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To the Honorable Bo3rd of County CommIss1oners of /if-:uL.--. GZNTUMZII : W..t.\e~C_of~~ I~~_t.\e T. w .,t.\e~~.~"",_""1akJ Q,/1:.:~=~t::~!-,-", ~::~':di:;r:::t:::;::::t:tu..~ ff 1/JJ;;'U44 6 .rid' h'7-L I'IJUlu7. .P'~7' f:i ') o.~.r lilT G- ~ I"~;--;<rs to~ L'- ,;,,_ " P-4" /).",- l-.....'1. ~-~~. ~- "" J -' ... -....- -................-......--- ! \ ROAD PETITION. jltrY '0 "5'7 I' i , , j ~ C'4unty, 0lIlnd0. r'\i , t~ ;0JB K-.... ~V' ':> ~ b de h) "" J ')..+ i ~ 1'1- Said r""d ro be ItOt ,_ tMA uf" (6fIJ fIM ,..wldIA, w., tM~fore ~Utio", your 1wllOrrWle botl" fn twUMl to I.Jt! l4id Ofd m." nf1'lt/'Jtl,.. ~ ,..,., 1M.... ~ri6Nf.. GIld fW. tM ow..,.," tit. ,... Pt~ 0Gid ~v -Zh.l ro be laifl aut,l.. COJWIdnutIor& of 11ae IUm of _,loll.-Io.............., -'ill iIol&tuod paid. t.\e -.i c...." of , 41-1.,.0f.l.I/....[1.1r.J1Xtl~... .the rrcript .f u'hI,'A I, "'robfI """,_,...1/1<<1,"'" of t.\e I4JIUttI aut....a ~ of - -,,..,..,,..,,. I .ji/ot1aerith.lof_UtnJu/lAourl_h....I&tIU1..byt"'ptnt """"m,..,.,p.., fhl, ".~...., ~Jo '~cl4i....f....-'.-"--f. r The ","M Ilt'OptJlf'fl 11.,." of rrllUl iA mort' jiMly Mor&r'" by 1M lullowi-t IrWl.p fir ph" In wJ.i,M no/"'"i ... IwrN ,,'~uk. IN '"Me w;".: ill I TOWNSHIP '? NORTH RANGE ./) WEST.__.~",j). Zo71 I , i \ I I 86 81 32 1I6 II 3:1 54 so / II ij 4 :I II 2 1 IS ""'" , , 10 tS 7 II j 8 1/ ~ .. MI IT 1/1 Jr. 14 18 tS I II G~:U1~OIlorable Bo:uU af County Comml::sloner;; to f1f44QI:uL County, Collndo. ft.. - f-lpM.~" Jf':'~~~'" -. _....11..., 11M fIIj>lN ~.~......,." Ie 601..u _...,.,u-.....u' 0.......",..-,,., Ifu/J,41If,"'dlu~ ",:__d 'Hfeli~'A~;,jfk,~n~./.L--- (j!/kne- ~,r.tud~' u ref. /~~Hm"I''Y d;n ~mll ~ I/' ';.wll eJ1<'~.01U'''1 ~~ n !'1If)~tI44 I tf.......tl N~L 1'I.(/I.lJ,~t . Q I ' ! ~} In f J ?, .~ Said mOO AI" lOOt ,_ _1i.l6I" (6/1) fl1el i.. uJldJ,.. We IIMref."." ~ "....,. hoteomble ""'lfI'n _ "'.. /nJ" ..., """ "P""" .. a-IIt mOO III"'" ,,->rIW, ..... _. ",. ___., 1M""" ~m..ui ~~Iot AI he laid out, I.. ~ of llu...m of- dDlt.r Ie............ --.JIlt iII"-d",.u".MIIt~., ...{. ~.I</J!.i{,Lf~tij'/X~.,.______ .fIu I'O<<'Jpt of.../WM i.lurobt/ "'*"'''''''''I/l<Nl,_lof''''~----"''''..u,."......~ I, nfl, flu rltAtof_-ItIo.....,,.,,,,...._.."',Itl'pl<Jt -""....., /I';. ~JI~""'...u..,.lolo 'l__ftll'''-fI''-''''''''' 1 r 'T~. ...ul '''''_, Iw of """" ,. """". {WI" __.." flu folkMlaf ""'If ,,,. pi", In wIUm trf.....i ii_I ,,-ak. flu -- WIot ill , TOWNSHIP -; NORTH RANGE /) WE8T.nn~'''p. 'Z71 . 1 I \ \ 56 51 51 5:1 54 16 16 11 / . 6 Ii 4 s I 1 11 7 7 8 , 10 11 11 IS III 17 III Iii 14 II 18 lit III 2IJ 21 ti is u l' And I ,.I<V..../~ (.".,1. ~ '1.tL iM.-L 26 so 211 28 ~7 ill '6 3D 16 SI lit lIS 54 56 It 11 1 6 . I . 1 .. . 1 II II . ..----~--...__.....,....".,. dauI,..,..,.....,... tltU" . ".,-r... ."'"'' .,11 . --~ - ---- ---..._,-- -- ---~- - ------- - .-.- - ---"- _u____ __ ___ "'''1VUa. _IIW.. r -.-. .... ,.. - . /JILt~ V iJJ fiw:tl" ,. 1f~~'};faZl;t' X l'arM b~ 7 Jf#t:r9.mrl.~ ,l) "Nf, 9J.Z~ ~:#" flu!'; 6. tl. ~~wi~~l , /ill ~I/ 1 l~, ?I/ P.''.I. ki 17;' I,Af.)III,fu- it ~'UL loJ I,,~ iI,6'!.'Yo 6' 1. .;-: n, ~ "'. 1" .;;.. d 1fi,J.'Y I /,? 1/( . tf-.i4. ,1 1Iqlt,. ';rtf..,,-,'..J. fyJLe z-~r;;.*1 I(~' {/}J'~ f,"I;i /ud~d:".t,.... ,r. .-{Of!' 1'fI,,..,tf <- 1/ G'~ rn,~",( {W'f-1...~...L:t.13 ifIn~jJ"I/pJ>: ~H~ /!.,1!' 6(" i';,;'-f'~7/.i(' ,I/" .I~-,!?I%,f'#-i7L1 I!.fw:C~ j/Nv 1.th-~ ;.. ~..-"" jJf l!#Ulr if"/;' (~/ IJ~'," .1:.. '" j",..'.I.,,,,/w/'''If,,..,,i-n/''''1 t':u'''I, " ..,-I /. ~f"pd IU; t;f;"I-u!h",;J/t ';H"-r ./J ~ 7tt'< Af'f, l' .f~" ,,;,. ,4t".J If~'h- I ~/i III f~Y\ r r r ir ~~c .' "'---~ .L~' ,;w';"ltullwofIMO--.C~'" ..8,), L.. ",...--. ............UO........~llJ IT ' ;. {If 'UIC' , 0000IIIw t.'Ioo*" ... /1/ '~A~., ~.._'..m_'____.~ -.___.....~.~ .LlT..~_, :....,....,.'....=.~................uo..................1Buo,,_......... ~_~ ----~-- ~........",c...,,('...'~ -1ll"I'. .............,.,.., .,-........ 1M __.,tItMr /If ~'.. to ","'".hm__..h__ . ...,.___ .._________m'hm....'..hUO..._.,---- ....-. .... It "j I, Z~ .\1' f-- 'l: Lu ::t: $ '" W f- <t " W '" o '" I () C:l 'l: Q:: () -J () (.) >- '" w f- w " w U .J .J 'i' Lu z " ~ 0 '" C:l u -- Q:: o o o " w " <t .J " .. ..