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Journal of the Commissioners of Jefferson County, Colo.,___~..~!~9)5 _______19_ 53 r .____ ft.AB .............- - CLUJrfA1.Z - COft'CIIWDClD ca::wz __.,uoa ~ ~"10DU'~. .....,.,." b)' ec-1..1o.>er Ioc:ll. ac4 10)' ,.......-.. ~ u.o ~. ,_t_ -..... _:r.....-.m tat u.o plata or-ClMrv1Lle ...." OOUQIIV>Od Gro... 5ubcll<r1.a1.... be -..4 n 1. ba'oMI7 u - ~ ,. nu.c ... ~ u.o ........".0.-. or u.o yml1c ...,.., .-.sa llDd .t.reeta abDooI> u.r.aa be -..4 1\ 18 ~ UJ J ~ -J ~.. u.o ~1oM1&4 CGDd1u....., ~ Couat)' or .leN'enoa ab&ll uc4artalte -.u:_ or Wl;f - poau. -.r. .... - --- .-IT an.r ~ or _ '-Y. r-.l. or at.r.et. al:a.ll he.. _ _tlahcwrilJ ~ _ u. ...-aYl6or. un_.-nLT ~ .... s.. .., ~. ... ~t.rat.1Q11 ApDt .. . . . . ~ IL ~. . c:1aft - c:u-v Court C1en - Dlst.r1n eo..rt. 'fACftII:a JalnQiII ~ "':.......... III 0RCIIAllD a.ua:as __ ~ b)' ec-1U10DU' T1'\>>. MCClD4 b)' ec-1..1oDa' Ioeh. ac4 10)' _ft'_,. _te u.o t",l1_"\C .-l...u. - --- _... 117 . pl.U or Orch&nl ~ ~ Plat lIoaI< 2 at Ps.- 36 or u.o .Iatt_ Cooa\7 r. nM, - ........ _ . ... ~ ab:Ml thueaa ~ UdlcaUd to IJ>e publ1c; ac4 Aa&uat ~~ . ...v'" u. tollov1ll& claacrlbed port.101U1 01' at.r.et. are no loapr ....,.,......,. tor .... b)' u.o '....lle I ... .. aC4 ,....uoc. or at.r.eta are DOt 1I1tJ11n IJ>e u..1ta or -:r dt)' or t.CMl an4 do DOt tana to. ~ 1* fill . ctt;r, __ or -t7; -..4 v..... 110 lan4 ~. b)' a _t.101l or Il&14 port1.... or au-ta be lAn 111 tb>ut ad ..taI>llabM pu. .... u.c l' lIltJa -u.r .atabl1~ pl1c roe4; an4 - >Irt7 p'...nh'g ec-1u1oo baa appr0ve4 tbe 8&14 propoee4 _t101l of' aa14 .-u- fill ..."'...... n 1'~-' J ~3~ lOLnD ry tbe Jlo&r4 or Cotmt)' c.-1uloaera or .Jeff.noa Cotmt)'. ~. r- 11 .. .. 7. 1~9 lIe.dClG lAva or Colora4D t.h&t IJ>e tol.lQv1.o.g cla-.:rlM4 part1aaa or ........ 1Il-... Sa an4 State of' ClolorwIo. be au4 tbe;y are hereb)' _teet aub,lect to . .......A1a fill v 19 ex1atlA& .... _r. _ter 01' .1II1lar p1pe l1Dea an4 ~a. ex1sUaC..... e.& In<< aJAotrlo, telepblxla an4 a1ll1lar l1Dea an4 ~., 11' aoql 6~tt ~ of' at.net.. aho:MI OIl the ncor4e4 plat 01' Orcbu4 CliIU'daU l;q viUd.a .. 11.111 L he ., .,116 to uB. 122. 1.23 -..4237 to alI:.,.. ~ - "1I11111&~ ODChattea. thAt partioa 01' au-t CClGYe)"K to .lattuaaa Cooat)' 1I7 .... 1'1 uW III ... III lII1q 8ecorda at ,... 115 ~ vitb1Jl thA boImoSan.. of 1.ors 210 ... III - .... - "- liD_ p..L&" ox ~lA1lood..... IlaMbtttea. and. tba\ porrtlClG of' thAt c:.rta1D atree\ _0""'" .. ~- o..tlr b7 .... noor4acL 111 Book 891 or t.be .Jeff.""" Count)' ~ at Pap 116 ~ vi tb1Jl '-be ~ fils.- ." .. aho:MI OIl t.be raco1"ll.ct plat or -'iPPl.r<<>o4 Ma.. IlImcbattea. , ~ 'f~-'7fIW - POIl'rII:a 07 30th AVIIIUB A'1 Il.UIL5I'UH1' ~ ~ b7 eo-1..1caer~. ..coo4 1>)' c.-1..101leT Ioc:h, and by ucant.>ua vote the t..u-tJlc ~ - ...... __.. 1I7 . plat or l'&l..,.ra Park Subcl1v1.1ClG recorded in Plat BooIt 12 at Pap 8 or t.be Jeff.,.... eo.t;r I' 1 ... oena1D .u-ta, a......... and. &ll.ey. abow tbereoa ""1'8 4edJ.cate4 to t.be putll1c; tD4 VIIII'lIA8 the tollovtng 4eacrll>e<1 portlO1l ot au-t 1a no longer DOC..aary tor uN 10)' t.be pub ,0 I ... 'oIIIIIIAI aa14 portlon 01' a~t 1a not v1tb.1n tbe 11ll1t. 01' IUJy 01t)' or tow an4 cI.oaa DOt tara .. ~ 1* fill . 01 t;r, tole or COUDt)'; and. .-.. DO 1aII4 voul4. b)' a _t1on 01' 8&14 portloa 01' .troet be le1't 1I1thout &Ii ..tebl1at.4 pu. reM I vit.ll lUlOtber ..tebl1~ publlo road; and. 'oIIIIIIAI U. .lattuaors eo..nty PlAr.n1ng c.-1..1oa baa app1'?Y1l4 the 8&14 pr0p0ae4 _tloa or ~ .-t''''' fill ..... IUalU 101(, ~. 1lZ IT IlIS01VKD b)' ~ Count)' c.:-1.al00era 01' .Jeff.raoa CoImt)'. Colonda. ~ .. "-,...-t. .. a1GIa or cmpter 217. ..~9 Ileaaloa x... ~ Col.ora4o t.h&t tile tollov1n& MlICrlbe4 partiQD or av.e' a1~ Ill" o..IIllf , of' Jaft_, an4 State ot ColorscIo. be and. lt 1a bereb)' ftCateet aubJ.ct ~ a nMrY&tloa or - .. rw till -~ ,V' _ or cdMUJI& _r. ... _ter 01' l1ll1~ ,lpe line. and ~llC... ex1aUDa 411.Chea -..4 ~rr n, ...... 1AC aJAotr1c, talAp~ and. a1allar line. and. appu.rtenanc... 11' 1UJy: JleI1=lA& at the IlW' Conler ot Lot 4, Pa.lJI;yr& Parle Suhd.1v1a1oo. aal4 po1l1t be1nc alao the .. ClONQ' of ~ ,. -- But r.oa& tho. IIart.h line of 8&14 Lot. '. )2.10 teet. to t. rue point of bep=U.&} u...ce Iaa\ 20 he\1 ~ ....... 20 tNt; thence \/eat. 20 teet; thence IIorth 20 t..t to true po1nt or beB'ft"'ng. Y ACA'1I1:a - P(fl'fi0ll CARR 8'rRl!:B'r . 'roRIl1JlOOJlD 8C11Tll OF 49th A \'Il:IIUE t1p<la ~t1ClG b)' CGwai.donar True, aecood by C<ad...1ooer Koch, and by ucant.>ua vote t.be toUov1l1& reMluU_ .. ..... WIIIRUB b7 . plat ot 1I1ll1..... 5uhd.1v1.10n recor4e4 111 Plat Book 7 at Pap 60 of the Jeff.raoa Count)' -U. ~ at.neta. ...........J 11I1. alley. .holm thereon vera 4edJ.cated to tbe publc; an4 YIIJ"llf~ tba tollov1n& 4eacrlbod portion of street and t.urnaround a.re no lQllpr DOee.....,. tor .... ..,. tho ,..u.1 ... \lImIn'-.& aa14 portion of .t.reet. and t.urnaround a.re oot vithin the 11011t. or IUJy clty or t.oW1 -..4 4D 110\ tara \lIa H , line or a c1t)'. town or county; and l/IIalIAB 110 Un4 wovJ.d, by a .....,..t1oo or &&14 port1on ot .treat and turnarouDcl be l.ft 1I1tbout ad ..taI>ll.... ,...u. ~ _tingl.t v1th another ..tabU.bed publ1c road; and -, ,....v Journal of the Commissioners of Jefferson County, Colo., _~_~\ober 10, 1955 , ~ _ ___~J9___ _ ...... ~_ ~ pI_f-e o.-1aalca... ~ \he aU 9l0p0eN -:r.'- fit pant-. 01...... , __ .-IJ 'IJI/, -- ........ 1% 1I:IIa.0Illl7 \he JloU'4 ~ c.-\;1 C-...taaen ot .Jen_ Coua\1, <>-, raM, ,...4 \ .. .. .... i ",...... fill ~ 21T, 19109 ....". s- ot CDlGn60 \hat \he tol..l.owt.ac ".crt" .-u- ot ~ .. - I Ill.... Sa... ~ ot ~_. -' atMe ot ~, be .... thq.... Mn... . T t..t ~ 'Co & I .- fill '1 . IW" ~ _ 01 a1.at.1a& ...-r, pa, _tcr or .u.u- p1pe U- ... ~. - . --'. ---. .& _. _, eD4 ca:1aUB& .acv1c, ~ ~ a1Jd.lar U- ell "..""'~l -H, tt." r.,-.-c _ ~ 60 hR IlauUa .... 190 tNt Vut ~ U. ~ ....-- or a.cu.. D, 7 ) ., . " . _ ... ~ 1'. .. J u..oe lIaoIUs 825 teet to a po1.Ilt ... tJIII ~~ I ot & '5 r..- ~ ~ ..... ____ l.a 2S hR Illat .... &62.'::' teet 80atIl ~ M14 po1.Ilt 01 ~"_f,,&>~ to """ :an al-.& ... .... r.. or ..s.A '5 f~ n41u c1rde 229.72 teet 1:0 a po1.Ilt; u..ce Vut '" '-' 'Co a.....J --- ... 82S fM\ 'Co a~; tMaee Vut 10 t.... to po1.Ilt ~ be"...f.... ~ _ ~ .....I.YIIlDl ~_ ~rr AIID aIlII4 YIB!A AYIlS. __ ~ '0' ea-1an-r~, Nccm4 b7 ec-1..1aaar roeh. .... b)' '_.~'__ YO\e \he ~ r-ll..... - 0 _ - 0, .~ '0' .)1&\ ot Jlerkale7 ..~ 2D4 P'1llnc nc0r4a4 1.Il Plat ..... 2 at ,.. a ~ \he ..tt.n. c..t;r ~ 1". "'-'I -. NwY, _ -' ~ Uooe ~ wre U41cat.ed. to \he poabUc; .... . ... toUoodA& deacrlloe4 port1ca ~ ~t 1a DO ~r Dec...al"7 tor .... b)' \he .-u.l ... .. all. ~ ~.-t 1a DOt v1WA \he l1.a1t.a ot fIZI;f e1\1 or t;oWI .... doe. DOt ror. tJIII ~ U. fill & at;r. __ ar -Vi .... .. _ lMoI-U, b)' a _Uca of 11&14 porl1cn ~ ~t bo :an V1t.hau\ ... utaJUiallll4 ,..uc ,..... I IJltll_~ r ......'1.-.. pelle l'C*l; .... -." __... .a.na._ c::o...tT ".....h'l e<-t-.1Cl1l!&e app%OYM tbe 11&14 propoMC!. _Uaa or 11&14. poI'Ua 01 ....-, ., " -...r. _ n IIIlIOLfD b)' tbe lloaz'4 or Couat7 o.-1..1onan ~ Jett_ Coull..,. ~, l-o , .. ... .... ~ or ~ 2lT, 19109 8eaa1"", x-a or Col.aN4D t!lat \he tcill.ov1.DC 4eacr1loe4 parUaIl or aVee\ a1\oa1:e 18 ... ...... ~ ~. ~ or CDlan400 be.... 1\ La ba'eb)' -~Ject to a reMrYU'" or "1 .. far """ I -t 0_ ~ a1.eUa& _, pa, ~ or .u.u- p1pe U- .... ~, u1.t1.D.& 41tem. ea4 llI_' II, .. ~.. 1ledri8. W, s" ea4.u.u- UDn.... ~., U lUQ': JlIa'l'W '-- \at 111 ~ A~ an4 ~'Yata A........ .. da1f....t.ed. OIl \be pla\ or ~ "'~1 .... J'U1II&, ~- nl I .....u.lt1 ea-1"1cDer-~, MCCltl4 b7 ec-1..1....r roeh. and. b)' '_.~'_ ....W \he _tLDc ... ~-~ ddlu' 11, 195'. llOIJU) OF canrn CXJIII8SUIlIRlI !mil (lJj;dJv//~<'/~' c:J.en ~ ~ ~ ~- .-.--,.~ . , I