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h, F f'D c;\, I 1:/1 "'~' 'l'"jl~ .L~'I" "u'l",l~"l r"'" ~"l: . e,.,,,.dO'H'OvD J.,.. "LBY''- ~3t.. L..._'" 2C:S/3:J. !Jess8 E. r'up-Ll .:iten. lOO.OO~ 257/J,('. b.P.(.'!UfLir.tance, Rrr. j.\_8s'mt 137.3Sr'" .:::-"))'11. ] .r.~ 1!Lir1V.ince, .!-\.~):-)Inep, ,jurors ins.Ct. .::::~,n2.35~ c:~)/42. J~lice Toples~, ,it. Ijn. Gt., 4.fICJY r I-rl~. Ll1tj,r;rlnf~ IJ, A~d 1I!r 4.UU../ J L/ ,j 2, I, ':) ," ,J., U.Ai4.L<,A' 11iH<-,~,~~1," ." 6'~ 4&._ 1t'.,.L&>.;,*, 4&-..(',/ J"~" 11. i.,Ll 'jax ;jflLe cprtt1'ie'lte~JlnT'I-' ~lr~"1 r:;y' rl.s;;j~reJ to CI a~~ C. rJo;;t 'H~rl lots to bf: f'i' urF: as 'iCrpR.! e l:Jroperty anft tLe'\, to J)],Y nt tJ e rll.tfl of' sai' I Lr)t, :1. lL<- ,trJ.}j;,Pl/:;-(~, ,0 I"l~ ,lelL,'.::,"". :~Il.ir , , :.( (, : 8r ~t....' e t'OT' 1+ is he.....E;ty or'lereG that thp. r' ad Ifndir. into [Jeyden traIT, th,;; J<Jad r~lJ J..i.!;. l:nT'tL anI ~)()'J.t-.l~ hy ,j.I~.11lbertsonl::; place, ue a~~E,~t-:-;l1 fl.G r-etitionwt for. :jaicl 1''1'1(1 to he Ini~l OLlr on tl p: '-lODt s i ae 'lnd fol10'"!inr the [lenV8Y' Y". dort! """estern f-'if lit of a;y. ,;a.i d rnrtri t 1 be 4(1 1:e e; "'ide. It iH 1Ie"I'~'hy oy'df"~I'(j'.J. tllat tllB 'OUIlty Treasurer be autLori7.ed to accept f'lq,t tA.X from !-rerl ',I. strander OJ' Lots 17, IS ano 1" in Block 9, Critchell for tJl :re cr 1)":. ;OLUlt.)' rl'reaourer is :her>ehy ordereci to 'LL:Cept t:he tax otl. t1'e C"Jill!' 'rO'Fllsj te I/linin, [l..! d .il1.in, (;0. l~rol:lert:; luc..l.tp:o lit Critclle.LJ on t!'8 vq,luatioI! of' ~.';j.n()().II) il:~1.(',a'; nt L::-)V(i.(1Il [or t,J, ~r,::~ t Y' .ll-~( ](- J E ~ 0':,\\ Vi8"'cr; Her)(lrt ny! tl e road st"LrtJrJl qt the celltE: r o~ eeti.uI' LIt er l ,; Y' 11'/ j 1"1 j-:a;;t, t:,n tl'f: centp-r at' ~)e~tlol. 1~, ,""103 rel'e"'-'red DQ,ck to tl!f: vie"Ter:> .t>::n~ Ci1rT"!ct.icll'. 11118 3'1.1 i prOp(ISI"I! rol.L DeInL 1 'Ip. 3, ;-;., H. 1.;9 ll. Ttle order rr1(le iLlpn;t ), I-JUh a~3 recorriec1 in JOiJrnal "I''' pa,. C 523 'l/llereb;) tJ ( irjter~..;t 0'< 'f-.j I er:,Ul 'OJ) ty in certain luls in fjat rLyette lleil,httJ ',JUl.l FU;.i . F:rJ to ,1.,., U llson ,r., w'~~, ear:c.:e.U ed, at d tr,1. t'rlllrp'irll, order V.l8..'; Bntere'l, to-wi t. .. ./\lJ 01 t.ne l'oJ.nty'.-:1 ir:tere:~t il tI9 roLtnninl Lots ill lJalu' ptt-,f.: ei,"/lt:-" 1:;+- li-:~ition i~-, be'eby 'i:::;~i 'n~ j 'to d..>... 01lrwIIYl ~~r. at the r.qt8 or t-6/l0 cents pe~ lot, 1,e to.iJ] +or ttle d~ed, v.iz: lJots 1 to ~~,:1- incL1:~ive In }llock 14, f,ots 1 to 4 ; LIICK 17, !Jot: 1 t 4- 'ilOC1':: l' ~:Jts 1 1 0 I,~>-_, J.;lrL:K 1'], l;ots 1 to 4' l~lJek :-!(, I.lots 1 t" 4~) lJ1llch. c_1, Ij()ts 1 to ~~ i10c1..;: 2~, lJot::: 1 to 4~ ,hI ~k ,,-.3, 'Jots 1 to 4Y l"lOL:k ~?4, Lots 3~ t" 4t5 ])10ck ,~5, 1,0:':':' 1 to 4'~ .Ll,-J-';, c..::u, in j:locL 1i.J, Lots 27 to 4t: lH 'eJ ,~" '11so 1 to ~4 in lock ':5, Ijot~3 j to <~ I -1 to 1-:5 and 41 to 4U block 6; 'Ule i'0110'Jdn~ lot in \"'hod.j J-.j,li tior tu e::..;t lnv} 7, '.I :-:i '~~.:il ~, at:; "i-: