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~Reeeptlo..~...... ~"..........,...JtQBGaT..w....N~N.........jheorder.,
.... ~ '
TmS--PE:E:D,. Made tWii '
9~~.-' -
day of November
I" ""-
in the year of.
ollr Lord one thousJlndnine hundred' and fifty-four
of the
Comny of
"_~__~ . ",,,,~.. n ,", ",' n.""
and--st&te-of-<JOlora!l<i; of the first part,
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';;:l1d Tlu.;'S'l'ATE HICHWAY CO~~y Corporate, -fOrT-hi>>
~_, -e- use and benefit of THE Ilf;Pk&T-MENT OF HIGHWAYS OF THE STATE OF COLO-
. RAnG . ..
C' ,..' - ~~ .~ - - -----=~_.___ --- . - -- ~cOf=the second."];art;
. . - .." - - - - ' --- . -- - -- . ... ~
:.-..-...W:ITNESSETH;-That:.tlu:.said-part. .i es-6i'-t1u~-fir&t--par-t,-for-and-in-JOnBide:r.&tWlI...oLthe.JI.u.m..of._
,! ~ -
- - - - - - - - - ~ - - - - - - - r - - - DO~S,
TEN ($10.00)- -.- -~ - - -
.--.,-- -- --..... -
and other good and-valuable
.~ ~ ~
_~ '-- to the said 'part. ies of the;SLPJj,.n in hand paid by_the said party __~_secon:d':'p....rt, the ..
,'.' "oJ ia-lJ,ereby-eonksse~ aeknGwledged b8 "e g-<'AntPn. hllrgliinad,. sold.. ~~,d_ con- ._ '_
~ ----
veyed, and by th~ge presents do - grant, bargain, sell, convey and confirm unto the said party
- - bU\,;l,;b<;)\j015 --., \ -
- of th~ lIec()!!.d part, it:Ue:llll/a.nd aasigns forever, all the fonowmg_~e~ed lot or parcel
of land, situate, lying and being ill the
County of
~ \.
_ ___StaYl....Qf ColQr.adl>,..tu-.wit.. Known..as. .heing....part..of the:...Ni of .\-he ..s.Ef;, .o..L..tb,e SEt. oLt.he_ f..
SW~ of Section 14, Township 3 South~ Range 61 West of the 6th Prin. Mer.. b0un-
u"u ~...:' _-.: 1.. -' ~a follOws: . -.
r .
Beginning on the Southerly line of West 48th Avenue, so-called, at a Northwesterly
corner of the first parcel of land. conveyed to Ella Fistell by Warranty deed
dated February 14th, 1946, and record~d tn Book 527, Page 285. of the recorus of
_ ::- ~-f~l'1r.-ount;Y"; -~. ..- - -- - .-.
1. Thence Westerly, along the arc of a curVe to the left. having a radius ~
____of-543,.Q.i'eet.,. and a chord of 84.4 feret: bearing S. 83037' W., a.distance
...-'-0f-...g4..4-i'eet,-mor~ Ie:>!, , totruLNort.l:!-easterly'corner oi'.J,and conv_eyed
-' -to George 'HcGrath and-';lerle L. ~!cGrathby Warranty Deed aated ApriL 7, 1944
and recorded' in Book486, Page. 420, of the records of Jefferson County;.
Tnen~e Southe-rly, along the East~erly--'line of land so conveye""d to. '._Q"eorge--
'H .'!-1cGrath and Kerle L. McGrath," -t,co----the -So~eas~-erly -corner the~of, said
~ noi'tit bein" on a NortnerTV line of the first 'parcel of land conveyed to .
Ella Fistell, as first afs:>resaid; " "
---_.- --
~'. -..-.. '.:::_r- _, "1,---.. ~ _~c:;__:~--~.- ...--_~"'_-
3. '.. - Thence Easterly, al'dng said 'Northerly lIne 'of-land so convey~d to Ella
. Eistell, a dls!.~nce o.f'..?b? ~~.t:.~;mo1:e 2r=.lesll' to an<mz.l,~;._
'C'"'_ .__,~,... '.',. .~.-~.,~ " .' ~ - -,--
Thence Northel'ly,. ilong a _WSlsterly lJneof land'--so conveyed to Ella-FUit,,,ll
-'~C? h~ <h7.~e~more or less, to 'the plLaae o.f beginning,
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/flto. 832.
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'I\' ABRANTY DEED, =-Th1iBradJord.Robln.... l'tc.-Uo.'IIln. Bob.........Lon/ Biua. lJ" ....ISI.. !lOa.... ~_...--' 1-
,-" ---I--'
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TOGETHER with all and Bingular the hert!diiamen~ IlI!-dappurtenanceB thereunto belllli~i;"'or in
. 1 ~..
~nywise appertaining, and. th.e -Eevel'llion and reversions, remainder__~d remainders, r~ts,_ issues, and
. ...- -::'
-,n-aftts ther1lof; and- all the estate,-right, titie, interest,claim and demand ovhatB'Llllt'er'.o.f the-said
part ies
of 'the firstpart~ith;r in -iaw~r equity~ of, in,,md'iO the above bargainedprexiiises, Witli
the hereditaments and appurtenances.
TO HAYEr AND TlYROIill the saId I>telIll8e8'/I,liou~mgaiJlea8n-a-aeseiitiedJ ~th~the"cllJlpurte.. .
And-the _id ---- ----- .---' .
nances unto
,t~e said party
of the second part, it.s I :Baa and aasigns !oreve?
parties. o! tile fiiiit ~
, -
for them sely"". th~h;irs, ex4fuutortland'a~trators,~'-'COVen&l1t, grail.t,.lJat~.
-- -- '-, . \# ,'..~......:.
., -- 'C... , successors -.
~_?,,>~da..~e2.~~~i~R,t4e.ll&idJl!lrt y of.th~~~~ndJl~/'its.1. ....tm!t..
time oUi:>e ensealing and deJive~ of these presents. ti}ey were ' , well seized'o! the premilea
J aboVt; conveyed, as of good,.sur&, .perfeCt, n801ut;~Q indlde&sible ~tanCe in'la _ L , _.
'- ~ '-', ~--'- ~- . --
~8i~P1~, alid ha d good rig'lit,Iiill ~ower and~\aw~ll.1ithoritytO rrBil.~'Darga~.2.~ll anct-oonv~ the ~~:...~
same inma~er and' form a~Qrelillid, jlna 'th!tthe same-are"~~.cleK..,ftC)JJLau.~!~,,;i.ad .oih~ . ,
'-. - - - ~
-. - . --"
ll'I'ants,~rgains; sales, liens, taxes,Ulel8m.e~~ snd~inll1llI!~neea- of>wli!.te_vll!;~d-~~.~...
except 1954 general and Moffat runnel taxes and assessments, and all future_ '
.Q -..~
---'.asa~&smen~8 -9r~,,_o-1'. ..lJo-Jo .$p8cia1~1m~ment Districts. The parties' :O'fthe":'--:'--
~ - - I _~ 't ~ j
-.firs-tr-part. herein agree to pay.the.-taxes'fQr_th_e year 1954 whene!er_~he'-8ame ~' ::~
I'" .-.-.-
-'-'--=-------~-----.---~----..:..; -------
-become due arla pa.y~e.~.
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r'1}~"';.'{ t~ ~l,t.,
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ana the above bargained premises in
of-the se~ond. part, its!' luia. and
the' quietcand peaceab~~.lloB8easion of the said part y~
assfiD-., -against all and every person orperaons lawfully-claiming or. tp claim the whole o.!', any part
thereof, the said part ieS-llof the first part sqall and will WARRANT ANP":F'O~-DEFEND:""
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, The. said parti es of the firat-part have
hereunto set their
hand s and seals the da~ and year first above written.'.." --,
Bi~edr8~elI.::and DellvereinnPreliince . ==-=~:.t:f~..~ '
u_ =10BBR'r. BEELER _._ ""
rSE'~T ~ ~----:
mn_....'.........................._...................__..n' [SEALl
~ I
_n. -STATE OF COLORADO,}-----:-
. 9S,
~itYn&County of....Dem[~................ ..
... '.'.-- ~~
The 'fliregomg mstrument was acknowledged before me this 36 day of
19")4-, ~OBERT 13KJ';tElrand'1'EARL E. BEELER
Witness my hand and official seal.
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