HomeMy WebLinkAboutF 555 ~k F' f0 cct: , , ",torr'" rrer'" Nichola. 1,illo was granted the privilege of layi)g a ~ipe line 15no feet in lenf'th on Idle ile Avenue, and across ProsI'ect Avenue. ,,&id pipe line to b" two feet under the surface. 'o&id Liillillo to be responsible for any dfl,mage dOlle by reason of the lay ng of said pipe line. on rep:ular moti on it was ordered that the County pay Ifl' O. "0 marc, tow'1rd extendinf( the cement wall now iI", course of con.truction at the alide on North 'l'abl" rf:ount..in. By resolution reguln,rly pBs"ed by th" Boe.rd, it i" ordered that the Deputy "ounty Assessor be paid B salary of $100.00 per mopth dating from March 1st. 1')07. E. F. R'~ndl" t off"red his Smith-Premier Type Writer, which ha" be"n in use ,:,n the County Treasurers Office, to tf;e Board for $80.00, which proposition '"88 duly accepted bo' the Board, and warrant ordered drawn for the payment of the same. The County Trpasurer is hereby ordered by the Board to make rederrption of N.W.l/4 of ,;ect,ion 1, Tp. :: S., R. 71 W. sold J'-me 11th 1885, by surrender of certif'ic'lte. M. J. Clark et al made petition for the opening of County Poad corr~,rncing at the center of Section 17 Tp. 3 s. R. 6q W. and extending thence East two miles to the oentey' of ,'ection 15 'I'.~j!. S. R. 6') '11. $25.00 b8iri, deposited with the County CJ,Prk for the expcns of viewing "aid road. '11m. Allen, Torrence 'ilhite ,Jr. and F. II. ]~orris were 8,ppointed Vi_ers to view the "aid road, and April 20th. 19C17 was fixed as tile time for said vie'"crs to eet at the st.artinl' point of aaId roan at the hour of 10:00 o'clock ;,.M. It ia hereby ordered by the Board that extra teams employpn on the .'ounty Roads shall be paid for at the rate of ~~2.0n per day dotinl'( from April 1st. 1907. And tIle r,ounty I'lerk i, h~'~by ornRren to notify the Road Ov~rseers to that e fect. License to r'Jn B. Saloon at 1dt'le 1 anf:8 wa3 p;rl1nted to Cieorpe M. ~ilmorR, dntinp; from ~Rruh 1st. 1907 to ~eptember 1st. 1')07 Board then adjourned to mee' Monnay May 6th. 1907. Attest: H. J. Juchem, Clerk. c. L. Ps.lrner, Cha.i rman. '; .