HomeMy WebLinkAboutF 503 . .' _._ 1" \-'VO, "~" ~'t"..:;v"~,,1'~\' "'~;i" ,.., ." ','21 "~,, \ .. ... ,,,,0, " t" ,nn ".' " " >CO - " or<''' o' '" c ,u," ,.,.,u"" ~. ""., tt" ,,",0' ,I' ,,,. I to'" ,." ., t" .'n" "..,. ;0"'" 1 ','{C.SOC"" o' ." ", ,...."" . , ,,'o""f""" '-" ,'".' , ".. . . ,,, ". 01' ?>TRf.f,';' NI\l!l 'i;; l-~nJ f)-': ,'f,'FFf,?,SOl-l COI.\1iC;'i. 1" ~ ~'ent to the . ' .,.ito.' "r ,c." ,,,.n" ,,,.,... ' ."f.?,f.." "..>.. po.'"'' ,f .., ',~ ,'i 'ii'" .no fM""'" ,.. .", ,u,ni- Cw .nd C,un'" ,f ",n'" .n' ,., \"-:"; 0:. ;:~~: : "n." >nd """ hi "..,' ",0 " "".'. . . b10.... _il. ". ,'" ...' ' .- 'e g,(\O"tel\ 001'- id'o in" '0" .... . ." .. ,f "."" ..,.eo ..d nn .."" .. " . :"" ' , " 0"''''''' "., . u." ~.m ~. ~ ';;". C i \Y ,"0 Co"",, of "n'''' ".0 ,c' IX"" """ .,,;,,'"'' ,iin .,.,_., no' "", no" ' . W " "",0 of e,"'" ,,,,,,,,,,.,,. or ..."""," ,> . ,",.".,0"-' "f. " "_.~ocVF.D bY ...' ' leO"'" tn. .,..' 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Height5 Bet''Ke1e1 ---------------------- e.:3 An~;' st1'03et ir ,left'e1'50r, ",;;i..tt,tS "~fl,5tll~t("lT\ ,ei~t-5 'J.l...,t ~n1..,,""I ;,1- ," '1 hi ' ~nu, ;lover A vt'n-.le iolley Aven-.li? f'"lrk .';treet Jeffers0n Aven~9 r'onant Fll\tbt,Hlf "venu~ Veta Aver~ue fl bJJj;JJi'.IJH#.,. Trenton Avenue ;ov~r' Aven-.le Lake -;t.rpe t M'id1son Aven~e Elm ;-;treet Myrtle nve!'ue Rietta Avenue Concord Avenue Burt Avenue Burt Avenut' Hurt Avel'1~e iii",h .~treet Monroe Averlue !'ine .itr et Hamiltor Avenue Bonita Alr~ny Avenue Pi kes P,'9.k Aver-.le Pikt' Ppak Avt'rue .j 8ck son Avenue aitlar.a Street ..:t:ipeta :; .rtford Avenue ~reer Mcurt8in Aven~" lir~9r Vourt~ir ~ven.lP Mil !"V'~ .,t :'l--:'t': \.~r l'Jr"er: .~~~ect Mq: 1" tr~,..t ~~1nt.o.r Vf~'ole Pr, vi l' r:~' nver J.t J r',:, ; '_flY hV' r Jf ,vr'.."s ~'\K ~ L:' ....~r~.tr i\ver.l.: ~ ""lalro..lr MV~r.le ~<s.."" ~1-'"'11e~ I I ------------------------- :r t~t_>rrers )r '\'!l.sr j t ~tnrj .Ve5 t ~ol ".,y Edrewflter r.~ke 9 i '"i,~ C"lun:bi9. ;,eL.tts Berheler ..; 110-"[ t g "i ~t .5 ," ,......., . in Jefferson ~ei~hts "ashingtan 'ltcidlts .Vest Colfax .~ub. Edgewater T,A ke gi cte calun-,eta 'eit't.ts Berkeley in Jefferson ~Aights I~leveland fiei~ht8 Washi'~to! hei~hts ./Il\shinr:tnr :ieip:hts (;:>d h li r".:) est colfax Sub. .d..ew't"':.er Lakeside colurr.bi9. ::eiilrts Berkeley in ei"hts :eir-~rt.s ~1ei vrt. ~ ,Jef"erson 'cleveland 'Na!'hinl'tar Edgew'iter Lflkesirie Berkeley (<' 1 .' i lln,:) in l ~f'fe~gon .~i~zr:t~ Clev(oJ'3.nn i"i,!ht~ Nt-lshi nrc-~tn~ H' i ~ ! ~jS .~ill;;:,g I~ojra.x Av~-:. ":(1 ~ewA. er i,a.KtjSj ne ( ,i ,'1 II ~'., ) -.I ,,,rkel"J- 'in 8~'+'e:"dcn H.ei",.r.tg ;If-'V l'i!"'" :0: i~:}";t~1 '1']8Iilll;tton re;....Q i -: I 1 r ~ ',-. l T' ~1 't( .tI V t . 'rt ~ T t--~ .... '.. . , (>'1 ' ll!':, \ lit . -- t-: ~ I . -"et I .'!.~ ..;.nt......r~. ,!"...,'.-.:t as ~hflse ,;tredt l.S lie:. ,;,'N ,-;+ !"'~I; t t'!.S r.'l,ton I t!'".~~" FL:-' .. ~.. ~ r .., t'.. ... .....~ I I Pr0vijence Avenu~ l.on~'8 PeaK Aver:Je 1.01"11:8 Peak Avenue Elizabeth St~e~t Calhu;Jn Avenue Calhoun ;:;treet I I I in . efferson Kei~hts Clevellmrt !iei~hts W~8hlngton ne\~~t~ (?rt ril1n~) \\ill"'r~ C"lfax Ave. ~;:J~. F~rt~~'N~t t~!' l-'erkele~ .l." I;-ay :;.r...l~ AUg'.1st ~ Aver'ue 1'e. 0' Ave~':Jp 1'e.10n Av"nl', '..n J~t'fer"on fiei."lt" "lwl'~l,\!,.! ;"i~hr,9 .V'~sh.l.r~'-;+J '}l ~. t,:::; "1 Lin..;) Arm Strt',.t Ann Sf.reet Harrison Rnulev~r1 COlnty "')qd -?xt'!l"'l_1 '~. ~nd S. on center lIng Hfl.rrillOn StrQet Harrison Street L"ke",~ort Millers Colt'1x "ve. S.lb. ;'dRC'.';'\ t p!' ~ec. :,/~, ~'j. ..... -t. Be!'keley t'prkeley ;.;ts. 2d !':lin~' as -t'\ri'in r,".11 'v'\rrt First St!'ee' Tyler Avenue BUaft6 Vista Avenup in f,ake'Nocd Fd(-e'N'lter Herk€ley 'it". 2rt filing ~s rn"~ll ~treet () J \ lurnal \)f thl' Cl ll11l11 i:--~i( )nl'r~ ( d' J II fkr't In Ct IUI1 t r. (t dl I.. April 3. 1906 '.. .,... .It. ,~. .....~ S"': ..I" .J _'. ".." ,". '-" - _..;. Second stee.t Polk A..nue Eastern Avenue Ceres Aver'ue in IJakewood Edgew"ter Helldereon Sub. Berkeley Hei~ht9 8.S J'l.~ Street --------------------- Third Strel!t T'\ylor Avenue in L'1ke'l{oorl F:dgewater '18 ~~nd~ll Str3et L n......._... 0"".,.-1 A.+A,..,,~i t"lO')J' A."'''~. tnro...1.:h 1,""1/ , "'rur( "~re,'I', l'~lor Av.I....... ~n 1.."'J\t1....vvu Fl..,~NatL County Road extendin~ N. ~nd S. thro~fh center of S.W.l/4 Sec. 1, r. 4, S.R.69 w. Fourth Stre"'t Filmore Avenue Laveta Aven'J.e Lalte"i'ood F.dge"Rflter Berkeley Ht$. 2M filir~ Fifth Street T,'1kew'Jod Pierce Avenue ~d~ewater Illinois Avenue Berkeley Hts. 2d ri1in~ County road extending N. and S. throu~h center of E.lj2 of N.W 1/4 of S.W.l/4 Sec. 13, T. 3S.R.69 w. That certain street extendin~ donp; W. side het. 9-16 in Ct.a.s. N. "8i11n,'s S.H'. Sixth Street Laltewoor! IJincn1n Avenue L:clgewater Cen~cr Street Hendersons ~ub. C~nter St-eet Lakeview Terrace F.lsie Place Lake View S.venth S<:.reet Lincoln Aven~fl A c~rt&in str€et extenrilnf along E. 5id~ Block 1. in Lakewood F.dllewater County road extendinR F.ighth Street 3arfield Street Herderllon St. Her1r~lIon Street Cour,ty roar'! extendi n" Nintt, Strert Tenth Street ~ounty Road Exter.dln~ S.E.l/4 of Sec. 23 T. pi ~ Lakeview Terrace ;lenl , S1 t as r,amar Street as M~r3ha11 ~tr~et 9.S "ewl~nrjg ,; as Otis :-;t";>et N. Sections 24, 13, 12 and S. !\1on!l N. side or 1 in T.4 S.P.G~ W, Lakewood Eagewater Hen,derson Sub. Barttd\ Sub. N. and S. qlong E. side ,;ection~ 75, 26, 2:' f1.nd 14, T. '3,:'i.H.f:Jc, or:, to Piercp St~pet in J,qkewood in Lqkewood through center of 3 S.R. 69 'N. E.l/2 or to Q.Ja:' f'tr",fet to Peart :jt r, "t , '!en'tn ;->-:.r"".. .. ..,...- --- ~ouL.~ '{oL "xt.eI1f tUp<J1 ltp.1 'E" S.F..l/4 of Sec. 23 T. 3 H.R. 69 w. ofl I I to Rell.r1 :;t ". et Elevl!nth :;treet i.1'I-t,.,lteweod to ,';'l.~lilb,lrv 'Twelfth Street TOWT.senrt Street Boulder Street in LAkewood i'!orWW'od BarthA ::iuh. to Teller Street Thirtgenth ~treet in r,!ikewoort to U"r,am ;jt~eet Fourteentr Street in T,ake"Noort to V'incp. Street Fifteent~ Street in Lakwwoor1 to Webster Street County roan extendinl'" lJ. ~nd S. ttrou~h center lir.~ Sheridan Boulevarrt Sheridan Boulevard County road extendingN. and S. throu~h center line SPC. 14, 11, 2, T. ~. ".(,9 N. L'ikewood Nor":ood Sec. 35, 26, 23, 14, T.3 S. R. 69 w. to Wadswortr P0ulev~rd Seventeenth Street Wab8sh Avenue in L9.kewood West CiUtax Arid. to Allisor Street Eighteenth Street to Ra~~r1 Street .It lurnal (If tIll' C( llllllli,,:-itllll'r:- (d J dlLT"\ )11 l'( lllllt\". C( I!O.. April 3, 1906- Nineteenth Str ~t to ClI.lhJun ;tr~et Twenti~t~ Street in L'lkwwooci :0.. 1,'\1) , 'I I I I T'Nenti"tt) ,-;t1"eet , I I Count~ raad e~t~nrtinf Blo~ .". sirte Count~ rORd 9xtcnctin~ along E. side 1'wer.t~ -iret TwenW Second '!'went;{ Third Courty roart extendL.g H.an. S.along W.side I I in I. '1 h-wwo on ~orwoort Phode~ S.lb Sece. 14,11, 2~ T.4,S.R. 69 W., and Sees. 35,26,23, ll, T.3, S.H. 69W. t J Dudl"y .'t rt>et to C~"erett St1"8'-,t to ",,~s.::r.rlen Str~et to Ilallatin ,-;tr.::et- to Henrlerson ~t1"eet SErlTION II. I Also bei'innin,- with the CO'Clnty road "xtendinf, along tre :>O:ltt: sirtt's of' ,.;ectionB 24 ~ ,l"d 23, townst:ip 4, 30uth, "an"c: 69 West, and tre~c" r,ortherly, tt-,. n'lmes of' the f'oll'l'.'win...' County roads 9.nd thorou~hf!l.res 3hall be e:.s follows: OLD NAME County road south side County ro~d exter1in~ !'.lon!/; S. side Cr.unt~ road exten1i' ~ E.and W. alonR S.side and on center 11ne Narli son Street Exposition ~tree~ Expasition St1"'dt Center Avenue Virginia St..et Df\kotn Stre.,t Alamerta Avenue AIRmen'!. AVfll"Ue County rond ~x~end~nr alonp S.d1e t p,""rl:)T' Av.-nllP Al)DITION Secti()n 25 Secs 24 and 23 1.4 3. H. 69 w. Sees. 13 and 1~ T. 4 S.R.09 'N. -------------------------. in Jefferson Gardens in Jetfersor ~'l1"ri~n3 in ~eff~rS0n "igt:t9 in Jefferson Heiphts in Jeffersor ~€.ghts in J~PferRon nei~hts 1n ~efferson'eiKht5 Clevel'l.n,j :'e:.r:htR Secs. 12 ard 11, r. R. 59 'N. ir c'lp"""l..ncl eivhts ;,EN ~,AI,{E to Nest Y'l~ Avel"ue to West ~rw~ll Avenue to Nest ~issis8ip?i Ave. to "0st Uhio Ave!.le to ','lest, t.:'Cr,,)si t ,--on Av -:. to II.f~gt Cfmte r AvenUE: to :.>';st Vir,''.nia Avpr..lt. t<" SlOst ,.'l.ko ta Avenue t~ ~~lt Al~~ed~ Av~rJe to ,lest ,'e1...1" AVlc!r.l" I I ~V"I er~ O~!lI''1 :,treet Oltl\ha Street St. Louis ,'tr( et Boad extendir~ ~lcn~ ~. ~nd Plots l-~. hlo~k C. Ctic6i.:o St!"e~t BrC'oklYI: ,:trtlet Brooklyn :'treet County r':>l\o ext,ennin, E. ari 'N. O' ceptt':r l,n"! Road or Street extendipf along S. ~n:i I Lots 1 .0 " in County roan extending alo!l~ S. sid~ L&ke Avenue Park Avenue ~hirteentr ;venue Mountain View Av~nu8 J e1"rerson A'ler.u<> ')0 I ir l' ..,1,,(' df~'- .'e~- ""ii'"'' 'i in ~lev"!land :~i~htR '.vasj;in~tor 'Itf'. :~rl t'illnll to 'lI~st P'i~' r1 Avp. lr W~shir.~ton ei~~ts Z1 f.'inv Pevinne/ PI (I' to Nest Ellswort~ Averue in Wa5~irrt~. to. 2. f:Lin~ to ~st Ir~l~~ton Pl. in W~shinvton ; ~iVr.ts ''hshiIll':ton Hts. 2rl fj 1 '-n. Secs. 12 ard 11. T. " S. R. 69 w. to West First Aven~e "It'cK A, L'E'vinney Pl'lce to West :'eeord Avenue ~ec. land ?, T. 4, --: R. 6,:" w. to Ye t ~ixt~ Aven~A in Lake'^'oc:: to Yest l~ntt Av~nua ir, Lakewood tJ '~',f't Twelfth /,venUf: in Colfax S.lr, T,akewo01 to Nest ~r.irteE'ntt Avo. in Lake"food to nest Fa~-t!;enth AVH. .. Itlllrlu! (If the l', )J1l111I,,,,jl )Ill'r~ (1\' krlll"'( 111 l'l llllll \'. Cl d\ I.. A:'rll ", 1 ,Ct . . l'olrl'lX AV'lnu'C ~"rron 3treet r Fll~wnrth ?treet ... ..,..;.... in Lake','"oo'l tJ '~Ie~t ~)lf~x A"~r~p in <-'I'\'-""'Ilter t 'J Ifp"".~ :-;~ xtee...th AVt~. :in Edi<ew&tpl' 1'\1) I I "lr:,L ~trel _ Ellsworth ~treet ~~~ndvlew Av~nue Scherrer Street Chic&RO Street Eve1Mld Avenue F~~ewnter Boulevard Carhon Street Highland ..ven"w Highland Averue d1~hland Avenue l;:crarrls Aven~e Washington AvenQe Park Street Tta.t certain street ~x- tending alonp N. p.nrl of blocks 1-6 Court .~treet ("curt Street ;:'idge Aver,'.Je Fai rview Aver....le County road extendin~ E. and W. on center line Fll1C't Place ~~~ber19nd Street County road ex' ending alonl' S. lin€ Jefferson Avenue CourtJ road extending F..and W.on cpnter lines of r Avenue !-l Clpar ~reek Aven"e CountJ road extend1rk al~~n ~ ~1ri~Q n~ in "''111 in Ed~ewatrl' Norwoort in F:rl"ewClter i t1 F.d~ewatrr 'Nest COlfax Add. in Edge1'1f\ter Norwo01 in Lakeside :".r. t'.'nrlerson~ ;ub. P'irths Sub. tr. L'JJ<eside in IJ'1ke s:! de In Herdersons Sub. ir Lakeside l'Ienrlrrson!' ."'..l~. Rarths S'-lb. in Pe"rlersC'n~ .;'-It:-. ;-:ecs.2"O,?6,T.3 S. in -'ol~rrr-i'l -eights in C:J1..lmh:n ei!<f,t!' sections 24,23 in TJllkeview Secs. 24 and 23, ~ . . 3 :,.R. 69 w. iT' B..,rkeley Lakevie'li .~~ecR. 1:" 'ir,d 14, ,n " J. ';.R. ~(. W. , PI ; x tl r: ~ +0 ,Ve~t, .~ev~:",~,per:""- .\ve. to Nest ~tvhteer.tr A/~. to Ve9t ~1neteent~ ~ve. to ','/est 7-!iE:r.1~tr. Aev. to ,v c. ~\',er't~ -~: xth Ave. to .v"qt 'I'Nenty-q. '/"nth Aver~t- tc Nt:st 'l'/:ent,! -e ..rtr Aver.ut; to ;Iegt Twenty-ninth Aver> Hl to ~~st T~irteertr Av~nu~ :'0 'I/"st "'!' i!"t~'-~1e~ ",1 A'It:r.J tl Ne9t T~-irty-t~ir1 AVdrJ~ to 'N"st ~rirt,~'-"irth Avpn..l" to N8~t It.i~t~-t1~ht Aven"Jg Wt~5t :-'1rt,y-fo lr~h Aven.Je ~u Nest -_rt~-~i~~~~ ~ve~~e . - velY' '-l I I Cle~r Cr~eK Aven,e County road extend~r~ alon~~. sirles of J.I' f~"""tar" L/uev1t!,," ;-;ecs. 1;'\ 'ircl 14, 7. " ~;.R. ~<..: w. Avenue I That certai' str..et e:'- tendin~ alor.~ N. qicle of block 16 ViIlllei'e Aven..l€ County r0~d eytendir.~ S. and W. on center line of That cert~in ro~d or street extending alon~ S. end of Blocks Ib,15,14 and 13, Pl,ots 7,6 and 5 County ro~cl extenclir~ F. and W. ~lorg N.side of ~u Rest -:rt~-ti~~~h ~ven~e ir. Berkeley B" '"ke l..~, i!e i,zhts to '..st ~orty-rirt~ Ave. in }<erkeley to We~- ~'Ptiet~ Avenue Se c s . l~ ar.d 14, :-3, S.H. 69 W. to Nest "iftY-8e~0r.1 Avcn..le in ,'lr'wes S..Ib. Valle~' Additi('n to Ntst ~irtYT~iftt ~vu. .'-'ection 13 tn ~G8t ~iPt~-8ixt~ Ave. ,F:lION III. All streets extendint: t-ot~ n'rth and soutt uP West Ellswort,t 'iver.le Oir'ill b" k' 0'"' south of We~t Ell"worth Bv~nUe by tte 8.~R ~ame~ BS r.Jrt~ 0" ~~', ~venue with 'he wn~rl SOU':'H prefixed, tr,us, Ame3 street SC..lt" of \'Ie t Ells',vo':'th avenue shall he kno',vn 68 8Q'l',t lur.es street, }r>l.~ st':'"et soutt of '.\'est Ellsw,rtr ;1VenUs, .~ SOiitl- 1r'i" "tr.,et, ',"11 !In "" The decin'il sYRtern of !'uITh,,;rir/-, ~tr ets ar.d v' rue" wi t~in tr.e Ifl.r,d sections f'ir,t ~ereirbefore described is hereby aclopted, bepir.nir.~ ~t <113~ort~ ~yecue or ttH 50~~t itt 0, ard 'lE"signinf' 100 r.:.l~bers resF€l.:t,ivc'ly betw"er, thE fwenues 1 ,'~ttllll!"n. 'II nUl!- pr!' to be uSf'd bet-peel" ,'il",y avenues runnil~f: Clst ',rri ..,e~t are to C'll!llnence with tr~ rur"- er of the avenJe or. the south mul tiplieri by U10, m'lkin~ WA 9 t ,.;i )(t~ ',veI"U" '10. 600, est ~olfaX avenur 1500, West Th1rty-eighth 'lvenup 3~00. an~ so or.. ~he s~r~et" xtun. Jt,tlm.d tt! Il1t'Clllllllli"jlllll'I'It! klll,!"tlll Cillllll\.C'(du.. Apri 1 ~. l;CtJ I ,'II i : I f ~ .