, tltl.. mteJwt, dalm ODd __ __ of tho Aid part ies of the tint part, .Ith.r in 10... or equity, of, in and to tho abon barplnecl ~ with tho bendI_...ta ODd appuruaa..... TO IlA VE AND TO BOLD tho AId p:emLw &bon barplnecl ODd d-n,ed with the aRpurt.enane... unto th. Aid part Y of tho -""" part, its heIn ODd uaIpa f........., ADd tho Ald.,art les of the tint part, for them ..Ives, hem, ....,to.... ODd _ do ..........t, cnnt, barpIn, end _to end with tho AId part Y of tho _ part, its heIn ODd ....... thot at tho tIm. of the enaoa:tng ODd d.U..... of th_ _bl, they ar-.n _ of tho __ abon eonTQOd, eo of rood, ...... perfoet, .boo. .. and lDdefeulhl. _la of lDhori_ In Ia..., In toe oImpIo, ODd he ve .-I right, tull powOT end lawful authori" to 1J'lIDt. barJ'aiD. leD and eoD?e7 tJw. am. f:D mazmer aDlI form .. aforea1d, and that the Ame are free and dear tTvm all fonner and othe:r 1'f'Ulta. bupIDa, .u-. Uaa, tazea. &aeumenu and eheumbrancea of ....h.tner kind or .......~,,' except taxes and assessments due and payable subsequent tn date herenf, and except easements and restrictions of record, if any, . ; . u. - the abeT. barp/JlecI ~ In the quiet and peauaW. __on of lb. Aid part Y of lb. -.nd part. i t 5 hef.n and. auigna a.gaJ.Jat all aDd eTVJ' penon or penorLI Lawfully elairUng or to claim th~ wbole 0' eny part lb.reof, tho uJd part ies of ~ flnt part ehaIl and wl11 WAllRANT AND FO~E\'ER DEFEND, IN WlTNESSWHEREOF,lb.uJdpart ~es of th. flnt part h& ve ih."",,,to.., t ClJi,d and ..w S the day and Tear first above mtten. ) "I F~ #).;-~>r- Q *~ ",..)..(/1--.).1' _ 4 ", ,. GEOR~~r:-/ Mi~T7<~ts'?'I;nown a~S!:AL) Ci4o.r 'Je"J.M.az 2;0 cco ~JI. d._ /}' /~." ': Q. t. , i'jL ./." /'" ,(SEAL) . ~'q: OF COLORADO, } Ycinll~~';'M" "Ml.tz"afso KnO'Nn a~ 'c' "0" sa. JOnnle M. ~lazz"cco ,""" /,Countyof TH l~co.m..,bin:ri.~t was acknowledgtld before me thi. day ot J\ugu~ t 1~ 71: ,b1 I.l<R:!rct., J. Matz and ,J"nnie M. Matz )II, __t.~ ~ / Ij I 19 ,,' I Wltnen .,If hand .nd oUid! . .ea.I. .i \ ~ ( {~ ~. (SEAL) .......d;.~L'~...{.... "'f.; "". ~. N<>l&J1rPllblk / , j, - No. '31. W.A.IU:.A.MTT D&al).-.... PI.~--.....-II....,... r.w..... c... I...."...... ..... ~ r:>....... { ,-""" :1lq}~ ;~h:l I \.i '" .~;~~--.. , ~ t f, ,I '.... . . I , .' I ~ . " e ~m~"'-~"" ........!L.iir'\~~,::\ "'-',~~ ~