HomeMy WebLinkAboutK 513 '. at 10' "'.... R '~.l, .. __'~, lte till rOlJ ' "'''-i . rnln. t' ''C lit haul:: ~ote tb e tcllo~J.~'i neata to tte Zc~.:. ... ProPOleQ Ue:'.t~ . on CO\U1tl; Il.~ rec lU81tlee. tr'l::: OIloWlng '''"t:.o 20, 1952: 5 vote the to~o~~~~ c-"esolutl0t ,~_~ '.0 t11lg Kaollo. r&.'j,o; ar.d s e'Il'tI; L" Ibn'antlalll 1""'" ;0 COlJ-nt,. C:':::'l:':; _d.-on the Couttr c~ 111: - !l<l' '.-tlO~:: :); 1> ......1cl:. , l' f" " Journal of the Commissioners of } .." Jefferson County, Colo., Oe~ob.,. 1~. 1952 Bit- K.' . 513 .. l~_ .:CiP~CE or DUD - 62nd .lVENUi: BETWEEN CARR .lND ZEPl!I1\ ,.- otlOD by COllll1881oner Xooh, ..cond by Co....1..10ner ':'ru., an~ by unar.l...ou. Tote tr,e follov1ng ~f4A,~uon WIle adopted I "".. . I_l\ISOLVED that a deed fro.. 111111... 'J'. Terry, Anlel1a ~erry, Jc.e~!: E.rgha..-dt, Iat!:er1ne Surgharot, ;l~. a, wllkle, M1nn1e D. II11U., Lexie J, lI11k1e, IT)' S. 1i1lk1e, ';cr:. S. Stephen" "erUn A1ken, :~ "'1 AU::en, Fred H. Erowne, and Arlou S. Browne to t:-.e !ollovlng: deeerltec. area tor road purpofes ;;~and it is herebj' accepted: A str1p cf land 60 reet w1de 1n the Nt Nt of Sect1cn 11, Tcvr..~1~ 3 Sout!: Rar.oe 69 We.t of the 6th F. K., situate, lying and being 1r. E:CCLS K, S, a:.~ E, arvaca ~a~e~sJ ~ore pa!ticular~1 described as tallows: Beglnn1r~ a: a point ~.lc~ 1s on tt.e _eFt lir.e or the SE. NE; NW;, wh1ch p01nt bear. N. O' 04' Ea.: 3~. 75 feet fro: saio SCJt!:vest ccrr,er of t~e S~ NEt NWi of .a.1d SecUon 11; ther.ce N 81' 51' .est, 1363.5: reet :c a p01,.t; thence ~ 84 43' 45 Vest, 601.1 feet tc a poInt, wh1c~ r:lr.t 1. 103~.;4 reet Sooth ar.c }O feet taft of the Northwest corner or se1d Section 11; tber.ce Sa~t~ o. C31 taEt a;.: parallel to the West l1ne of said Section, 55.15 feet to a ~o1nt. v~lch ~=l~t is or. the ~cr:her1y r1fht of way line ~f the Denver and Rio ~ran=e ~eEte~ Ra11rcad rlg~t-or_vay; ~er.ce South 71 56' &a6t, 2,.15 feet to a point; thence Sou:h 84- 43' ~5. EaF~ 571.9 feet tc a polnt- "thence South gl 511 East. 1376.49 feet to a point; ~~er.ce Sc~t~ 0' 041 Ea~t, fo.Eo feet' to the point or beg1nn1ng. dtll all its appurtenances. n;IVISION PLJ.T5 ACCEPTED - AA!.STON HEIGHTS, INGALLS T~P:.ACE, STE55I~S. r?Z:; T, SFALLO~!:. W.va, ",~l\~ Ht.IGH TS .;rn :IIotior. by COlIi.rtiss1oner True) second. by Co!t.1',if,Sior.er !.('c~. a.."':.c. b~- u:-.ar~ir:t=:.l.E vcte tr.e rollovirif'"; ~6clutlon vas adopted: :t 11' J\i.SOLVE8 that the pla.ts of Ralston Heights. IngallE Ten-ace, Ste'b:1r.6, Frej, ~. S;-.a.llene. Jovo .~~ca ne1ghts Subd1visions be &r,d they are hereby accepted and ap~~Yed for t1ltn; and that the :~nttl'e.r.ce ot the public ."a,s, roans, and streets sho~'!". t:-.ereor. be a!Xi it le r.eret~. acce?ted flub:ect :: tile followinG condl tlons: The County of Jefferson E:-.a:l un:::ertake c.al:'.'".:e:-.a:-..:=e of a.r.~' s...lc:-. '..a~, rea::! ::- street or.1~ after construction of any such wa)', rea:. c!" street 6r_aJ.l have been satl.:tactcrl1y CQIIi._ :.ttej by the Bubdl T1der. II.:l.T!ON or 5TREETS - PORTION 'Ii. 48th AND PORTIONS OF au AN: KSLSON S,:?,"~S 1. I z :.or: Itcticn b~' Com."tlss10ner True, Eecond by Corran16stoner r.och. and by u!".Qr.lcc:JS vete tt.e t'ol!.ovi1lg ~~~olu;'lor. vas ac.opted: f:i.P.::J..$ )l.a:,}: A. and neler. S. Cli:r.le did, by a plat of ::l~!:.ie Su:.divielC:-. rec:;ird.ed in Plat Book 5. ~: Pa.te :3. ded.icate streets as shown thereon to the p..b:~c; ar.c. ~~5 t~e fol1o~lng descr1bed port1ons of streets have ~ever oeen uEe~ b~" the public nor mainta1ned the ~ct;.r.ty of Jefferson; 61\ ~est 4lth Avenue between ~elscn and Oak streets 1n the ~~at o! C~1~le 6~bclv~E~cn ~eecr1bed as fcl10\{s: Beginning at a point 50.0 feet ::aft cf the S. ... :::==-ner of tt.e ~~.';, NE.4 or Sec- tien 21. Townsh1p 3 South, Ran~e 69 West of 6t~ P. M. tr.ence East 590.6 feet along the North line of Section 21, thence South 50.0 feet, the=ce West 59c.f feet parallel to the North l1ne of Bald Section. thence North 50.0 feet to'~~e ?olnt of beg1r~1ng; and The North 120.0 feet of Nelson and Oak Streets =e6cri~ed as follov$: Segln~ir.g at a point \(~ich is the NW corner of the Nwi NEi of Sectio~ 21. ~o~sr~p 3 s~~~~. Range 69 West of the 6th F. Yo. thence East 50.0 feet along the No~tt line of salO Sectlcn, thence S~uth 120.0 feet. thence ~est 50.0 ~eet, thence North 12 ~ee~ to t~e ?o~n~ of b~gin~1ng, ana beg1nning a.t a pelr.t 6h.Q 6. feet t:.ast of tr.le NYI corner cf ~he ~)i;, of l'E: Sect...ar. 21, Township 3 Scuth. f.a.'1ge 69 wiest ;1" t!:e 6th r M., thence East 58.C feet a~one t::e !;crU". U.ne o~ said Sect1on, thence South 120.0 reet, thence West 50.0 feet, thence K':)rth ..2C.0 feet to '-he po1nt of be- e;inr.ing. / " \/ 1- -i ...,: 'i'iEP..:.A5 ss.1d portions of streets lie entirely w1 tr.1r. ~1;.e Cc:.:.nty or ':efferson, are r.ot w1th1n the .~:.ltE cf ar.J' city or town" a.nd c.e net form the boundar:; l~:":.e or 8. city, tcvn 0:" cour.ty; and Ev~S ~o land would by a vacation of said portions of 6treet&, be le~t without an eEtabllshed pub- :~t nae. cor.necting 1 t with ar:other established publiC road; and I::i.:-.:.;.,S the JefrerE.cn Count)' Pla..r..nlng Cornm1.Fslon has ~;:rcTed the proposed vacatlor. or Eald portions :~ E~:'eet6.i \"', 7E!:.n..:;rCRE BE IT P.ESOLV'i!! by the Boa.......a of Countj' :0rr.=.1 H1c~.e~6 cf. ':et';-e!"!.'on County, Colorado, :~:-&l;ar.t to th~ provisions of Croapter 217, 1949 Se sslo:'. ~...s or Co;o~&.~:, .:1"'.at the ~b~~:y d:~~r~~~~bY :~~t~C:if of streets situate 1n the Co~nty of Jeffersor. sr.::' State a. c...~ra_c, oe a.r... or Ta~ate:, s"JbJect to a reservation of easements tor the c.:!"'.tin'JeC. uee at' eX1e;1r:.g16~~~~'~~:~t.~~~er tel- !1.:llar ;::i?e l1nes and e.ppurtenar.ce6, exi&ting ditchce ai.::' appurt.er.ar.ceE. ar.~ ex f: , t~:.or.e and sim11ar lines and appurtenances, if any. ~EP'Zh~:E OF DEED _ F~RT:::!, ~..M_Sf.J.J...L STREET ~, ',1 &~d b~ ~~a~l~JuE vote tee tollowlng .::::; It.::Uor. oy COn.:r.is61oner Y.ocr., second by COtnI:liFstor.fr _!""~e, " ~eE~l'...ltlor. vas adopted: . "" K - -et.c Ste?hens, Earl W. :.t lor RESOLVED that a deed rrom Nina G. Zelenka, Carl ':'. :~ey...e::s~%e:~~at:::) ;; rolloving described ~~hley I Nor.:na Jaj'ne S!:1rley, E:rnest L. Niemeyer an~ La.Vc.:..a )(.};! .. I..:ea fer road purposes be and 1 t 16 hereoy accepted. .. 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