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I 1.\, I ,1. I ,I 1 I, I, I
)tlUrll,t!Il/ l It'ltl11l1111'''lillll'l''td klkr"illlllllllll\'.llllll..
. .
Apri l ~. 1)({)
1'''\1 i
in" south froll1 Wellt "'Uswo-tl' flvenue shall te r.,llr.~.-!'f!ri 1cdrr.allv ~eg1nr.lnp ..t i'le~t Flls'IV,'~tt,
avenue with 0, flnd p,9s1"njng lCO nu~lJer9 to pqcr qvenue c;l)uthYflrd, !r.!l.k:' P: .ve~t Bfly'\ud '!o.
100, West Cedar No. 200, West Alameda No. 300, WeRt ~is8i~s1ppi ~o. llen, W~st Jewell Nt..
! 19CO. "f!f't Yale Ave. 2700.
I <\10R t-ep'lnninp a~ ~terida.n BoulevA.rd \"it~ ~o. ?2r:O, a.r.d qqgi>rr.in-S 50 r:.l~t-erl' to eRe'r, r1tur.tI
18t~eet ,'Restwar1, :!''l.klnp ~enton strE'et 'roo :J30c, ,'et''''''' f'tr"et No. '14l'(1, ;.'pn'on st8eot. No.
I 55uO, Harlan street No. 5600, ,Tay street No. 5700, Lamar street NJ. ~OO, 'lLwl!Lllris street
No. 5900, Pierce street 6000, Read street G100, Teller street.No. 6200, Yflnce street No.
6300, Wadll"'ortt street No. 6400, Bflyard street No. G )00, Dudley street No. ,.6c' , "....sIIAnri.n
, street ~o. 6700, Henierson street No. 6~oo.
I, On all streets runr.inr north and soutr the old p"lmbers Rhq.ll be on tra waRt !Iiriol, "I,d
the even nurbers on the east side of the street. On all avenues runnin~ eqs' '\nd we~t thu
. odd nwr.~ers '3hall bE' on the north Ride and the even numbers on tre s'I.Jth side on U'" street.
" In all urdiv1ded tr8ct~ of land intervenin~ ~etween l~r~ laid out i- blo~ks the 11ne or
the s~reet shall be consider~d as crossing in a re~lar continuation of' the lltr~etll in art-
I ~nin1~a ~dditior.s ~g to ra~es 'lord numbers.
I v ...,
;~F:CdO~ Y.
The blue yrint ~xhibited to tre board of co~nty co~~issicr3rs with tr~s r~3~lutiop &n~
_ 'Gentified by the "i!ma~ure of tre Cour,ty Clerk ur,ier d".te op({ ",,-:L ~ ..CA.). 1906 111 I'd:"
I by adopted 1,8 a b9.!Iis of the numberini! of :39.i1 3tr~etR and ~ven~es, anrl the S'\:r.ll stll\ll bo>
! fi hd and kept in the offi ce of s .i1 c J.lntj clerk.
S;::'~TIO!-J VI.
i The co;.!ntJo' clerk spall asni~ to ea~h hou;,., or t,:,el!:jse!l its ;:;roper n.J:r.bE'r, an,j upon 'iP-
I plication shall neliver free of ch9.r~e to the ow~er cr cccup9.nt thereof q certificate r\~ll-
i~sting the m.:rr,ber, and no rr.ur,ber other tha~ tte ;,u:rber c':' "'.lrre:-s c~' tain'); ':1" ~\'.~: cer-
! tificat.e Ah~ll be pl9.c81! lpon Any yre~i8e~~ N::.rir the 1:~,lt3 of tb, l~r-; :.":c"i1r9 r., st
I her~inbefo~e describ~r\.
It is hereby !tade the duty of every owrer or -ccupant of every to ,~ldin~;, ',rrl tre 'I,', rt
of' '111 ~uch owners of" s'l.id b.l....ldi"!,.!', u~on flll ~re 3treets 'en' 'l.ven;.!es within the l"no lU!C-
I tionll first hereinbefor" "'escribed, upon ','{hich <. "J'ste!!: of nU1!'berinF r q >Opel" 'lrlopte'! un'
! in 'lrhicr ofricial nu:nhHA have bee'1 providpd "or ~J' ;";Rl'l.ltion of t':~ ':,~ .r't of count~ ~o~-
I m1~!!1oners, to r..l~p(:!, s'.lcr builr\in.s ir. aCe':'rdfll1ce',ith tb, re801.Jf.~on cf !or", p:'l',r'\ r cnur,t;,-
corr~i!lsi~ners in tr~t, beh~lf.
c""""rT'nt.T "...... T
--'JIlir-' -neIr ,tl ~ ber ".. I I
1.11 rUI!,I"rs shall he ,I' tr'! ,,"ore metalic "ubstar.ce nr r-'~r,'Ll'lir, cr ~.l~ ~';r,",,: J" .';j'
letterinr .>n t!'" inqi1e 0!' a vl'isS trar.Forr: or cloor, 9.rc 'r'3.11 hl 1istinctly ledble, ,r-i '\t
lel\st U:ree incres i", r.ci,-t.t; !inrt '111 s:..:ch r.:etelic or ;;;OrCel'ilt :'i.-,re~ 1hall r., pog~('l
COl s; icuoc:slY over or u on tin "ront door c'f tre buil"in... to whicr ~r, 3<\"'. J'., :l he litt '~h-
ed, or upor. tre front ,ate, or t, mail-box provided for such premises.
i I
I It.a r,la1 overseers of t,,-, ~.:, t h'!r€;::rt"f'C'r~ rl",scribed l'm1 sections fire he",)by 'l.ltho!'1~-1
I ert and d!rerted to cause thp n!l~e5 of tre above-rr:entioned stre~ts ann .ver.~~g to r~ ~onLr1nr
I ~ougly post~d 'it the i~t~rsect~on~ of ~.id streets '3.r.d aver.ueq, tre cost ther'of to be ~n11
(lilt of' suCtl fund 8S may hereafter re provid~rj ar.d d~":I'Tated hy tt.e b08rd of cIJUr.t:l JC'nlll.is-,
8i orers.
All rel'ol~tior.s or ::;9rt~ cf resolut.'Jn.'l ir cnnfli,;t with tris re<;oJ.lt,or. are her'lt;,' re-
P~S3e' qnr. qr~rovp1 thi~ ~, day of Ap~il ~.D. 1~00.
Attestqd by the ~rrlersivned witr the se~l )f th~ rourty
Nrr ,i. Lic::ht
~rq,irll''ln !<oarrt of ~r'unt~' C"mm1/1"1
1~nners of Tpf.erfton ~ourty ColoL
JP ~effer9on, Stste of ~olor~1o.
A. 0,. PA.ttee,
(CC'unty of)
nr.ard adjourne1 to meet Monday May 7th, 1~c6
','/m :1. Li~ht
A. C. Pattee,
(~lE'rk ,