HomeMy WebLinkAboutG 0015 _C0URIy9CQ1o.._ Fehur!lory 1st., 19r-',~.. It<- 0-' ..~-- ----- -._- _._-~~._-_.__. -- Feh!"lE'-I';;' 1 st., 1 'C'" . ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bcmr'~ of' ":ourt;,' COn::!'i88ionE'~s of Jef'feBor ,C):..!,.t., C'Jlora. 0, r,,'; ')'..l""~n~rt to 'l.rl~OU!'T'1rent, 11.11 -'_1"8" were present as "-0110'*'8: ~... I.. "lest, \~l1q,irl~~ltr" <. :.. :"JO 1 ~3 flr'i ra~ A. Jf)r.rsor, 3.180 H. J. Jtlchem~ Clerk at1f" Geo. R. Cll.mrhel!., Cou".t;y J-',t+,or1".e;,', J. MeD. L1"esay, who h6d been .-. !,oint <1 'Jeput' ,i,;tY'ic+, ,.ttorney i1" 1J.r:r' fa"" ,Tef'f.;,r'fon CO-..lnty b:,- the il1triot Attorner, .ppell.'t'e~ b.;,for t.lle n,'"rrl ~r " K'; > tl q t J.i s 'I.',} oi ntllloert ]->., A?pr")ve-i by t!'e ~ BolU'd, wh1el'! ..,~s r"f".llarly rj"'''e. upon motion of' ,Towson, seconder> b" Dom'1"s, T,. est tt., ~r'1jr-.r. Of' t' ~ r'::Jfl.r' ...m.s rf'1gu1atly ~o~nted SUperintendent of tne Poor, eor t:e y~ar l~~;. " peu-e1on f'or the continue. ti on of' ':'est 413t. A ,','1'" ..Ie to 'i'1.rl3.r r,oulev!l.rrt ''''is pre cl"'tec1 to tr.e Board lIDd it is hereb agreed th6t 'I. boarel 0" krritr9.t or h, a.?pointerl W. ,,"ti"3.te tr", dlllllage to 'the property mme'!'R. The Co r.:issione""s to appoint onfo :r.M"9.rd .1. '. ':i1&s, P. '.. Lafrenz a.nd A~on abase the owners o~ tre la.nrt to 9.ppoint ore l!:9.n, ~rrl tre tno tl J9 a.ppointed the third. Whereupon the Cor-.rnissioners aP:t-oirted ,I. .' ilr.lor~ '1.nt t:-'" lAr.d O-VT1~~S a~':'ointe'i Geo. B. Br~mson. Pet1t.1on f'or 6 rosd on ti e ';ec';ion lir.8s betw~en '~ecti,,", 1 ::. .,. ~ Tp. :2 S., R. 69 w. ~orrc"1er.cin;' at tre ;o'.lrt;,.' line1.r'] ~y.toeroiin,' ,,>~ mil. _8 pr~sented tn tr'", Bosr'l and it is nE-r"bY or1ererl ti!1. :1-" s :: 1 <<nd 'the ~ounty :~rve;,. er is t,,,r~bJ' irstruct"rl to r,iaLt: A. s,lrv",~' at' -::'~ 3 ., ". _~ "legt and :5f'.ict10n' OT' ~J'j,i .ection 11l"es one r.J'l.') bt; l'l.id oat !1r~ o?er'erj~ ::-,e Ill'; stabr, tre entire lire. Th. l'!ourt, Clerk 13 1;ereby instructed to rotj,f>~, ~'r. .,c 1'1..1["1-t tl'ot ni~ "ill "1'1.1': nnt sntrori7-.,l b7 ~he Bos~rj &"1 i~ thereror~ not allowed. '!'he f'ollowinr Pa.uper t1111s '..'ere r"6d, allo've' .....",,1 'Il.rr'm:'" orElererl rlr'l\"l'1 for the LlIl.YD't:nt oi" same : E. E. Ste1'l'srt P1ke Bros. & Co., BUb9rt Work (Insane P9.u~er) DlJva11-Dsv1son T,.urher ;0. R. Broad Jr., P. A. E1ckhore (Co. Of~ices) ,8clrb Sorensen ~. Jam..s Mu1l-.n ony'to H'spital ,Hot. Arlm'r ;,;'';''-'''''~ 24.70 , 2')1(1~ . (~o lo. .:t:lu/t...", .' I',) . oar ''"6rm ,).00" 6.110 " 2910 o.,ni er". Jr' .. .. 33.75 ... . . , 126.00 J ;'910. .A. ~rO'1('''r'...s~ .. .. 1.7=; ~ , 17,1')' ,~~ 1 nr lj...1t ~r ertel .. It 1'... cel ... . Ll.t"S- 2') lO~ . .. T,inier ~. ~(\. It .. 4. ~'( ... . . , "7:.00/ ::n U'. I.rs. . ".o"'lil"'- It It 7. f)5 . .. .rf1 .1(' ?9111. .,).., 0 ~. I' Iti.~ .. It 4.40 , '1.on 2911.. 'T'Ol'j' 1.rt It It 4.0! 4- tl.OO ~;.i13. " ,t; It It 15 ':'.. . rr.lI,nr ."'''';~~ :> J;;."OD.. . ~,*. Err.'fs. rd t; l$l:"t~~B!'" \1.1;' t .. .. (1 . "".,::;;~Oj;;;.~:t...j. :j;o~':'_"'V'~'.