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=l42 ttbie IDeeb, .JIm!/' !i'{0I! ~/J'. .... ~ .:;:... t_.._ (TnTl"' .' dtAt '",nn,.,.d ([11fT n;n,fy .J 'f) '11,. ,ulid pnrt ,trl<-"::'~~r'!-I'f!.!!t"d. /:.t .... , , ----- /, , / / 1,. I / " " , " / .1 / ,- r I' / / . / . I " I' / r " / " ,~ \ / ,~ " (, 1 /, " ( (",/1 , , n (~ r ..J t '-, , l TOGETHER IRA alZ /Md ain.tlular ihe heNitittlments and apprtrttmn.,.u. t1Nreufdo belollti"'l. 01' in tJ16-yun.. (,j~I, tlJId f'W rt.ver. .'1.;" sad "~ remainder ;nd rentr,inders, rent,4. Issues ~lJul pruflli ~f; mid aU tM esIaM. ~~It.I, tUU~ ~ ~lGm IMId dernallll _.... '" ,.. 8lIifj ""rl,__,Lm of ,he ft.... parl, eit""" I.. law or ..,..;,ty, of. ... ,..wi to 1M """'" ''''''10;_ --. .... 1M h_il.._"" alid ,."",.,.,.,.,._. ' pgrf_~:.~~__~_=_:~~ ':::~::;:~ =a~_~.~;~ ~rr:=./=_~_~_~',,_ h'.6U>>a4 __h,purl,:nm....Oj" the jim "..,.,. f"'m.,___.,~,~,~__L.,_, n~",.l_'m,wJ.Un. "'"""""" """ f1Idr>oiaUlmlon, do..''''__''''''''''''''. Ira..', ""~I.. ,.>wI o,1",e to tmd u:i'h~ 8lIifj pt.rl --'.,--.--of the -..4 parl~""''''h'' ___..._.....---. ,It,.,.., t1M time ,., '1M ....,.li,,~ ",,,I (kliuenJ of these p'.smtlL., ,_,dh __'h,--c'nnn',m,weU Iei::<<l of'1M _'- ..""... -.m. o. of I<<>fl, -. perf"", lI1Meluk ..lid .",/efOO8lbU atol. of u.heriIo...., ;,. law, i.. fee, simple, """ M,~n'!OOd ~hl, f"u _ a.d l-t-JlRIfADriIg to trDld. ~i,.. Iidl IIIId convey the same i16 ma,,1IIO lUad funn. af~; GIld 11a.ol tIN .-me rare free CMCI e~ from aU f""",., ..,. t1Ilter !!m~~ ~~ m~ linu. tlJ.JlU.. aasessmmls fI7Id jllel'~ of~ k'illd or JIIIIure &OeWr~.,.~_~.c..-.&~.f::__ .____._____.___________ ..~ the ..bo~ borfain.a premis" i..,he quiet tmd puuen1i~ ~... "'11M said parl~Lu-"f11M -,-I, ,____.uu'nu....h,. .. --' ~ ato'Asl all tmd U'n'1J persoll 0,. ~, lnuif,uly ~ or to elGin& II'M uthola- or ""!I pari tlaerwlf. u.. ..uJ pari ~ -. .>>( JA;;. Jlnt purl 1IwI/1 ond rrill Jr.tRR..I.1\"T .IXD FOREYER DEFEND, y' --,,-;t-,.., IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Th. said ""rl-k... mofl1M jlnI """ h,. ,Jh."mlllo sct~ ' .. 1_." _~ .. >1. d_.. __~ ....--- '..- .....~_.... -.. -- - JinI aho~ U'riUi!'R. .....---..-.. ) '-~ / ,m\--'-',_,',..,n,:::j"""_"''::'"''''h-,-__,..L=,.c.. .liULJ ,____ '__wn____u'__n_....mmn.( ....LJ --. - - n n ____ _n _..~_______________ _u ._____._____n.._.n____.__nu__. (....L) STAT..!; OF_ COLORADO. l..._ ( t_ (I) ( ,/ - .. ~ Co'*T'(A)F""--""""-F-","~''''''=rt.un__''___hu\' .i "0 '~f~' / L / ,/ ~ I -+-.--.-->.....-..://_L-~_-------L.I ~~'I' .. ~ /f add for. . iala. stm dr",..;J~ do --. emil, 'loaf J '~) - - -. ~ / -=:::::..L..-<... ~-. -----~~~~-to :~o~-;.. _~::.-=..___~ _.' ~"..,-~ to ,'~__-~,. ~~ .,,/LL-'._ -==---=-==:_ ......"...",. t1tal.~: .. ,..,...." __ """ doI_ ,.. IlIid '_~ ,1A<"j5nc ~,~""'-~-. _ ...,... _ 1ft, .... .. _ ..." I.........' DJ arrllrag... ~~ frm aN ...-.,..,.-..__.._" 'or'" _ _ __ _.., f-, , ; I I I I I; Ii Ii -=:n~Td~""=_~"__' f- / ~;JJtI'. Oiw....._ -v Aa.d <<fId _. I."." -{ \.~.... a (l __f fI,:.. ~"...... wU ~~~ ~. -::;0'Z?~.:2,. ~ _w - -;.... c..:~~,- _;J ~..-c..c.._~.._~ <lqo{ ?, -~ ;, --------= ..I_-(.~ .F. ""-----.-...-'~.;r..--.A.D..Jiij4.et.--J. ~~u......&/ ~) Jr. (-; .~--:_~---_, . ,'~7 J"_'" I / (-~-~CU-~o---;_n If,"/' ~_......::ft...~_____ L_~~__, ~ ,~J'~-I> ~ "Ii (/ /J ~!-:-r ' ~ 7r;/./~". I' .. -~ f , aon. Dq-.ll, ,." '. 10', ~ I ;''' i . J. ~' " I: ~"'-Oo,.....:;l,,-..!~,~_,,-,-;_--,--_._ .'.... ~~...".-._-":............."."'~..........,~__ "",- I '- " ..__-c ....,..._.. iiIl!i Iml liJJ. " h'IUJnlf1i"n_iiJi~ 1"1 ;:.; L ~[QIlJlflliiiljiji. . . ... miUllITlJrTI .Il( '- I' J U I\JI1U.~.!,,<~ J L L I. .Ill, _!III .,. JIllih - :.t .~;''''' ,<, ."'-. t , t f . { , ~ i l , ; .j ; t .- f t I I Ii 4 t i', , , I I f i. ~; ;-~ ,_ .. ; lI.~_-!!~~-1I .. " ~'~ ,A'.1. /7 .if.1f:-- '_ hi'" rr' ,~~ ---+_.~.~- __-.-.... '+- . ,.-- . ( , ,..7- ...\_~_ .' - ~ ..c.}":"" ./ ,,/, ____.~----::::_:"..--..{' r-;r'''--'''' ..,..{" iIIIil .J~' JIiijij; 'tIItJI. .,1ItiI"'*,L~..C.~/r;!".'-"- ,7"1'''''' "'_";./MP'" --- ;';;'I}I;;;;__:i.-Y;;:;!/:::;'::-:"::':~~~~:?:;:;:"-;;fJ;;,:.~... ~1 ...,.~,,-,~...._..,......---- I ~-', n.J,A....,. """'/;..-,~r"'" "" -'.. ~- ...tiI. ...."ot.........._......;......_.._....1..~.......,~........ " .1 ~~~;.;:?~-:;1!~.::?..?.i?~J1~~;:E I ....~'~... .....,-. ..,....__.........---...._.---.l*L_if'. ilW~~;..,Uw /II JIrI~."'; ,n..:..~,..*.." .......-'~_.. c"""",,,,J4- tJIIIlJl_4f ~''*tiII: . . ~~-j ;)" '" ~ / ) __!' . f ;1/ /) (.v " ., / . -1-. .:7 n -" --F':l:> of :_( ,,' ". , .;", ,,,/.. (, , l;/r ( ,...' d~k ''11" jre >>~d'f .;2'..,,~ d>r ,~fi;.,.(V~,'-"'6t ~~~~-cf~A.!J~n,..'!,;-1,,/' r' ;/;';,.-/:/ ir" { 1i,t{,;;.,.I.,\ /,..r.' (!,J.e.1! L, J:...--~,-. 'J.}r:-' Iiz~/ _.~- ' .' n~ -"-., _.., I ,r /.', /' ,~." /. ,'>j L' L ' ., ,~y ~ ,,~.......~ .<:....~l:." AC'J .J-=-~..4:... i ,a,.....::;~ ~-L-t--. (,-If -? ?-v~-r;-<<. jo('/-i ~~ /!t. l,p~ / " ,J.I ~_~-; .( ;')' -, ~ ./' ' '.tV'. ,'~" /' ,.1. n '!'" --' r<;* .riA> ~ _....~:'a.1lr;:T ~~:~/ ( c..rL/'l J ,.-.#T! ---"",-,~ I~' .'" '--<-<'''- -7 !h /~' t<../c;,::" .