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'1- .....plt--..1o, .- (,1f wi." 1n'l orl'~'!\ 1 1n,,' The !'Ioard l4,1Jo4rnlfdlt.o ':;e~t. 'otobl!r 2Q, F117. ,Ht.tIlt.: L ? jtJ ~.2L~reH'~~/ "l~r\{, OCT 11~!-:~ ,~q, 1')17. Th~ t:lol':-d C(' "ol.nt, "omrnis'll{)',,'r -"t purr',Bnt tr; adjol.!'r1::Jent.. "I'u,e and nOlWlllls, I.n,1 :"l,!rk ',awrence. The Co~lsslon.r., a~t.er lnspeot.1no t-:e Pow~r ~Tou -e ~mo\{eat...o\( whI~- 'Iud hlo,", d:>-.m 11' th~ wlDd.t.orlll of vot.. 27, a,d mal<1ng neoesg&r~ e.rran ;I!rrents "01' 11. - 1'...;:>&11', ..jjo',!'''~d :'0 po ever eer"aIn cO'.ntj' roads, ,,"Ii'')o m,,~t b';;81n on .':;ctl'bpJ' ~O, 1"'17. At.t.est.: i-fJ Jtt I{au.re~rk. October ~O, 19:7. !'he fJo&~-d of' (:'04nt) c:'~,.-' ~s1')ne!'3 'T1.:t pl.r'luent tC1 It :j"',!''''''~nt. ?r"s~.,t -C:"1!ss!')n~. '3 J"'1nson, ~r~se "'1d Downes, a.,d Cle!'~, Lawrenoe. It. _peved b>>, Downea, seconded bi' Cruse and un._nl'llol.slj' carr1e:!, that 11' lett.er of St.ate ~1gh.&1 Conm1~81~"er ~rh~rt, dat"d Octo~er 29, 1017 (and ~11"'d lwwlng wage. be pa1d for work on ~tate ~J'1~8ry Rc~d if ~5, 1.0-1'111.: ?or "ommon laborers, J 2.50 per day. · Rook Yen ~.OO · . Uverseer ~ Te8Jll, 6.()u. · ~.n and~eam. 5.UO · employed the J. :{, !JI'1d~r qdw, Co to re~.(dr StaCK on pow.~r house &:lrj v, pl11nt same. ~hun adjOl~ to meet ~')veMber 5, 1917., , ;() ~''''',. "" /" //,. / , 1 r ~ '. ~ l~-'tt1 (~~~~. ' . Ghf.imlo.n. '0.:: ;"J ,;- S. ,117. ~,,-,,/; f /, ~'4".tc<' ,,~. .... man, Dr~3 ~;t ~0"~i~slnr~rr Jo'naon. r( / L'/ . ( /. tI"'Z'lL r.J..a t \..,- '"tJ.l'!':'18ft. accord&,ce w1th th~ 'er~.1th). the fol- V;c -! ~ .\,,.-1 The E1:>ard Tne Boa:-d ",-test: .. :- ~ ,.' "n'. "11'''''' ~ 1 <; , ...~~:.s " ~ " , . ~', : , 'j l . ... '11t'e!1 t , ::>~, :~en: . , ' - "-".. j-:""n"s, - , ..,t J co ..,...) ....~..l~.".' 1 I, L-d "'1.> :' . Jh"'! ,""e. . -~ " -J ~3si~, ~s :0 -~-J, 1;J0:l rr.J.~~:-.... -, -~~, lc~ r to exeou~e ~~~~ t~ ~r.~ "l<).c<. 1':- C't.',,~ Ie; '~1 ''1t9. ~ ~ ~ ... ~ d r.., ,... :-.... s e , '1h."~ l)~ ..1 ).... -'r;~!,! " ~ ;' "1 ~d. -......1lYlt. t,. 'r~~'~ ~..f::";;':'';-~ ";es ti '''.~',~: - ',-ies' '111.,,".5 to "', 5~t (~f 1 _ 4't C "" /~r .l-:en~ ..-:- "'c.'1ty :.:'t."" je~t "" ~_r\c. '&;:~ ":H,~ r,r 1--:'" ",'J ~il~~. ~~i . ... ..1:. :" i .. 1. ~ '1-41", exec....t . ~ _'n h:a. \I.)"t.~, ..1 ~ . "'\.~ -:ts.sh ....-_. 'I . 0- ; 'C r ',.as 1 ~ ~ j ~.~' ~ t-"l :"':' .: ..., to!".'~ ~.J t -: ;. , ::: 'e 1 ..' j"'O J'1t 'l" t " "JpOfl .~ '..1. n "J -("~'le9. "-::: ...{~ ~ rl./ ..,,~ .ee ,~T"I( ~r 'riej, .:l,-..i4\~~r ~ ......"ht.~ 'i-'oK. ~ '1!:l1::,.s1"'n. r?;.H,...tt".. ....or1)lpti)~ ......is =>>)&rJ h"'-j :'!,~....!," ~ ~11"1.. ~~ f'~ ....~!"9 al~'"' b~""'e')t"d ,. "" 1 ~",,;,. . .'h.. bce..1t -, ~:-et'_l~-- ~ !"j' t...~ " t.'I~~ . :)')rt c~ .'.iy -'1 II "o3c ~or~ &3 "'~~~l~t~. T:'i.'~:"' ~'..p')n t~:~ 1"011 Jw1",~ '~, rr ;ts 7."_:' dr::,.r! ,1:"b',"n ~n)hJ ~:>:1t o~ "11:s 2Y";)~ "-'j~d. :(J-~ t: ~? "r AT 'qli/o[l ~'T\'r. ~ ') I"T . ") ",. -- >.......p; :'.!.2.7'2. -;l..i T. .. \~~':r~. .. r'''~:1.9. TL ~~7.1~p, ,~ 1 " a - ~b t... '"'), i . ./ 1, ~ 1.::1.:'0 ~..... ]~ . -,,., -' .\, 5.:c' ' J , 1 ~"Il" 'I "1 :' e ':- 0 1 1 .. r " ~l', ..':. "') , " . 1 t.. 'J') 1 '" \ . ~ - ~,