HomeMy WebLinkAboutNone (209) l~ Journal of the Commissioners of J~fferson County, Colo., _' ~~o~ l~L_ --___ _, ,19___ '!lid part or U. JaR Ikl1' or U. ....~...~ Q.art.er <-t ~) or s.euoa 2. ~. , ~ ..... .. ..... ~ .. t~: "~_h'l a~ U. ~ coomer or U. lIo:lor~ . Qaner (at) eI ..u - -.- 2; _ Vaat l.l18 tM't toO U. _ U- or U. JaR Ikl1' or U. !Ioo............ Qaner (-t ~) eI ..u ......... _ ~ 1983.1'5 tM't toO u. t.noe potAt '3t bol~""'''I; u-c. JaR 129.5 r-t: _ IbrUllJO.~...., u..c. Vaat 129.5 t",; u-c. SocUl 330.625 t_t toO pout or -&;1-'''1, LoOIIt.c aa.ua a.u eI .. .....j dM or u. 900 ~ oa All1_. -.. mt.1ca 1I7 a:-1..u.-r ~, NCCID4 b7 a:-1aa1oaer lDdl. ...t b7 .--.- __ u. ~ I' ,--_ .. ft aIICItJZD _ u. ~ toO _ .Jen'enaD CoImt7 Z<m1A& -.p 11.:>. 5 toO 1Acl.s. 111Ul1.a u. C I. - 'a' .. DUtri.r' -.Ii aclade rroa u. . 1. IiaddeDt.1&l. Olle D1rtr1c:t t.lle toll.ov1.D.c ..cr1.. ~ _ eI ~ _ Clolat;J'. lIb>.do ... taI<.a UDder ..tvt_t. CIa ~ 9. 1955, be _ 1t. 18 btretr7 t.ak-. ...... t'lorUoer .e.t.-.. ..a.l .. 23. 1955: Jh:I 'n. \leat l7~ t"' at t.lle ~ 132 t_t or ..be ~ ~ or t.lle llout.!IIoa~ Qaner eI .. - (~ ~ SJIt) Sec:t1C1a 2, 'rtMah1p ~ South. "11#1/0 69 \leat.. Loc:at..Jd at 7'90 ~ . ft ~ JIZSCI.YZI) t.bat t.lle propoaal toO _ Jertereoo CoImt1 lal1A& -.p .,. 5 toO lDcl.s. 111~ u. . I. - -' ."11 ~ DUtrin IID4 acl.s. rroa u. . 1, a..1c1e1lt.1&l. ODe D1atric:~ t.lle tollov1Ac .wcr1" ..,-~ ,.- _ eI ......_ ~, *1cIl ... t.ak-. UD4ar ..tvt.-..t rroa ~ 2, i955, toO t.h18 data, be aDd it 18 lilt""" ti .. _ .AI - .... !oath 129 t_t at Tlw:~ 11. Bloc:lt 3, LaIte"<Xl4 ""rea, Loc:ated ~~ conlI81' 6Ul A_ .. y . _ - ~ at DElI) - POR1'ICIlI OF ~ EAST or LAMAR ~ .oUal b7 a:-1aa1oaer True, aec:ood b)' a:-1..100er Ioc:h. aDd b1 ,~....~.. vote U. toll.ov1.D.c reeollllU8a _ . _ 1. .. ft IIISlI.I1r:D t.bat a deed rroa .JoIm D. ll1-ec:kaa aDd Gert.rud.e V. Sreckaa to t.lle toll.ov1.D.c .wec:rt.. _ .. .. " ta Ilo*7 ~: ~ Sout.h 20 teet or ~ 10, Bem>e~ Acrea, be1A& a atrip ot laD4 20 t..~ v1de IID4 ~ 125 ~ laic. CIa I., --. A........ ACCIP~ at ImCD u,ca ~ 1I7 a:-1aaloaer True, MCODd. b)' C~1aal00er Ioc:h, aDd b1 '''''''...~.. YOte U. toll.ov1.D.c "'"'O'~'- _ - _ ..... . 12 --.wm tbat a dee4 rroa GleD B. IU.. aDd Pere1 ShaItlee to the toll.ov1.D.c .weer1" arM be MId 1\ 1a ......, ...,u41 'h'uU or d.wloU A. B, aDd C .. abow 011 the T1 ttAa SubdJ.Y181oa. .{) -Cr ~(./ I" f\ !/. '-I \ )... \ It- ,) rr True. aec:0Dd by eo-t..100er Ioc:h. &lid b1 ''''''''''--... vote the toll.ov1.D.c ..-!uU_ _ . J1 II I traI.JoIm A. ~Iln and Lou.18. V, !lellallo toO the tollov1n& .weerlbe4 _ be.. 1\ le""'" . . ot the Eut 310 teet. ot the ~ ~ S&t, ot Secttoa 10, 'fow1eh1p 3 SouUl, ...... 69 .... :t1oa dt:e4 toO c:orrec~ deed to the Count1 at Jertenon dated the 9th ~ or ~. 1~. Book 8113 at i'ap 73 or the recorda ottbe Coun~y or Jertenoa. lD t.ba~ Loa1ee Y. - n. .. Lou.1ae J, _l1n. Cft'ICIIlS II:ftIlLY JlZP\Ah$ Loat.. I. ,,",U-r, IIoale :leIIonatra t10n Agel> t Jl&lph J. T. Carter - Jlut1c:e ot Peac. Be1'll&rd P. 00 Kane Count1 Service ON'lcer Aprll Feb......,., March . Apr1l Apr11 Y~ - PORnCll or ImlEIlT IJf BARTH'S 5UBDIVISIOIl' . lJpoft ~ b7 ec-t..l00er T1....... aec:ond b1 eo-taatoaer Koc:h. ::.-. by uro..l1u.ou.. vote the tollovtna NaolllUoa... . .W, WDJW b)' a plat ot Barth'a Subc11vta1on roc:ord.ed 1n Plat Book 1 at Page 27 ot the JetterllOD County rec:orU, cert&1J\ 8\nII a_ aII4 .u.,.a ahow thereon ""'re d.ed1catod t..J the public, &lid -.0., the tollov1n& cl.ucrlbed portloa ot atreet 1a no lonlll"r necuaary tor u.. b1 the public; aDd .......as a14 porttoa ot atreet 1a not v1th1n the l1a1ta ot &l\Y c:ity or tow &lid ~...a not tarw the ~ 11M 01 a d~. tole or l:CQlt,.; and VJIIIlIWI no laD4 uoulll. b1 a vac:at1oa ot IIIl1d port1on ot atreet be lert v1tbou.~ an .atahl1abe4 publ1c: r....s -Uac l\ 1I1t1lllllOt.her utabl1abed pub11c road; and ...,.,..1.8 U. Jertereoo County Pla=1A& eo-taUon baa approved the IIIl1d propoMd v&c&UO!l at a&1d port1C1a 01 atne\l a:JW, ~, BE IT RESOLVED b)' the Ilo&rd ot County ec-t..100er8 ot Jertenoa CoImt,., ~, ~ to U. . JI1"O't'1etoae or CMpter 217. 191>9 &....1011 lava ot Colorado that the toJ.lov1n& .weer1bed portion or atnet .1.... 1a "- Coua1:T or JeZterllOD, and State ot Colorado. be &lid 1t 18 hereby vacated lIu.bJect to a N&.ervaUoa or .. U tw tM -~ UN or eJd.at1A& _r, 1llUI. _ter or a1.al1l.ar p1pe 11nea &lid appurteD.lnc:ea, eJd.a~1n& 41tcbee aa4 .to,.,C n. IID4 eJd.et.1DC alec:trlC:, telephooe and a1.al1l.ar liDea and appurtenanc:ea, 1t &l\Y: Begj"n'nll at a po1nt 25 teet East and 210 teet Korth ot the IN c:orner ot Lot. .., BlocIt 2, 1Iartb'. IuIlltiYla1ClD, thaac:a r1~~ 23,74 t....t &long a c:urve vboae radJ.u.a 1a 15 teet and vboae c:enter 1:\ 15 t..~ JaR or tM J01a\ ot begjnn'ng; thence Eaat 242 teet to a potAt on a curve vboae radJ.u.a 18 15 t..t; thaac:a rl&b~ ~ .. c:urve 23,74 t....t to a po1nt; thence South 462 teet to a potAt; thenc:e \/oat 10 teet to a POU~i ~ IIcN\a 60 t....t toO a po1nt; ,hence Eaat 60 teet to a po1nt, thence Korth 59 teet toO a potAt; t.haIIce w..~ }l tN, to a potAt; tbenca Iorth ...2B teet to a potAt; thence Eaat 21 tee~ to a po1nt; tbaDc:a Iorth 390 t..~ to a pola\l tbaDc:. Wut 297 teet to a po1nt; on a c.-urve vboae radJ.ua 11 15 teet; tbence r1~t aloac aa14 _ 2].1\ t_ to a po1nt; thence South 70 teet to ~he po1nt ot ~g1nn1ng, Journal of the Commissioners of Jefferson County, Colo., 413 *.1 b, 195} _J9___ _ ... _ ~ t:I stIIZEr - LADlD'S SlE-~ __ -u- ~ e:-t..1oDltr~, MCODd 117 e:-t..1oaer 1CXh, aad 117 .--.-.. """'- tM ...."-"& . ,-.-- MI:iptlM: - .. ~ a p1a~ or L&1rll'. SubcU Y1 atOll recordlocl 1A Pla~ !loot l' at ..... 1 or tbe ...rr.r- 0I0at7 -..... _ -. .-u, _ aad &llAo,.. abow1 tbereoa ...... d.od1eat.ed t.o c. pub_1e; aad ~ U. ta.llowU14 c1eac:ribe4 porU"" of _~ 1a DO 10G;!l0r DeCeaa&1'7 for .... 117 u.. P*J,1e; .. I u.. ;6 . ~ M1A porUoa or rtrMt. 1a DOt. viUWI u.. 11mU or WJ...' e1t.y or t.ooa aad _. _ r... Ue ': e1 t;;r, _ ar coomt;y; &ad . . _ 1.-..l \Iaal4, 117 a ftC&t1on or aa1d port1on of aU-t. be ten vi thout. ... .nuu.... P*l1c ..... '.. 1\ ~Ul ~ enuuahed publie read; aad 'lJ u. ...tt_ Coua~y P'''''''''I ec.-1a&1on baa approTed tbe aa1d prop-.... _UOD or poI'""f_ eI ~i _., ..... . tT illSCLYED 117 Ule Jlo&rcl or Couat;y eo..t..1....... or Jett_ CIDoat;y, "'" ... _ , "" .. .....___ err a.pt.er 211. 19119 s...1aD ~ of Ool.ando tba~ tbe t~ -.cnbe4 ~ et ~.... Sa .. ~ or ~_. aad &tate or Ool.ando, be ADd 1t. La bereby ftC&t.M ...~ to a r f_ et - tor UIIC -u...4 _ or .xU~tq ~, pa, l&t.er or .1mlar p1pe 11De. aad~. a1.u.. &1....... ~. n, aad ex1rt1n& e.lec:tr1e. telepboDe aad a1mlar llDe. aad ~.., U~; DIe JIort.h 3 r..~ or 5th /.Y\!:DUll U del1.Dc&t.ed 10 Ule Plat or La.1rd'. lIub41 Y1.ioa. .,.ICaTIIW - ~a1 t:I lml!Er ~.uaa lI)' e:-t..1C1l>C'~, aec:oad II)' eo..t..1oaer JCoc:h, .oDd II)' ,......-.. YOte Ule ~ I'J ,--_ 8dopta4: __.&AS "T a deed rwcorclad 10 BooIt 669 a~ ..... 273 or Ule .1errenoo Coua~7 ~, eerta1a .uwu, L .. ~ Maw ~ wre d.od1catecl t.o Ule puhl1e; aad ~ Ule t~ deaeribe4 port1on of atreet La DO leapr DeCe..ary tor .... II)' Ule public:; .. ~ aU partieD of .U-t 1& DOt viUWI Ule 11mU or &n;f e1~y or t.oWI1 aad doe. DO~ tonl Ule \: A~ l1M eI a cUJ, w. or -Vi aad ~.. 110 1aa4 \Iaal4, 117 a ftC&t1on of aa1d port1on ot .t....t be len v1thout. ... enuuab14 pUDUc .... &&Ill n vlUl -u.ar e.talll1ahed puhl1c 1"<*1; aM " U. Jeff_ Count;y Plalln!.a.& ~..ion hu -wrove<1 the aa1d pr0p0M4 ~OD of &&14 pon1ca 01 ....., .... ~, !II IT llISOLYED lI)' Ule !lo&rd or Couat;r ea.t..1oaera or .1ettenoo Couat;y, ColondD, _ , "" aM ~ or a.pter 217, .1.9109 Se..1on IAn or ~ tbat the toUov1n& deKr1l1e4 porUOIl of e\nft..... Sa U. Cilllat;)' or Jette.._, aad State or ColonI4D, be aad it ia hereb;r ftCatacl aub,lec:t to a "~ of - " hi' u. ~ aM or exuttq _r, pa, ..tar or .1Jo1lar p1pe l1lle. aad appurtezlazlce.. a1aUq 4lWIIM........ ~., aad existing eleet.r1c, t.elcpboae IIIld s1mil&r line. and -Wurt.eaanees. 1" &n;f; DIe llouth 375 teet ot Ule Borth 400 teet ot the East 15 teet or the 8out.b Ba11' or Ule Unt ..u eI * We.t Ba11' or Ule Bortbeast QJ&rtcr of Ule BorUlweat QJ&rtcr <st wi wi lEt JWt) Seet1aD 27. ~..w. j South, !IaI:lp 69 We.t ot the 6th P. M. OILIJrJ IlOAIl8 - fn'l!l J:IPLIJIG. E'1'C , ~ .,Uoa lI)' ec-t..1oaer ~. aecood by Coaaiaaioaer JCoc:I1, and by uaam...ou.a vote Ule tollov1A& recoluUla _ ~:' wx:atIWI Ule 1Ioard ot C;)unty ea.t..1oaer. t1n<a that South IC1pl1.ntl. aM Ule Pr1aoc h.ra Boe4 are tIoUIlA1a .... ~1aD4 '&&Ill WIIIIU.8 10 t.hII op1n1on ot t.hII Ilo&rd ot County Coaa1aa100ers Ule paY1ng ot aa1d ~ \lOW4 be Juc~1fie4 ~ ...., 1ClI, ......",.., !II IT IlESOLVKIl tbat Ule County p~ Superintendent be aad bI 1. blreb;r autbor1M4 011 -...u 01 N- t_ CouDV, to pa.,. South IC1pling bet"",, tile Pr11100 I'anI Roed aM Beer. S1.tera 1loa4. IlDd Ule Pri_ .... ... bet .. Can- 8trMt aad Here.. Street. LI8f t:I Cl.\DI5 ALLOWED . May 16, 1955 County ~neMl.l. ~t Cl&t..nt Ilucript10n or Purchase Moocat l"I.~~ , . 65.26 30.00 252.08 2.1..~ 93.~ 10.00 25.~ 92.50 207 .26 153.8) 16.03 1.50 162.r:ti! ".35 1).00 639. '/5 1".00 ..2.50 9.00 Clerlt Tra&aurer Aase.sor Stephens-Peck. Inc Frank 5 tanbro Mo.rcl1Bn t Cal cula t.or. J. J:, Blankenship IkNard B. Y ouue M. p, Oaat1neau Miriam Mo.rt.ensen Title Book Mileage Maintenance Reappraiaal . Mileage Mileage Reappraisal. Mileage POSUlge Mileage For:as toa Anplea Maintenance Patrol Car Maintenance .. .. Aupt or Ilehoola Sheritt Jetferson Record C.....l g, Enlov Rad.1o Specialists Co, Cootloental 011 Co, 8111 tty '. Conoco Lakevood ll.:'troleu:JI Bob'. Coooc" The Todd Company Frank Stanbro, Treasurer Holland House Bancroft \/hi tney Co, Courtright Publishing Co Ribbona installed Jury Fee. Meal. Reports Dictionary Purchuing District Court ..... ,~- 65.. )0.00 152.08 11.,. fl." 10.00 25.llIl ..50 laT." 153.8j 16.0) 1.50 16R. ce ".35 1).00 639.7' 1'.00 12.50 9.00 , '" - .---.. .. . . - '" ... -~. - ... ' -. '" 'l Journal of the Commissioners of Jefferson County, Colo.,~_ ~ c:aau MIQ' 10, 1955 19 ~ . ---,- ,--'---'---, -- - CL.. ..-. 0. '. . aJAcII. Ilalpb .1. T, Oart.er c:ar- IL Broc:~ M~ AUlert .1. '!'reN'd_ G. K. SWela T. D. P7la IIuD&l V. lUll. JoMpb K. ,)mmla J(eD ~. Robert .1. Ieepera ~ J;eepe..... Ool.o Cc1tral Powr Co . . . . PIi>1lc SerYlce Co. ~ ........ Jb&ta1A Sta\>oa Tel . Tel IJstAlWlomt&1D Ilur&l nee ..... 111........, -~ .Jat'teracD Seatlnel Br.le7'. AllbulaD<:e Service JlI.- . ~ Ool.o Aam .4 CouDt7 ClerU ..,.....f.. JIKr9"'''_1 D1.at.r1et. L1t.ttae Feace Co '0' '1,1 a.c:z.ti-1 Dtatz1.et. Public Service 00 1IIa1a1. Jec:r-+f_l Dlat;r1ct H, I. x- ..... ~ c." IIUtnn Ii DC.etz1.o\ 12 DUtz1.~ 13 Iloed.a and Br1d&ea CrUg Frederick ChltY'l'Olet Co h.r1. It)r1 ts Equ1~t 00 lieu Pre.....tlO11 A.llo7. 00 IL L. Foee BaYer Ibtcra ...... IraD Vork.a SUftr StHl ~ We.tern Spr1D.g SerT1ce Co .Jobmrle IIarper Itctor Co Brake . Clutch Service Auto Equ1~t 00 llubo.zrt>eD Bodl11 M1x Co Ja:'l ,. IIehl ~ Co Mc:C07 ~ Public llervice 00, . . . MorN Ilroe. Equ1JD"Dt 00. ColoradD Auto Service Cola Sta\>o "-'>1 \>onUar;r Un1 venal Tractor ~ We.tern Spr1.Dg SerT1c:e 00. L1AIta. Bo.rd1are . Standard Oil Co. Ja:'l ,. Hehl 1'-ng1 ..-rtng Co Un1ca Supply CclapIzly, Inc A%w::o IlnL1nap . ""tal Product. Co Jl:n&1ne Supply Co Evergreen Service StatlO11 . . . Standard Oil roO Ccat1nanu.l Oil Co ~U.lUClr PLA'm ~n.u - TITl'ES - CAL-ED .1. P. ,... and ...t ~ ~ liS- 00 2.00 2.00 f.OO f.OO ~.OO 2.00 2.00 2]A oA oA U1.85 012.10 Wl." ]8.03 n.lJo 11.8' 11).01 221.00 10. 00 1.50 20.10 n.WI 'S-OO I.~ 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 ,-: 6.a U1.85 6..10 ~'J )1.03 3S-1O UA 1G.Ql IR1.OO lO.oo 1.50 Co" n.~ I I Upoa mUoa 117 ec-1u.aoer True, aeeond by CoaIarl...loner Koch, and by uruonf""Ua .ota the toUovl~. re~uU<la.. . ''''1 no.12 nat'12 '.10 '.10 1l.5O 1l.5O 12.11 12.)1 52.~ 52.~ }.OO ).00 12.56 12.56 269.62 169.6It ~.26 ~.a6 ~. 912 eo.. 6}.19 6).)9 151.09 151.18 12,n9.1O 12.119.10 U ,210.00 U.I"lO.ClO 16.~~ 16.~~ 16.]2 16.]2 16.00 1'6.00 10.69 10.69 ~.)O ~.)O 113.66 ~.66 '9.16 "'.18 16.1} 16.1) 16.98 l6._ 150.211 15l).2ll 65.'~ 6S.'~ 5.67 S.~1 1.811.19 l.an.]9 llJ..5O WI. 50 a82.16 1lI82.18 866.1.8 866.15 128.22 118.. 2IOr2.8S ".as Ooroaer'. keouDt 1/1 tue.. . neeu1c Open Order TelephoDe ElAtetz1.c Publ1eatlca Ir-,1 arl""e DJe. Qa\>o rit t1Dca n-.tr1c Sand Car L1.nU Wel&u \/aabera Parte ~ Angle Parte OpeD Order . . Concrete Iloe4 Mix Equ1~t ~lC ~&bl. Pipe IWp&lr. Iloe4 BlllJla Part. OpeD Order . . It>tor Fuel Road M1x Grindatooe Pipe lIuts . Bolts C;en Order It>tor Fuel It>tor Fuel . . .. rr mcJ.QI) that the Plat. or Titte. and Cal-Ed BubcUvt.lon. be and they are h.ereby ~-..d tor tUUl& ... tIIa& U. _..,,_ cd the public .-y., road.a and .treet. .how thereon be and lt 1& bereby eceeptad, lIUtIJect to u. toU.owlIlC omIlUt1Qoal fte CouDty or JeN'eraon .ball underf;&ke lBinteDallc:e ( ~ _h pubUc ...,.. I'OA4 01' nz-\ ca1;r a.n..r ~1Ga cd 8UCh ...,., r<>adnr .treet .hall have been aat1.raeto. ,ly c~letad by the ..mcuvtder. JUJIlnm '!!Ie ~. cd April U, 1955 t.I1rouC1 May 2, 1955 vere read and approved. JCDmIa IZASI: - IlALPII E. JAS.JS Upca mUca lIT ec-1aalcaer True. MCond by Cc:a*1..1oner JCoeh. and by ..nani""Ua vota the toUov1.D.c reeoluUoa .. ..teAl JIB rr BIlIlClLVED that the CllILi...-n or tilla Board be and he 18 hereby autborize4 to lWICUta ca beh&U or ~~_ 0D0a~ t.ha1; c:ut&1D Mln1.Il& Leue dated May 17. 1955. betveen the Board or CouDty ec-1ulClDl1ra or .Je1'tenca eo..~ MIl JlalpIa .. .--. ~ AD...IlNll....x Upca m";1oa lIT ec-1aa1oacr True, aeeond by Coca1..1~r Koeh, and by unaniaoua vo\>o the -una .... ll4,)ourDa4 _tU _ 2), 1955. KrmJT: ~~"q;. .,~ - "~ ~ BOARD OF COOJrl'r CQl(!SSIaIERS ~,':"p A.. ~~..~-J._ Cllal~ . · -~ .....