HomeMy WebLinkAboutG 569 1>-1 I' .., .,---real '-"""--'111" .., lr u, 00" ""I Ii' 'lr r-... ,..~_. "Y,l r ,.. ~..- All \b~' por\ioa ot ~al alie, 1.(lnolng ~nrouan t.bl eln~er or .ara et ~. ..u\b.rl, boundarl.. ~prodwo.d) of Lo\. nuabor.d Tweftt~-~wo (22) .look .ua~'re4 J.. (1); b..nd ~he same ~re h~rlby rorever Yaoated ~ . -, , 1;, l.Dg '0\01<11 (29) ill st>ld H~~~C ~~;.lll' and Twent,,,ln. olosed, P.. L. powrnes murrean 1'. .. iPeloh COun\, Cl uk . . . " . " . " . " . . . . . . " . . . . . " . . . . . . . . . . . . . " . . . . . . " . " . . . . " " " . " " . . . . " " " . " " . " " . " " " " " " " " " " . " " " " " O"D~. ~ebr~ar1 6, 1922. E";REAS. Renr, Iianlngton, ot Jerflrson Coun\1, Colorado, ha'! t.his da;, t.endered to tlle Board or CO~l co.ml,.loner. or Jerte~sonCoun\l, Colorado, a ~~nt;, geed da~ed Febru~r7 4, 1922 ~r~~ sald aeDr' Hanlng\OD ~o tbe coun\y or J~r~er.on, oonv~ylng 6nd dedioating to said COUn\l for ?Ubllc hl8b-.r ~uo." the following desorlbed lot. and ~aro.ls or land situate, lying and being 1n "be COUd, ot JertenOD and St.ateor Colorado, to-wit: -i-'~ -:> -io"i Allor &0\. .uaD.red Twen\l-two (~2), Twenty-threl (2~), Twent7-tour (24) and Twenty-five (25). ,. Bl.OE 0.. (1) ?lalnYlew. aooording to plat ot sald AddlttDn reoord~d In Beok 2 of Jlat.8 on tl1e Sa ~e oftloe ot \be COun\7 Clerk and Recorder ot Jefter,on Coun~,. Colorado; And mereas. I. the opln1on ot .ald Board 1t ls lawful and proper tor the bes\ interest. of said Ceum.1 aDd the IDhlblt.ant.. thereof \0 aocept .aid deed and sald ded1cfr."loD. 101. :~~BPO'~ I~ I. Ordered B, th Board or ceun\, Co~ls.loners of the cou~tJ ot Jetter.on. 1. 'be S\ate of Colorado. tba\ ..ld d.ed ant .ald d~1oatlon be fr.Dd the s~e are h~ree, accepted 07 ~ for aad In behalf ot said Count, of jefferaon; that "be said deed be forthwith filed with tne Coun\, Clerk aDd 'eo order et said count, aDd that the s'ld County Clerk and 'eoorder forthwith lssue &ad tl1e wi~h ~be COUntl A.....or or said Count7 a oertifloate .howing t.he ~~~e of said dedica~lon -.4 'he leads .0 dedloated 1n accordance with tbe stat.ute In such case made and 9roylded. ------------------------------- l:=!~_f!!2~-___________ Count.7 Clerk. Chair.&Il Journal of the Conlnli~~iolll'r~ of Jeffer..,on (:OUllty, C:o)o., l~~ d) li'.b..uary 7th 1922 e -i ROPt! .~ with C0lIlII1'l!Iloner. West and ~val1s, !"ou ty ~ttorn"y U1yla~ hnrl "'l~r'< !:'eloh !)r~9~-t. an .otlon "1 .'vans. s~oond"d b1 Pellt and oarrled'. ~h~ 1)onds or th~ ~ollnwl"g pOt,d rv~rSf'''r8 w're a:)proved. , ~-~--::.:.. -",-- ,. ) I