HomeMy WebLinkAboutF 570 e!' F- f~ c.; -To hel ,winl rsarl re t ,ntel elell tol I"ress, to be held at Sacramentlil, CaliforniA., Sept. 2nd. to J. i'. Church, Torrence 1'lhi te, \'I. VI. Wilmore, VI. G. Ames, ttiol Natl 1 II 7th. 1907: D. P. Wilmot. n- I Anna Thompson was gr~nted a license to nperate a Saloon at Semper for a period of six months from August 1st. 1907 to February 1st. 1905,said license to p8rmit the sale of Beer only. B. II. Richards was p,ranted a license to sell Beer onl,r at Lake '"eorge. Said li- cense to dc;te from July 1st. 1907 to ,January 1st. 1908. J / Road 'Vl." ewers Report of the proposed road beginnin:; 13 S., R. 69 \'/., thence East through the center of Sec. 16 \ received and pl~ced on file for future reference, ~nd the , Aur;ust 6th. 19()7. The F~rmers Heservoir and Irri{';ation Companty et a1., petitioned for tl e leyinr; ~ut of a 60 foot road throUf,;h the lands o'/med e"clusi vely by th" peti tioners. S'1id roads to be 311 fect on each side of the follnwing described lines to-wit: Bef-'inninl' at a point 30 feet north of the intersection of the we st right of wcy line of the }armers High ],ine lIitch, with the north and south section line of ,iection 27; tl'ence in a northerl~' direction parallel to and 30 feet distant. from the west ril~ht of We, line of the Farmers High Line Ditch, 1600 feet, to a point on the nort' "ection line of section 27, which is 30 feet west of the right of way line or t);,e Farmers High Line Ditch. Also the fOllowing described road:- Beginning at a point 370 feet WF'st of the southwest corner of section 17; thence north 170 45' e'1st, 626 feet, to a point; tLence due east 230 feet more or les" to a point 30 feet east of the Vlest boundary line of section 17; tllence due north 2015 feet more or less to a point 30 feet south of' the: east and west half section line of section 17; thence due east alon" a line p',r'1l1el to and 3C feet south of the half section line of section 17 and 16, 10~60 feet more or less to a point 30 feet east of the west line of section 15; thence due no~th 2050 feet to a point; thence due ea:3t 1320 feet to a point; thence south ~;oo east 4,CJOO 1"e't more or less to a point 30 feet north of the northeast corner of the southeast cuarter OV the northeast quarter of section 15; thence south 450 e'Cst 975 fee~ to a point; th'lnce due e8,st 1925 feet to an intersection ,w;\th t;he Horth an~ SQuth hi,~hw"y on, the hn.l~ Be~-I; II tion line of section 14'(""/{" -1,,,,:,'1--' I """\'v'" ",',to j ( Ct~<~"otdU't6Ur.,'u'. jkflf 'u~<J rrhe above petition 1!fas duly accepted'1\and the rOB,(lS ordered oP0ne'J-t"jT tl ~ ~)~'.i(1 {/ ~ Farmers Reservoir and Irrigation 80mpany, and at tl'eir expense. at the center of 3ec. to the c8nter or ~~ec. viewers ordered paid. 17, Tp, 15, Wi!.S J .?ff.,Johnson Jr. offered the county six a.nd 6/).o,cj3nts per lot for the Count:."" interest i', all lot" in ~rne lIChts., Alameda ~., Relment llr,hts., Belmont llrOlts 1st. Addition., and Lafayette HeiGhts 1st. Filin::;, said offer was accepted anel the Certificates of purchase ordered assigned to the said J.Y.Johnson Jr.. The ~,pplicE1tion of George rr.Ba.1ker for a saloon liconse a Everr';rcen, Colo., VIas nOlv allowed. C'Jr:missioner Do,mes votinl~ to allmv the saIT'8 and PI~mer an, Li!~ht against. Board then adj ,urnerl to meet Tuesday September :-, 19117. Attost: H.J .,Juchem, Clerk. C. TJ, Palmer, Ch'Cirnan.