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1'011 . tl ,:COI '1~ a. Pl e1t;j rod~ t or ,tlol e8."1 'n~rl
t.10n three I.,J 1n ~ownship rour ( I ~outh, Hange o'::} 'lest or 1:.he ,,~x1:.h P:bnc~pal
an. thence South one-half mile to the intersection of the road runn ng East and
I'rom the EB"t line of the center of section two,.
L. W. Johnson et al., petitioned the Board for a County Road as follows, to-~it:
Commencing at the County Hoad at the 1I0rth East Corner of Section 17 TO'!,TI,'J,ip 5, ,'., h.
69 I'lest, and running from thence South on tile Section line bet-:leen ':ections ,'event,een
(17L and Sixteen (16) ']'p. 5 S." R. 69 "'. a distance of one (1) rr5le more or lese, to
the South F.ast corner of said Section 17, intersecting the pr',3ent r:ounty Rnad on th.
South line of Section 16, and 17 Tp. 5 ::" t\. 69 \V.- With the unrierstandin th'tt tJo,e
said p1Jt.i tioners slwllld donate the right-of-Ray for the entire road ,,,,ke.1 for, t!'<,
Bonrd agreed to accept the snme aEd e tanlish f1 County ",oad as ?)'e,yc'l for.
The EVf1nlelic"l T"ltheran Soni tarium AssGciation presente:1 a petition to the Eo,o.r.[
asking that the followinr: describe" r'c'tl e:'tnte, b exempt frolT, taxation as the same is
used as [1. sf1Tii t~ri UJ!1 l~y the said Peti ti oner, and tht said peti tl O"'8r r:-::.1-'e s affid'1, v it
trat 'the same is strictly a ch'1ritable institution, the west half (1/2) 01' t]'c Jorth-
west 'uarter (1/4) of the North-'.":est 'ull.rt"r (1/4) of Section '["'enty-siY (26), in O"~-
shir ','hr<ee (3), f:"uth, Range f:ixty-nine (69) ",ut of ti18 Sixth Princi,;al Heri'\iC1n, in
Jeff, rSOE r:ount , Colorado;The petition was franted, aEd the the ,r8~surer is her' by
instructed to r, hate tIle taxes for the year 1907 on said above :lescr~be,l ;,rop, rty f1nd
real estate.
(: The Bids for the 'Tailing of '.:Iest 36th. Avenue (Prospect Ave;.) vlere opene " an,l it
vms found that Geor e 8. -',ore was tlle lO'."lcst Elnd best bidder, Elnd he ','ICl8 therefore
awarded the, contract to do said grading according to the plans n.n'; specific1tion", for
the sum of cnooo. 00, 9-Ed he is hereby ordered to execute t1 bon,l for the tai thful per-
'{ormaEce of s'lid work.
Charles E. Vlallbrecht 'Nas ['Tant8d a license to run a Saloon at South Platte, dat-
in'; from J,wuaro' first 190'; to July 1st. 1908.
\. I
,John II. J','"",ct was [:ranterl a license to run a f:aloon for six l1',onthCl f1t Tlorks of
Cr88~, from ~rch 1st. to Septel1'her 1st. 10~.
The Count
sarre Companies
Treasurer is hereby instructed to re-insure the Co~rt ouse in the
as rOI'1 insured, and to place an addi tion"l ~ 4000.00 'Ni th r:hClU. u'lin-
Charles J. ';9-n['er petitioned the Board for the abandonment of a certf1in County
Road "nd the est'1blishing of said road as follows, to-wit:A sixty foot roart, co~"cnci~;
at the center point of ~)ection eleven in Tov.rnship five (S) Poutl, ran! (~ 70 '....e::-')t, tl'once
running due South through said section eleven eiESht hundred fe. t, mar.:) or ll;:ss, to ~n
intersection "Ii th the ,)resent Courto' road runnin[O from 'I'ao'lor ranch, so calle.', to the
Turkey rree]:" Count:, rOf1d, and the petitioner he 'ein being th, sole O'imer of tll" lnn'l OE
hath sides of the public road hereinafter described prl1Y that tJlat certain portion Of'
tl~8 '.1-:,ylor Count;) rOFl.c1 lboVL C1Rscribed commencin,- a.t the terminus 01' the rO:1.(l 8.i~ove
described r.nel runring tllence Northw, st, :'even hundred feet, mor or Ie,'"" to an inter-
f}l')ct on "lith the Turkey Creek public rOB.o, ee vacated ani abnndol"ed as [1, Count<) Enrl.li.
The s'lid petition was granted and the said Sctn!:er executed a lui t Claim, [,eel to
the County coverin!, the above describer! rJc.d, and the s"id deed carr~'in( an ,vcr'cc:;,ent
for the e-har>c!ollment of that portion as prayed for. Said deed is recordelll ir ]'001: 1:'7 ~t
par;e 427 of the records of Jefferson Count;!.
It is hereby orderer\ that T. F. ]{.yers be allowed
d,ting from January 1st. 190P, to April 1st. 1900, for
p~uper, a total of ;:~39.00.
~~~.oo per w~ek for l~ ?'ee~s,
bonrdin~ B.ll. 5chnrds, a hli~d
nr' e.... offr.-re'l ,';"Jo.nn foT' '~!~ '1, "irnrp.nt of> tl~' ('IY1Pj 'e- irt(I' l; t, ~ ,'"