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th~ c~nter of the establlshed s~rvef of ~he new oement hlRh_ay , Is ~~reby vacated, and shall r"vert
to the bdJolnlng prooerty owner, Barnpnd C~lngs; And further, that th~ oortlon of the old rlght-
of 1ra7 lylng between stat 10ns qO Dlus 6? 1 and Q~ obus '50.6 anrl '.\''!Rt.r ly an.l nort.hwest er 11' Lf!d
o~tslde of that oerteln strlp of Ibnd thIrty feet wlde frvm the center of the est@hlished survey of
t.be aew oement highw.y, Is h'reby v&ol1ted, !lnd shall revert to the, dJolnl1:g property own.!'~ liS
t"ollows, to-wit.: ell ~orth o~ the sectlon 11ne hetween seotlons ~~elv~ and thlrteen, townshlp three
souteb of range sl~t;;-!!lne w"st, .)th P. \,i, to John q. Jones, and all the b"lance of lohe rlght or ...y
con~Utut1r.g the old rlght of "',-y, 'nhloh lies outsid!" ~he established sixty foot right. of w.y for the
nrw oeme~ r~ad shall revert to 0111e B. Graves; all a~ ~ore f~lly aODeerlng by ~h~ olatR above
referred to as fUed Jl'eD. 21, 1021,; sald vl!lcll"lon or such old right ot WHY to b.. arrectlve U::lO!\ the
crymuletlon and flnal acceptance ot" the new proJeot and the opening of the 9aMe to 0 .hlta travel.
R)' unanl~OI.is vote the 1'01 Lowlng contracts .&1"e award ed 1. 0 L. u. 'Aorrt s of Gold en.
1st. 1'11at of f'urnlshln.l, all the labor in dolnll oertll.ln work at t.hlt ftcuntv ll'."m ~"mf!lv. 'l.,tntl'l07
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Aprl1 5th, 1921.
B..aJ'd .et _1t.h all mltlllbers, (~Ol.lntl At tornsy SId 1 tn ,nd Clerk F 1 Jch Druent.. ~1':. ~
ib. rollo_l~ r.s~14t.lon was ~n8nlmou~lf ptssed . U i!)~
..'Pl:',A~. 07 arrangement bet..een t.he Boa'" 0'- ~ouni.)' COllllll"flloners or Jer"erson co~nt.)", Colorado,
aAd ~e 9\.t. HlfbW&7 Camml..10n. a new oeMent state blgh.~~~,O~ ~fonstraotlon, with ald
t?aa \he Goyernaen\. and 1s kno~ as ~"eral Ald ProJeo~s os. 94/~d t~7; ~d
IRSREAS. o.rtaln rights ~f w&7 were seaurea f'rom Bar d CUr.1mlngs ~~Ollle. Graves ~nd J?hn i
J.... aloft~ .aid oement. nlghW&7. fOr the purpose of' l~proilng the AIIJnment .~d ourvLture or said
1d8hW&7. alel1 .aid b.t.ghw87 en"nds from the oount1 11ne b~twe~n l)~nver and Jefrerson oOhnt)es. at
.1' about. '.st. ~th Aye"ue. and runs to the TOWIl of Arvadb. Jet'fersoft COI.U.tJ', Colorado; and
ab.reaa. toh. Dew rlght. o~ w&7 embrac.s a SL~lp of land tnlrty re~t un ebcr. side or the cer-ter
11.. or ..id hlgh.., as eat.ablished bJ Stat.e SUrveJ and beeor 'lng to plats flled In ~ne fount,
CierI[ and ~eCorder's orflce or Jerr.rson Count." Colorado, "eln~ ,'111ngs Nos. 120095 fond 120096,
rll~ Jl'ebruar1 21, 1921; and sald p~rtles tav. deeded to ~he oo~nty of Jefferson oertlln-strlp8 of
had \0 oertect. \Noh shtJ 1""0\ r 1 gilt of -&7; and
IB8RSlS. ~bls ohange 1n the rl~ht of .." from the old road to the new CeDent rUld, leAves a
.ert..l. st.r1p ot land 1n the old rlght of wa1 no. needed In the new cement hlgnway rlgbt of w~,
NOW toberet.re. Be it. R.6~lYed bJ the Board or countJ Commlssioners of Jefferson Count,. ColOrado
".t tne -'rlp or laad her.tofore used 1n the old r1ght cf .ay. 111ng between st&tlons 45 pl~s 55.2
.-d '7 plus 99.8. and be1ng Oft Che weaterl, side and ~ut81de of that eer\~ln .~rip thlrt.1 teet. from
Journal of the (:Ollllni......iollcr... of
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"orll 15th
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